DK variations

A rowing movement targets the latissimus dorsi, other back muscles, and the biceps. You can adapt this exercise to your range of equipment. Keep your torso stable and move your shoulders and arms back in a fluid motion on each rep.

machine horizontal row

This alternative machine-based variation trains the upper- and midback muscles. The chest support provided by the machine creates a stable and safe environment. For more of a challenge, hold at the top position for 1–2 seconds.

preparatory stage

Sit on the machine and place your feet against the platform if there is one. Lean forward and place your chest against the pad.


Inhale to engage your abs. Breathe out as you pull the attachment toward you, bringing your shoulders back and arms behind you in one continuous motion.


Breathe in as you return the bar to its starting position, controlling the movement throughout. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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dumbbell bent-over row

Using dumbbells allows you to perform the movement either unilaterally, with one leg supported on a bench as here, or bilaterally, with both legs flexed at the knees and your hips flexed at 90°. For more of a challenge, hold the top position for 1–2 seconds.

preparatory stage

Place your opposite knee on the bench and position your other leg beneath your hip. Lean forward so your back is flat and breathe in to brace your core.


Breathe out as you retract your shoulder blades and drive your arm up, flexing your elbow between 30° and 75°; the angle changes the muscle bias.


Breathe in as you lower the dumbbell in a controlled movement, keeping your abs engaged. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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barbell bent-over row

This popular barbell variation targets the muscles of the core in addition to those of the upper and midback. Be aware that your range of motion may decrease when standing. As with the other variations, hold at the top position for 1–2 seconds for an added challenge.

preparatory stage

Stand bending forward and hold the barbell in your hands with a pronated grip without sacrificing your neutral spine position.


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Breathe in to brace your core, then breathe out as you row up, lifting the bar toward your chest and bringing your elbows back behind your body.


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Breathe in as you lower the barbell to its starting position, maintaining control in your arms, shoulders, back, and core. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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DK Spinal extensors

The superficial extensors (erector spinae) muscle group extends up the vertebral column and is made up of three divisions: spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis. The deep extensor muscles (including the rotatores) support the mobility work of the erector spinae and crucially help stabilize the spine and the pelvis. Together, these muscles work tirelessly to keep the body from falling forward and help maintain good posture.


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