Syntax. DOLLARFR(Number,Factor)

Definition. This function converts the decimal places of a decimal number into the numerator of a fraction with a given denominator and displays them in the decimal places.


  • Number (required) The decimal number whose decimal places are to be converted

  • Factor (required) The denominator for which the numerator is calculated. If Factor is not an integer, the decimal places are truncated. A positive Factor is expected. If the argument equals zero, DOLLARFR() returns the error #DIV/0!. If it is negative, the error #NUMBER! is displayed.

Background. Until 2001, the stock quotations in the large stock markets in the United States were traditionally done with natural fractions. In other countries, interest was usually established in steps of eighths.

This function helps with the conversion and thus facilitates the quotation comparison.

ExampleFigure 15-3 on the next page shows the function’s effects.

Conversion to eighths, quarters, and halves.

Figure 15-3. Conversion to eighths, quarters, and halves.

The results should be read as follows: 8.25 equals 8¼, and 1.125 equals .


The results are only for reading, not for continuing the calculation. If you multiply the result in column D by 10, for example, the first number becomes 81, not 82.5.

See Also


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