
The subject of becoming a successful IT consultant is one of the most captivating topics and it is one which has had a great attraction for me for many years, even before I decided to jump in the deep end and do it for myself. I was convinced that I had to do this when an old friend pointed out that talking about becoming an IT consultant was no substitute for just going out there and doing it. There is nothing like an old friend for providing insights and giving you a nudge in the right direction.

Of course when I started as a consultant in my early thirties I didn't have the benefit of all the ideas discussed in this book. The ideas described here are the result of experiences over a period of more than 25 years working as a computer salesman, software developer and then consultant, during which I have learned what I know from employers, colleagues, friends and in recent years students with whom I have had the privilege to work. The list of the names of people who have contributed to my thinking is far too long to mention any names but those of them who will read this book will recognize their influence.

However, I would like to mention especially the kind help received from three friends, Michael Stanley, Michael Sherwood-Smith and Richard Waller, all of whom read a draft of this book and gave me very interesting comments.

Finally, the illustrations were drawn by Mark de Lange and these have certainly helped to bring a little fun to what is essentially a serious subject.

My thanks to everyone.

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