This stylish bromeliad has silvery-green foliage that forms a well-shaped rosette, or urn, in which it naturally traps water. It’s prized mainly for its flower spike of pink bracts and purple flowers, but even without this, the plant makes a big statement in any room.

HEIGHT 24in (60cm)

SPREAD 24in (60cm)

FLOWERS Pink and purple

FOLIAGE Silvery-green

LIGHT Light shade

TEMPER ATURE 59–81°F (15–27°C)

CARE Fairly easy



In Brazil, this plant grows high on tree trunks, trapping rainwater in its rosette of leaves. Its tiny root system means that it is content in a small pot, making it good for tight spaces. Grow it in an equal mix of orchid and commercial potting mix, feeding in spring and summer. Place it in light shade, away from direct heat or drafts, and water with rain- water, not tap water. Allow the potting mix to dry out between waterings.

Urn plants are often sold when they’re in flower; if there’s no flower, be aware that it can take several years to initiate. Flowers are encouraged by high temperatures and, once formed, may last for months; cut them off when they turn brown and fade. After flowering, the plant will start to slowly die, but don’t fear—after a couple of months, offshoots will form around the base. These can easily be separated from the parent and potted.

PROBLEM SOLVING The urn plant is fairly problem-free. Pour out any stale water from the crown and replace with fresh; avoid overwatering as this can cause plants to rot. If leaves develop brown tips, dry air is the likely cause; mist the plants to avoid this issue.


Flowers of the urn plant are encouraged by high temperatures.


Bromeliads look great in individual pots; a cluster of them will give your home a distinctly tropical look. Try growing the urn plant alongside scarlet star. Its leathery, green leaves will contrast well with the distinctive pastel green and silver colors of the urn plant.


Display urn plants in sturdy containers as they can become quite top-heavy.


Plants will need repotting once every two or three years.

Houseplants A–Z | URN PLANT


If you’ve fallen for the charms of the urn plant’s silvery-green foliage, try these specimens, which have similarly metallic-looking leaves:

  • Aluminium plant (Pilea cadierei), height 12in (30cm). This low-growing trailing plant is sturdy and great for beginners. Like the urn plant, it enjoys a spot out of direct sunlight.
  • Spider aloe (Aloe humilis), height 12in (30cm). This neat little houseplant is perfect for a tight but sunny space.
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