Chapter 11. Configuring Business Processes and Aligning Other Strategies

In This Chapter

The Architect and Align phase of the Process Management Framework determines the relationships among processes, technology direction, facilities, organizational strategies, human resources, and business strategy; it also identifies likely candidates for renewal. It does this by modeling the set of processes for the “Organization-in-Focus” and cross-relating the enabling contributions of various policies, information, knowledge, technologies, skills, facilities, locations, and other aspects of change. In this phase, a business prioritizes its top processes and other change components and defines a program of design, development, and implementation.

The Architect and Align phase has eight steps:

Identify business processes.

Match processes to criteria and prioritize.

Identify information and knowledge needs.

Identify strategic technologies.

Identify facility requirements.

Determine organization strategy.

Determine human capabilities.

Determine alignment opportunities and constraints.

These steps (see Figure 11.1) appear as a sequence of logical activities to be completed. However, much work can take place in parallel, and completing one step isn’t a prerequisite for starting another. In normal practice, a business would perform steps 1 and 2, and accept their outcomes before proceeding with the rest of the steps. Steps 3 through 8 can be done all at the same time, and the organization can approve those results simultaneously.

Figure 11.1. Process Management Framework: Steps in the Architect and Align phase.

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