Chapter 16. jQuery, Ajax, Data Formats: HTML, XML, JSON, JSONP

Jonathan Sharp


Web developers work with a number of data formats and protocols in transferring information between browsers and servers. This chapter provides a number of recipes for handling and working with some of the most common data formats, Ajax techniques, and jQuery.

16.1. jQuery and Ajax


You want to make a request to the server for some additional data without leaving the page the visitor is currently on.


Here’s a simple Ajax request:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#update').click(function() {
                type: 'GET',
                url: 'hello-ajax.html',
                dataType: 'html',
                success: function(html, textStatus) {
                error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    alert('An error occurred! ' + ( errorThrown ? errorThrown : 
xhr.status );


At the core of jQuery’s Ajax architecture is the jQuery.ajax() method. This provides the basis of all browsers to server requests and responses. So, let’s look at this in a little more detail. To initiate a request to the server, a settings object that contains parameters for the request is passed to the $.ajax method. A vast number of options are available, with the most common options of a request being type, url, complete, dataType, error, and success:

var options = {
    type: 'GET'

The first option that needs to be addressed when starting an Ajax request is the type of HTTP request you’re going to make to the server, which in the majority of cases will be either a GET or POST type:

var options = {
    type: 'GET',
    url: 'hello-ajax.html',
    dataType: 'html'

Next we’ll look at the URL and dataType options. URL is fairly self-explanatory with the following interactions worth noting. When setting the cache option to false, jQuery will append a get variable of _=<random number> (for example /server-ajax-gateway?_=6273551235126), which is used to prevent the browser, proxies, and servers from sending a cached response. Finally, the dataType option specifies the data format that is the expected response from the server. For example, if you’re expecting the server to return XML, then a value of xml would be appropriate:

var options = {
    type: 'GET',
    url: 'hello-ajax.html',
    dataType: 'html',
    error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        alert('An error occurred! ' + errorThrown);
    success: function(data, textStatus) {
        $('body').append( data );

The next two options that we define are two callback methods, one called error and the other called success. They function as they are appropriately titled, with error being called when there is an error with the request and success being called with a successful response (determined if a server response type of 200 is returned). The other common option mentioned is the complete option, which defines a callback to execute upon after either success or error of the response:

var options = {
    type: 'GET',
    url: 'hello-ajax.html',
    dataType: 'html',
    complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
        // Code to process response

Once the settings have been defined, we can go ahead and execute our request:

var options = {
    type: 'GET',
    url: 'hello-ajax.html',
    dataType: 'html',
    complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
        // Code to process response
$.ajax( options );

We can also set our options inline:

    type: 'GET',
    url: 'hello-ajax.html',
    dataType: 'html',
    complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
        // Code to process response

Our final solution requests the file hello-ajax.html and appends the contents (html) to the <body> element upon the return of a successful request. If the request fails, the error method is triggered instead, alerting the user with a message:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#update').click(function() {
                type: 'GET',
                url: 'hello-ajax.html',
                dataType: 'html',
                success: function(html, textStatus) {
                error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    alert('An error occurred! ' + errorThrown);

16.2. Using Ajax on Your Whole Site


You have a large web application with Ajax calls occurring throughout the code base and need to define default settings for all requests throughout the application.


(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
            .bind('ajaxStart', function() {
            .bind('ajaxComplete', function() {
            cache: true,
            dataType: 'json',
            error: function(xhr, status, error) {
                alert('An error occurred: ' + error);
           timeout: 60000, // Timeout of 60 seconds
            type: 'POST',
            url: 'ajax-gateway.php'
        }); // Close $.ajaxSetup()
    }); // Close .read()


When working with larger applications, often there is a common Ajax gateway through which all requests are passed. Using the $.ajaxSetup() method, we can set Ajax request default settings. This would result in an ease of Ajax requests throughout the application such as follows:

    data: {
        // My request data for the server
     success: function(data) {
          // Now update the user interface

A brief side point is that the timeout option takes its value in milliseconds (seconds×1,000), so a timeout of 6,000 would be six seconds. One thing to consider when setting this value is the extent to which the Internet has grown globally. Some of your visitors or users may be in locations that have a higher latency than you would expect for users within your region. So, don’t set this value too low (for example five seconds). Specifying a higher timeout value such as 30 or 60 seconds will allow users with higher-latency connections (such as those using satellite) to still enjoy the benefits of your application.

In the previous example, the request will be a POST to ajax-gateway.php. If an error occurs, it will be handled by the error function as defined in $.ajaxSetup(). It is possible to still override settings for a specific request as follows:

    url: 'another-url.php',
        data: {
            // My request data for the server
        success: function(data) {
            // Now update the user interface

The previous request would be sent to another-url.php instead of ajax-gateway.php. One beneficial feature of jQuery’s Ajax architecture is the global events available such as ajaxComplete, ajaxError, ajaxSend, ajaxStart, ajaxStop, and ajaxSuccess. These events may be set up using the .bind('event', callback) method or the shortcut .event(callback). The following example shows the two methods for binding the callback for the ajaxError event:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
           .ajaxError(function() {
                // Your code
        // Or using bind()
            .bind('ajaxError', function() {
                // Your code

Here is a rundown and description of the events that are available as well as the order in which they’re triggered:


Triggered at the start of an Ajax request if no other requests are in progress


Triggered before each individual request is sent

ajaxSuccess or ajaxError

Triggered upon a successful or an unsuccessful request


Triggered every time a request is complete (regardless of whether it was a success or had an error)


Triggered if there are no additional Ajax requests in progress

In the next recipe we will build upon these events in more detail.

16.3. Using Simple Ajax with User Feedback


You need to show a status indicator to the user when Ajax requests are in progress and hide it upon completion.


(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
            .ajaxStart(function() {
            .ajaxStop(function() {

        // Start our ajax request when doAjaxButton is clicked
        $('#doAjaxButton').click(function() {
                url: 'ajax-gateway.php',
                   data: { val: "Hello world" },
                   dataType: 'json',
                success: function(json) {
                    // Data processing code
                    $('body').append( 'Response Value: ' + json.val );


One of the huge benefits of jQuery’s Ajax implementation is the exposure of global Ajax events that are triggered on all elements with each Ajax request. In the following solution, we bind two of the events, ajaxStart and ajaxStop using the shortcut methods to the XHTML element with the ID ajaxStatus. When the Ajax request is triggered upon clicking #doAjaxButton, the ajaxStart event is also dispatched and calls show() on the #ajaxStatus element. Notice that these events are triggered automatically and are a by-product of using the $.ajax() (or other shortcut methods such as $.get()). This provides an elegant decoupled solution for having an application-wide request status as Ajax requests are submitted:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
            .ajaxStart(function() {
            .ajaxStop(function() {

        // Start our ajax request when doAjaxButton is clicked
        $('#doAjaxButton').click(function() {
                url: 'ajax-gateway.php',
             data: { val : 'Hello world' },
             dataType: 'json',
                success: function(json) {
                    // Data processing code
                    $('body').append( 'Response value: ' + json.val );

Let’s look at some of the additional events and the difference between local and global Ajax events. Local Ajax events (set up using $.ajaxSetup() or defined at the time of $.ajax()) consist of beforeSend, success, error, and complete. These events are defined inline and tightly coupled to each Ajax request. Global Ajax events are interleaved with the local events but are triggered for any element that binds to them and also make use of jQuery’s native event-handling architecture. Here’s a quick review on how to handle local Ajax events (such as the complete event):

    type: 'GET',
    url: 'ajax-gateway.php',
    dataType: 'html',
    complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
        // Code to process response

Now let’s examine the breakdown, order, and scope in which events are triggered on a successful Ajax request:

  • ajaxStart (global)

  • beforeSend (local)

  • ajaxSend (global)

  • success (local)

  • ajaxSuccess (global)

  • complete (local)

  • ajaxComplete (global)

  • ajaxStop (global)

For an unsuccessful Ajax request, the order of triggered events would be as follows with success and ajaxSuccess being replaced by error and ajaxError, respectively:

  • ajaxStart (global)

  • beforeSend (local)

  • ajaxSend (global)

  • error (local)

  • ajaxError (local)

  • complete (local)

  • ajaxComplete (global)

  • ajaxStop (global)

ajaxStart and ajaxStop are two special events in the global scope. They are different in that their behavior operates across multiple simultaneous requests. ajaxStart is triggered when a request is made if no other requests are in progress. ajaxStop is triggered upon completion of a request if there are no additional requests in progress. These two events are only triggered once when multiple simultaneous requests are dispatched:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
            .ajaxStart(function() {
            .ajaxStop(function() {

        // Start our Ajax request when doAjaxButton is clicked
        $('#doAjaxButton').click(function() {
                url: 'ajax-gateway.php',
                complete: function() {
                    // Data processing code
                   url: 'ajax-data.php',
                   complete: function() {
                       // Data-processing code

One setting that can be passed into the $.ajax() method is global, which can be set to either true or false. By setting global to false, it’s possible to suppress the global events from being triggered.


If you experience performance issues in your application, it may be because of the cost of event propagation if there is a significantly large number of elements. In this case, setting global to false may give you a performance improvement.

The beforeSend callback is a local event that allows for modifying the XMLHttpRequest object (which is passed in as an argument) prior to the request being sent. In the following example, we specify a custom HTTP header for the request. It is possible to cancel the request by returning false from the callback:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // Start our ajax request when doAjaxButton is clicked
        $('#doAjaxButton').click(function() {
                url: 'ajax-gateway.php',
                  beforeSend: function(xmlHttpRequest) {
'Hello world’);
                complete: function() {
                    // Data processing code

Now taking all of the events if we revise our solution, we come up with the following:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
             .ajaxError(function(evt, xhr, ajaxOptions, error) {
                  .html( 'Error: ' + ( xhr ? xhr.status : '' )
                              + ' ' + ( error ? error :'Unknown' ) )
             .ajaxSuccess(function() {

              .ajaxStart(function() {
             .ajaxSend(function() {
                  $(this).html('Sending request...'),
               .ajaxStop(function() {
                  $(this).html('Request completed...'),
                  var t = this;
                  setTimeout(function() {
                  }, 1500);

        // Start our ajax request when doAjaxButton is clicked
        $('#doAjaxButton').click(function() {
                url: 'ajax-gateway.php',
                complete: function() {
                    // Data processing code

16.4. Using Ajax Shortcuts and Data Types


You need to make a GET Ajax request to the server and place the contents of the resulting HTML in a <div> with an ID of contents.


(function($) {
 $(document).ready(function() {


This recipe differs slightly from others in that we’ll survey a variety of the functions and shortcuts provided by jQuery in an effort to clearly present their differences.

jQuery provides a number of shortcuts for making Ajax requests. Based upon the previous recipes covering Ajax, the following shortcuts exist: .load(), $.get(), $.getJSON(), $.getScript(), and $.post(). But first, let’s review our solution:


The .load(url) method is making a GET Ajax request to hello-world.html and placing the contents of that result into the element #contents. Two optional parameters to the .load() method are data and callback. The data parameter can be either a map (or JavaScript object) or as of jQuery 1.3 a string. The following example is passing in the variable hello with the value world. (This is the same as the following URL: hello-world.html?hello=world.)

$('#contents').load('hello-world.html', { hello: 'world' });

The third optional parameter is a callback function that is called when the request completes (either on success or error). In the following example, an alert message is being triggered upon the completion of the request:

$('#contents').load('hello-world.html', { hello: 'world' }, function() {
    alert('Request completed!'),

The next two methods we will look at are $.get() and $.post(). Both methods accept the same arguments, with the $.get() method sending a GET HTTP request and the $.post() method sending a POST HTTP request. We’ll look at a sample using the $.get() request. The $.get() method accepts url, data, callback, and type parameters. The first three parameters function the same as with the previous load() method, so we’ll only cover the final type parameter:

    { hello: 'world' },
    function(data) {
        alert('Request completed!'),

The type parameter can accept one of the following: xml, html, script, json, jsonp, or text. These type values determine how the response text from the Ajax request is processed prior to being passed to the callback function. In the previous example, since we specified a type of html, the data argument of our callback will be in DOM object form. Specifying xml as the type will result in an xml DOM object being passed in. If you specify script as the type, the resulting data returned by the server will be executed prior to the callback method being triggered. Both json and jsonp formats result in a JavaScript object being passed to your callback method, with the difference of jsonp being that jQuery will pass in a method name in the request and map that callback method to the anonymous function defined with the request. This allows for cross-domain requests. Finally, the text format is just as the name suggests: plain text that is passed in as a string to your callback method.

We’ll now look at the final two shortcuts: $.getJSON() and $.getScript(). The $.getJSON() method accepts url, data, and callback as arguments. $.getJSON() is essentially a combination of the $.get() method with appropriate parameters being set for JSON or JSONP. The following example would make a JSONP request to Flickr and request photos from the public timeline:

   function(json) {

Since this request is cross-domain, jQuery will automatically treat the request as a JSONP and fill in the appropriate callback function name. This also means that jQuery will initiate the request by inserting a <script> tag into the document instead of using the XMLHttpRequest object. Flickr’s API allows for the callback function name to be specified by setting the jsoncallback get variable. You’ll notice the jsoncallback=? portion of the URL. jQuery will intelligently replace the ? with the appropriate function name automatically. By default jQuery will append a callback= variable but allows for easily modifying this, as demonstrated. The callback replacement works on both GET and POST request URLs but will not work with parameters passed in the data object. See Recipes 16.7 and 16.8 for working with JSON and Recipe 16.9 for a full JSONP implementation of our Flickr example.

$.getScript() executes a request either via an Ajax request or via dynamically inserting a <script> tag for cross-domain support and then evaluating the returned data and finally triggering the callback provided. In the following example, we’re adding a script to the document and then calling one of the functions it provides in the callback:

// hello-world.js
function helloWorld(msg) {
    alert('Hello world! I have a message for you: ' + msg);

// hello-world.html
(function($) {
    $(function() {
        $.getScript('hello-world.js', function() {
            helloWorld('It is a beautiful day!'),

16.5. Using HTML Fragments and jQuery


You want to take a string of HTML and convert it into a series of DOM nodes and then insert it into the document.


(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('<div>Hello World</div>')
            .append('<a href="">A Link</a>')


Manipulating strings of HTML is one of the more common tasks when using jQuery. At the heart of jQuery is an elegant interface for translating a string of markup into its DOM representation. Instead of passing in a selector, we can simply pass in a string of HTML. (The following does not work for XML; see Recipe 16.6 for converting a string of XML to a DOM.)

$('<div>Hello World</div>'),

At this point our HTML has been converted into a DOM representation and is ready for manipulation with jQuery. We can operate on this fragment using any of the jQuery methods:

$('<div>Hello World</div>')
    .append('<a href="">A Link</a>')


One caveat worth noting is that prior to the HTML fragment being appended to the document, some visual attributes such as width and height may not be available. So in the following example, calling .width() will return a value of 0.

$('<div>Hello World</div>').width();
// Returns '0'

16.6. Converting XML to DOM


You need to convert a string of XML to a DOM object for use with jQuery.


<h1 id="title"></h1>

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var xml = '<myxml><title>Hello world!</title></myxml>';
        var title = $.xmlDOM( xml ).find('myxml > title').text();
        $('#title').html( title );


A frequent question appearing on the jQuery mailing list is how to convert a string of XML to its DOM representation that jQuery is able to operate on. When making an Ajax request with a response type of xml, the browser will automatically parse the returned XML text into a DOM object.

So, what would you do if you had a string of XML that you needed to process with jQuery? The xmlDOM plugin provides native cross-browser parsing of a string of XML and returns a jQuery-wrapped DOM object. This allows you to convert and access the XML in one step:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var xml = '<myxml><title>Hello world!</title></myxml>';
        var title = $.xmlDOM( xml ).find('myxml > title').text();
        $('#title').html( title );

Another common practice is passing in the DOM object as the second argument to jQuery (the context) as follows:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var $xml = $.xmlDOM( '<myxml><title>Hello world!</title></myxml>' );
        var title = $('myxml > title', $xml).text();
        $('#title').html( title );

This allows you to run your jQuery selection against the context object passed in; otherwise, jQuery runs the query against the document object.

The xmlDOM plugin by the author may be downloaded from

16.7. Creating JSON


You have a JavaScript object that contains data that needs to be serialized for easier storage and retrieval.


(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var messageObject = { title: 'Hello World!', body: 'It's great to be 
alive!' };
        var serializedJSON = JSON.stringify( messageObject );


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a common data format used to exchange data between the browser and the server. It is lightweight in nature and is easy to use and parse in JavaScript. Let’s first look at a simple object:

var messageObject = { title: 'Hello World!', body: 'It's great to be alive!' };

In this example, we have a simple object with two attributes, title and body. Being able to store a serialized version of the object is quite simple. The serialized version is as follows:

var serializedJSON = '{"title":"Hello World!","body":"It's great to be alive!"}';

The two common tasks when working with JSON are serialization (encoding an object into a string representation) and deserialization (decoding a string representation into an object literal). Currently, only a handful of browsers have native built-in JSON handling (such as Firefox 3.1+ and Internet Explorer 8). Other browsers have plans to add support because JSON is now part of the ECMA 3.1 specification. In the meantime, there are two main approaches to take when working with JSON data. Douglas Crockford has written a JavaScript implementation for encoding and decoding JSON, which you can get from Let’s serialize the previous object utilizing the JSON library:

var serializedJSON = JSON.stringify( messageObject );

We now have a string representation that we can send to our server such as in an Ajax request or submit in a form.

16.8. Parsing JSON


You’re passed a string of JSON data and need to convert it to object format.


(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var serializedJSON = '{"title":"Hello World!","body":"It's great to be 
        var message = JSON.parse( serializedJSON );


As discussed in the previous recipe, we’ll now look at parsing or decoding a JSON string.


It is important to note that some of the approaches outlined here are unsafe and may cause potential security issues. Make sure that you trust the source of your data.

The easiest approach in consuming JSON data is to eval() the message. There are some inherent security issues though with this approach because eval() encompasses the entire JavaScript specification instead of simply the JSON subset. What this means is that a malicious person could execute code embedded in the JSON string. So, we don’t recommend this approach. Instead, let’s use Douglas Crockford’s JSON library mentioned in the previous recipe. (Note that his library does utilize eval() except that it pre-processes the data to make sure the data is safe.)

var serializedJSON = '{"title":"Hello World!","body":"It's great to be alive!"}';
var message = JSON.parse( serializedJSON );

So, now we can work with our message object as we would any other JavaScript object:

alert( "New Message!
Title: " + message.title + "
Body: " + message.body);

The JSON library as well as additional JSON resources may be downloaded from

16.9. Using jQuery and JSONP


You want to consume a list of photos from Flickr’s public photo stream and display the first three images.


(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var url     = '
        var params  = { format: 'json' };
        $.getJSON(url, params, function(json) {
            if ( json.items ) {
                $.each( json.items, function(i, n) {
                    var item = json.items[i];
                    $('<a href="' + + '"></a>')
                        .append('<img src="' + + '" />')
                    // Display the first 3 photos (returning false will
                    // Exit the loop
                    return i < 2;


Security is a critical issue when building a website or application and especially so with the advent of Ajax. Web browsers have enforced a same origin policy on requests, which means that you’re restricted to making requests to the same domain as the page’s URL or a subdomain of the current domain. So, for example, a page served from is allowed to make Ajax requests to and but not or As the semantic Web emerged and websites such as Flickr started exposing an API for other users and services to consume, the security policy enforced by web browsers became a hindrance. One area that has never had same origin policies was the use of the script element with a src attribute. It’s possible for to include a script from, but the issue of dynamically including that script and managing program flow became an issue. Thus, JSONP emerged as a standard to overcome the same origin limitation.


It is important to note that some of the approaches outlined here are unsafe and may cause potential security issues. Make sure that you trust the source of your data. Also, when including a script element in a page, that entire script will have access to the entire HTML DOM and any private or sensitive data that it may contain. It could be possible for a malicious script to send this data to an untrusted party. Take extra precaution such as placing the script in a sandbox. Extended security is outside the scope of this recipe, but we wanted to make sure you were aware of it.

JSONP makes use of requesting data through a <script> tag with a src attribute as well as manages the program flow for the developer by wrapping the data in a callback function that the developer can implement. Let’s first look at a sample JSON message.

{"title":"Hello World!","body":"It's great to be alive!"}

Here is the same message wrapped in a callback:

myCallback({"title":"Hello World!","body":"It's great to be alive!"})

What this allows for is when the resource is requested upon being loaded in the browser the myCallback function will be called and have the JSON object passed in as the first argument. The developer can then implement the myCallback function as follows to process the data:

function myCallback(json) {
    alert( json.title );

Now let’s review our Flickr solution. First we define the URL of the Flickr web service followed by declaring a params object for the get variables. The jsoncallback param is a special param defined by the Flickr service that allows for us to pass in a function name. Since we’ve set this parameter to a ?, jQuery will automatically generate a function name and bind it with our callback method.


jQuery detects that this is a JSONP (cross-domain request) by the =? in the URL. It is not possible to pass this in the params array.

var url     = '
var params  = { format: 'json' };

Next, we call jQuery’s $.getJSON() method, passing in our url, params, and our callback function, which will accept a JSON object. In our callback method, we check and make sure that an item’s array exists and then use jQuery’s $.each() to iterate over the first three items, create a link, append an image to it, and then append the link to an element with an ID of photos. Finally, our callback function will return false on the third iteration (when i = 2), breaking the loop.

$.getJSON(url, params, function(json) {
    if ( json.items ) {
        $.each( json.items, function(i, n) {
              var item = json.items[i];
            $('<a href="' + + '"></a>')
                .append('<img src="' + + '" />')
            return i < 2;

With the combination of the JSON data format and the cross-domain capabilities of JSONP, web developers are able to create new applications aggregating and transforming data in new and innovative ways and growing the semantic Web.

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