About the Authors

Sandra K. Abell
Sandra K. Abell is professor of science education at the University of Missouri-Columbia, US, where she directs the university's Science Education Center. Her research interests focus on teacher learning throughout the career span and across the grade levels. She is a past President of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST).

Glen S. Aikenhead
I have always embraced a humanistic perspective on science, as a research chemist in Canada and as a science teacher at international schools in Germany and Switzerland. This perspective was enhanced during my graduate studies at Harvard University in the late 1960s and has since then guided my research in science education at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Charles W. Anderson
Charles W. (Andy) Anderson has been a Peace Corps volunteer, middle school science teacher, and professor at Michigan State University, US, since 1979. Dr. Anderson's primary research interests are in using conceptual change and sociocultural research on student learning to improve classroom science teaching. He is a past President of NARST.

Ronald D. Anderson
Ronald D. Anderson is professor of education at the University of Colorado at Boulder, US. The author of books and numerous research articles on science education reform, he is a past President of both NARST and the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science.

Ken Appleton
After retiring recently, Ken Appleton was appointed an adjunct associate professor at Central Queensland University, Australia. He has published extensively in international journals in his areas of interest that include elementary science teaching and learning, constructivism, elementary science teacher knowledge, and science teacher professional development.

Hilary Asoko
Hilary Asoko is a senior lecturer at the University of Leeds, UK. She is particularly interested in the teaching and learning of science in primary schools and in science teacher education.

J Myron (Mike) Atkin
J Myron (Mike) Atkin, Professor of Education (Emeritus) at Stanford University, US, is a National Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, where he was a member of the National Committee on Science Education Standards and chair of the Committee on Science Education K-12. His current research and writing center on science education curriculum and assessment.

Charles R. Ault, Jr.
Charles Ault is professor of education at Lewis & Clark College, US, where he teaches science education courses in the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) program for elementary and secondary teachers. His teaching emphasizes the interpretation of local landscapes and stems from his scholarly interests in learning earth science, with particular attention to children's conception of time and the nature of geological problem-solving.

Dale Baker
Dale Baker is a professor in the Division of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at Arizona State University, US. She is a former editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Her research focuses on gender equity issues in the teaching and learning of science as well as in engineering education.

Angela Calabrese Barton
Angela Calabrese Barton's research focuses on the science practices of high poverty urban youth and on the role that community-based and case-based learning experiences can play in the development of science teachers’ understandings of urban youth and their own science teaching. Her work has been published in numerous venues and her most recent book, Teaching Science for Social Justice (Teachers College Press), won the 2003 AESA Critics Choice Award. She is on the faculty of Michigan State University, US.

Beverley Bell
Beverley Bell is an associate professor in the School of Education at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. She has a background in science education conceptual change research for over 20 years, and her current research interests are in pedagogy, learning, assessment, and teacher education.

Paul Black
Paul Black is emeritus professor in the School of Education at King's College in London, UK. He worked as a physicist for 20 years before moving to science education. He has made contributions to curriculum development, and to research into learning and assessment, particularly for teachers’ classroom assessments. He has served on advisory groups of the US National Research Council and as visiting professor at Stanford University.

Edward Britton
Edward Britton, is senior research associate in WestEd's Mathematics and Science Program, US. He contributed to the Third International Mathematics and Science Study and co-led an international comparison of high school exit examinations in science.

Glenda Carter
Glenda Carter is an associate professor of science education and the associate director of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education at North Carolina State University, US. Her research focuses on the use of language, gesture and tools as mediators of conceptual understanding. She is a member of the Friday Institute Mathematics and Science Collaboratory and the Middle Grades Academy.

William Carlsen
Bill is a professor of Science Education in Penn State's College of Education, US, and is director of the university's new Center for Science and the Schools. His current research focuses on the use of web-mediated peer review of original scientific research by high school students and preservice science teachers.

Michael P. Clough
Dr. Clough is an Associate Professor at Iowa State University, US where he directs the secondary science teacher education program and teaches courses addressing science learning and teaching and the nature of science and science education. His scholarly work examines learning and teaching the nature of science, laboratory learning and teaching, and the teacher's role in both.

Charlene M. Czerniak
Charlene M. Czerniak is a professor at The University of Toledo, US. She is the coauthor of a methods textbook on Project-Based Science, and she has written numerous articles on teachers’ beliefs, curriculum integration, teacher professional development, and science education reform.

Onno De Jong
Dr. Onno De Jong is an associate professor in chemical education at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He has published on education in problem solving, models and modeling, and electrochemistry. His current research interests include the professional development of chemistry teachers.

Reinders Duit
Reinders Duit is a professor of physics education at the Leibniz-Institute for Science Education (IPN) in Kiel (Germany). His research interests include teaching and learning processes from conceptual change perspectives, quality development, teacher professional development and video-based studies on the practice of science instruction.

Barry J. Fraser
Barry J. Fraser is director of the Science and Mathematics Education Centre at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. He is author/editor of Learning Environments Research: An International Journal, International Handbook of Science Education, Classroom Environment, and Educational Environments. A past President of NARST, he was 2003 recipient of that association's Distinguished Contributions to Science Education through Research Award.

Shawn M. Glynn
Shawn M. Glynn is a professor of science education and educational psychology at the University of Georgia, US. His specialization is in the application of psychology to science education, particularly in the areas of cognition and motivation. His books include The Psychology of Learning Science and Learning Science in the Schools.

Chorng-Jee Guo
Chorng-Jee Guo is a professor and the president of National Taitung University, Taitung, Taiwan. His research interests in science education are students’ learning of science, science teaching strategies and materials, professional development of science teachers, and science education policy.

Paul Hart
Paul Hart is a Professor of Science Education at University of Regina in Canada. He is executive editor of the Journal of Environmental Education and consulting editor for several journal in environmental education. He has published widely and is the recipient of several research awards including the Jeske Award from the North American Association for Environmental Education.

Peter W. Hewson
Peter Hewson is a professor of science education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, US. His primary interest is in conceptual change approaches to the learning and teaching of science, and the initial education and professional development of science teachers. He is also interested in fostering international collaborative research opportunities.

Avi Hofstein
Avi Hofstein is Professor and Head of the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. For more than 30 years he has engaged in science curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. He holds a B.Sc. in chemistry, M.A. in education, and Ph.D. in science education.

M. Gail Jones
M. Gail Jones is a professor of science education in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education at North Carolina State University, US, where she prepares middle and high school science teachers. In addition to an interest in teacher beliefs, her research interests include the impacts of high stakes testing policy, gender, and nanotechnology education.

Jane Butler Kahle
Jane Butler Kahle, Condit Professor of Science Education, Miami University, US, is former director of the Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education division at the US National Science Foundation. In 1991, Miami University awarded her an honorary L.H.D. degree. Her scholarship focuses on gender equity and systemic reform of education. She is a past president of NARST.

Gregory J. Kelly
Gregory Kelly is a professor of science education at Pennsylvania State University, US. He teaches courses on teaching and learning science, qualitative research methods, and uses of history, philosophy, sociology of science in science education. His research examines science learning, classroom discourse, and epistemology in science education.

Thomas R. Koballa, Jr.
Thomas R. Koballa, Jr. is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Georgia, US. His research interests include the science-related attitudes of students and teachers and the induction experiences of beginning science teachers. He is a past President of NARST and co-author of Science Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools.

Frances Lawrenz
Dr. Lawrenz is Wallace Professor of Teaching and Learning in the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Minnesota, US. Her specialty is science education program evaluation. She has published extensively, received the university's highest award for teaching and has served as department chair and assistant vice president for research.

Reuven Lazarowitz
Reuven Lazarowitz is Emeritus Professor of Science Education in Biology, at the Israeli Institute of Technology, Technion, Haifa, Israel. His research interest is in the structure of high school biology curriculum; teaching and learning biology concepts and principles in individualized, cooperative small groups and computer-assisted learning settings. Recently he was involved in the national committee for developing learning units in the STS approach and educating teachers for teaching those units to the high school students who do not major in science and technology.

John Leach
John Leach is Professor of Science Education and Head of the School of Education at the University of Leeds, UK. His research interests include epistemic aspects of science learning and the use of insights from research in the practice of science teaching.

Norman G. Lederman
Norman G. Lederman is Chair and Professor of Mathematics and Science Education at the Illinois Institute of Technology, US. He is internationally known for his research and scholarship on the development of students’ and teachers’ conceptions of nature of science and scientific inquiry. He is a former President of NARST and of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS). He has also served as Director of Teacher Education for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and as Editor of School Science and Mathematics.

Okhee Lee
Okhee Lee is a professor in the School of Education, University of Miami, Florida, US. Her research involves language and culture in science education. One of her current research projects implements instructional interventions to promote science learning and language development for elementary students from diverse languages and cultures.

J. John Loughran
J. John Loughran is a professor in education and the Foundation Chair in Curriculum and Professional Practice in the Faculty of Education at Monash University in Australia. He has been actively involved in teacher education for the past decade. His research interests include science teacher education, teacher-as-researcher, and reflective practice.

Vincent N. Lunetta
Vincent Lunetta is Professor Emeritus at Penn State University, US. He has received awards for scholarship and leadership in science education and given special attention to: teacher education; goals for science learning; the role of the laboratory, computer technologies, and simulation in learning and teaching; the development of conceptual procedural knowledge; international education; and education policy.

Aurolyn Luykx
Aurolyn Luykx is an anthropologist specializing in ethnography of schooling, bilingual-intercultural education, and language planning and policy. Her book, The Citizen Factory, was published in 1999 by SUNY Press. She currently holds a joint appointment in the Departments of Sociology/Anthropology and Teacher Education at the University of Texas at El Paso, US.

Andrea K. Martin
Andrea K. Martin is an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Education, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Her areas of interest and scholarship include the development of teachers’ knowledge, preservice teacher education, special education, and literacy development and interventions.

J. Randy McGinnis
J. Randy McGinnis is professor of science education in the Science Teaching Center at the University of Maryland, College Park, US. His research and writing primarily concern science teacher education and equity. He has served on the executive boards of NARST and the Association for Science Teacher Education. He is co-editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Elizabeth McKinley
Dr. Elizabeth McKinley currently teaches research methodologies, curriculum and social issues at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She researches and writes on indigenous people's educational issues, particularly with respect to Maori students in science education. She has had extensive experience teaching science in high schools and in bilingual (Maori/English) science curriculum development.

Hans Niedderer
Hans Niedderer is a retired professor of physics education at the University of Bremen (Germany). His research interests include students’ alternative conceptions, learning processes, and curriculum development. Currently he works as guest professor at two Swedish universities in cooperation with the Swedish National Graduate School in Science and Technology Education Research (FoNTD).

J. Steve Oliver
J. Steve Oliver is an associate professor in science education at the University of Georgia, US. His interest in rural education issues began during a childhood spent around the family farms. His current interests include secondary science teacher education as well as teacher knowledge and practices.

Nir Orion
Dr. Nir Orion holds a professorship in the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel where he heads the Earth Science and Environment Group of the Science Teaching Department. His activity covers all facets of science education: research, curriculum development, implementation, and teacher education from K-12. His main areas of activity are: Earth and Environmental Sciences; the outdoors as a learning environment; science for all; and teachers’ professional change.

Léonie J. Rennie
Dr Léonie Rennie is Professor of Science and Technology Education and Dean, Graduate Studies at Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia. Her research interests include adults’ and children's learning in science and technology and the communication of science in a range of out-of-school contexts.

Douglas A. Roberts
Doug Roberts, Professor Emeritus of the University of Calgary in Canada, began his science education career in 1957 as a high school science teacher in Pennsylvania. Doug has been a university faculty member at Harvard, Temple, Toronto (OISE), and Calgary. His research interests include science curriculum policy and the development of science teacher thinking.

Kathleen J. Roth
After teaching middle school science and later completing a PhD in science education, Kathy became a teacher-researcher in elementary classrooms while also teaching teachers at Michigan State University. In 1999, Kathy became the director of the TIMSS video study of science teaching at LessonLab Research Institute in the US, where she currently supports and studies elementary teacher-researchers.

Tom Russell
Tom Russell is a professor in the Faculty of Education at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His research focuses on reflective practice and learning from experience in the context of learning to teach. He teaches preservice physics methods, supervises the preservice practicum, and teaches action research in the graduate program.

Kathryn Scantlebury
Kathryn Scantlebury is an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Secondary Science Education Coordinator in the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Delaware, US. Her research focuses on gender and equity issues in science education.

Phil Scott
Phil Scott is professor of science education at the University of Leeds, UK. His main research interests lie in drawing on research findings to plan and implement science instruction and analyzing language, teaching and learning in science classrooms. This research informs a wide range of professional development activities with science teachers.

Horst Schecker
Horst Schecker is a professor of physics education at the University of Bremen (Germany). His research interests include multimedia, learning processes in physics, and curriculum development. One of his current projects is about a standardized test of students’ understanding of thermodynamics.

Steven Schneider
Steven Schneider, program director of mathematics, science and technology at WestEd, US, is principal investigator for the NSF-funded Center for Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning (CAESL) and the National Assessment Governing Board's development project, 2009–2021 US National Assessment of Educational Progress Science Framework and Test Specification.

Nancy Butler Songer
Dr. Songer is a Professor of Science Education and Learning Technologies at the University of Michigan, US. Focusing on students in high-poverty urban settings, Songer's research: a) characterizes children's higher-order thinking in science, b) evaluates simple technologies used as cognitive tools, and c) develops assessment systems to provide developmental evidence of complex reasoning in science.

Gregory P. Stefanich
Dr. Gregory P. Stefanich is professor of science education and former Interim Head of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Northern Iowa, US. He joined the faculty at the UNI in 1976. His research over the years has focused on special needs learners and science.

Keith S. Taber
Keith Taber taught science in schools, and a college, before joining the Faculty of Education at Cambridge University, UK. He has been a Teacher Fellow for the Royal Society of Chemistry, is Chair of the Society's Chemical Education Research Group; and serves as Associate Editor of Chemistry Education: Research and Practice.

David Treagust
David Treagust is Professor of Science Education at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia and teaches courses in campus-based and international programs related to teaching and learning science. His research interests are related to understanding students’ ideas about science concepts, and how these ideas can be used to enhance the design of curricula and improve teachers’ classroom practice. He is past President of NARST and recipient of the association's 2006 Distinguished Contributions to Science Education through Research Award.

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