Changing Resource Assignments

You can change existing resource assignments in three ways:

  • You can add more resources to the existing resources assigned to a task.

  • You can replace one resource with another.

  • You can remove a resource from a task.

To add more resources to the existing ones initially assigned to a task, follow these steps:

  1. In the Gantt Chart or other task sheet, click the task to which you want to add more resources.

  2. On the Resource tab, in the Assignments group, click Assign Resources.

    The Assign Resources dialog box appears, showing a check mark next to the names of resources already assigned.

    You can also open the Assign Resources dialog box by right-clicking a task name and then clicking Assign Resources.

  3. Click the name of the resource you want to add to the task, and then click the Assign button.

    The resource name moves to the top of the Resources list in the table, and the default percentage appears in the Units field for the resource.

  4. Review the Units field and be sure that it’s appropriate for this assignment.

    If you change the Units field, press Enter or click another field to set your change and exit edit mode for the field.

  5. When you are finished working with resource assignments, click the Close button.

In the task sheet, you’ll see that the task has been updated to include the new resource. You’ll also see certain cells highlighted so that you can see which fields have changed as a result of the assignment change.


If the task is automatically scheduled, you might see changes in the duration, work amount, or finish date as a result of the newly assigned resource. The nature of the changes depend on the task type (fixed units, fixed work, or fixed duration) and whether the task is effort-driven. Learn more about this in Controlling Schedule Changes with Task Types.

To replace one resource with another, follow these steps:

  1. In the Gantt Chart or other task sheet, click the task for which you want to replace a resource.

  2. On the Resource tab, in the Assignments group, click Assign Resources.

    The Assign Resources dialog box appears, showing a check mark next to the names of resources already assigned.

  3. Click the name of the assigned resource you want to replace, and then click the Replace button.

    The Replace Resource dialog box appears, showing the same resources that are displayed in the Assign Resources dialog box, according to any filters you might have applied.

  4. Click the name of the replacement resource, and then click OK.

    The name of the replacement resource moves to the top of the Resources list in the table, and the default percentage appears in the Units field for the resource.

  5. Review the Units field and be sure that it’s appropriate for this assignment.

  6. When you are finished replacing resources, click the Close button.

To remove a resource assignment, follow these steps:

  1. In the Gantt Chart or other task sheet, click the task from which you want to remove a resource.

  2. On the Resource tab, in the Assignments group, click Assign Resources.

    The Assign Resources dialog box appears, showing a check mark next to the names of resources already assigned.

  3. Click the name of the assigned resource you want to remove, and then click the Remove button.

  4. When you are finished working with resource assignments, click the Close button.


When you remove a resource assignment, you remove only the assignment, not the resource itself. The resource is still assigned to other tasks and is available for assignment to other tasks.

In the task sheet, you’ll see that the task has been updated to exclude the deleted resource. If multiple resources were assigned, and you removed one of them but left others intact, you’ll also see the green scheduling feedback triangle in the task cell. Position your mouse pointer over the triangle to display the option button in the Indicators field. Click the option button, and a menu appears.


As an alternative to using the Assign Resources dialog box, you can double-click a task to open the Task Information dialog box, and then click the Resources tab. Although the Task Information dialog box doesn’t have all the options of the Assign Resources dialog box, you can still assign, replace, and remove assigned resources (as well as set the assignment units) for a single task.

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