
It is critical for a solution delivery team to be able to define the important drivers of their solution delivery life cycle. As discussed, Microsoft decomposes the life cycle into two symbiotic frameworks, namely, MSF and MOF. Each supports and augments the other.

This chapter highlights the fact that a delivery team should define a solution delivery life cycle that best fits their needs and the constraints of the organization. This involves balancing team member productivity with team delivery predictability. Based on what the team decides, they need to convert this thinking into how much process and governance is therefore needed.

This chapter introduces the MSF Governance Model. The model contains dynamic and integrated elements, such as the following:

  • Overlapping tracks of activity, for both enactment and governance

  • Checkpoints, major and interim ones to synchronize work

  • An iterative approach to incrementally delivering value to the customer

It is unlikely that a solution delivery team will initially be able to define an ideal solution delivery life cycle and governance model. As such, the team should plan to evolve these as they learn what works best for the team and for the organization.

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