Working with Task Calendars

The scheduling of your tasks is driven by task duration, task dependencies, and constraints. It’s also driven by the project calendar. If your project calendar dictates that work is done Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M., initially that’s when your tasks are scheduled.


For more information about calendars, see Setting Your Project Calendar.

However, if a task is assigned to a resource who works Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M., the task is scheduled for those times instead. That is, the task is scheduled according to the assigned resource’s working times calendar rather than the project calendar.

Sometimes, you have a task that needs to be scheduled differently from the working times reflected in the project calendar or the assigned resource calendars. For example, you might have a task that specifies preventive maintenance on equipment at specified intervals. Or you might have a task being completed by a machine running 24 hours a day. In any case, the task has its own working time, and you want to schedule it according to that working time rather than the project or resource working time so that you can accurately reflect what’s really happening with this task.

Keep in mind that there’s an order of precedence when it comes to calendars that govern the scheduling of tasks throughout the project. All tasks start out being scheduled by the project calendar. When resources are assigned, the calendars of the assigned resources take precedence in the scheduling of the tasks. If a task calendar is assigned to a task, its scheduling information is combined with that of any assigned resource calendars to determine when the task should be scheduled.


Unlike project or resource calendars, which are essential to the accuracy of your schedule, task calendars are more of an optional scheduling feature. Create and apply task calendars only in those special situations when a task has its own unique schedule that tends to be independent of the project or assigned resource calendar.

Setting Up the Task Calendar

To schedule a task according to its own working times, you must first set up the calendar. You can use or adapt a built-in base calendar. Think of the base calendar as a kind of calendar template that can be applied to the project as a whole, to resources, or to tasks. If the task’s working times are quite different from anything available in the existing base calendars, you can create your own.


For specific procedures on modifying an existing base calendar, see Modifying a Base Calendar. To create a new base calendar, see Creating a New Base Calendar.


When you create a base calendar to use as a task calendar, give the new base calendar a specific name that indicates its role as a task calendar. This clarifies the differences among the base calendars (for you and possibly other project managers) to prevent confusion and the application of the wrong calendars for the wrong purposes.

Assigning a Base Calendar to a Task

To assign a base calendar to a task, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the task to which you want to assign a base calendar.

  2. In the Task Information dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

  3. In the Calendar box, click the name of the calendar you want to assign to this task. All base calendars are listed, including any that you have created yourself.

  4. Click OK.

    A task calendar icon appears in the Indicators column. If you rest your mouse pointer over the indicator, a ScreenTip displays the name of the assigned calendar. (See Figure 6-20.) Follow this same procedure to switch to a different task calendar or to remove the task calendar.

    Assigning a Base Calendar to a Task

    Task Calendar indicator

    Assign a calendar to a task to schedule it independently from the project or resource calendars.

    Figure 6-20. Assign a calendar to a task to schedule it independently from the project or resource calendars.

Don’t make the mistake of confusing the task calendar with the Calendar view. A task calendar reflects working days and times for one or more selected tasks. The Calendar view is a graphical representation of tasks and durations in a monthly calendar format.


For more information about the Calendar view, see Visualizing the Project with the Calendar.

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