leg press

This straightforward movement works a wide range of leg muscles. The machine-based leg press helps strengthen the quadriceps, adductors, and glutes while also challenging the hamstrings. This compound movement mimics the back squat but without the need to load the spine, so it’s particularly good for protecting against injury or helping work around preexisting injuries.

the big picture

The leg press offers a full leg workout. Set the weights, sit back on the pad, and adjust the foot platform position. For maximum effectiveness, you need to bend only at the hips and knees. Grip the handles on the machine to offer stability to your torso and pull yourself down into the seat.

Beginners can start with 4 sets of 8–10 reps; discover other targeted sets in the training programs.


After setting up the machine, get into a stance similar to that of a back squat. Position your feet slightly outside shoulder-width and angle them a little outward. Engage your abdominals to keep your torso stable and your lower back flat on the back pad.


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stage one

Keep abs engaged, with your lower back against the pad. Breathe out as you pull yourself down into the seat and push into the foot platform evenly across your feet. Extend at the hips and the knees, returning the foot platform to its starting position.


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The legs are the main muscles resisting and moving the load during this exercise. The quadriceps, glutes, and adductors will be the main movers, while the hamstrings, psoas, abdominals, and calf muscles will help stabilize the pelvis and knee, respectively. The pressing stage is the concentric action.

stage two

Breathe in and allow your legs to bend at the knees and hips so that your knees track forward in line with your feet. (Align between the first and second toes.) Control the descent so that you decelerate as you approach the starting position. Reset your breathing and repeat stages 1 and 2.


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DKCommon mistakes

Be careful not to bend your legs too far; if your bottom comes off the pad and your lower back starts to round, you are bending too far.

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