Chapter 11. Conducting Live Chats and Video Conferences

<feature><title>What You’ll Do</title> </feature>


Mac OS X Snow Leopard makes communicating with other computers over the Internet easier than ever with iChat 5.0. You can talk to others over the Internet (like you do on a telephone), use full screen video to see and be seen by others while you converse, share programs and files, and collaborate on documents.

You can use iChat to exchange instant messages with a designated list of buddies over the Internet. An instant message is an online typewritten conversation in real-time between two or more buddies. Unlike an e-mail message, instant messages require both parties to be online, and the communication is instantaneous.

iChat makes setup effortless. The first time you launch iChat, a setup screen appears to walk you step-by-step through the process. During the setup process, you need to create or provide a screen name, which is your instant messaging address. If you already have an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), Google Talk or Jabber account, you can use it with iChat. Otherwise, you can setup a MobileMe or account to get a screen name. To use the AV features of iChat, you need to have a microphone (for audio only) or FireWire compatible video camera (for audio and video) installed on your computer and a fast Internet connection. iChat allows you to communicate with either AIM, MobileMe, or users. Now you can talk to millions more people online.

In addition to using iChat over the Internet, you can also use it on your local network—known as bonjour messaging—at the office, school, or home. iChat automatically locates other local users who are logged in, and lets you send messages or files to each other.

Creating an Instant Message Account

The first time you launch iChat, a setup screen opens to walk you step-by-step through the process. To complete the process, you need to provide or create a screen name (your instant messaging address) to send and receive instant messages with iChat. If you already have a MobileMe (New!) or (old .Mac) account, an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) screen name, Google Talk account, or Jabber ID, you can use it with iChat. A MobileMe screen name is your e-mail address, such as , or an AIM screen name is a handle, such as perspection. If you don’t have a screen name, you can sign up for a MobileMe account at during the setup process to get one. If you have multiple accounts, you can switch between them or use them separately. You can’t use screen names from other instant messaging systems, such as MSN or Yahoo, with iChat. If you are using iChat over a local network for Bonjour messaging, you don’t need a screen name.

Create an Instant Message Account the First Time

  1. Create an Instant Message Account the First Time If necessary, install a microphone or compatible video camera according to product instructions.

  2. Create an Instant Message Account the First Time Start iChat for the first time; display the Dock on the desktop, and then click the iChat icon.

  3. Create an Instant Message Account the First Time Read the Welcome screen, and then click Continue.

    Create an Instant Message Account the First Time
  4. Create an Instant Message Account the First Time Type your first and last name, if needed.

  5. Create an Instant Message Account the First Time Click the Account Type pop-up, and then select an account: AIM, MobileMe,, Jabber, and Google Talk.


    If you don’t have an account, click Get An iChat Account.

  6. Trouble? Type your Account Name and Password, and then click Continue.

  7. Trouble? Select options to setup audio and video for iChat, and then click Continue.

  8. Trouble? Click Done.


Create and Enable Accounts

  1. Create and Enable Accounts Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.

  2. Create and Enable Accounts Click Accounts.


    If multiple people use a computer with separate accounts, they use their own screen names.

  3. Important To create another account, click the Add (+) button, select an account type (MobileMe,, AIM, Jabber, and Google Talk), enter account name and password, and then click Done.

    Your password is added to your keychain.

  4. Important Click the Account Information tab.

  5. Important Select one of the following options:

    • Enable this account. Select to enable and display this account.

    • Log in automatically when iChat opens. Select to open this account when you start iChat.

    • Allow Multiple logins for this account. Select to use multiple logins for this account.

    Allow Multiple logins for this account.
  6. Allow Multiple logins for this account. Click the Close button.

Did You Know?

You can get the latest version of iChat online. Visit the Apple Web site at to get updates.

You can get or change your password and account information. Visit the AOL Instant Messenger Web site at, or visit the MobileMe Web site at

Starting iChat

iChat is an instant messaging program that allows you to exchange instant messages with a designated list of buddies over the Internet. An instant message is an online typewritten conversation in real time between two or more buddies. Instant messages require both parties to be online, and the communication is instantaneous. After you start iChat, you sign in to let others online know you are connected. When you’re done, you sign out.

Start iChat and Sign In and Out

  1. Start iChat and Sign In and Out Click the iChat icon in the Dock.

    Start iChat and Sign In and Out

    A Buddy List window opens, displaying a “Connecting” message. Upon completion, the Buddy List expands to list your buddies and their online status.

  2. Start iChat and Sign In and Out If you’re not automatically signed in, click the iChat menu, and then click Log In To <account>.

  3. Start iChat and Sign In and Out To sign out, click the iChat menu, and then click Log Out Of <account>.

    Start iChat and Sign In and Out

Did You Know?

You can stop signing in automatically. Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click Accounts, select an account, clear the Log In Automatically When iChat Opens check box, and then click the Close button.

Your buddies might need to upgrade their AIM software. If your buddies are using older versions of the AOL Instant Messaging software, they might need to get a newer version to send messages to your screen name.

You can get help specific to iChat. Click the Help menu, and then click iChat Help. The application help system works just like Spotlight help.

Viewing iChat

Viewing iChat
Viewing iChat

Changing My Status

When you sign in with iChat, the program notifies buddies currently online from your Buddy list that you are available to chat (green status). While you’re signed in, you might need to leave your computer for a meeting or lunch. Instead of signing out, you can change your online status (red) to let your buddies know that you’re busy, away from your desk, on the phone, or out to lunch. When you’re away, your buddies see that you’re idle, and any message you receive is waiting for you. If you don’t want your buddies to see or send messages to you, you can go offline. If you don’t want to be seen offline, you can go invisible. If you don’t see the status message you want, you can quickly customize one to suit your own needs. If you are using multiple Accounts at the same time, you can have different status for each one (New!).

Change My Status

  1. Change My Status Click the Status Indicator below your name in the Buddy List.

  2. Change My Status Click a status type.

    • Status (Green). Online available.

    • iTunes. Online listening to a song.

    • Status (Red). Online not available.

    • Invisible. Offline not seen.

    • Offline. Offline not available.


Create a Custom Status Message

  1. Create a Custom Status Message Click the Status Indicator below your name in the Buddy List, and then click Custom Available or Custom Away.

    Create a Custom Status Message
  2. Create a Custom Status Message Type a custom message, and then press Return.

    Create a Custom Status Message

Did You Know?

You can change items from the Status Indicator menu. Click the Status Indicator menu, click Edit Status Menu, click the Add (+) or Remove (-) buttons, double-click items to edit, or drag items to order, and then click OK.

Using the iChat Status Menu

The iChat Status menu appears as a chat balloon icon on the right side of the menu bar for all applications. When the ballon icon is empty, you’re online; when there is a line in the middle, you’re away or offline. If you turn on the iChat Status menu, you can still receive instant messages, view online buddies, and change your status when you quit the iChat program. You can turn the Status menu on in the General pane of iChat Preferences, where you set other status options when you switch users or your computer is inactive. When the Status menu is turned off and you quit iChat, you’re logged out of AIM and Bonjour messaging.

Turn On the iChat Status Menu

  1. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.

  2. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Click General.

  3. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Select the Show status in menu bar check box.

  4. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Select or clear the At user login, set my status to available check box.

  5. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Select or clear the When I Quit iChat, set my status to offline check box.

  6. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Set additional status options after your computer is inactive.

  7. Turn On the iChat Status Menu Click the Close button.

    Turn On the iChat Status Menu

Use the iChat Status Menu

  • Use the iChat Status Menu Click the iChat Status menu, and then select an available option:

    • A status. Click Available, Away, or Offline; you can also select custom available or away messages.

    • A buddy. Click the name of an online buddy.

    • Buddy List. Click to display your Buddy List.

    Buddy List.
    Buddy List.

Adding a Buddy

Before you can send instant messages to other people, they need to be in your Buddy list. Your Buddy list shows you who’s currently online and offline, their audio and video capabilities, and if they are available for chatting. You can add a person who has a screen name from a MobileMe or account or AIM to your Buddy list. You can add as many buddies as you like to your Buddies list. You can add them from your Address Book or type new ones. When you add a new person to your Buddy list, a new card is added to your Address Book. Your Buddy list is stored on an instant message server, so you can log in to your account from any computer and see if your buddies are online.

Add a Buddy

  1. Add a Buddy If necessary, click the Window menu, and then click Buddy List to display the Buddy List window.

  2. Add a Buddy Click the Add (+) button in the Buddy List window, and then click Add Buddy.

    Add a Buddy
  3. Add a Buddy Type an account name, select a group, type the first and last screen name for the person, or click the Expand/ Collapse button, and then select an address from the Address Book.


    If your buddy uses more than one screen name, you can type more than one by separating each with a comma.

  4. Timesaver Click Add.


Did You Know?

You can quickly delete a buddy from your Buddy list. Click a buddy in the Buddy list, press Delete, and then click OK. People who are removed from your list can still contact you unless you block them.

You can view and edit information about a buddy. Select a buddy in the Buddy list, click the Buddies menu, and then click Show Info. The information shown is typed by your buddy.

Changing a Buddy Picture

You can change the picture that appears next to your name in the Buddy List and in message windows, along with the ones that appear next to your buddies. The picture is known as the Buddy icon. The Buddy icon you select appears in the Buddy List of those in which you have a chat. To change your Buddy icon, drag an image file—64 x 64 pixels is recommended—to your name in the Buddy List. In addition to an image file, you can also use an animated picture, also known as a GIF or animated GIF, as a buddy picture, which you can also create using Photo Booth.

Change a Buddy Picture

  1. Change a Buddy Picture If necessary, click the Window menu, and then click Buddy List to display the Buddy List window.

  2. Change a Buddy Picture Select the buddy you want to change.

  3. Change a Buddy Picture Click the Buddies menu, and then click Show Info.

  4. Change a Buddy Picture Click the Address Card tab.

  5. Change a Buddy Picture Clear the Always use this picture check box.

  6. Change a Buddy Picture Drag the image or animated GIF you want to the picture box.

    • Enable Buddy Picture Animation. Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click General, select the Animate Buddy Pictures check box, and then click the Close button.

  7. Enable Buddy Picture Animation. Select the Always use this Picture check box.

  8. Enable Buddy Picture Animation. Click the Close button.

    Enable Buddy Picture Animation.

Did You Know?

You can change your picture. Click the iChat menu, click Change My Picture, click Choose, select the picture you want, and then click Open. If you want, click the special effects button, select a special effect, and then click Set.

Creating and Managing Buddy Groups

As your Buddy list grows, you may want to organize your buddies into groups. iChat makes it easy to create your own groups and use the one predefined group called Buddies that comes with iChat. Once you have organized your groups, you can simply drag buddies from one group to another. You can use the check boxes next to the group name to hide and display buddies in a group. If a group changes, you can rename it, or if you no longer need a group, you can remove it.

Turn On or Off the Use of Groups and Offline Groups

  1. Turn On or Off the Use of Groups and Offline Groups Click the View menu.

  2. Turn On or Off the Use of Groups and Offline Groups Click Use Groups or Use Offline Group.

    Turn On or Off the Use of Groups and Offline Groups


    Press Shift+Timesaver+H.

  3. Timesaver To turn off the use of Groups or Offline Groups, click the View menu, and then click Use Groups or Use Offline Group again.

Create a Buddy Group

  1. Create a Buddy Group If necessary, click the Window menu, and then click Buddy List to display the Buddy List window.

  2. Create a Buddy Group Click the Add (+) button in the Buddy List window, and then click Add Group.

  3. Create a Buddy Group Type a name for the group.

  4. Create a Buddy Group Click Add.

    Create a Buddy Group

Manage Buddies and Groups

  1. Manage Buddies and Groups If necessary, click the Window menu, and then click Buddy List to display the Buddy List window.

  2. Manage Buddies and Groups Select from the following options:

    • Display all group members. Click the View menu, and then click Use Groups or Use Offline Groups.

    • Display group members. Click the arrow next to the group name.

    • Move a buddy into a group. Drag the buddy to a group.

    • Copy a buddy into a group. Press and hold down the Option key while you drag the buddy to each group.

    • Move a group. Drag the buddy group to a new position.

    • Delete a group. Click the Add (+) button, click Edit Group, select the group, click the Delete (-) button, and then click OK.

      You can’t delete a group with buddies in multiple groups, but you can delete a group with the only one buddy in it. You can’t delete the last group in the list; you need to always have at least one.

    • Rename a group. Click the Add (+) button, click Edit Group, select the group, click the group again, type a new name, and then click OK.

    Rename a group.

Sending and Receiving Instant Messages

An instant message is an online typewritten conversation in real-time between two or more buddies. As you type an instant message, you can format your messages by using fonts and color and by inserting graphical symbols called emoticons, or “smiley,” such as a happy face, which help convey your emotions. You can have instant message conversations with several different buddies at once. When you send a instant message to a group, all participants receive the message and all responses are visible to everyone involved. If a buddy has multiple accounts, you can select the one you want to use to send to and from (New!). If you have multiple chat windows open at the same time, you can bring them all together into a single tabbed window; you need to select the Collect chats into a single window option in the Messages pane in iChat Preferences.

Send and Receive Instant Messages

  1. Send and Receive Instant Messages If necessary, click the Window menu, and then click Buddy List.

  2. Send and Receive Instant Messages To start a chat, select one or more names in the Buddy list you want to chat with, and then click the Start A Text Chat button.

    Send and Receive Instant Messages


    Double-click a person in your buddy list to start an individual chat session.

    To respond to a text chat invitation, click the invitation window, type a message, and then click Accept.

  3. Timesaver If the buddy has multiple accounts, click the Account menu, and then select a To or From account.

  4. Timesaver Type your message in the box at the bottom of the window. To start a new line while typing, press Shift+Return.

  5. Timesaver Press Return, and then wait.

  6. Timesaver To add another person to the chat, click the View menu, click Show Chat Participants, click the Add (+) button, and then click a person from your Buddy list or Other.

  7. Timesaver When you’re done, click the Close button to end the session.

Format Message Text

  1. Format Message Text Type and then select the text you want to format.

  2. Format Message Text Click the Format menu, and then click the Show Fonts.

  3. Format Message Text Specify the font, font style, size, color, and effect you want, and then preview the result in the sample box.

  4. Format Message Text Click the Close button, and then send the formatted message.

    Format Message Text

Insert Emoticons

  1. Insert Emoticons In the Chat window, click the Emoticons button.

    Insert Emoticons


    Type a smiley using the keyboard, such as “:-)” and iChat inserts a corresponding graphic. Point to a smiley to view its type.

  2. Timesaver Type your text, and then click the icon you want to insert into the conversation.

  3. Timesaver Press Return.

Did You Know?

You can collect all open chats into a single tabbed window. Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click Messages, select the Collect Chats Into A Single Window check box, and then click the Close button.

You can auto-reply when you’re away (New!). Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click Messages, select the Auto-reply With My Away Message check box, and then click the Close button.

Blocking a Buddy

If you no longer want to receive instant messages from a specific buddy, you can block the buddy from sending you instant messages. When you block a buddy, you appear to be offline to the person, who doesn’t know blocking is turned on. Blocking a buddy moves them from your Allow list to your Block list in the Privacy pane of iChat Preferences.

Block or Unblock a Buddy

  1. Block or Unblock a Buddy Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.


    Select the buddy in the Buddy list, click the Buddies menu, click Block buddy name, and then click Block.

  2. Timesaver Click Accounts, and then select the account with the buddy you want to block.

  3. Timesaver Click the Security tab.

  4. Timesaver Click a privacy option:

    • Allow anyone. Click to unblock everyone.

    • Allow people in my Buddy List. Click to unblock buddies in my Buddy List.

    • Allow specific people. Click the option, and then click Edit List to select buddies.

    • Block everyone. Click to block everyone.

    • Block specific people. Click the option, and then click Edit List to add and remove buddies.

  5. Block specific people. Select or clear the Block others from seeing that I am idle check box.

  6. Block specific people. Click the Close button.

    Block specific people.
    Block specific people.

Did You Know?

You can search for a buddy in Spotlight (New!). Select the buddy in the Buddy list, click the Buddies menu, and then click Search in Spotlight.

Sending a File During an Instant Message

While you are conversing in iChat, you can send a buddy a file or hyperlink. You can send many different types of files, including pictures, documents, and music. When you send a picture, it’s displayed right beside your text in the Chat window, which you can instantly preview with Quick Look (New!). When you send any other type of file, a request to transfer the file is sent to your buddy. You are notified when your buddy accepts or declines your request. Before you receive files over the Internet, make sure you have virus protection software to protect your computer. You can also send a hyperlink that points to a Web site. When your buddy receives a message with a link, the person can click it to open the Web address in their Web browser.

Send a File or Hyperlink

  1. Send a File or Hyperlink Start a chat with the buddy to whom you want to send the file or hyperlink.

  2. Send a File or Hyperlink Type your message in the box at the bottom of the window.

  3. Send a File or Hyperlink Click the Edit menu, and then click one of the following:

    • Send a File. Click Attach File, navigate to and select the file you want to send (for best results, use JPEG or GIF), and then click Open. A small icon appears to indicate the picture.


    Drag the picture file to the area where you type your message.

    • Send a Hyperlink. Click Add Hyperlink, type a Web address, and then click OK.

  4. Send a Hyperlink. Type any additional text if you want, and then press Return.

    Send a Hyperlink.

    If you’re sending a picture, the image appears in the chat window; if it’s a file, wait for the recipient to accept or decline the file; or if it’s a hyperlink, the link appears in the chat window.

  5. Send a Hyperlink. To open a file or hyperlink, click the file (to preview in Quick Look) or link in the chat window.

Having an Audio and Video Chat

With iChat, you can talk to others over the Internet as you do on a regular phone, and you can use video to see others and let others see you as you converse. Once you set up your computer hardware and software, you’re ready to communicate over the Internet. You have two communication choices: audio only, or audio and video. With audio only, you speak into a microphone and hear the other person’s response over your speakers. With audio and video, you send video to others so they receive live images as well as sound. If the buddies you call don’t have a video camera, they’ll see you, but you won’t see them. iChat supports only one video or audio chat at a time.

Have a Audio or Video Chat

  1. Have a Audio or Video Chat If necessary, click the Window menu, and then click Buddy List.

  2. Have a Audio or Video Chat To start a chat, select a name in the Buddy list, and then click the Start A Video Chat button or Start An Audio Chat button.

    Have a Audio or Video Chat
    Have a Audio or Video Chat
    Have a Audio or Video Chat

    To respond to an audio or video chat invitation, click the invitation window, and then click Accept.

    To decline or block a chat invitation, click Decline or Block.

  3. Have a Audio or Video Chat Start talking.

  4. Have a Audio or Video Chat Use video controls on the Video menu or use the following:

    • Size Video Window. Click the double arrow button to switch between normal and full-screen modes. You can also drag the bottom right corner of the video window.

    • Invite. Click the Invite button to invite another person to chat.

    • Pause Video. Option+click the Microphone button. Click the button again to start it.

    • Mute Audio. Click the Microphone button.

  5. Mute Audio. When you’re done, click the Close button to end the session.

    Mute Audio.

Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences

  1. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.

  2. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Click Audio/Video.

  3. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Click the Camera pop-up, and then select an installed camera.

  4. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Click the Microphone pop-up, and then select an installed microphone.

  5. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Click the Bandwidth Limit pop-up, and then select a video speed option for your computer’s performance and quality.

  6. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Select or clear the check boxes to automatically open iChat when the camera is turned on or play repeated ring sound when invited to a chat.

  7. Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences Click the Close button.

    Change Video Bandwidth Speed and Preferences

Did You Know?

You can monitor a video chat. Click the Video menu, and then click Connection Doctor. The frame rate shows the number of frames the video plays per second (fps). The Bit Rate setting show the average number of bits that one second of video data consumes in kilobits per second (kbps). The call duration shows how long the chats lasts.

You can take a picture of your video chat. You can take a picture of your video chat.+click the video chat window and drag the image (a JPEG file) out of the window to a buddy icon in your Buddy list or a location on your hard disk. You can also press You can take a picture of your video chat.+C to copy a picture of your chat and then press You can take a picture of your video chat.+V to paste it in another document.

Table . iChat Performance and Quality





Window Size

352x288 to Full Screen

352x288 to Full Screen

352x288 to Full Screen

Video Resolution




Frames Per Second (fps)




System Required

> 600 Mhz G3 or 350 Mhz G4

> 1Ghz G4

> dual 800 Mhz G4 and any G5


100-500 Kbps

100-500 Kbps

Above 500 Kbps

Enhancing a Video Chat

As you hold a video conversation in iChat, you can enhance your experience by adding video effects or backdrops to the video window. The video effects are provided by Photo Booth and the backdrops are professionally designed by Apple. You can use the ones provided, download new ones, or create your own. If you have Snow Leopard and a fast broadband Internet connection (300 Kbps (New!) or faster), you can host an iChat theater presentation that contains photos, keynote presentation slides, or movies with high resolution 640 x480 (New!) from your desktop while your buddies view it on their computer in an iChat video window.

Enhance an Audio or Video Chat

  1. Enhance an Audio or Video Chat Start a video chat with one or more buddies.

  2. Enhance an Audio or Video Chat Click Effects.

    Enhance an Audio or Video Chat
  3. Enhance an Audio or Video Chat To view the video effects and backdrops, click the left and right arrow buttons.

  4. Enhance an Audio or Video Chat Click the video effect thumbnail you want to use.

    • Photo Booth Effects. Unique video effects, such as X-Ray, Thermal Camera, and Pop Art.

    • Backdrops. Backgrounds you can be in front of.

  5. Backdrops. To add your own backdrop, drag it from the desktop or Finder window to a blank backdrop placeholder (User Backdrop 1, etc.) in the Video Effects window.

  6. Backdrops. To remove the video effect, click the Original thumbnail.

  7. Backdrops. When you’re done, click the Close button to close the Video Effects window.


Host an iChat Theater Presentation

  1. Host an iChat Theater Presentation Start a video chat with one or more buddies.

  2. Host an iChat Theater Presentation Click the Invite button, and then click Share a File With iChat Theater or Share iPhoto With iChat Theater.

    Host an iChat Theater Presentation


    With an open video chat, you can drag the presentation item to the video chat window.

  3. Timesaver Select the items you want to present:

    • Photos, Text, and Other Files.

    • QuickTime Movies.

    • iPhoto Album Slide Shows.

    • Keynote Slide Shows.

    If you can open an item as a Quick Look, you can use it in iChat Theater.

  4. Timesaver Click Share.

  5. Timesaver Deliver the presentation.

  6. Timesaver When you’re done, click the Close button to end the presentation.

  7. Timesaver Click the Close button to end the session.

Did You Know?

You can record a video chat. Start a video chat, click the Video menu, click Record Chat, and then click the Stop button or close the video chat window to stop recording. The recorded chat is saved to the iChats folder in the Documents folder by default.

Chatting on a Local Network

If you don’t have an instant message account or server, you can still use iChat to chat with others on your local network. Instead of communicating with a central Internet server, each computer communicates directly with each other over network cables. iChat also works with a wireless connection using AirPort over a local network or the Internet. Bonjour allows you to chat with people on your local network or wireless local community. You can’t add a Bonjour user to your Buddy list. The user names are based on the log-in settings on each person’s computer and are not AIM screen names. Unlike regular instant message, when you type a Bonjour instant message, each character you type is sent immediately unless you turn off the default setting in the Messages pane of iChat Preferences.

Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging

  1. Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.

  2. Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging Click Accounts.

  3. Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging Click Bonjour.

  4. Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging Select the Enable Bonjour instant messaging check box.

  5. Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging Select or clear the Log in automatically when iChat opens check box.

  6. Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging Click the Close button.

    Turn On Bonjour Instant Messaging

Did You Know?

You can send Bonjour message when you’re done typing. Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click Messages, clear the Send Text As I Type (Bonjour Only) check box, and then click the Close button.

You can send a SMS (short message service) text message to a mobile phone. Click the File menu, click Send SMS, click the pop-up, select the account from which you want to send the text message (you can’t use Bonjour, Jabber, or Google Talk), type your buddy’s cell phone number, and then click OK.

Start Bonjour Messaging

  1. Start Bonjour Messaging Click the Window menu, and then click Bonjour List.

    The Bonjour window opens, showing iChat local network users who are available for chatting.

  2. Start Bonjour Messaging Double-click the user to whom you want to send an instant message.

    Start Bonjour Messaging
  3. Start Bonjour Messaging Type your message in the box at the bottom of the window.

  4. Start Bonjour Messaging Press Return, and then wait for a reply.

  5. Start Bonjour Messaging When you’re done, click the Close button to end the session.

    Start Bonjour Messaging

Did You Know?

You can use a keyboard shortcut to bring iChat to the front. Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click Messages, select the Use A Keyboard Shortcut To Bring iChat To The Front check box, click the pop-up to select a shortcut, and then click the Close button.

You can quickly close other chats with a click (New!). If you have multiple chats open at the same time, you can close all the other chats except the active one. Control-click the active chat, and then click Close Other Chats.

Changing the Appearance of a Chat

iChat makes it easy to customize the appearance of a chat to suit your own style and preference. You can modify the appearance of the balloons, or change a font style in a chat. The changes you make affect the format of your messages on your screen as well as messages on your buddies screen unless they have chosen to reformat incoming messages. When you reformat incoming messages, you override your chat buddy settings and display all incoming messages using your preferences. You can set your preferences and reformat settings in the Messages pane of iChat Preferences. You can also change the background of the chat window to a picture, which only appears on your computer.

Change the Appearance of a Chat

  1. Change the Appearance of a Chat Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.

  2. Change the Appearance of a Chat Click Messages.

  3. Change the Appearance of a Chat Select or specify the various options you want to use:

    • My balloon color. Click the pop-up, and then select a color.

    • My font color. Click the pop-up, and then select a font color.

    • Set Font. Click to select a font.

    • Reformat incoming messages. Check to use your preferred settings, and then select a ballon and font color, and a font for the sender.

  4. Reformat incoming messages. To highlight your name when its mentioned in a chat, select the Watch for my name in incoming messages check box.

  5. Reformat incoming messages. Click the Close button.

    Reformat incoming messages.

Change the Chat Window Background

  1. Change the Chat Window Background Click the View menu, and then click Set Chat Background.

  2. Change the Chat Window Background Locate and select the background image file you want to use.

  3. Change the Chat Window Background Click the image file you want to open.

  4. Change the Chat Window Background Click Open.

    Change the Chat Window Background
    Change the Chat Window Background

Did You Know?

You can quickly remove a background from the chat window. Click the View menu, and then click Clear Background.

You can view a chat as text. Click the View menu, and then click Show As Text.

You can save an instant message. Click the File menu, click Save A Copy As, type a file name, select a location, and then click Save. To review a chat, click the File menu, click Open, select a transcript file, and then click Open.

You can save chats automatically. Click the iChat menu, click Preferences, click Messages, select the Automatically Save Chat Transcripts To check box, and then click the pop-up to select a folder location. To specify the number of messages to save, select the In new chat window, show check box, click the pop-up to select an option (New!). Click the Close button.

Getting Notification Alerts

When certain events, such as messages arrive or buddies log in, iChat can notify you with a sound, spoken message, or bounce of the iChat icon in the Dock. You can set alerts that apply to every buddy in the Alerts pane of iChat Preferences, or you can set specific notification alerts for each buddy in the Actions pane of the Show Info dialog.

Set Up Notification Alerts

  1. Set Up Notification Alerts Click the iChat menu, and then click Preferences.

  2. Set Up Notification Alerts Click Alerts.

  3. Set Up Notification Alerts Click the Event pop-up, and then select the type of event you want to be notified of.

  4. Set Up Notification Alerts Select or clear the Play Sound check box. If you select it, click the pop-up, select an occurrence, and then select or clear the Repeat check box if you want the alert to occur every time.

  5. Set Up Notification Alerts Select or clear the Bounce icon in the Dock check box. If you select the check box, select or clear the Repeat check box.

  6. Set Up Notification Alerts Select or clear the Speak an announcement check box, and then drag the slider to set the speech volume.

  7. Set Up Notification Alerts Select or clear the Run AppleScript check box. If you select it, choose the script you want.

  8. Set Up Notification Alerts Click the Close button.

    Set Up Notification Alerts

Did You Know?

You can specify different alerts for each buddy. Select a buddy in your Buddy List, click the Buddies menu, click Show Info, click Alerts, select the options you want, and then click the Close button.

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