
The theory of IT consultancy, if in fact there is such a thing as the theory of IT consultancy, would be a dreary subject indeed, and that's not what this book is about at all. This is a very practical book. From this book you can learn about the important issues and the practical steps of how to set up your own IT consultancy business in real no-nonsense, down-to-earth terms.

So this is not a theoretical textbook. It is closer to a ‘how to’ manual with a focus on how to make a career change happen and of course how to maximize your chances of being a success in your new world of IT consultancy. Understanding the suggestions in this book will help you be one of the success stories and make the most of the computer, information systems and of course the Internet opportunities available.

There are many different ways in which you can follow a career as an IT consultant. There are at least four different levels at which an IT consultant may operate and there are literally scores of different fields of specialization. This book covers the different levels and gives a sample of the different specializations that you can consider. Perhaps you will advise organizations on how the organization can profit from the new technologies and make the most of the changes that are going on all around us now. On the other hand you may become a consultant who takes over the top sales hype and makes real practical sense of it. Perhaps you understand high-level technology and can separate it from unfounded rumour and thus be able to tell management what can actually be achieved and what other organizations are doing. In this way you will turn your knowledge of management, business and technology into business reality.

You could have trained in management or accountancy or could even have come up the ranks as a computer programmer and analyst. By now you will probably have slogged your way up the corporate ladder into a position where some people are beginning to listen to you. The main point is that at your current stage you will be able to help point out to others how to cope with the immense technological changes coming our way.

As an IT consultant you will be a person who has a high degree of competency in the use of IT professionals to achieve business goals. You will be optimistic about the use of IT in business. You will be flexible in your approach. You will have a keen sense of adventure and bags of energy and finally you will be realistic in your view of your business potential.

This book will show you how to make the most of a career in IT consultancy.

Dan Remenyi

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