abstract and formulaic knowledge, 5960

“Academic Ranking of World Universities,” 7576

accountability, 36; advocates of, 1718, 113; growth in applications of, 6364; quest for numerical metrics of, 40

Acemoglu, Daron, 72

achievement gap, 20, 91, 9699

Adelphia, 144

Affordable Care Act, 104, 11415

Afghanistan War, 13134

agency capitalism, 148

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 94

Annals of Internal Medicine, 11516

Arnold, Matthew, 12, 3031, 92

authority, suspicion of, 41

Autor, David, 72

Baumol, William, 44

Bell, Daniel, 33

benchmarks, 6

Benghazi investigations, 162

Berwick, Donald, 11920, 172

Bin Laden, Osama, 171

BlackRock, 149

Blair, Tony, 114

Bodies, 23

bounded rationality, 45

Bowen, William G., 44

Bratton, William J., 126

Bresch, Heather, 141, 142

Burns, Ed, 1, 129

Bush, George W., 11, 64, 89, 90

business and finance: financial crisis of 2008 and, 14547; other dysfunctions in, 15051; short-termism in, 14750; when paying for performance works, and when it doesn’t, in, 13745

business schools, 1213, 13839

Cable, Dan, 138

Campbell, Donald T., 19, 127

Campbell’s Law, 19, 24, 80, 93, 127

capitalism, 87, 172; agency, 148

case selection bias, 11718. See also creaming

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, 112, 119

cheating, 24

Chronicle of Higher Education, The, 76

Circle, The, 140

civil rights law, 42

Cleveland Clinic, 1078, 11011, 117

Clinton, Bill, 64, 90

Clinton, Hillary, 162

Coleman Report, 98

colleges and universities. See higher education

Collini, Stefan, 40

Commission on the Future of Higher Education, 11

“complicatedness,” 45

Compstat, 12627

Comte, Auguste, 169

Connable, Ben, 135

Conquest, Robert, 45

consumer choice, 4344

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 143

cooperation and common purpose, discouragement of, 172

cost disease, 44

Counterinsurgency, 132

counterinsurgency metrics, 13135

Countrywide, 146

creaming, 23, 23

creativity, 20, 62, 100, 139

Cubberley, Ellwood P., 33

Cukier, Kenneth, 35

Daschle, Tom, 161

degradation of work, 17273

degrading information quality through standardization, 24

Department of Defense, U.S., 131

Department of Education, U.S., 67

diminishing utility of metrics, 170

diplomacy and intelligence, 16265

discouragement of risk-taking, 171

distortion of information, 2324

distrust of judgment, 3942

Doctor’s Dilemma, The, 40

Ebbers, Bernard, 144

Eggers, Dave, 140

Embracing the Fog of War: Assessment and Metrics in Counterinsurgency, 135

EpiPen, 141

“Equal Educational Opportunity,” 98

Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, 96

extrinsic rewards, 5357, 11920, 13738, 144

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 12728

Federal Reserve Board, 142

Ferguson, Niall, 145

financial crisis of 2008, 14547

Fink, Larry, 149

fixation, metric. See metric fixation

Forbes, 76

Ford Motor Company, 34

foreign aid and philanthropy, 15356

Freedom of Information Act, 162

From Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of Management as a Profession, 12

gaming the metrics, 3, 2425, 14950

Geisinger Health System, 1089, 11011, 123

General Motors, 33

Geographical Information Systems (GIS), 126

Gibbons, Robert, 5556

goals: displacement of, through diversion of effort, 16970; value of short-term over long-term, 20

Goodhart’s Law, 1920, 24

Google Ngram, 40, 159

Google Scholar, 79

Government Accountability Office, 156

Guardian, The, 163

Halbertal, Moshe, 160, 164

Hayek, Friedrich, 12, 59, 6061

Healthgrades, 115

Henderson, Rebecca, 150

higher education, 914, 17576; designed to make money, 8687; encouraging everyone to pursue, 6768; grading institutions in, 8186; higher metrics through lower standards in, 6973; measuring academic productivity, 7880; pressure to measure performance in, 7375; raising the number of winners lowering the value of winning with, 6869; rankings, 7578; value and limits of rankings in, 81

high-stakes testing, 93

Holmstrom, Bengt, 52, 169

Howard, Philip K., 41

human capital, 72, 98

impact factor measurement, 79

Improving America’s Schools Act, 90

information, distortion of, 2324

innovation, 20; discouragement of, 140, 15051, 17172; employees moving to organizations that encourage, 173; unmeasurable risk for potential benefits of, 6162

Institute of Medicine, 11819

intimacy, 160

intrinsic rewards, 5357, 11920

Iraq War, 13134

Johns Hopkins University, 10910

Johnson, Lyndon, 98

Joint Commission, 115

Joint Stock Companies Act, 30

judgment, 67; distrust of, 3942; measurement demanding, 17677

“juking the stats,” 2

Kedourie, Elie, 6263, 73

Kelvin, Lord, 17

Kennedy, Edward, 90

Keystone project, 10910, 11112, 176

Khurana, Rakesh, 12

Kilcullen, David, 13134

Kiplinger, 76

Klarman, Seth, 47

Knight, Frank, 6162, 151

knowledge: forms of, 5960; practical, local, 62; pretense of, 60

Kohn, Alfie, 62

Kolberg, William, 90

Kozlowski, Dennis, 144

Lancelot, William, 33

leadership and organizational complexity, 4447

Lehman Brothers, 14647

Levy, Steven, 47

Limited Liability Act, 30

litigation, fear of, 42

London Business School, 13839

Lowe, Robert, 2930

Lumina Foundation, 6768, 71

Luttwak, Edward, 3537

luxury goods, 104

managerialism, 3437

Manning, Bradley (later Chelsea),16263

Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change, 172

Masters of Management, 13

materialist bias, 36

Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor, 35

McNamara, Robert, 3437, 131

measurement and improvement, 1617, 101, 107, 111, 119, 123, 132, 176, 183

measuring inputs rather than outcomes, 2324

“Measuring Progress in Afghanistan,” 132

measuring the most easily measurable, 23

measuring the simple when the desired outcome is complex, 23

Medicaid, 104

Medicare, 104, 11416, 12023

medicine: broader picture on metrics, pay-for-performance, rankings, and report cards in, 11220; case selection bias in, 11718; Cleveland Clinic, 1078, 11011; conclusions from success in, 11012; cost disease and, 44; discouraging cooperation and common purpose in, 172; financial push to control costs in, 1034, 11920; Geisinger Health System, 1089, 11011, 123; Keystone project, 10910, 11112, 176; measured performance metrics in, 25, 107, 123, 176; ranking the American system of, 1057; reducing readmissions test case, 12023; rise of metric fixation with increased critique of, 4243; tales of success in, 10710

Mercurio, Jed, 23

Merton, Robert K., 12, 170

metric fixation, 49, 13; in business and finance, 13751; cost disease and, 44; critique of the professions and apotheosis of choice in, 4244; defined, 18; distortion of information with, 2324; distrust of judgment leading to, 3942; in higher education, 914, 6787, 17576; innovation and creativity stifled by, 20; key components of, 18; leadership and organizational complexity and, 4447; lure of electronic spreadsheets in, 47; managerialism and, 3437; in medicine, 25, 4244, 10323, 172, 176; by the military, 3537, 13135, 176; negative transformations of nature of work with, 19; pay for performance and, 19; in philanthropy and foreign aid, 15356; in policing, 12529, 175; predicting and avoiding negative consequences of, 16973; recurrent flaws in, 2325; relationship between measurement and improvement in, 1719; in schools, 11, 24, 89, 17576; Taylorism and, 3134; theory of motivation and, 1920; and transparency as enemy of performance, 15965

metrics: checklist for when and how to use, 17583; corruption or goal diversion in gathering and using, 182; costs of acquiring, 180; development of measures for, 181; diagnostic, 9293, 103, 110, 123, 126, 176; diminishing utility of, 170; gaming the, 3, 2324, 14950; kind of information measured by, 177; media depictions of, 14; philosophical critiques of, 5964; purposes of specific measurements and, 17879; reasons leaders ask for, 18081; recognition that not all problems are solvable by, 18283; transactional costs of, 170; used to replace judgment, 67; usefulness of information from, 17778

Michigan Keystone ICU Project, 10910, 11112, 176

Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1011

Milgrom, Paul, 52, 169

military, American, 3537, 13135, 176

Minsky, Hyman, 148

Mintzberg, Henry, 52

Mitchell, Ted, 82

Moneyball, 7

Morieux, Yves, 45, 170

mortgage backed securities, 14647

motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and, 5357, 11920, 13738, 144; theory of, 1920

Muller, Jerry Z., 79

Mylan, 14042, 143

National Alliance of Business, 90

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 91, 97, 99

National Center for Educational Statistics, 97

National Center on Performance Incentives, 9596

National Health Service, 104, 114, 11617

National Security Agency, 163

Natsios, Andrew, 15556

New Public Management, 5153

Newsweek, 76

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 11, 24, 89, 100; problem addressed by, 8991, 96; Race to the Top after, 9495; unintended consequences of, 9294. See also schools

Oakeshott, Michael, 12, 5960

Obama, Barack, 33, 8182, 85, 94

Obsessive Measurement Disorder, 15556

Office of Management and Budget, U.S., 155, 156

omission of data, 2324

organizational complexity and leadership, 4447

over-measurement, 4142

overregulation, 4142

Patten, Simon, 32

pay for performance, 19; in business and finance, 13745; extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and, 5357; in medicine, 11416; in New Public Management, 52; origins of, 2931; in schools, 9596; situations for successful use of, 17980; Taylorism and, 3132

Pentagon, the, 3536

performance measurement, 8, 6364, 74, 177, 180; college, 7375; medicine, 25, 107, 123, 176; and transparency as enemy of performance, 15965

Peters, Tom, 17

pharmaceutical industry, 14042

Phelps, Edmund, 172

philanthropy and foreign aid, 15356

philosophical critiques of metrics, 5964

Pisano, Gary, 15051

Polanyi, Michael, 59

policing, 12529, 175

politics and government, 16062; Bush’s use of performance metrics in, 11, 64, 89, 90; diplomacy and intelligence in, 16265; higher education and (see higher education); Obama’s use of performance metrics and, 33, 8182, 85, 94; Obsessive Measurement Disorder in, 15556; public policy related to accountability and, 12, 41, 73; schools and (see schools); Thatcher’s use of performance metrics in, 5657, 6263, 73

Porter, Michael E., 1078

practical tacit knowledge, 5960

pretense of knowledge, 60

Princeton Review, 76

principal-agent theory, 4951

productivity: increased numbers of college graduates and, 68; measuring academic, 7880; metric fixation and costs of, 173

Pronovost, Peter, 10910, 11112, 176

ProPublica, 115, 116

public policy, 12, 41, 73

Public School Administration, 33

Race to the Top, 9495, 100

Rand Corporation, 116, 131, 135

rankings, college, 7578, 81

Rappaport, Alfred, 148

rationalism, 5960

Ravitch, Diane, 89

remedial college courses, 7071

Repenning, Nelson, 150

resistance to change, 46

rewarding of luck, 171

rewards, extrinsic and intrinsic, 5357, 11920, 13738, 144

Rigas, John, 144

risk adjustment, 122

risk-taking, discouragement of, 62, 11718, 171

rule cascades, 171

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 14445

SAT and ACT tests, 70

schools, 11, 24, 89, 17576; achievement gap in, 20, 91, 9699; costs of attempted gap-closing in, 99101; paying for performance in, 9596; problems and purported solution of NCLB for, 8991; Race to the Top and, 9495, 100; unintended consequences of NCLB for, 9294. See also No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare (IQ Healthcare),11314

scientific management, 3233

scientism, 6062

Scott, James C., 59, 62

Shaw, George Bernard, 4041

Shih, Willy, 15051

short-termism, 14750, 170

Simon, David, 1

Smith, Adam, 12

Snowden, Edward, 163

social trust, lack of, 41

Soviet system, 61

Spellings, Margaret, 11

spreadsheets, 47

standards and standardization: costs of not relying on, 178; degrading information quality through, 23; higher metrics through lower, 6973; improving numbers by lowering of, 23; Taylorism in, 33

Status and Trends in the Educational Achievement of Racial and Ethnic Groups, 97

Steele, Glenn D., 111

Sunstein, Cass R., 16162

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 32

Taylorism, 3134, 138

Thatcher, Margaret, 5657, 6263, 73

time loss, 10, 11, 62, 74, 180, 182; in bureaucratic organizations, 156; caused by executives under the spell of metric fixation, 45; in charitable organizations, 154; in colleges and universities, 83; in education, 173; by employees, 170; increased performance measures leading to more, 18; in medicine, 119

Times Higher Education Supplement, 76

Tirole, Jean, 54

Tollman, Peter, 45, 170

“Toxicity of Pay for Performance, The,” 11920

transactional costs of metrics, 170. See also time loss

transparency, 34, 1718, 113; diplomacy and intelligence, 16265; as enemy of performance, 15965; in government, 16062

“Twice-Revised Code, The,” 30

Tyco, 144

Uniform Crime Report, 12728

unintended consequences of metric fixation: costs in employee time, 170; costs to productivity, 173; degradation of work, 17273; diminishing utility, 170; discouraging cooperation and common purpose, 172; discouraging innovation, 140, 15051, 17172; discouraging risk-taking, 62, 11718, 171; goals displacement, 16970; by No Child Left Behind, 9294; rewarding of luck, 171; rule cascades, 171; short-termism, 170

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 155, 156

US News and World Report, 7677, 81, 115

value-added testing, 9293

value agenda, 107

Vermeulen, Freek, 138

Veterans Administration, 104

Vietnam War, 35, 131

Wells Fargo, 14243

Wikileakism, 164

Wikileaks, 16263

Wire, The, 12, 92, 129

Witch Doctors, The, 13

Wolf, Alison, 68, 72

Woodford, Neil, 139

Woodford Investment Management, 139

Woolridge, Adrian, 13

World Bank, 34

WorldCom, 144

World Health Organization, 1056

“World Health Report 2000,” 105

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