BCPii System Management Facilities recording
This chapter describes System Management Facilities (SMF) recording capability for BCPii changes to hardware resources.
8.1 BCPii overview
The Base Control Program internal interface (BCPii) allows authorized z/OS applications to have Hardware Management Console (HMC)-like control over systems in the process control (HMC) network. It provides a complete communication isolation of networks (intranet and internet) from the process control (HMC) network.
You can use HWISET API to set Support Element (SE) and HMC attributes. You can also use HWICMD API to perform commands against an HMC-managed object that is associated with CPCs and CPC images (LPARs).
8.2 New SMF type 106 record
New to z/OS V2R2, SMF type 106 records are now written when a HWISET or HWICMD APIs are successfully called. This function provides sufficient audit information to know what resources were modified by BCPii applications.
The SMF type 106 record holds information about Connection Type of the HWISET or HWICMD request, CPC Name, Request parameter, ASID, Job name, and User ID. The following subtype records (each to cover one API) are available:
Subtype 1 provides information about HWISET, including Set type (resource that was modified), Set Type Value Length (length of the value being set), and Set Parameter (the actual value that is set).
Subtype 2 provides information about HWICMD, including Command Type (command that was issued), Command parameter list passed to BCPii, and Optional XML data sent on request.
To activate SMF recording, you must add the necessary statements to the SMFPRMxx parmlib member for SMF Type 106, and issue the SET SMF=xx command to activate the parmlib changes. Example 8-1 shows some possible configurations for SMFPRMxx member.
Example 8-1 Sample SMFPRMxx configurations
A mapping macro for SMF type 106 is available at SYS1.MACLIB, member HWISMF6A. The following sample formatting JCL is available to handle SMF records, which are available on SYS1.SAMPLIB:
HWI6AFMT: Copies BCPii SMF Type 106 records from a data set or logstream to a temporary dataset. By using the DFSORT-provided ICETOOL, it sorts the type 106, subtype 1, and subtype 2 records and produces a summary report for the type 106 records and a detailed report for type 106 for subtype 1 and subtype 2.
HWIRPTMP: SMF type 106 JCL variable map as input to the DFSOR-provided ICETOOL.
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