Chapter 9. Getting a Handle on Events

What You’ll Learn in This Hour:

  • Routed events

  • Bubbling and tunneling

  • Arguments for routed events

  • Attached events

  • Preview events

  • Generic event handlers

WPF has introduced a rich system for tracking and responding to events. In this hour, we explore how this new event system functions, how it interacts with traditional events, and how you can leverage its power in your applications. Understanding this event model can be a little challenging. We’ll be digging deeper into the technology than in the previous hours.

What Are Routed Events?

An application in WPF consists of many elements in a tree. This can be seen in all our examples so far. A TextBlock could be nested inside a StackPanel, which could be inside a Grid, which could be in another StackPanel, and so on, until we finally arrive at the root Application. This can be very useful for composing the interface visually, but it presents a complication when we are interpreting user input.

For example, perhaps we want to respond to the MouseLeftButtonDown event on the following Border element:

                <TextBlock>Click Me!</TextBlock>
                <Image Source="Icons/folder_page.png" />

Image, TextBlock, and StackPanel also raise the MouseLeftButtonDown event. In fact, MouseLeftButtonDown is implemented on a low-level class, UIElement, which all the elements in WPF inherit from. This means we have four possible sources for the event, depending on which of these elements is actually clicked. In turn, we need to write four handlers.

To avoid this complexity, WPF introduces the concept of routed events. Routed events are similar to dependency properties in that they are part of the WPF library and they are built on top of mechanisms that already exist in the common language runtime (CLR).

If a user clicks the Image in our preceding example, WPF would route the event along the tree of elements until a handler was found. If no handler is implemented, the event continues beyond the Border all the way to the root element (which can be a Window or a Page).

Routed events can travel in two directions, depending on how the event is defined. The naming might be a little confusing because of the tree metaphor. Events are said to bubble up through the tree when they are moving toward the root element. Events are tunneling down when they are moving toward the leaves or away from the root element.

Understanding RoutedEventArgs

You are already familiar with standard event handlers. The signature for an event handler looks something like this:

void Handle_Event(object sender, EventArgs e)

The second parameter might be a derivative of EventArgs, depending on the class raising the event.

Routed events are handled the same way except that the basic signature uses a RoutedEventArgs.

void Handle_RoutedEvent(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

If you dig into it, you will discover that RoutedEventArgs derives from EventArgs as well. In this sense, routed events are really standard events with extra information passed in the argument—extra information that WPF uses to work its magic. Table 9.1 lists the properties specific to RoutedEventArgs.

Table 9.1. Properties Specific to RoutedEventArgs




The object that raised the event. This is a property you will generally be interested in. It’s useful to note that with routed events this is likely to be different from the sender.


This returns original reporting source. That is the object that really raised the event. This property does not change as the event travels along its route.


A bool that lets you know if the event has already been handled. You should mark this true in your own handlers.


This identifies the type of event that was raised. Many events have the same signature, and a single handler might be responsible for several events.

Understanding the differences between Source, OriginalSource, and the sender argument can be confusing.

Let’s write a small application that will help us explore these properties and how they are used.

  1. Launch Visual Studio and create a new WPF Application named UnderstandingRoutedEventArgs.

  2. In Window1.xaml, we are going to use a ListBox and a couple of items to demonstrate how events are routed. Add the following markup inside the Grid element:

            <ListBox Margin="10"
                    <Border Margin="4"
                    <Border Margin="4"
  3. Begin adding an attribute on the Grid element MouseLeftButtonDown. IntelliSense should kick in, and you should receive a prompt for creating a new event handler as shown in Figure 9.1.

    Adding an event handler using IntelliSense from XAML.

    Figure 9.1. Adding an event handler using IntelliSense from XAML.

    If you prefer to add it manually, place the following attribute on the Grid.


    In the code-behind, add the following event handler:

            private void Grid_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
  4. Inside the handler, we’ll add some code to help us see what is going on. Add the following inside the event handler Grid_MouseLeftButtonDown:

            object source = e.Source;
            object originalSource = e.OriginalSource;

    The parameter MouseButtonEventArgs is derived from RoutedEventArgs. We’re adding these variables to make it easier to see the values in the debugger.

  5. Place a breakpoint on the closing bracket of Grid_MouseLeftButtonDown. See where the breakpoint is in Figure 9.2. Run the application, and click somewhere on the ListBox well below the bottom ListBoxItem.

    Clicking the ListBox.

    Figure 9.2. Clicking the ListBox.

  6. When you hit the breakpoint, examine the Locals pane in Visual Studio. If the Locals pane is not visible, select Window, Reset Window Layout from the menu. The Locals pane should look like Figure 9.3.

    Examining the local variable during a routed event.

    Figure 9.3. Examining the local variable during a routed event.

    Notice that the values of sender, source, and originalSource are all different.

    As mentioned previously, source contains the value we expect. It references the ListBox, and that is the element that we clicked. The ListBox element, however, is a composite of other elements. We can see this by examining the value of originalSource. It is referencing a ScrollViewer. There’s no ScrollViewer in our markup, so where did this element come from? The ScrollViewer is one of the elements that make up the ListBox. Many of the more complex controls in WPF are composites of simpler controls and elements such as Border, StackPanel, and ScrollViewer. (This will become clearer when we cover control templates in Hour 21, “Using Control Templates.”)

    In this case, the ListBox is vertically stretching to fill the Window. The ListBoxItem elements collapse to be as small as possible. The internal ScrollViewer stretches to fill the entire ListBox, and this is the element that we really clicked.

    Finally, sender is referencing the Grid element where we attached the event handler. The Grid is the sender because that is where we captured the event. Stop the application now.

  7. To further demonstrate how the sender is set, let’s bind the ListBox to the same event. Copy the MouseLeftButtonDown attribute from the Grid and add it on the ListBox. Don’t remove it from the Grid, though. The ListBox now looks like this:

            <ListBox Margin="10"
  8. Run the application again, and click the ListBox as before. When you hit the breakpoint, examine the Locals, and you will see that the sender is now the same as source. That is, the sender is the ListBox because that is where we attached the event handler.

  9. Press F5, or select Debug, Continue. We hit the breakpoint a second time! This is because the event continues to travel along its route. This time the sender is the Grid again.

  10. Stop the debugger, and add the following line to the event handler:

            e.Handled = true;

    This will tell the routed event system that we are finished with the event. We consider it to be “handled,” and we are no longer interested.

  11. Run the application again, and click the ListBox as before. Press F5 to continue past the breakpoint. We no longer hit the breakpoint twice. Because we set Handled to true, the event never makes it to the handler attached to the Grid.

Using Routed Events

Most of the time you will not be concerned with the specifics of routed events, and you will often handle them as if they were simply standard CLR events. The scenarios where you’ll really need to understand and leverage routed events occur when you are building (or compositing) your own custom controls.

You can also leverage them by creating a generic event handler on a parent element. Let’s create another simple application that uses a single generic handler to capture a routed event from a couple of different elements.

  1. Launch Visual Studio and create a new WPF Application named GenericEventHandler.

  2. In Window1.xaml, we are going to add a StackPanel containing a few Button elements. Replace the Grid element with the following markup:

                <Button Content="Red" Foreground="Red"/>
                <Button Content="Green" Foreground="Green" />
                <Button Content="Blue" Foreground="Blue" />
  3. Begin to add an attribute to the StackPanel named ButtonBase.Click. IntelliSense will again intervene, and you can accept its defaults. The final attribute should look like this:


    It will also inject the event handler into the code-behind:

    private void StackPanel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    StackPanel does not have its own Click event. However, we can use an attached event to reference the events raised by its child elements. Attached events work very much like attached properties. They take the form of Type.EventName, where Type is the name of the class that owns the event.

    You might be surprised to see ButtonBase.Click instead of Button.Click. IntelliSense chooses ButtonBase for us because it is the control that Button derives from, and Button itself does not implement any events. Actually, you can use either of the two interchangeably here, and the application will behave the same.

  4. Let’s add a place to provide the user with some feedback when we click one of our buttons. Add the following TextBlock under the last Button in the StackPanel:

            <TextBlock x:Name="Output"
                       Text="What color will you choose?" />
  5. Modify the handler StackPanel_Click to look like this:

            private void StackPanel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                Button button = (Button) e.Source;
                Output.Text = string.Format(
                              "You chose the color {0}!",
                Output.Background = button.Foreground;
  6. Run the application and click the various buttons. We can respond to all the events from the Button elements in a single handler that is attached to their container.

Handling Events in the Text Editor

Let’s apply some of what we have learned so far to our Text Editor. When we left off in Hour 8, we had encapsulated the entire markup for the ToolBarTray in a user control. In the ToolBarTray we include two ComboBox elements—one for selecting the font family and another for selecting the font size; however, we have not yet implemented any functionality.

We want to respond to the SelectionChanged event raised by the ComboBox elements and apply the new values to the currently selected text in the RichTextBox. The problem is that the ComboBox elements are now encapsulated deep in the UserControl, and they are no longer in the same scope as our RichTextBox. We’d like to handle the SelectionChanged event in the same scope as our instance of _documentManager. Using the attached events we just discussed, we are able to do just that!

Let’s go ahead and add this to the Text Editor.

  1. Open the TextEditor project that we began in Hour 8.

  2. Open MainWindow.xaml and locate the UserControl we named toolbar, and then modify the markup so that it matches the following:

            <local:TextEditorToolbar x:Name="toolbar"
                                     ComboBox.SelectionChanged="TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged" />

    Notice that IntelliSense did not help us out here. IntelliSense doesn’t know anything about the internal composition of the UserControl.

    We are attaching an event handler to the UserControl itself that will handle all the SelectionChanged events raised by any ComboBox element that it contains. Currently, we only have two, but it’s important to realize that any ComboBox elements added in the future will be picked up by this handler.

  3. Open the code-behind for MainWindow.xaml, and let’s begin to implement the handler we just referenced:

            private void TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                ComboBox source = e.OriginalSource as ComboBox;
                if (source == null) return;
                switch (source.Name)
                    case "fonts":
                        //change the font face
                    case "fontSize":
                        //change the font size

    ComboBox.SelectionChanged is a routed event, and thus SelectionChangedEventArgs is a descendant of RoutedEventArgs. We can use the OriginalSource property to get a reference to the ComboBox that raises the event from inside the UserControl.

    Because we are handling events raised by multiple elements, we need to identify which element we are dealing with. We use a switch statement based on the Name of the ComboBox. If you examine the XAML of the UserControl, you’ll see that we named our ComboBox elements fonts and fontSize.

    Changing the font family and the font size involves formatting the contents of the RichTextBox, and that should be the responsibility of the DocumentManager class, so we’ve temporarily added some place holder comments in the event handler that we’ll fill in after we extend DocumentManager.

    On the last line of the method, body.Focus() returns the focus to the RichTextBox from the ComboBox we selected.

  4. Open DocumentManager.cs in the editor. The class encapsulates a RichTextBox, which in turn exposes a property called Selection. This property represents the currently selected text in the RichTextBox. Selection is of type TextSelection, and it has a method, ApplyPropertyValue. This method accepts a dependency property and a value for setting the property. We can use this method to format the currently selected text. Add the following method to DocumentManager:

            public void ApplyToSelection(DependencyProperty property, object value)
                if (value != null)
                    _textBox.Selection.ApplyPropertyValue(property, value);
  5. Now we can flesh out the implementation of TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged:

            private void TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                ComboBox source = e.OriginalSource as ComboBox;
                if (source == null) return;
                switch (source.Name)
                    case "fonts":
                        _documentManager.ApplyToSelection(TextBlock. FontFamilyProperty, source.SelectedItem);
                    case "fontSize":
                        _documentManager.ApplyToSelection(TextBlock. FontSizeProperty, source.SelectedItem);

    All we are really doing is delegating the work to the DocumentManager class.

  6. Run the application, enter some text, and try to change the font family and size.

Making the Text Editor Work as Expected

The Text Editor is beginning to feel like a useful application, and we haven’t written very much code at all! However, users generally have a lot of expectations about the way an application ought to behave, especially if the functionality is as common as a text editor. If you play around with the application at this point, you’ll notice that the items on the toolbar do not change their state when you select formatted text in the RichTextBox. For example, if you type the following sentence:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

And you increase the font size of “jumps” and then click “dog,” the ComboBox displaying the font size does not change to reflect the size of the selected text. This isn’t the behavior that we have come to expect from similar applications. Let’s change the Text Editor to behave as we expect.

Watch Out!

In general, it is a dangerous thing for developers to try to anticipate user needs. If you are developing software for someone else and you need to manage time and cost, avoid adding features the client hasn’t asked for. As software developers, we love thinking about the future, and contingencies, and what a user might need. Unfortunately, this often leads to bloated applications, unused features, and a cluttered interface. Not to mention the time lost that could have been used for developing features that are actually needed today. This is especially true in WPF, where adding sophisticated interfaces is easy. If you genuinely believe that a feature is necessary, present the idea to the client and have it become an explicit and acknowledged requirement.

This principle in software development, of building just what is needed now, is often called YAGNI—that is, You Aren’t Gonna Need It.

  1. We know that we want to update the toolbar when the user changes the selected text in the RichTextBox. We can use the SelectionChanged event to do this. In MainWindow.xaml, modify the RichTextBox so that it matches the following markup:

    <RichTextBox x:Name="body"
                 BorderThickness="0 2 0 0"/>
  2. We’re not sure yet what we should do in the event handler. We’ll start with the minimal implementation for body_SelectionChanged in the code-behind for MainWindow.xaml.

            private void body_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                //update the tool bar

    The completed markup for MainWindow.xaml is shown in Listing 9.1.

    Example 9.1. The Markup for MainWindow.xaml in the Text Editor

    <Window x:Class="TextEditor.MainWindow"
            Title="Text Editor"
            <local:TextEditorMenu x:Name="menu"
                                  DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
            <local:TextEditorToolbar x:Name="toolbar"
                                     ComboBox.SelectionChanged="TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged" />
            <StatusBar DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
                <TextBlock x:Name="status" />
            <RichTextBox x:Name="body"
                         BorderThickness="0 2 0 0"/>
  3. Let’s think about this for a minute. We’d like to synchronize a lot of items on the toolbar with the selected text. We’ve already identified font size and font family, but there are also toggles for bold, underline, and italic.

    All the controls are embedded in the UserControl we named toolbar. We can’t access them directly, so we need to add a method to the UserControl to help us out.

    Tackling all five of the formatting options is too much to think about at once, so we’ll begin with synchronizing just the font size.

  4. Open the code-behind for TextEditorToolbar.xaml, and we’ll add a method called SynchronizeWith that we will pass a TextSelection instance into. We’ll call this method to synchronize the toolbar with the currently selected text.

            public void SynchronizeWith(TextSelection selection)
                object size = selection.GetPropertyValue(TextBlock.FontSizeProperty);
                if (size != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                    fontSize.SelectedValue = (double)size;

    First, we get the font size from the TextSelection argument. We need to call the GetPropertyValue method on selection. This is because we’re dealing with a dependency property that’s owned by TextBlock. After we get the value, we check to make sure that the dependency property has a valid value. Finally, we set the SelectedValue on the ComboBox named fontSize.

    Did you Know?

    DependencyProperty.UnsetValue is a special value used by dependency properties to indicate that the property has not been set. When you work with dependency properties, use this instead of null. See the official documentation for more information.

  5. Run the application now, enter some text, and then change the font size using the ComboBox. Try setting a few different sizes on various places in the text. Click around the different sized text and you will notice that the value in the ComboBox is updated to reflect the selected text. Also note that the ComboBox displays nothing for text that has not been explicitly sized.

  6. Now let’s do the same thing for the bold toggle button. The “boldness” of the font is referred to as the font’s weight. We happen to have another dependency property, FontWeightProperty, available to us. We can add the following code to the SynchronizeWith method:

    object weight = selection.GetPropertyValue (TextBlock.FontWeightProperty);
    if (weight != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
       boldButton.IsChecked = ((FontWeight)weight == FontWeights.Bold);
  7. The code for the font’s weight is very similar to the code for the font’s size. If you suspect that the other three properties will be similar, you are correct. This is a good candidate for refactoring, both to simplify our code and to make it more readable. You can use the following abstraction for all the properties. Add this method to TextEditorToolbar:

    private void Synchronize<T>(TextSelection selection, DependencyProperty property, Action<T> methodToCall)
         object value = selection.GetPropertyValue(property);
         if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) methodToCall((T)value);

    This may be a bit confusing, so let’s go over it carefully. The Synchronize method is generic. When we call it, we need to specify a type that corresponds to the type of the dependency property. We provide the TextSelection to examine, the dependency property we are interested in, and a delegate that’s responsible for synchronizing the control on the toolbar.

    By the Way

    You might not have encountered the generic delegate Action<T> before. Action<T> is a simple delegate definition built in to the .NET framework. It’s equivalent to declaring

    delegate void Action<T>(T obj);

    in your code. It’s very handy in situations like this, where we would like a delegate method that doesn’t return anything and accepts a single argument of a specific type. If you are unfamiliar with delegates or generics in general, you should take a few moments to read about this feature of the CLR online.

    With this new approach, we’ll need methods to pass as the delegates. Following are the two methods we’ll use for the font size and font weight. Go ahead and add them to the code-behind for TextEditorToolbar.xaml:

            private void SetFontSize(double size)
                fontSize.SelectedValue = size;
            private void SetFontWeight(FontWeight weight)
                boldButton.IsChecked = weight == FontWeights.Bold;
  8. Now let’s bring these new methods together in our refactored event handler:

            public void SynchronizeWith(TextSelection selection)
                Synchronize<double>(selection, TextBlock.FontSizeProperty, SetFontSize);
                Synchronize<FontWeight>(selection, TextBlock. FontWeightProperty, SetFontWeight);
  9. Something that is not immediately obvious is that we have introduced a sort of feedback loop between the controls on the toolbar and the RichTextBox. The handler for SelectionChanged on RichTextBox changes the values of the controls on the toolbar; in turn, these controls change the formatting on the text box. It’s not really a loop, inasmuch as the controls on the toolbar do not raise the SelectionChanged event. Nevertheless, you’ll find the format unexpectedly changing.

    We can compensate for this by adding a Boolean to the UserControl indicating whether we are in the process of synchronizing the toolbar. Add the following property using the new automatic property syntax:

            public bool IsSynchronizing {get;private set;}

    Now we can modify the handler to set the value of this property:

            public void SynchronizeWith(TextSelection selection)
                IsSynchronizing = true;
                Synchronize<double>(selection, TextBlock.FontSizeProperty, SetFontSize);
                Synchronize<FontWeight>(selection, TextBlock. FontWeightProperty, SetFontWeight);
                IsSynchronizing = false;

    The complete code, including the remaining three properties, is shown in Listing 9.2.

    Example 9.2. The Code-Behind for TextEditorToolbar.xaml

    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Documents;
    using System;
    namespace TextEditor
        /// <summary>
        /// Interaction logic for TextEditorToolbar.xaml
        /// </summary>
        public partial class TextEditorToolbar : UserControl
            public TextEditorToolbar()
            public bool IsSynchronizing { get; private set; }
            private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                for (double i = 8; i < 48; i += 2)
            public void SynchronizeWith(TextSelection selection)
                IsSynchronizing = true;
                Synchronize<double>(selection, TextBlock.FontSizeProperty, SetFontSize);
                Synchronize<FontWeight>(selection, TextBlock.FontWeightProperty, SetFontWeight);
                Synchronize<FontStyle>(selection, TextBlock.FontStyleProperty, SetFontStyle);
                Synchronize<TextDecorationCollection>(selection, TextBlock.TextDecorationsProperty, SetTextDecoration);
                Synchronize<FontFamily>(selection, TextBlock.FontFamilyProperty, SetFontFamily);
                IsSynchronizing = false;
            private static void Synchronize<T>(TextSelection selection, DependencyProperty property, Action<T> methodToCall)
                object value = selection.GetPropertyValue(property);
                if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) methodToCall((T)value);
            private void SetFontSize(double size)
                fontSize.SelectedValue = size;
            private void SetFontWeight(FontWeight weight)
                boldButton.IsChecked = weight == FontWeights.Bold;
            private void SetFontStyle(FontStyle style)
                italicButton.IsChecked = style == FontStyles.Italic;
            private void SetTextDecoration(TextDecorationCollection decoration)
                underlineButton.IsChecked = decoration == TextDecorations.Underline;
            private void SetFontFamily(FontFamily family)
                fonts.SelectedItem = family;
  10. We need to open the code-behind for the MainWindow.xaml and modify the event handler TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged to check for the IsSynchronizing property. Here’s the modified handler:

            private void TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                if (toolbar.IsSynchronizing) return;
                ComboBox source = e.OriginalSource as ComboBox;
                if (source == null) return;
                switch (source.Name)
                    case "fonts":
                        _documentManager.ApplyToSelection(TextBlock. FontFamilyProperty, source.SelectedItem);
                    case "fontSize":
                        _documentManager.ApplyToSelection(TextBlock. FontSizeProperty, source.SelectedItem);

    The complete code-behind for MainWindow.xaml is shown in Listing 9.3.

  11. Run the application. At this point, you need to use Ctrl+B, Ctrl+U, and Ctrl+I to modify the formatting of the text. These keyboard gestures are built in to the RichTextBox.

    Example 9.3. The Code-Behind for MainWindow.xaml

    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Windows.Input;
    namespace TextEditor
        public partial class MainWindow : Window
            private DocumentManager _documentManager;
            public MainWindow()
                _documentManager = new DocumentManager(body);
            private void TextEditorToolbar_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                if (toolbar.IsSynchronizing) return;
                ComboBox source = e.OriginalSource as ComboBox;
                if (source == null) return;
                switch (source.Name)
                    case "fonts":
                        _documentManager.ApplyToSelection(TextBlock. FontFamilyProperty, source.SelectedItem);
                    case "fontSize":
                        _documentManager.ApplyToSelection(TextBlock. FontSizeProperty, source.SelectedItem);
            private void body_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Preview Events

If you examine the documentation, you’ll notice that all the controls in WPF have events beginning with Preview. Many of these preview events are owned by the UIElement class that all the controls in WPF derive from. For example, UIElement defines an event PreviewKeyDown. This event is raised when a key is pressed and the element is in focus.

So how does PreviewKeyDown differ from the KeyDown event, which is also owned by UIElement? If you check the documentation for KeyDown, it reads the same as PreviewKeyDown.

Both of these are routed events, but the difference between the two is that one bubbles and the other tunnels. Remember we mentioned earlier that bubbling means the event is moving up toward the root element, and tunneling means the event is moving down toward its origin. The prefix Preview is a convention adopted in WPF to show that an event is a counterpart to another event. Thus PreviewKeyDown is the counterpart to KeyDown.

When you press a key with an element in focus, first the PreviewKeyDown event is raised by the root element and tunnels down the tree to the actual element that was in focus; then the KeyDown event is raised and bubbles back up to the root.

Consider the following very simple markup for a Window:

<Window x:Class="PreviewEvents.Window1"
        Title="Example of Preview Events"
        <TextBox />

When a user clicks in the TextBox and then presses a key, the event travels as shown in Figure 9.4.

A preview event tunneling and the corresponding event bubbling.

Figure 9.4. A preview event tunneling and the corresponding event bubbling.

In one way, the pair of events behaves as a single event. If you mark the preview event as handled, WPF will not invoke the handler for its counterpart.

You probably will not be concerned with preview events very often. However, from time to time, you may encounter a scenario where they will come in handy. To help us visualize how these events are routed, let’s create a simple project.

  1. Create a new project called PreviewEvents.

  2. Open Window1.xaml and enter the markup from Listing 9.4. Notice that we wire the KeyDown and PreviewKeyDown events for every element to a single handler.

    Example 9.4. Window1.xaml Captures All the KeyDown Events

    <Window x:Class="PreviewEvents.Window1"
            Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
        <DockPanel KeyDown="Handler"
            <ListBox x:Name="Output"
                     Margin="0 0 10 0"
            <Grid KeyDown="Handler"
                <StackPanel KeyDown="Handler"
                    <Button KeyDown="Handler"
                            Content="My Button"/>
                    <TextBox KeyDown="Handler"
                             Text="My TextBox"/>
  3. Now we implement the handler. The entire code-behind is in Listing 9.5. This handler logs the events by adding items to the ListBox. Preview events are prefixed with “v” to indicate that they are tunneling down; the KeyDown events are prefixed with “^” to indicate that they are bubbling up.

    We then check to see if sender is the original source of the event. If so, we are at the bottom. That is the point where the event stops tunneling and begins to bubble. This is actually a hack and it won’t work for the ListBox, but it’s good enough for this demonstration.

    Finally, we check to see if sender is the root element. If it is, we are at the end of the event’s route.

    Example 9.5. Window1.xaml.cs Implements a General Handler

    using System.Windows.Input;
    namespace PreviewEvents
        public partial class Window1
            public Window1()
            private void Handler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
                bool isPreview = e.RoutedEvent.Name.StartsWith("Preview");
                string direction = isPreview ? "v" : "^";
                Output.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}",
                if (sender == e.OriginalSource && isPreview)
                if (sender == this && !isPreview)
                    Output.Items.Add(" -end- ");
  4. Run the application. Click various elements and then press a key. This should help you gain an understanding of how the events are routed in WPF.


WPF adds a lot to the standard events found in the CLR. The principles and techniques surrounding routed events are important to keep in mind because they can help you simplify your code and make your application easier to maintain.

We discussed how routed events can either bubble or tunnel through the element tree in a WPF application, and we examined the properties available on RoutedEventArgs and gained an understanding of how to use them.



List the four properties on RoutedEventArgs we discussed.


The four properties are Source, OriginalSource, RoutedEvent, and Handled.


When a key is pressed, and an element is in focus, which event is raised first, PreviewKeyDown or KeyDown?


PreviewKeyDown is raised before the KeyDown event.


In which direction does an event travel when it is bubbling?


An event is said to be traveling up the element tree, toward the root element when it is bubbling.




Describe the possible differences in the value of the sender argument in a routed event handler, and the value of RoutedEventArgs.Source.


Given the following snippet of XAML, what would the markup look like if you attached a single event handler to handle the TextChanged event for all the TextBox elements?

            <ColumnDefinition />
            <ColumnDefinition />
            <ColumnDefinition />
        <TextBox Grid.Column="0" />
        <TextBox Grid.Column="1" />
        <TextBox Grid.Column="2" />



RoutedEventArgs.Source will contain a reference to the object that raised the event as defined by the class that owns the event, whereas the sender argument will contain a reference to the object where the event handler was attached. The sender argument can be thought of as the last object that touched the event.


One possible solution would be the following markup:

<Grid TextBoxBase.TextChanged="Grid_TextChanged">
            <ColumnDefinition />
            <ColumnDefinition />
            <ColumnDefinition />
        <TextBox Grid.Column="0" />
        <TextBox Grid.Column="1" />
        <TextBox Grid.Column="2" />


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