

(backslash), input masks, 90

_ (underscore), line continuation character (VBA), 364

; (semicolon), input masks, 90

< (less than sign), query criteria operator, 146

! (bang), 409

#Const directive, VBA, 367

& (ampersand), Null values (avoiding in strings), 624

' (apostrophe), VBA comments, 363

* (asterisk), queries (adding fields), 140

> (greater than sign), query criteria operator, 146

<> (not equal to), query criteria operator, 147

>= (greater than or equal to), query criteria operator, 146

. (period), 409

= (equal sign), query criteria operator, 146

<= (less than or equal to), query criteria operator, 146


About dialog box, 997

AbsolutePosition property (ADO recordsets), 699-700

ACCDB files, front ends as links to communicate to back ends, 919


as a front end, 842-845

options, 844

controlling from other applications, 976-979

Excel, controlling, 956-960

Outlook, controlling, 974-976

PowerPoint, controlling, 970-973

taking SharePoint lists offline, 884, 903

discarding changes, 904-905

synchronizing changes, 903-904

working online, 904

Word, controlling, 966-968

Access 2007 (accdb), SharePoint Server 2007 and, 885

Access data projects, front ends communicating directly to back ends, 921

Access Database Engine, 806

Access Object Model

AllForms collection, 420

AllMacros collection, 421

AllModules collection, 421

AllQueries collection, 423

AllReports collection, 421

AllTables collection, 422

Application object, 416

methods, 417-418

properties, 417

CodeData object, 423

CodeProject object, 423

CurrentData object, 422-423

CurrentProject object, 420-421

DoCmd object, 423-424

Forms collection, 418-419

Modules collection, 420

Reports collection, 419

Screen object, 423

special properties that refer to objects, 415-416

Access tables, linking external data, 856-857

AcDataErrAdded constant (NotInList event), 473

AcDataErrContinue constant (NotInList event), 473

AcDataErrDisplay constant (NotInList event), 473

action queries, 16, 539

Action queries

Append, creating, 543-545

compared to VBA code, 547-548

Delete, creating, 542

Make Table, creating, 545-547

naming prefixes, 541

recordsets, making bulk changes, 708-712

results, previewing, 543

Update, creating, 539-541

warnings, 541, 543

Activate event, forms, 438

ActiveControl property, 415

ActiveForm property, 415

ActiveReport property, 415

ActiveX automation, 949

ActiveX controls, 1125-1126

ActiveX Data Objects. See ADO

Add method

After argument, 649

Before argument, 649

Collection object, 626-627

custom collections, 649

Key argument, 649

Add New button, 1039

Add Procedure dialog box, 352, 487

Add Watch dialog box, 747

Add-In Manager, configuring registry entries, 1036-1039

Add-In Manager command (Add-Ins menu), 1038

Add-In Manager dialog box, 1038

add-ins, 1027, 1126-1127

builders, 1027

creating, 1028

designing, 1028, 1047, 1049-1050, 1052

forms design, 1031-1032

functions, 1028-1031

registering, 1032-1039

testing, 1035

menus, 1045-1046


creating, 1040-1044

defined, 1039

designing, 1039

registering, 1044-1045

Add-Ins command (Tools menu), 1038

Add-Ins menu commands, Add-In Manager, 1038

AddFromFile method, 1021


columns to form layouts, 212-213

command buttons to forms, 244-245

commands to ribbons, 944-945

comments to macros, 336-337


to forms, 198-199

to reports, 278

groups to ribbons, 944-945

hyperlinks to forms, 251-253

smart tags

to forms, 253-255

to queries, 175-178

Trusted Publishers, 1127-1128

AddInPath key, 1014

AddNew method, data access class, 664

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 671, PDF:1133

ADO object model, 671

Command object, 678-679

Connection object, 672-675

Recordset object, 676-678

queries, creating, 718


AbsolutePosition property, 699-700

adding records, 714-715

BOF property, 690-691

Bookmark property, 700-701

CursorType parameter, 680-682

deleting records, 712-713

EOF property, 690-691

Filter property, 695

Find method, 696-699

LockType parameter, 682-683

modifying records, 701-702

Options parameter, 684-685

parameter queries, 701-702

persisting, 702-704

record-movement methods, 688-689

RecordCount property, 691-693

Sort property, 693-694


adding, 715-716

deleting, 717

relationships, establishing, 717-718

ADO tags, 1133

ADP (Access Data Project), splitting tables from other objects, 835

ADP (Access Data Project) files, 56

After argument, Add method, 649

AfterDelConfirm event, forms, 435

AfterInsert event, forms, 432

AfterUpdate event

controls, 443

forms, 434

Alias property, query tables, 171

aliasing functions, 989-991

Align tools, 202


objects, forms, 200-202

report objects, 281

text, object text, 202

Alison Balter's Mastering Access 11 Client/Server Development, 10

ALL clause, SQL, 572

ALL keyword, SQL, 576

AllForms collection, 420

AllMacros collection, 421

AllModules collection, 421

Allow AutoCorrect property, controls, 241

Allow Datasheet View property, forms, 231

Allow Filters property, 288

forms, 234

Allow PivotChart View property, forms, 231

Allow PivotTable View property, forms, 231

Allow Zero Length property (fields), 95-96

AllQueries collection, 423

AllReports collection, 421

AllTables collection, 422

ALTER TABLE statement, SQL, 585

alternate keys, 117

ampersand (&), Null values (avoiding in strings), 624

And (query criteria operator), 147

ANSI functions, renaming, 990

ANSI-92 extensions, 590

stored procedures, 593-594

tables, 590-593

transactions, 594

views, 593-594

API calls, 782-784

operating environment information, 997-1005

API functions

aliasing, 989-991

constants, 991

hard drives, 1005-1008

APIs, functions, 993

Windows registry, 994-997

apostrophe ('), VBA comments, 363

app prefix, PDF:1132

Append queries, creating, 543-545

Application Database, 836

tables, storing in, 837

Application Object

Access Object Model, 416

CompactRepair method, 1098-1099

methods, 417-418

properties, 417

application switchboards, 839


client/server, suitability of Access, 10

computer consulting firm example, developing, 72-73

controlling Access from, 976-979

corporate, developing, 8-9


multiuser issues, 909

options, 919

development process

data analysis, 24-27

design phase, 24-27

implementation, 28

maintenance activities, 28

normalization rules, 24-27

prototypes, 27

task analysis, 24

testing stage, 27

development strategies, 835-837

Access as a front end, 842-845

distribution, 839-841

forms, basing on queries/embedded SQL statements, 837

reports, basing on queries/embedded SQL statements, 837

runtime version, 839-841

splitting database objects, 835-836

distributing, runtime version, 839-841

financial considerations, developing, 8

front-ends, 847

index usage, performance benefits, 103

installing, Windows 2000 Terminal Services, 912

Internet, developing, 11

intranets, developing, 11

library databases, Time and Billing application example, 1023-1025

multiuser, 910-911

navigating forms, 190

optimization, 802, 811

ACCDE files, 829

bookmarks, 826-827

Boolean expressions, 815

built-in collections, 816-817

compiling modules, 828

constants, 826

data structures, 808-809

Declare statements, 821

defined, 801

Dim statements, 821

dynamic arrays, 826

form-optimization techniques, 829-831

hardware configuration, 802-805

inline code, 814

Len function, 818

Me keyword, 825

object references, 821

object variables, 827

organizing modules, 829

Performance Analyzer, 807

queries, 810

report-optimization techniques, 831

specific object variables, 812-813

stored queries, 827-828

true/false evaluations, 819-820

unused code, 821

variant variables, eliminating, 811

Windows 95/98, 806

Windows registry settings, 806

With...End With construct, 823-824

performance considerations, compacting databases, 1091-1093

personal, developing, 8

referencing, object variables, 950-952

scalability, 11

small businesses, developing, 8

source code, removing, 839

system performance, limiting factors, 9

troubleshooting, 361

ApplyFilter event, forms, 440

applying custom ribbons

to entire databases, 940-941

to forms or reports, 941-943

archiving records, Append queries, 543

arguments. See also parameters

Add method, 649

macro action arguments, 318-320

Open method, ConnectionString argument, 864

TransferDatabase method, 852

TransferSpreadsheet method, 854

TransferText method, 853

arrays, 605-606, 608-610

declaring, 605-607

dynamic arrays, 826

declaring, 607-609

fixed arrays, 605

parameter arrays, 617-618

passing as parameters, 609-610

scope, 605

As String keyword, 374

ascending sorts (query results), 145

assertions, debugging applications, 752

asterisk (*), queries (adding fields), 140

attached labels, 91

Attachment field type, 86

Auto Center property, reports, 286

Auto Data Tips (debugging), 745

Auto Indent feature, 395

Auto List Members option, 395

Auto Quick Info feature, 395

Auto Repeat property, controls, 242

Auto Resize property

forms, 231

reports, 286

Auto Syntax Check feature, 395

AutoCorrect, 480-481

AutoExec macro

creating, 341-342

example of adding, 343

AutoFill method, 959

AutoFilter method, 982

automatic error checking, 477-479

reports, 505-507

automation, 950

ActiveX automation, 949

controlling Access from other applications, 976-979


controlling from Access, 956-960

graphs, creating from Access, 961-962, 964-965

object models, 950

object types, 950

object variables, referencing applications, 950-952

objects, 950

Outlook, controlling from Access, 974-976

PowerPoint, controlling from Access, 970-973

Time and Billing application example, 979-983

type libraries, 950

Word, controlling from Access, 966-968

automation client, 950

automation objects, 953-954

binding, 954

creating, object variables, 953

Excel automation objects, closing, 960-961

methods, 954

properties, 953

automation servers, object models, 950

AutoNumber field type, 83

AutoNumber fields

Cascade Update Related Fields option, 131

upsizing to client/servers, 923

autonumber seed, changing (ANSI-92 extensions), 592


exchanging in forms, 262

pivot tables, exchanging, 185


Back Color, 290

back ends

compared to back ends, 919

executing stored procedures, 921

tables, linking to front end application database, 919

Back Style, 290

backgrounds, alternating background colors for forms, 216-218

backing up

compacting databases, 1093

databases, 1099-1100

backslash (), input masks, 90

bang (!), 409

bas prefix, PDF:1132, PDF:1135

basUtils module, General Declarations section, 998-1003

batch updates, recordsets, 707-708

Before argument, Add method, 649

BeforeDelConfirm event, forms, 435

BeforeInsert event, forms, 432

BeforeUpdate event

controls, 443

forms, 433

BeginTrans method, transaction processing, 929-930

Between (query criteria operator), 147

Between Date And Date function, 149


automation objects, 954

late, required functions, 955-956

black-box processing, 611

BOF property (ADO recordsets), 690-691

Bookmark property (ADO recordsets), 700-701

bookmarks, 826-827

adding, 394

Boolean expressions, toggling with Not function, 815

Border Color, 290

Border Style, 290

Border Style property

forms, 231

reports, 286

Border Width, 290


forms, 231

reports, 286

Bound Column property, combo boxes, 223

bound controls, 242

Bound Object Frame tool, 283

bound object frames, reports, 283

bound OLE objects, 466-467

In-Place activation, 466

breakpoints (debugging), 735

removing, 736

setting, 736-741

breaks, page breaks (inserting in reports), 293

brk prefix, PDF:1132

broken references, locating, 1102

bugs, avoiding, 728

builders, 1027

builder functions, preset arguments, 1030

creating, 1028

designing, 1028, 1047, 1050

Load events, 1050-1052

ValidTextPolite function, 1049-1050

ValidTextRude function, 1050-1052


designing, 1031-1032

Modal property, 1031


preset arguments, 1029-1031

writing, 1028-1031

registering, 1032

Add-In Manager, 1036-1039

manual entries, 1032-1035

testing, 1035

types, 1027

built-in collections, 816-817

businesses, corporate environments (applications development), 8-9

byt data-type prefix, 1133

ByVal keyword, 987


calculated controls, 242, 293

expressions, 293

calculated fields

nested queries, 554


calculating, 159

creating, 157-158

calculations, tables and, 119

Call Stack feature (debugging), 743-744

Call Stack window, 743-744

call stacks

creating, 786, 789-790

error handling, 765



DLL functions, 993

invalid characters, 989

ordinal number references, 991

procedures, 354

Can Edit Subkey value (registry), 1033

Can Grow, 290

controls, 290

reports, 304

subreports, 300

Can Shrink, 290

controls, 290

reports, 304

subreports, 300

Cancel property, controls, 241

candidate keys, 117

Caption, 290

Caption property

query fields, 170

reports, 285-286

Caption property

fields, 91

forms, 229


command buttons, 290

labels, 290

default, 219

option groups, 226

Cascade Delete Related Fields, Delete queries (warnings), 543

Cascade Delete Related Records option, 131-133

Cascade Update Related Fields, Update queries (warnings), 541

Cascade Update Related Fields option, 130

cascading error effect, 765-766

case sensitivity

function names, 986

library names, 986

upsizing to client/servers, 925

Catalog object, Delete method, 871

CBF (Code Behind Forms), 347

cbo prefix, 1132

centralizing error handling, 760

certificates, creating self-signed certificates, 1111-1112

Change event, controls, 444

Change To command (Format menu), 830

ChangeCaption procedure, 450

ChangeCaption routine, 413


fields, naming, 81

literals, input masks, 90

charts, reports with charts, 272

Check Box tool, 224

check boxes

forms, adding, 224

properties, Triple state, 224

CHECK keyword (ANSI-92 extensions), 591

checkboxes, forms (adding), 224

chk prefix, 1132

Choose Builder dialog box, 1047

Class modules, 347, 484, 637, 652-654, 656, 658-659, 661-662, 664-667, 669, 791, 794. See also modules

creating, 638-641

instantiating objects, 640

methods, adding, 639

properties, adding, 639

Property Get routine, 640-642

Property Let routine, 640-642

custom collections, 648-651

adding items to, 649

creating, 649

deleting items, 650

looping through, 650

referencing items, 650

custom error handler class, 790-791, 794

ErrorProcess method, 791-793

LogError routine, 793-794

Property Get routine, 793

Property Let routine, 793

Standard Access routine, 790

data access class, 656, 658-661, 663-665

AddNew method, 664

Delete method, 665

Edit method, 664-665

Initialize event, 658

Load event, 659

MoveNext method, 659-661

MovePrevious method, 661-662

Property Get routine, 656-658

Property Let routine, 656-658

Save method, 663-664

Scatter method, 658-659

file information class, 653-656

FullFileName property, 652-654

GetDrive routine, 653-655

GetName routine, 653-655

GetPath routine, 653-655

manipulating instances (collections), 655-656

property declarations, 652

Initialize event, 643

multiple class instances, creating, 642-643

object orientation, 637-638

Property Set, 642

system information class, 666-669

Initialize event, 668-669

Private variables, 666-667

Property Get routine, 667-668

Property Let routine, 667-668

type structures, 666-667

Terminate event, 644

classes, 638

custom events, adding, 651-652

hierarchies, building, 646

interfaces, sharing, 648

properties, adding Parent property, 647-648

clauses, SQL

ALL, 572

FROM, 568



JOIN, 570-571



WHERE, 568-569

clearing Immediate window, 732

clearing errors, 764

Click event

controls, 446

forms, 439

client/server technology

benefits of, 843

considerations for migrating to, 845

converting to, 842-843

costs of, 843

client/servers, 914

Access, integrating, 921

applications, suitability of Access, 10

compared to Access, 914-915

evaluating needs, 918

field names, compatibility, 81

versus file servers, 9

system performance

application types, 917

backup/recovery capability, 917

network demands, 917

security, 918

user base, 916

terminology, 922

upsizing, 923-925

AutoNumber fields, 923

case-sensitivity, 925

default values, 91, 924

indexes, 97, 923

preparation, 925

properties, 925

relationships, 924

reserved words, 925

security, 924

table names, 81, 924

tables, 923

validation rules, 924

VBA, 925

clients, automation clients, 950

Close Button property, reports, 287

Close event

forms, 438

reports, 494

Close keyword, 628

CloseExcel routine, 960


Excel automation objects, 960-961

forms, Form event sequence, 442

windows, designing forms, 197

cmd prefix, PDF:1132

cmdFinish1 command button, 1042

cmdFinish2 command button, 1042

cmdSave command button (frmClients form), 396

cmdUndo command button (frmClients form), 396

cnt object-naming prefix, PDF:1133-1134

cnts object-naming prefix, PDF:1133-1134

Codd, E. F., Dr., 117


compacting databases, 1096-1099

compiling, Compile On Demand feature, 629-630

debugging, 728

Auto Data Tips, 745

breakpoints, 735-741

Call Stack window, 743-744

Immediate window, 729-730, 734

Locals window, 744

naming standards, 728

Option Explicit statement, 728

potential problems, 751-752

quick watches, 745

runtime errors, 750-751

Set Next Statement command, 742-743

Step Into option, 738-739

Step Out feature, 742

Step Over option, 741-742

Stop statement, 735

strong-typing variables, 728

variable scoping, 728

Watch expressions, 745

watches, 735

importing external data, 852-854

TransferDatabase method, 852-853

TransferSpreadsheet method, 853-854

TransferText method, 853

library database references, VBA, 1021

linking external data, 859-863

connection information, providing, 860-861

creating links, 861-863

optimizing, 811

ACCDE files, 829

bookmarks, 826-827

Boolean expressions, 815

built-in collections, 816-817

compiling modules, 828

constants, 826

Declare statements, 821

Dim statements, 821

dynamic arrays, 826

inline code, 814

Len function, 818

Me keyword, 825

object references, 821

organizing modules, 829

specific object variables, 812-813

stored queries, 827-828

true/false evaluations, 819-820

unused code, 821

variables, 827

variant variables, eliminating, 811

With...End With construct, 823-824

writing to create documentation, 1088-1089

Code Behind Forms (CBF), 347

code modules

exporting, 630-631

structuring (library databases), 1012-1013

Code window (VBA), 388

splitting, 393

CodeData object, 423

CodeDB function, 1013

CodeProject object, 423

coding library databases, 1013

Collection object, custom collections, 626-627

collections, 407, 413

AllForms collection, 420

AllMacros collection, 421

AllModules collection, 421

AllQueries collection, 423

AllReports collection, 421

AllTables collection, 422

compared to objects, 412

custom collections, 648-651

adding items to, 649

creating, 649

deleting items, 650

looping through, 650

referencing items, 650

For...Each construct, 413

Forms collection, 418-419

manipulating multiple instances of file information class, 655-656

Modules collection, 420

Printer, 504

referencing objects, 407

Reports collection, 419

Column Count property, combo boxes, 223

Column Width property, combo boxes, 223


adding to forms, 212-213

client/servers, 922

queries, selecting, 567

removing from forms, 213-214

COM (Component Object Model), 950

Combo Box tool, 220

Combo Box Wizard, 220

combo boxes

adding/removing items at runtime, 474-475

converting text boxes to, 227-228

converting to list boxes, 228

forms, adding, 219-223

labels, 222

NotInList event, 472-473

pop-up forms, 473-474

properties, 222

Command Button Wizard, 244-245

inefficient code generation, fixing, 396-398

command buttons

adding to forms, 244-245

captions, 290

enabling and disabling, 425-428

enabling/disabling, 426-427

hyperlinks, adding, 251

record source, saving changes to, 396

records, undoing changes to, 396

Command object

ADO object model, 678-679

declaring, 678

command tabs, ribbons (new features), 30-33


Add-Ins menu, Add-In Manager, 1038

adding to ribbons, 944-945

Debug menu

Compile, 828

Set Next Statement, 742-743

Edit menu, New, 1034

File menu, Export, 104-109

Format menu, Change To, 830

New menu, 1034

Start menu, Run, 1033

Tools menu

Add-Ins, 1038

Relationships, 124

VBA, viewing code, 387

View menu, Object Browser, 405

Comment Block tool (VBE), 364


adding to macros, 336-337

VBA, 363-364

CommitTrans method, transaction processing, 929-930

Compact command-line option, 1095

Compact Database Into dialog box, 1094

Compact on Close environmental setting, 1095-1096

Compact utility, 803

CompactDatabase method, JetEngine object, 1096-1098

compacting databases, 803, 1091-1099

with code, 1096-1099

Compact on Close environmental setting, 1095-1096

shortcut icons, creating, 1095

user interface, 1093-1095

CompactRepair method, 417

Application object, 1098-1099

compatibility, database conversion, 1100-1101

compilation objects, 629

Compile command (Debug menu), 828

Compile On Demand feature (VBA), 629-630

compiler constants, 367

compiling, 629

library databases, 1013

modules, 828

queries, 553

compiling code, Compile On Demand feature (VBA), 629-630

Complete Word feature, modules, 386

Component Object Model (COM), 950

composite keys, 117

compressing drives, 804

computer consulting firm example, application design, 72-73

conditional formatting, 229

forms, 228-229

Conditional Formatting dialog box, 228

Conditional If control structure, 367-368

Connection Object, creating, 675

connection information (linking external data), 860-861

Connection object

ADO object model, 672-675

BeginTrans method, 929-930

CommitTrans method, 929-930

declaring, 672

RollbackTrans method, 929-930

connection problems (external data), 873

Connection string properties, 673

ConnectionString argument (Open method), 864

Const keyword, 381, 602

constants, 602-604, 826

compiler, declaring, 367

declaring, 991

defining, 602-604

scope, 603-604

DLLs, 991, 993

errors, 382

functions, 991

Intrinsic, 381-383

intrinsic constants, 602-604

examples, 632-633

naming, 382

naming conventions, 603-604

NotInList event, 473

Object Browser, 379-380

Public, 603

scope, 381-382, 603

symbolic, 381-382

Symbolic constants, 602

system-defined constants, 602

values, errors, 603

VBA, 380

viewing, 382, 604

Object Browser, 604


For...Each, 413

For...Next, 371

With...End With, 412

With...End With construct, 823-824

Contents tab (Database Properties dialog box), 1080

context-sensitive help, VBA, 391

contextual command tabs, ribbons (new features), 34

Continuous forms

creating, 451-453

subforms, 453

Control Box property, reports, 286

control builders, 1027

Control events, 443

AfterUpdate, 443

BeforeUpdate, 443

Change, 444

Click, 446

DblClick, 447-448

Enter, 445

Exit, 445

GotFocus, 445

KeyDown, 448

KeyPress, 449

KeyUp, 449

LostFocus, 446

MouseDown, 448

MouseMove, 448

MouseUp, 448

NotInList, 444-445

sequence, 449

Updated, 444

Control properties, forms, 237, 241-242

Control Source property, 292

combo boxes, 223

control sources, adding expressions, 243

control structures (VBA), 364

conditional If, 367-368

For Each...Next statement, 372-373

For...Next construct, 371

If...Then...Else, 365

Immediate If (IIf), 366

loops, 369-370

breaking, 371

Select Case statement, 368-369

VBA, 366-368, 370-371

With...End With statement, 372

Control Wizard, combo boxes (adding to forms), 220

controlling printers, 503


Allow AutoCorrect property, 241

Auto Repeat property, 242

bound, 242

calculated, 242, 293

calculated controls, expressions, 293

Cancel property, 241

check boxes, 224

checkboxes, 224

combo boxes, 219-223

converting text boxes to, 227-228

converting to list boxes, 228

conditional formatting, 229

ControlTip Text property, 241

ControlType property, 414-415

data-bound controls, 91

default properties, optimization and, 831

determining type, 414-415

Enter Key Behavior property, 241

Format property, 238

forms, 218

Data Properties, 239-240

Format Properties, 236-239

labels, 219

morphing controls, 227-228

Other Properties, 240-242

Help Context ID property, 241

hyperlinks, adding, 251

IME (Input Method Editor) property, 242

labels, associating/disassociating, 219

list boxes, 223

converting combo boxes to, 228

moving independently of label, 200

Name property, 240

naming, conflicts, 292

option buttons, 224

option groups, 224-226

properties, 240, 242, 290-293

availability, 236

Back Color, 290

Back Style, 290

Can Grow, 290

Can Shrink, 290

Data, 292

Font Color, 291

Font Italic, 291

Font Name, 291

Font Size, 291

Font Underline, 291

Font Weight, 291

Format, 290-291

Name, 292

Other, 292

reports, 289-291

Running Sum, 292

Tag, 292

reports, 282-284

bound object frames, 283

image controls, 284

labels, 282

lines, 282

rectangles, 283

text boxes, 282

unbound object frames, 283-284

Scroll Bars property, 237

Special Effect property, 237

Status Bar Text property, 241

subform controls, referring to, 476-477

Tab controls

adding to forms, 456

properties, changing, 456-457

Tab Index property, 241

Tab Stop property, 241

Tag property, 242

text boxes, 219

converting to combo boxes, 227-228

transparent, 237

unbound, 242

Vertical property, 241

ControlTip Text property, controls, 241

ControlType property, 414-415

ConvertAccessProject method, 418

Application object, 1100-1101


to client/server technology, 842

linked tables to local tables, 871-872

macros to VBA code, 339-341

CopyFromRecordset method, 982-983


macro actions, 331

records, controlling user access, 231

corporations, developing applications, 8-9

counter fields, resetting, 1092

CREATE INDEX statement, SQL, 584-585

CREATE TABLE statement, SQL, 584

CreateControl function, 1044

CreateCustomForm function, 1041-1042

CreateExcelObj subroutine, 956

CreateForm function, 1044

CreateObject function, late binding, 955-956

CreateObject function for Creating Late-bound Excel Instance, 955

CreateRecordset function, 964-965

CreatExcelObj function, 957


builders, 1028

databases, new (from scratch), 78-79

forms, 193

Design view, 196

library databases, 1012-1013

new databases from scratch, 78-79

new forms, Form Wizard, 193

pivot tables

from forms, 256-259

from queries, 179-181, 183

Primary Key indexes, 98

tables, 79-81


date criteria, refining query results, 149-150

function results as criteria for queries, 586-587

queries, Like, 554

selection criteria, refining query results, 146-149

specifying at runtime (Parameter queries), 172-175

Cross-tabulation reports, 270

Crosstab queries, 556-557

columns, fixed headings, 562


with Crosstab Query Wizard, 557, 559

Design view, 559-560

fixed column headings, creating, 561

parameters, 562

reports, creating, 523, 525-530

Crosstab Query Wizard, 557, 559

crosstab reports, multifact crosstab reports (creating), 533-536

ctl prefix, PDF:1132

ctls prefix, PDF:1132

cur data-type prefix, PDF:1133

Current event, forms, 431

CurrentData object, 422-423

CurrentDB function, 1013

CurrentProject object, 420-421


batch updates, 707-708

Recordset objects, selecting location, 686-687

CursorType parameter, ADO recordset types, 680-682

custom collections, 625-628, 648-651

accessing items, 627

adding items, 626-627

adding items to, 649

creating, 626, 649

deleting items, 650

iterating through items, 628

looping through, 650

referencing items, 650

removing items, 627

custom error handler class (class modules), 790-791, 794

ErrorProcess method, 791, 793

LogError routine, 793-794

Property Get routine, 793

Property Let routine, 793

Standard Access routine, 790

custom events, adding to classes, 651-652

custom methods, creating, 489

custom properties, creating, 484-488

PropertyGet routine, 486-488

PropertyLet routine, 486-488

Public variables, 484-486

custom ribbons, building, 841-842

Custom tab (Database Properties dialog box), 1081


Quick Access toolbar, 38, 40-41

ribbons, 935-936

enabling display of system errors, 937

showing system tables, 936-937

USysRibbons table, 938

USysRibbons table, adding data to, 939-940

Visual Basic Editor (VBE), 394-395, 399

coding options, 394-395

docking options, 396, 399

general options, 395

Currency field type, 85

Cycle, 289

Cycle property, forms, 235


DAO (Data Access Objects), 671, 922

Errors collection, 769-770

naming conventions, PDF:1133-1134

records, deleting, 722-723

recordsets, RecordCount property, 692

dat data-type prefix, 1133



to SharePoint Server 2007, 883-884

to SharePoint sites, 885-890

external data. See external data

field types

Attachment, 86

AutoNumber, 85

Currency, 85

Date/Time, 84

Hyperlink, 87

Memo, 84

Number, 84

OLE Object, 86

selecting, 82-84

Text, 84

Yes/No, 86

pivot tables, filtering, 183

publishing to SharePoint sites, 891-896


saving in HTML format, 104-107

saving in XML format, 107-109

data access class (Class modules), 656, 658-661, 663-665

AddNew method, 664

Delete method, 665

Edit method, 664-665

Initialize event, 658

Load event, 659

MoveNext method, 659-661

MovePrevious method, 661-662

Property Get routine, 656-658

Property Let routine, 656-658

Save method, 663-664

Scatter method, 658-659

Data Access Objects. See DAO

data analysis, application development, 24-27

data entry forms, recordset methods, 719-724

Data Entry property, forms, 234

data locking, 913

data normalization, 115

Data properties

controls, Running Sum property, 292

form controls, 239-240

forms, 233-234

reports, 287

data structures, optimization, 808-809

data types

dBASE, mapping, 873

optimization, 809

variables, 359

data-bound control, 91

Database Documenter, 1074, 1082

documentation output, 1085-1086

launching, 1081-1082

Object Definition window, 1082

options, 1083, 1085

database files, linking external data, 858

Database locking, 913

Database Locking Mode property (Connection strings), 673

database objects

Database window, viewing icons, 12

saving as XML, 1066-1068

splitting, 835-836

Database Password property (Connection strings), 673

database projects, properties, 631-632

Database Properties dialog box, 1079-1081

Contents tab, 1080

Custom tab, 1081

General tab, 1079

Statistics tab, 1080

Summary tab, 1079

Database Splitter, 877

linking external data, 854-856

Database Splitter Wizard, 912

Database to Compact From dialog box, 1093

Database window, 12

Database window objects, naming conventions, PDF:1135


backing up, 1099-1100

behavior when trusted and untrusted, 1123

compacting, 554, 803, 1091-1099

Compact on Close environmental setting, 1095-1096

shortcut icons, creating, 1095

user interface, 1093-1095

with code, 1096-1099

converting to other version formats, 1100-1101

creating, 75-76

from scratch, 78-79

from SharePoint lists, 884

with templates, 76-78

default location, 1095

defined, 11

denormalization, 120

design issues, 115

benefits, 117

goals, 117

history, 117

integrity rules, 121-122

normalization rules, 118-120

rules, 116-118, 122-124

documentation, 1081

Database Documenter, 1081-1085

Database Properties dialog box, 1079-1081

writing code for documentation, 1088-1089

encrypting, 1096-1099

forms, documenting (Database Documenter), 1075-1077

front-ends, 847

Jet engine, converting from old versions, 1096-1098

library databases, see library databases, 1011

macros, documenting (Database Documenter), 1078

modules, documenting (Database Documenter), 1078

naming conventions, 79

normalization, 115-116

first normal form, 118

second normal form, 119

third normal form, 119-120

Object Dependency feature, invoking, 1086-1088

passwords, 867-869

performance considerations

application types, 917

backup/recovery capability, 917

network demands, 917

security, 918

user base, 916

properties, documentation, 1081

queries, documenting (Database Documenter), 1075-1076

re-creating, 53-56

relationships, types of, 122

renaming, compiling and, 829

reports, documenting (Database Documenter), 1078

specifications/limitations, 110


adding with ADO code, 715-716

deleting with ADO code, 717

documenting (Database Documenter), 1074-1075

relationships, establishing, 717-718

specifications/limitations, 110-111

trusting, 1106-1107

date criteria, refining query results, 149-150

Date Grouping, 288

Date( ) function, 92

Date() function, 149

Date/Time field type, 83-84

DateAdd function, 378

DateCreated property, 424

DateDiff function, 378

DateModified property, 424

DatePart function, 149, 377

Day() function, 149

db object-naming prefix, 1133-1134

dBASE files, 872-873

mapping dBASE data types, 873

dbe object-naming prefix, PDF:1133-1134

dbl data-type prefix, PDF:1133

DblClick event

controls, 447-448

forms, 439

dbs object-naming prefix, PDF:1133-1134

dcm prefix, PDF:1132

DDL (client/servers), 922

Deactivate event, forms, 438

Debug menu commands

Compile, 828

Set Next Statement, 742-743

Debug toolbar, displaying, 730

Debug.Print statements, 361, 734, 739

debugging. See also troubleshooting

library databases, 1022-1023

tips, 752-753

debugging applications

assertions, 752

Auto Data Tips, 745

avoiding bugs, 728

breakpoints, 735

removing, 736

setting, 736-741

Call Stack window, 743-744

Immediate window, 729-730, 734

clearing, 732

printing values to, 734

setting values of variables/properties, 730, 732

testing functions, 733

testing subroutines, 733

testing values of variables/properties, 730

Locals window, 744

potential problems, 751-752

runtime errors, 750-751

Set Next Statement command, 742-743

Step Into option, 738-739

Step Out feature, 742

Step Over option, 741-742

Stop statement, 735

Watch expressions, 745

adding, 746-748

breaking when expressions are true, 748-749

breaking when expressions change, 749

editing, 748

watches, 735

quick watches, 745

Decimal Places, 290


automation objects, 953

Command objects, 678

Connection objects, 672

disambiguation, 672

Recordset objects, 676

variables, memory usage considerations, 674

Declare statements, 821, 986


arrays, 605-607

dynamic arrays, 607-609

compiler constants, 367

constants, 991

DLL functions, 985-986


Class modules, 355

private, 356

types, 992-993

user-defined types, 600

variables, 358

modules, 348

Option Explicit statement, 349

performance considerations, 359

decomposition, 119

DEFAULT keyword (ANSI-92 extensions), 590

default properties, 410

Default Value property (fields), 91-92

Default View property (forms), 230

defining constants, 602-604

scope, 603-604

Definition feature, modules, 387


compacting databases, 1092

hard disks, 803

Delete event, forms, 435

Delete method

Catalog object, 871

data access class, 665

Delete queries, creating, 542

DELETE statement, QL, 582-583

DeleteSetting function, 994


breakpoints, 736

custom collection items, 650

external data links, 869, 871

fields, tables, 80

fields from query grid, 142-143

files from disk, 760

macro actions, 329-330


Action queries, 542

controlling user access, 231

DAO, 722-723

records from recordsets (ADO), 712-713

relationships, 128

tables with ADO code, 717

delimiters, strings, 697-699

denormalization, 120

denormalizing tables, 808


object dependencies, viewing, 109-110

objects, viewing, 110

derived keys, 116

Description property

forms, 1075

queries, 171, 1075

query fields, 170

reports, 1078

tables, 101

Description Subkey value (registry), 1033

design issues, 115

benefits, 117

goals, 117

history, 117

integrity rules, 121-122

normalization rules, 118-120

rules, 116-118, 122-124

design phase, application development, 24-27

Design view

Crosstab queries, 559-560


creating, 196

designing, 18

reports, creating, 278

tables, viewing, 14



computer consulting firm example, 72-73

options, 919

builder forms, 1031-1032

builders, 1028, 1047, 1050

Load events, 1050-1052

ValidTextPolite function, 1049-1050

ValidTextRude function, 1050-1052


Design view, 18

shortcut keys, 198

Time and Billing application, 263-268

toolbars, 196

windows, 197

menu add-ins, 1045

properties, setting, 402

queries, Query Design window, 17


from scratch, 79-81

Time and Billing application, 111-113

wizards, 1039

designing tables, examples, 107

detail (reports), displaying, 516-517

Detail reports, 270

Detail section

forms, 192

reports, 274

Detail Section Format event, reports, 527-529

Detail Section Print event, reports, 529

detecting objects, broken references, 1102

developing applications, 835-837

Access as a front end, 842-845

data analysis, 24-27

design phase, 24-27

forms, basing on queries/embedded SQL statements, 837

implementation stage, 28

maintenance activities, 28

prototype stage, 27

reports, basing on queries/embedded SQL statements, 837

runtime version, distribution, 839-841

splitting database objects, 835-836

task analysis, 24

testing stage, 27

development environment, RAM recommendation, 803

dialog boxes, 460

About, 997

Add Procedure, 352, 487

Add Watch, 747

Add-In Manager, 1038

Choose Builder, 1047

Compact Database Into, 1094

Conditional Formatting, 228

creating, 190, 231

Database Properties, 1079, 1081

Database to Compact From, 1093

Documenter, 1081

Edit DWORD Value, 1034

Edit Relationships, 16, 125

Edit String, 1034

Edit Watch, 748

FileDialog object, 463-464

Find, 390

Import, 1037

Import Objects, 1037

input boxes, 462-463

InputBox function, 462-463

Insert Hyperlink, 103

Insert Object, 283, 466

Link, 856

message boxes, 460-462

MsgBox function, 460-462

Modal property, 235

New Object, 1045

New Query, 138

Object Browser, 405

Object Properties, 1075

Open, 1039

Parameters, 588

Performance Analyzer, 808

Pop Up property, 235

Print Form Definition (Database Documenter), 1084

Print Query Definition (Database Documenter), 1084

Print Table Definition (Database Documenter), 1083

Project Properties, 631

Query Parameters, 173-175

References, 951, 1017

Replace, 391

Runtime Error, 750

Save Backup As, 1099-1100

Show Table, 139

Show Tables, 126, 576

self join queries, 564

Tab Order, 204

Zoom, 243

Dialog forms, creating, 459-460

Dim keyword, custom collections, 649

Dim statement, 953

variables, 359

Dim statements, 821

memory usage considerations, 674

directives, VBA (#Const), 367

Dirty event, forms, 434


command buttons, 425-428

Sandbox mode

in Windows Vista, 1123-1124

in Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, 1124-1125

Snap to Grid feature, 281

disambiguation (object declarations), 672

disk space, external data, 874

Display as Hyperlink, 291

display of system errors, customizing ribbons, 937

Display on SharePoint Site, 288


Debug toolbar, 730

detail (reports), 516-517

error descriptions, 759

error numbers, 759

errors, errors collection, 769-770

forms, in PivotTable view, 257-258

overlapping windows, tabbed documents, 46-47

pivot tables, from forms (Pivot Table view), 256-257

summary (reports), 516-518


Access databases, 1110-1111

applications, runtime version, 839-841

Dividing Lines property, forms, 232

DLLs (dynamic link libraries), 985

constants, 991-993


aliasing, 989-991

calling, 993

declaring, 985-986

passing parameters, 987-989

types, 992-993

Do loops, 369-370

doc object-naming prefix, 1133-1134

dockable windows, 396

DoCmd object, 342, 423-424

adding report sections at runtime, 501

examples, 632-633

importing external data, 852-854

TransferDatabase method, 852-853

TransferSpreadsheet method, 853-854

TransferText method, 853

macros, executing, 374

OpenForm method, 375

docs object-naming prefix, 1133-1134


benefits, 1073

databases, 1081

Documenter dialog box, 1081


macros, adding comments, 336-337

tables, 81

documenting databases

Database Documenter, 1081-1083, 1085

documentation output, 1085-1086

forms, 1075-1077

macros, 1078

modules, 1078

Object Definition window, 1082

options, 1083-1085

queries, 1075-1076

reports, 1078

tables, 1074-1075

Database Properties dialog box, 1079-1081

writing code for documentation, 1088-1089


HTML documents

importing, 874-876

linking, 877

mail merge (Word), 966-968

tabbed documents, 44-46

displaying overlapping windows, 46-47

domains, 116

drill-down, pivot table data, 184

drivers, ISAM drivers (Windows registry keys), 866

drives, 804

DROP INDEX statement, SQL, 585

DROP TABLE statement, SQL, 586

DSN keyword, 867

DWORD Value command (New menu), 1034

dynamic arrays, 826

declaring, 607-609

dynamic link libraries. See DLLs

dynasets, tables, 16


Edit DWORD Value dialog box, 1034

Edit menu commands, New, 1034

Edit method, data access class, 664-665

Edit Relationships dialog box, 16, 125

Edit String dialog box, 1034

Edit Watch dialog box, 748


project properties, 631

Watch expressions, 748

Editor Format Tab, 395

editors, Registry Editor (invoking), 1033

emailing, errors, 780-781

embedded macros, 315

creating, 332-333

embedded objects, In-Place activation, 466

embedded SQL statements, basing forms/queries on, 837

embedding SQL statements, 250-251

Empty value, Variant variables, 618-619

enabling command buttons, 425-428

encryption, CompactDatabase method.

Application object, 1098-1099

JetEngine object, 1096-1098

enforced referential integrity, 155

Enter event, controls, 445

Enter Key Behavior property, controls, 241

entity integrity, 122

entity integrity rules, 121-122

enumerated types, Intellisense and, 644-646

environment, 802

development, RAM recommendation, 803

environmental settings, Compact on Close, 1095-1096

EOF property (ADO recordsets), 690-691

equal sign (=), query criteria operator, 146

Err object, 766-767

properties, 766

Raise method, 767-769

generating errors, 767-768

user-defined errors, creating, 768-769

err object-naming prefix, PDF:1133-1134

Error Checker, 479

error descriptions, displaying, 759

Error event

forms, 440

reports, 495

error events, 796

error forms, 784

creating, 782-784

printing, 785

error handling, 755-757

call stacks, 765

creating, 786, 789-790

cascading error effect, 765-766

centralizing, 760

clearing errors, 764

default error message, 756

default handler, returning to, 759

distributing applications, 841

Err object, 766-767

properties, 766

Raise method, 767-769

error descriptions, displaying, 759

error numbers, displaying, 759

examples, 798-799

Exit Sub statement, 759

generic error handlers

creating error forms, 782-784

ErrorHandler function, 772-774, 778-780

LogError routine, 774-776

On Error routine, 770-771

printing error forms, 785

type structure declaration, 772

implementing, 755-757

On Error Goto 0 statement, 759-760

On Error Goto statement, 758-759

On Error Resume Next statement, 760

On Error statements, 758

personal error handling, preventing, 786

response options, 760-764

Resume Next statement, 762-763

Resume statement, 761-762

Resume [LineLabel] statement, 763-764

Time and Billing application, 798-799

error messages

referential integrity, 129

relationships, 132

error numbers, displaying, 759

ErrorHandler function, 778-780

generic error handlers, 772-774

ErrorProcess method, custom error handler class, 791-793


automatic error checking, 477-479

reports, 505-507

clearing, 764

constants, 382

values, 603

determining appropriate response to, 776-778

emailing errors, 780-781

functions, 986

generating, 767-768

Immediate If (IIf) statements, 366

Invalid add-in entry message, 1036

listing, 797

logging, 774-776

logic errors, 728

responding to, 778-780

runtime errors, 750-751

user-defined, creating, 768-769

Errors collection, 769-770

errs object-naming prefix, 1133-1134

event procedures, 347

creating, 352

modules, 350

events, 404

Control events, 443

AfterUpdate, 443

BeforeUpdate, 443

Change, 444

Click, 446

DblClick, 447-448

Enter, 445

Exit, 445

GotFocus, 445

KeyDown, 448

KeyPress, 449

KeyUp, 449

LostFocus, 446

MouseDown, 448

MouseMove, 448

MouseUp, 448

NotInList, 444-445

sequence, 449

Updated, 444

custom, adding to classes, 651-652

Detail Section Format, reports, 527-529

Detail Section Print, reports, 529

error events, 796

Filter event, forms, 464-465

Form events, 431

Activate, 438

AfterDelConfirm, 435

AfterInsert, 432

AfterUpdate, 434

ApplyFilter, 440

BeforeDelConfirm, 435

BeforeInsert, 432

BeforeUpdate, 433

Click, 439

Close, 438

Current, 431

DblClick, 439

Deactivate, 438

Delete, 435

Dirty, 434

Error, 440

Filter, 440

GotFocus, 438

KeyDown, 439-440

KeyPress, 440

KeyUp, 440

Load, 436

LostFocus, 439

MouseDown, 439

MouseMove, 439

MouseUp, 439

Open, 435

order of occurrence, 433

Resize, 436

sequence, 441-442

Timer, 441

Undo, 434

Unload, 437

Group Header Format event, 534-535

Initialize, 643

Initialize event

data access class, 658

system information class, 668-669

Load event, data access class, 659

No Data event, 831

NotInList event, combo boxes, 472-473

Page Footer Format, reports, 532

Page Header Format, reports, 527

Page Header Format event, 533

report events, 493-496

Close, 494

Error, 495

manipulating sections, 501

NoData, 494-495

Open, 493-494, 525-526

order of, 496

Page, 495

Report Footer Format, reports, 530-532

Report Header Format, 526-527, 531

report section events, 496-497, 500

Format, 496-498

order of events, 500

Print, 498-499, 522-523

Retreat, 500

Section events, 443

Terminate, 644


automation objects, closing, 960-961

controlling from Access, 956-960

graphs, creating from Access, 961-962, 964-965


axes in forms, 262

pivot table axes, 185

excluding fields, from queries, 166-167

ExclusiveAsyncDelay setting (Windows registry), 928


macros, 21

from ribbons, 946-947

queries, 16

stored procedures on back ends, 921

Exit event, controls, 445

Exit Sub statement, error handling, 759

explicit references

creating in library databases, 1017-1020

limitations, 1018

RefLibPaths key, 1020

explicit transaction processing, 927

implementing, 929-930

Export command (File menu), 104-109


code modules, 630-631


to SharePoint Server 2007, 883-884

to SharePoint sites, 885-890

form modules, 630-631

Expression Builder, 243. See also builders

building expressions in queries, 160-161

expression builders, 1027


adding to control sources, 243

Boolean expressions, toggling with Not function, 815

building in queries (Expression Builder), 160-161

calculated controls, 293

forms, 243

Null values, converting to zero, 167

queries, 554

Rushmore, 555

Watch expressions, 745

adding, 746-748

breaking when expressions are true, 748-749

breaking when expressions change, 749

editing, 748

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

external data, 848

compatibility, 847

dBASE files, 872-873

mapping dBASE data types, 873

defined, 847

examples, 877-879, 881

Database Splitter, 877

refreshing links, 878-881

importing, 848-850

DoCmd object, 852-854

user interface, 850-851

linking, 848-849, 854, 862-863, 912

Database Splitter, 854-856

Database Splitter Wizard, 912

performance considerations, 874

refreshing links, 869-871, 878-879, 881

removing links, 869-871

to Access tables, 856-857

to database files, 858

user interface, 856-858

user interfaces, 854

with code, 859-863

links, refreshing, 877-880

passwords, 867-869

storage, 847

text data, 873

troubleshooting, 873-874

connection problems, 873

disk space, 874

external tables

opening, 848-849, 864-865

connection information, providing, 864

OpenDatabase method, 864-865

extracting signed packages, 1113-1114


f data-type prefix, 1133

Fast Laser Printing, 289

forms, 236

fdlg object-naming prefix, 1136

Field List properties, queries, 171

Field List window, availability, 233

field properties

propagating, 481-483

for reports, 507-509

queries, 170

Field Size property (fields), 88

field types, Hyperlink, 103-104

fields (tables), 82-84


to queries, 139-141

to reports, 278

AutoNumber, Cascade Update Related Fields option, 131

behaviors, modifying, 170

calculated fields (queries)

creating, 157-159

nested queries, 554

changing location on query grid, 143-144

combo boxes, setting width, 221

counter, resetting, 1092

data types, selecting, 82-84

Date( ) function, 92

foreign keys, 95


adding, 198-199

adding multiple, 198

selecting, 194


queries, 554

selecting field types, 82

inserting in queries, 143

maximum number allowed, 123

multifield indexes, creating, 96

multivalued fields

creating, 65-69

effect on queries, 69, 71

naming, 81

normalization, 25

properties, 87

Allow Zero Length, 95-96

Caption, 91

Default Value, 91-92

Field Size, 88

Format, 88-89

Indexed, 96-98

Input Mask, 89-90

Required, 94-96

Unicode Compression, 97

Validation Rule, 92-94

Validation Text, 94


excluding fields from output, 166-167

performance considerations, 554

removing from query grid, 142-143

searching, indexes, 96-97

selecting, reports, 275

size considerations, referential integrity, 129


query results, 145-146

selecting field types, 82

space requirements, 82

subforms, order of fields, 249


defining, 79

deleting, 80

descriptions, 80

inserting, 80

selecting types, 81

types, 79


:Attachment, 86

AutoNumber, 85

Currency, 85

data, 82

Date/Time, 84

Hyperlink, 87

Memo, 84

Number, 84

OLE Object, 86

Text, 84

Yes/No, 86

updating queries, 539

validation rules, adding, 93-94

values, lookups (Lookup Wizard), 98-100

file information class (Class modules), 653-656

FullFileName property, 652-654

GetDrive routine, 653-655

GetName routine, 653-655

GetPath routine, 653-655

manipulating instances (collections), 655-656

property declarations, 652

File menu commands, Export, 104-109

file servers

applications, installing, 910

versus client/servers, 9

FileDiaolg object, 463-464


ACCDE files, 829

ADP files, 56

dBASE files, 872-873

mapping dBASE data types, 873

deleting, from disk, 760

importing, supported file formats, 850

INF files, 872

linking, supported file formats, 850

low-level file handling, 628-629

opening, supported file formats, 850

text files, importing, 630

WZMAIN80.MDE, importing, 1037

XML files, importing, 1068-1069

FillCells subroutine, 958

Filter event, forms, 440, 464-465

Filter On Load property, 288

Filter property, 287, 513-514

forms, 234

queries, 172

tables, 102

Filter property (ADO recordsets), 695


data, pivot table data, 183

forms, 464-465

pivot table data, forms, 261

recordsets, 695

FilterOn property, 513-514

filters, forms, 234

find and replace feature, VBA, 390-391

Find dialog box, 390

Find method (ADO recordsets), 696-699

finding records in recordsets, 696-699

first normal form, 118

fixed arrays, 605

fld object-naming prefix, 1133-1134

flds object-naming prefix, 1134

FlipEnabled routine, 414-415

fmnu object-naming prefix, 1136

fmsg object-naming prefix, 1136

folders, My Documents, 1095

Font Color property, controls, 291

Font Italic property, controls, 291

Font Name property, controls, 291

Font Size property, controls, 291

Font Underline property, controls, 291

Font Weight property, controls, 291

Footer section, forms, 192

footers, 274. See also Page Footers

adding at runtime (reports), 501

For Each...Next loops, 816-818

For Each...Next, 817

For Each...Next statement, 372-373

For...Each construct, 413

For...Each loops, iterating through collection items, 628

For...Next construct, 371

Force New Page property, reports, 293, 303

Fore Color, 290

foreign key fields, 95

foreign keys, 115-116

referential integrity and, 121

foreign keys (client/servers), 922

Form and Report Class modules, 347

Form Design toolbar, 196

Form Design window, 196, 198-200, 202-204

Form events, 431

Activate, 438

AfterDelConfirm, 435

AfterInsert, 432

AfterUpdate, 434

ApplyFilter, 440

BeforeDelConfirm, 435

BeforeInsert, 432

BeforeUpdate, 433

Click, 439

Close, 438

Current, 431

DblClick, 439

Deactivate, 438

Delete, 435

Dirty event, 434

Error, 440

Filter, 440

GotFocus, 438

KeyDown, 439-440

KeyPress, 440

KeyUp, 440

Load, 436

LostFocus, 439

MouseDown, 439

MouseMove, 439

MouseUp, 439

Open, 435

order of occurrence, 433

Resize, 436

sequence, 441-442

closing forms, 442

key presses, 442

mouse actions, 442

moving between forms, 442

opening forms, 441

sizing forms, 442

Timer, 441

Undo event, 434

Unload, 437

form layouts


adding, 212-213

removing, 213-214

formatting, 210

moving, controls in, 210-211

removing, 214-215

form modules, exporting, 630-631

Form property, 416

Form view, viewing forms, 18

Form Wizard

customizing, 1040-1044

forms, creating, 193-195

one-to-many forms, creating, 246-247

starting, 195

Format, Format properties, 290

Format event, report sections, 496-497

Format function, 376

Format menu, spacing forms, 203

Format menu commands, Change To, 830

Format properties

controls, 238, 290-291

Back Color property, 290

Back Style property, 290

Can Grow property, 290

Can Shrink property, 290

Font properties, 291

Scroll Bars, 237

Special Effect, 237

fields, 88-89

form controls, 236-239

forms, 231

Allow Datasheet View, 231

Allow Form View, 233

Allow PivotChart View, 231

Allow PivotTable View, 231

Auto Resize, 231

Border Style, 231

Dividing Lines, 232

Moveable, 232

Navigation Buttons, 232

Orientation, 233

Picture properties, 231

Record Selectors, 231

Scroll Bars, 232

Width, 231

query fields, 170

reports, 285

Auto Center property, 286

Auto Resize property, 286

Border Style, 286

Caption property, 285-286

Close Button, 287

Control Box, 286

Grid X property, 287

Grid Y property, 287

Grp Keep Together, 286

Grp Keep Together property, 286

Layout for Print property, 287

Min Max Buttons, 286

Page Footer, 286

Page Footer property, 286

Page Header, 286

Page Header property, 286

Picture properties, 287

Width property, 287

FormatCount property, reports, 503

formatting form layouts, 210

Formatting toolbar, 196

Align tools, 202

Report Design window, 278


Access, opening from (SharePoint sites), 896-899

Allow Datasheet View property, 231

Allow Filters property, 234

Allow PivotChart View property, 231

Allow PivotTable View property, 231

alternating background colors, 216, 218

applications, navigating, 190

Auto Resize property, 231

axes, exchanging, 262

basing applications on runtime application distribution, 839

basing on queries, 249-250

basing on queries/embedded SQL statements, 837

Border Style property, 231

borders, 231


designing, 1031-1032

Modal property, 1031

closing, Form event sequence, 442

combo boxes, record sources, 220

command buttons, adding, 244-245

components, 192

conditional formatting. See conditional formatting

Continuous forms, 451-453

Control properties, 237, 241-242

controls, 218

checkboxes, 224

combo boxes, 219-223

Data properties, 239-240

Format properties, 236-239

labels, 219

list boxes, 223

morphing, 227-228

option buttons, 224

option groups, 224-226

Other properties, 240-242

text boxes, 219

creating, 193

Design View, 196

Form Wizard, 193, 195

from queries, 194

layouts, selecting, 194

queries, 193

styles, selecting, 195

Time and Billing application example, 263-268

titles, 195

custom methods, creating, 489

custom properties

creating, 484-488

PropertyGet routine, 486-488

PropertyLet routine, 486-488

Public variables, creating, 484-486

Cycle property, 235

data, storing in Type variables, 601

Data Entry property, 234

designing, toolbars, 196

designing (Design view), 18

Detail section, 192

Dialog forms, creating, 459-460

displaying in PivotTable view, 257-258

Dividing Lines property, 232

documenting (Database Documenter), 1075-1077

error, creating, 784

error events, 796

error forms

creating, 782-784

printing, 785

event procedures, 350


frmClients, 263-265

frmProjects form, 266-267

expressions, 243

Fast Laser Printing property, 236


adding, 198-199

adding multiple, 198

selecting, 194

Filter property, 234

filtering features, 464-465

filters, 234

Footer section, 192

Format properties, 231

frmClients, 659-662

command button programming code, 396

frmGetFormInfo, 1040

frmSpecialEffect, 1030-1032

Has Module property, 235

Header section, 192

HTML format, saving in, 253

hyperlinks, adding, 251-253

Internet, compatibility, 251-252

key presses, Form event sequence, 442

labels, 219

captions, 91, 219

sizing, 203

large recordsets, display options, 838

Layout for Print property, 233

Layout view, 205-206

stacked and tabular layouts, 206-211

macros, triggering from, 326-327

Me keyword, 450

Menu Bar property, 235

modal displays, 191

Modal property, 235

Moveable property, 232

moving between, Form event sequence, 442

multipage forms, creating, 453-455

navigating, setting properties, 232

Navigation Buttons property, 232

new features, 51


aligning, 200-202

moving, 200

selecting, 199-200

sizing, 202-203

spacing, 203-204

tab order, changing, 204-205

one-to-many, 246

creating, 246-248

OpenArgs property, 468


Form event sequence, 441

mouse actions, 442

opening with command button code, efficiency considerations, 396-398

optimizing, 829-831

Order By property, 234

Orientation property, 233

passing parameter query values, 588-589

Picture properties, 231

pivot tables

controlling information detail (Pivot Table view), 261-262

creating, 256-257, 259

creating from, 256

displaying (Pivot Table view), 256-257

filtering data (Pivot Table view), 261

summarized data (Pivot Table view), 259

Pop Up property, 235

pop-up forms, 473-474

printed, 190

printing, 233

properties, 229-235

Data properties, 233

Description property, 1075

Format properties, 229, 232

property sheet, 229-230

Record Selectors property, 231

record sources, 198

changing at runtime, 233

records, ordering, 234

recordset methods, 719-724

Recordset Type property, 234

RecordSource property, 720

changing at runtime, 468-471

reports with forms, 272

Scroll Bars property, 232

Short Menu Bar property, 235

Short Menu property, 235

shortcut keys, 198

single forms, creating, 451-452

sizing, Form event sequence, 442

smart tags

action buttons, 255

adding, 253-255

Snap to Grid

adjusting grid, 233

temporarily disabling, 202

specifications/limitations, 262

Splash Screen forms, creating, 459

splash screens, creating, 491

split forms, 215-217

splitting into two form layouts, 214

startup forms, 490

styles, 191

subforms, 249, 453, 476-477, 830

referring to subform controls, 476-477

switchboard forms, 190

creating, 457

switching to PivotChart view, 262

synchronizing with underlying recordsets, 483-484

Tab controls

adding, 456

properties, changing, 456-457

tabbed forms

creating, 455-457

Tab controls, adding, 456

Tag property, 236


Caption property, 229

Default View property, 230

UserForm, 976-977

uses, 189

viewing (Form view), 18

Width property, 231

Windows, Form Design, 198-200, 202-204

XML format, saving in, 253

Forms collection, 418-419

referencing forms, 407

fra prefix, 1132


bound object frames, reports, 283

unbound object frames, reports, 283-284

frm prefix, PDF:1132, PDF:1135

frmClients form, 659, 661-662

command button additions, 268

command buttons, programming code for, 396

Time and Billing Application, creating, 263-265, 268

frmGetFormInfo form, 1040

frmProjects form

creating, 266-267

Time and Billing Application, creating, 266-267

frms prefix, 1132

frmSpecialEffect form, 1030-1032

FROM clause, SQL, 568

front ends

as Access data project communicating directly to back ends, 921

communicating to backends, with SQL Pass Through, 920-921

compared to back ends, 919

executing stored procedures on back ends, 921

file format compatibility, 918

tables, linking from back end servers, 919

using Access as, 842-845

options, 844

front-ends, 847

fsfr object-naming prefix, 1136

fsub prefix, 1132

FullFileName property (file information class), 652-654

Function Subkey value (registry), 1033

functions, 348-349, 610. See also procedures

aliasing, 989-991

ANSI, renaming, 990

API functions, 993

Windows registry, 994-997

Between Date And Date, 149


preset arguments, 1029-1031

writing, 1028-1031


invalid characters, 989

ordinal number references, 991

calling from libraries at runtime, 1015

code, viewing, 387

CodeDB, 1013

constants, 991

CreateControl, 1044

CreateCustomForm, 1041-1042

CreateForm, 1044

CreateRecordset, 964-965

CreatExcelObj, 957

creating, 352-354

shortcut for, 354

CurrentDB, 1013

Date( ), 92

Date(), 149

DateAdd, 378

DateDiff, 378

DatePart, 149, 377

Day(), 149

Declare statement, 986

DeleteSetting, 994

DLL functions

aliasing, 989-991

calling, 993

declaring, 985-986

passing parameters, 987-989

error messages, 986

ErrorHandler, 778-780

generic error handlers, 772-774

Format, 376

GetAllSettings, 994

GetSetting, 994

hard drives, 1005-1008

IIf, 366

Initials function, 586

InputBox, 462-463

Instr, 376

InstrRev, 376

IsLoaded, 398, 1015, 1031

IsMissing, 614

IsNull, 619-620

IsNull(), 169

Left, 377

Len, 818


DLLs (dynamic link libraries), 985

Win32 API, 985

Mid, 377

modules, 22, 347

Month(), 149

MonthName, 379

MsgBox, 460-462

MyCustomForm, 1045

names, resolving conflicts, 990

Not, toggling Boolean expressions, 815

NumberOfBytesFree, 1008

Nz, 620, 625

Object Browser, 379-380

parameters, 373-374

named parameters, 616

optional parameters, 613-615

parameter arrays, 617-618

passing, 610-613

recursive procedures, 616-617

passing objects to, 413-414

ReLink, 881

Replace, 378

Required, late binding, 955-956

results as criteria for queries, 586-587

Right, 377

SaveSetting, 994

SpecialEffect, 1030

strings, 376-377

StrRev, 379

SysCmd, 1031

TypeOfDrive, 1007

UCase, 377

values, returning, 373-374

VBA, 377-380

Weekday(), 149

Year(), 149


g scope prefix, 1135

gallery, ribbons, 34

General Declarations sections

basUtils module, 998-1003

compiler constants, 367

modules, 348

General tab (Database Properties dialog box), 1079

generating errors, 767-768

generic error handlers, 770-775, 778-780, 783-784

error forms

creating, 782-784

printing, 785

ErrorHandler function, 772-774, 778-780

LogError routine, 774-776

On Error routine, 770-771

type structure declaration, 772

generic object variables, compared to specific object variables, 411

GetAllSettings function, 994

GetDrive routine, file information class, 653, 655

GetDriveInfo, 1006

GetDriveInfo procedure, 1006

GetName routine, file information class, 653-655

GetObject function, late binding, 955-956

GetOutlook function, 781

GetPath routine, file information class, 653-655

GetSetting function, 994

GetSysInfo, 1003

GetSysInfo subroutine, 782, 1003

GotFocus event

controls, 445

forms, 438

graphics, reports with graphics, 272

graphs, Excel, creating from Access, 961-965

greater than or equal to (*=), query criteria operator, 146

greater than sign (*), query criteria operator, 146

Grid X property, reports, 287

Grid Y property, reports, 287

Gridline Styles, 291

GROUP BY clause, SQL, 573

Group Footers, reports, 275

Group Header Format event, 534-535

Group Headers, reports, 275

group levels, adding to reports, 276

grouping data, reports, 301-303

groups, adding to ribbons, 944-945

Grp Keep Together property, reports, 286

grp object-naming prefix, PDF:1134

grps object-naming prefix, PDF:1134


hard disks

compression, 804

defragmenting, 803

compacting databases, 1091-1092

hard drives, 1005-1008


optimization, 802

defragmenting hard disk, 803

drive compression, 804

RAM, 802

system requirements, 23

Has Module, 289

forms, 235

HasContinued property, reports, 503

HAVING clause, SQL, 573

Header section, forms, 192

headers, 274. See also Page Headers

reports, adding at runtime, 501

headings, Crosstab queries

fixed, 562

fixed column headings, 561


custom, adding to distribution version, 841

properties, 402

VBA, context-sensitive, 391

Help Context Id, 289

controls, 241

Help File, 289

hidden objects, restoring, 64-65

Hide Duplicates, 290


document tabs, 44, 46

objects in parent groups, 63-64

status bar, 49

system objects, 943

Unassigned Objects group, 61

hierarchies, building classes, 646

horizontal spacing, adjusting forms automatically, 204


forms, saving as, 253

saving reports as, 306

table data, saving in, 104-107

tables, converting data, 107

HTML documents

importing, 874-876

linking to, 877

Hyperlink Address, 290

hyperlink base, 1079

Hyperlink field type, 87, 103

Hyperlink SubAddress, 290


adding to reports, 306

forms, adding, 251-253

labels, reports, 306


I/O operations, text files, 629

icons, shortcut icons (compacting databases), 1095

idx object-naming prefix, 1134

idxs object-naming prefix, 1134

If statements, 365

compared to Select Case statements, 366

If...Then...Else control structure, 365

IIf function, 366

image controls

compared to unbound object frames, 283

reports, 284

images, splash screens, 459

IME (Input Method Editor) property, controls, 242

img prefix, 1132

Immediate If (IIf) control structure, 366

Immediate window, 734

clearing, 732

debugging features, 729-730

functions, testing, 733

printing values to, 734

setting values of variables/properties, 730-732

subroutines, testing, 733

testing values of variables/properties, 730

troubleshooting applications, 361

implementation stage, applications development, 28

Implements keyword, sharing interfaces, 648

implicit transaction processing, 927

registry settings, 927-929

ImplicitCommitSync setting (Windows registry), 928

Import dialog box, 1037

Import HTML Wizard, 874, 876-877

Import Objects dialog box, 1037

Import Spreadsheet Wizard, 851


external data, 848, 850

DoCmd object, 852-854

user interface, 850-851

files, supported file formats, 850

HTML documents, 874, 876

from SharePoint lists, 900, 902

text files, 630

USysRegInfo tables, 1037

XML files, 1068-1069

In-Place activation (embedded objects), 466

Indexed property

Fields, 96-97

tables, 98

indexed sequential access method data, performance considerations, 849


application performance, improving, 102

limitations, 809

multifield, creating, 97

optimization, 809

performance considerations, 97

Primary Key, creating, 98

relationships, 134

searching table fields, 97

table relationships and, 103

tables, 98

performance benefits, 103

upsizing to client/servers, 97, 923

indexing fields

queries, 554

selecting field types, 82

INF files, 872

infinite loops, 371

inheritance, 638

Initialize event, 643

data access class, 658

system information class, 668-669

Initials function, 586

InitVars routine, reports, 527

inline code, 814

inline code benchmark, 814

Input # keyword, 628

input boxes, 462-463

InputBox function, 462-463

input devices, minimum system requirements, 23

Input Mask property, 292

query fields, 170

Input Mask property (fields), 89-90

Input Mask Wizard, 89-90

InputBox function, 462-463

Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 103-104

INSERT INTO statement, SQL, 583

Insert Object dialog box, 283, 466


fields, tables, 80

OLE objects, reports, 283

page breaks, reports, 293



multiuser applications, 910

Windows 2000 Terminal Services, 912

menu add-ins, 1046

multiuser applications, 910-911

instances, manipulating multiple instances of file information class, 655-656

instantiating objects (Class modules), 640

instantiation, 638

Recordset objects, 676

Instr function, 376

InstrRev function, 376

int data-type prefix, 1133

integrity rules, referential and entity rules, 121-122

Intellisense, enumerated types and, 644-646

interfaces, sharing (Implements keyword), 648

International Standards Organization (ISO), 990


applications, developing, 11

forms, compatibility, 251-252

reports, Internet compatibility, 305-306

intranets, developing applications, 11

Intrinsic constants, 381-383, 602, 604

intrinsic constants

examples, 632-633

viewing (Object Browser), 604

intTemp variable, 739

Invalid add-in entry error messages, 1036

invoking Registry Editor, 1033

Is Hyperlink, 291

Is Not (query criteria operator), 147

Is Null (query criteria operator), 147

ISAM (indexed sequential access method) data, performance considerations, 849

ISAM drivers, Windows registry keys, 866

IsLoaded function, 398, 1031

IsLoaded functions, 1015

IsMissing function, 614

IsNull function, 619-620

IsNull() function, 169

ISO (International Standards Organization), 990

Item method, Collection object, 627

iterating through collection items, 628


Jet, 806

JET, ANSI-92 extensions, 590

stored procedures, 593-594

tables, 590-593

transactions, 594

views, 593-594


client/servers, 922

Errors collection, 769-770

Jet Engine

converting databases from old versions, 1096-1098

objects, naming conventions, PDF:1133-1134

queries, optimizing, 553-555

Jet OLEDB Link Datasource, 861

refreshing external links, 869-871

Jet OLEDB Link Provider, 860

Jet OLEDB Link Provider String, 866-867

JOIN clause, SQL, 570-571

join lines (relationships), 124

joining tables, queries, 570-571


outer joins

left outer joins, 563

queries, 562-564

right outer joins, 563

self joins, queries, 564-565

junction tables, 123-124


Key argument, Add method, 649

Key command (New menu), 1034

KeyDown event

controls, 448

forms, 439-440

KeyPress event

controls, 449

forms, 440

KeyUp event

controls, 449

forms, 440


ALL, SQL, 576

ANSI-92 extensions

CHECK, 591



As String, 374

ByVal, 987

Close, 628

Const, 381, 602

Dim, custom collections, 649

DSN, 867

Implements, 648

Input #, 628

Me, 450, 825

Open, 628

Preserve, 608-609

Public, 356

PWD, 867

Static, 355

TOP, SQL, 572

UID, 867

Write #, 628

Kill statement, 760


Label tool, 219, 282

Label Wizard, 273


associating/disassociating with controls, 219

attached labels, 91

captions, 91, 290

default, 219

combo boxes, 222


adding, 219

controls, 219

sizing, 203


adding, 251

adding to reports, 306

mailing labels, reports with labels, 273


multiple labels, 520-521

in specific locations, 522-523

reports, 282

hyperlinks, 306

sizing, automatically, 281

lassoing objects, 200

late binding, required functions, 955-956

Layout for Print property

forms, 233

reports, 287

Layout view, forms, 205-206

stacked and tabular layouts, 206-211


forms, 194

reports, 277

lbl prefix, 1132

Left function, 377

left outer joins, 563

Len function, 818

less than or equal to (=), query criteria operator, 146

less than sign (), query criteria operator, 146


function libraries, 985

procedures, unique names, 990

library databases, 1011

calling functions at runtime, 1015

compiling, 1013

creating, 1012-1013

code modules structure, 1012-1013

CodeDB function, 1013

CurrentDB function, 1013

explicit references, 1017-1020

Time and Billing application example, 1023-1025

writing code, 1013

debugging, 1022-1023

references, 1013

creating, 1014

creating with VBA code, 1021

runtime, creating, 1014-1016

Library Subkey value (registry), 1033

lifetime, variables, 355

Like (query criteria operator), 147

Like criteria, queries, 554

limitations of reports, 307

lin prefix, PDF:1132

line continuation character, VBA, 364

Line Spacing, 291

Line tool, 282

lines, reports, 282

Link Child Fields property

subforms, 249

subreports, 300

Link dialog box, 856

Link Master Fields property

subforms, 249

subreports, 300

linked tables, converting to local tables, 871-872


external data, 848-849, 854, 862-863, 912

to Access tables, 856-857

with code, 859-863

to database files, 858

Database Splitter, 854-856

Database Splitter Wizard, 912

performance considerations, 874

refreshing links, 869-871, 878-879, 881

removing links, 869, 871

user interface, 856-858

user interfaces, 854

files, supported file formats, 850

HTML documents, 877

to SharePoint lists, 900, 902

tables, accessing in networks, 913


reestablishing when SharePoint sites have been moved, 906

refreshing, 877-880

LinkTables routine, 877-880

LinkToDBase subroutine, 862

List Box Wizard, 224

list boxes

adding/removing items at runtime, 474-475

converting to combo boxes to, 228

forms, adding, 223

Multiselect property, 475-476

List Constants feature, modules, 385

List Properties and Methods feature, modules, 384

listing errors, 797

lng data-type prefix, 1133

Load event

data access class, 659

forms, 436

LoadOnStartup key, 1016

local tables, converting from linked tables, 871-872

local variables, 361

Locals window, 744

Lock Delay property (Connection strings), 674

Lock Retry property (Connection strings), 674


data, 913

tables, creating reports, 288

LockType parameter, ADO recordset types, 682-683

LogError routine

custom error handler class, 793-794

generic error handlers, 774-776

logging errors, 774-776

logic errors, 728

Long Date format (fields), 89

Lookup Wizard

Display Control property, 99-100

launching, 98-100

Lookup Wizard field type, 83


disadvantages, 100

Display Control property, 99-100

field values, executing (Lookup Wizard), 98, 100


through custom collections, 650

through recordsets, 827

loops, 369-370

breaking, 371

control references, avoiding repeating, 370

Do, 369-370

For Each...Next, 816-818

For...Each loops, iterating through collection items, 628

infinite, 371

records, modifying all in a recordset, 704-706

With statement, 823-824

LostFocus event

controls, 446

forms, 439

low-level file handling, 628-629

lst prefix, 1132

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