Can melatonin supplements help me sleep?

Melatonin, the sleepiness hormone, plays a key role in the sleep/wake cycle, so could taking it as a supplement be useful for those who struggle to fall and stay asleep?

Melatonin is naturally produced by the body in response to changes in daylight. Around two hours before bed—provided the light has dimmed—its release is triggered, helping us feel sleepy. There’s evidence to suggest that melatonin supplements can provide relief for adult insomnia sufferers, helping them fall asleep faster. It also seems to relieve the disrupting effects of jet lag and shift work. Taking melatonin appears to be safe, with fewer side effects than many other sleep medications. It works best as a short-term aid; taking it over a longer period may interfere with your body’s own natural melatonin production.

There is an ongoing debate about giving melatonin supplements to children. Because melatonin naturally drops with the onset of adolescence, there is some concern that long-term use in children may delay or disrupt puberty.

In many countries, melatonin is available over the counter, but the amount of hormone in each product can vary greatly. One study of melatonin supplements found that their actual melatonin content ranged from -83 percent to +478 percent of the labeled amount. If you are considering using supplements, it’s safest to do so under the supervision of a doctor or sleep professional.

Exposure to daylight is just as effective as melatonin supplements in triggering the body’s natural sleepiness.

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