
My.Computer provides lots of shortcuts for accessing features on the local system, starting from the clipboard arriving at the Registry, passing through audio capabilities. This is basically a class exposing several properties, each one related to a computer area. This is a list of My.Computer properties:

FileSystem: Provides members for accessing files, directories, and other objects on disk

Clipboard: Provides members for setting data to and getting data from the system clipboard

Audio: Allows playing audio files

Mouse: Allows retrieving information on the installed mouse

Keyboard: Provides members for getting information on the state of keys in the keyboard

Registry: Provides members for getting and setting information to Windows Registry

Network: Offers members for performing operations within the network that the computer is connected to

Ports: Allows retrieving information on the computer’s serial ports

Screen: Allows retrieving information on the screen properties (Windows Forms only)

Info: Provides a series of information about the running machine

As usual, IntelliSense provides detailed information on each member from the preceding properties. In the next section you learn to access your machine information with My.Computer, but providing examples for each member is not possible. Because of this, members for the biggest areas are summarized and code examples for the most important members are provided.

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