First and foremost, I want to thank my amazing husband, Imari Havard. From setting up my office in our son’s old room to rubbing my shoulders after a long day hunched over my laptop to pouring me a large glass of wine to celebrate each book milestone—thank you, babe, for always being there and supporting me in all my endeavors.

Thanks to my beautiful children, Autumn Lyles and Miles Havard, for putting up with my goofy jokes, weird quirks, and anxiety (before, during, and after writing this book)—and for loving me in spite of it all. You’re the reasons I do what I do—my heartbeats and my biggest accomplishments.

Thanks to my sister, Jennifer Price, for proofreading my early drafts, assisting during the photo shoot, encouraging me from the very beginning of the process, and believing I could actually write a book.

Thank you to my mother and father, Donald and Mary Price, for instilling in us a work ethic, a confidence, and a desire to continue to learn new things.

Faith Butts, my legal counsel and friend, I literally couldn’t have completed the contract without you. Thank you so much.

Big thank-you to my editor, Christopher Stolle, for guiding me through the entire process with patience, kindness, and knowledge.

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