

access for customers with disabilities

auditory, 136, 137

physical, 135–136, 137–138

visual, 122, 136–138

advertising, on the Internet, 128, 140

alignment, of leaders, 103

alt tags, 122, 137, 11, 22, 125–127

Anderson, Chris, 115

anticipatory customer service, 5–6, 59–83, 133–134

benchmarking in, 67–68

dashboard concept in, 78–79

efficient processes in, 68–70, 72

emotional attachments in, 71–72

information about customer experience, 75–79

Internet and, 73–78

Lean Manufacturing methodology, 72

looking for defects/defective situations, 62–65

process-based solutions, 79–83

protective customer bubble and, 54, 96, 97–98

reactive customer service versus, 4–5

reducing waste to add value, 66–68

repetition strategy, 125–127

thinking like a customer, 59–62

training employees to anticipate, 94–95


fake apologies, 29

after service breakdowns, 28–29

slowing down apologies, 29

aptitudes, 84–88

Atchison, Shane, 116


pessimistic, 87, 103–104

positive, 86–87, 103–104

attitudes, in orientation process, 90–91

auditory impairments, customer access and, 136, 137

automated links, 25

automated mass mailings, 24, 25, 122–124

banner advertising, 140

behavior-shaping constraints, 67

beliefs, in orientation process, 90–91


in anticipation of customer service, 67–68

in manufacturing-based systems, 66–68

personnel, 89–90

Bezos, Jeff, 22

Bose, 17

brand ambassador process, 93–94

Branson, Richard, 117

breakdowns in service, see service recovery

Bryson, Bill, 60


Caliper system, 89

Cambridge, Chris, 132

Capella Hotels and Resorts, 2, 21, 41, 145–146, 155–157

captchas, 136–137

caring service delivery, 9–11, 53–54, 99

Carnegie, Dale, 53

CARQUEST, 146, 153–154

CD Baby, 123–124

coercion, avoiding, 17–18

Coldren, Jay, 143

collaboration, with customer after service breakdown, 31

comment cards, 50

commoditization process, 2, 119

compensation, for service recovery, 34–36


handling customer, 39–43

suggestions of customers, 31, 35

total customer service empowerment, 40–41

compliant service, 133

conscientiousness, 88


of language, 15

see also standards

Continuous Improvement Systems, 62–64, 69

Costco, 112


computer-driven modeling of, 128

of customer loyalty, 108–110

Coulton, Jonathan, 124

Courtroom Method of service recovery, 27

crucial emotional moments, see good-byes; greetings; service recovery

cultural differences, 19

Cultural Intelligence (Peterson), 19

customer loyalty

costs of, 108–110

developing, 1–2, see also anticipatory customer service

human touch and, 23–24, 25, 117, 120–124, 126–130

impact of, 2–3

importance of, 1

lifetime value of loyal customer, 35–36, 41

nature of, 7–8

online, 115–130

pricing and, 112–114

survey proxies for, 76–77

write-offs versus, 43–44

customer rankings, 126

customer satisfaction elements, 7–13

caring delivery, 9–11, 53–54, 99

perfect product, 8–9, 125–127

problem resolution, 12–13

timeliness, 11–12, 104–105

customers with disabilities, 135–138

auditory, 136, 137

Internet access, 122, 136–137

physical access, 135–136, 137–138

visual, 122, 136–138

cynicism, 103–104

daily check-in, 98–100

Damrosch, Phoebe, 21

dashboard concept, 78–79

Day One orientation, 91–94

defect reduction metrics, 69

defect search process, 62–65

deposition, of service breakdowns, 33–34

disabilities, see customers with disabilities

documentation, of service breakdowns, 33–34

drive-up windows, 61

DYPII (“Did You Plug It In?”) questions, 30, 37, 38


in Lean Manufacturing, 66–70, 72

value maintenance and, 70–73

electronic surveys, 50


human touch in, 25, 122

language engineering, 24–25

live chat, 24, 58, 122, 140

mass electronic messages, 24, 25, 122–124

urgent email button, 122, 140

emotional attachments, 71–72


of employees, 86

in handling service breakdowns, 40

employees, 84–100

as brand ambassadors, 93–94

daily check-in standup meeting, 98–100

hiring standards for, 88–89

key traits, 84–88

leadership by, 106–107

moods of, 102–103

orientation process, 90–98

participation in hiring process, 94

selection discipline for, 89–90

total customer service empowerment, 40–41

underlying purpose of, 91–92

error-tolerant design, 67

evangelists, 118–119

excuses, 34

expectations of customers, resetting, 12

eye contact, 96–97

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 119

Farmer, Tom, 116

FedEx, 66


checking your own company, 62

from in-depth surveys, 75–78

from in-house surveys, 75

online, 116–118

responding to negative, 77

from secret shoppers, 78


immediate, 32

internal, 32–33

after service recovery, 31, 32–33

wrap-up, 33

forecasted actual production, in manufacturing, 101–102

forgiveness, after service breakdowns, 28–29

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), 119

Godin, Seth, 2, 56–57, 124

good-byes, 141–144

as key customer moment, 18–19, 131

long-lasting, 141

personalizing, 141

problems, 142–144

resonant, 141

subcontracting, 142–143

telephone, 135

Google, 139

Google Adwords, 140

Google Alerts, 117

greetings, 131–140

customers with disabilities and, 135–138

human greeters and, 132–133, 138–139

importance of, 132–135

Internet, 139–140

as key customer moment, 18–19, 131

as level of service indicators, 133–134

negative impressions from, 134–135

problems, 142–144

receptionist and, 138–139

recognition in, 134

repeat visits and, 134

in service process, 96–97

subcontracting, 142–143

telephone, 135

timing of, 134–135

website, 127–130

handoff minimization, 64–65


reassigned problems, 32

reducing, in quality programs, 64–65

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (Atlanta), 9–11

hearing impairments, customer access and, 136, 137

Heil, Gary, 47

hiring process, 88–90

employee participation in, 94

interviews in, 89–90

standards for, 88–89

Homer, 132

identity theft, 55–56

immediate follow-up, 32

impatience rule, 11–12

in-depth surveys, 75–78

industry-wide standards, 111

information requests, 23, 122

in-house surveys, 75

Inn at Little Washington, The, 52–53

insults, avoiding, 17

internal follow-up, 32–33

Internet, 115–130

advertising on, 128, 140

anticipatory customer service and, 73–78

automated correspondence, 24, 25, 122–124

captchas, 136–137

creating online informational presence, 127–130

customers with disabilities, 122, 136–137

email language, 24–25

evangelists and, 118–119

greetings, 139–140

human touch and, 23–24, 25, 117, 120–124, 126–130

individualization and, 119

live chat, 24, 58, 122, 140

long copy/short copy, 119–120

mass electronic messages, 24, 25, 122–124

online commerce, 70

permission marketing and, 56–57, 124–125

preference-tracking systems on, 57–58, 70

pros and cons of, 115–118

requests for information, 23

Web interface, 120–124

interviews, in hiring process, 89–90

Italian Mama method of service recovery, 26–27

Keller, Thomas, 21

kindness, of employees, 85–86

Krick, Beth, 134

language engineering, 14–25

consistency, 15

cultural differences, 19

Internet use, 23–25

for key customer moments, 18–19

language handbook, 15–17

listening, 20

Negative Lexicon, 17–18

nonverbal messages, 20–21, 97

online communications, 23–25

price in, 114

for service recovery, 30, 50–51

showing versus telling, 21

on surveys, 76

telephone use, 21–23

language handbook

importance of, 15–17

Negative Lexicon, 17–18

leadership, 101–107

alignment in, 103

challenges of, 101–103

characteristics of great service leaders, 103–105

by employees, 106–107

importance of, 101–103

in manufacturing-based systems, 101–102

moral, 105–106

motivation in, 105

in orientation process, 91

recognition in, 105

reward in, 105

in service-focused departments, 102–103

standard setting in, 104–105

support in, 105, 107

vision in, 103, 106–107

Lean Manufacturing methodology, 66–70, 72

Lexus, 64–65

lifetime value of loyal customer, 35–36, 41

lily gilding, 110–111

listening, importance of, 12

live chat, 24, 58, 122, 140

Loftus, Elizabeth, 18, 131

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards, 62

manufacturing-based systems

forecasted actual production, 101–102

Lean Manufacturing technology, 66–70, 72

theoretical capacity, 101

Martin, Demetri, 122

mass mailings, 24, 25, 122–124

Meyer, Danny, 18, 134

Milliken, 66


of employees in service departments, 102–103

in preference-tracking systems, 53

moral leadership, 105–106

motivation, by leaders, 105

name of customer, 53–54

Negative Lexicon, 17–18

Netflix, 74, 121

New York Times, 42–43

non-compliant service, 133

nonverbal messages, 20–21, 97

Nordstrom, 42, 112


follow-up, 141

after service recovery, 33

Oasis (Oasis Disc Manufacturing, 123, 145, 147–152

O’Connell, Patrick, 52–53

Ohno, Taiichi, 66

One Size Fits All (Heil), 47

on-time delivery, 11–12, 104–105


of employees, 86–87

of leaders, 103–104

orientation process, 90–98

attitudes in, 90–91

beliefs in, 90–91

brand ambassador process in, 93–94

creating, 90

Day One orientation, 91–94

values in, 90–91

pace of customer, 97

password access, 128, 129

pay-per-click options, 140

Penn, Mark, 120

perfect product/design, 8–9, 125–127

performance measurement, 104–105

permission marketing, 56–57, 124–125

Per Se restaurant, 21

personality traits, 84–88


of customer interactions, 80–81, 119

of good-byes, 141

of greetings, 134

of Internet interactions, 119

personnel benchmarking, 89–90

pessimism, 87, 103–104

Peterson, Brooks, 19

physical access, 135–136, 137–138

physical cues, 20–21

physical impairments, customer access and, 135–136, 137–138

positive attitude, 86–87, 103–104

preference-tracking systems, 45–58

caring delivery of information, 53–54

changes in preferences, 52–53

commitment to, 46, 58

examples, 46–48

moods, 53

in online commerce, 57–58, 70

permanent information, 49

permission marketing, 56–57, 124–125

persistence in, 58

privacy issues, 50–51, 54–58, 74–75

real-time information, 51–52

security issues, 50–51, 54–58, 126

simple approach, 46–48

technology in, 51–52, 54–56, 56–58, 73–78

volume as excuse, 82

what to track, 48–51


thinking like customers, 113–114

in value proposition, 112


of preference-tracking systems, 50–51, 54–58, 74–75

protective customer bubble and, 54, 96, 97–98

of surveys, 78

problem resolution

in Continuous Improvement Systems, 62–64, 69

in customer satisfaction, 12–13

see also service recovery

process-based solutions, 79–83

protective customer bubble, 54, 96, 97–98

public relations, 116–117

Purple Cow (Godin), 2

quality programs, 62–64

defect reduction metrics, 69

efficient processes, 68–70

eliminating defects/defective situations, 64–65

handoff reduction, 64–65

looking for defects/defective situations, 62–64

waste reduction, 66–68

reactive customer service, 4–5

reassigned problems, 32

receptionists, 138–139


of customers, 134

of employees, 105

repetition strategy, in anticipatory customer service, 125–127

requests for information, 23, 122

restrooms, 61, 62


by leaders, 105

for survey participation, 77

Riedel, 110–111

Ritz-Carlton, The, 2

Day One orientation, 91–94

language handbook, 15–16, 18

Mr. BIV quality program, 62–64

preference-tracking system of, 46–48

total customer service empowerment, 41

Safire, William, 16

Schultz, Howard, 59–60

Schulze, Horst, 15–16, 41, 64, 91

screening telephone calls, 21–22

Scrimshaw Workshop, The (Bar Harbor, Maine), 132

secret shoppers, 78


of preference-tracking systems, 50–51, 54–58, 126

website, 126

Seligman, Martin E. P., 86–87

serial position curve, 131

service recovery, 26–44

apologizing in, 28–29

compensation for, 34–36

Courtroom Method, 27

disastrous handling of, 36–39

documenting problem, 33–34

fixing the problem, 31

follow-up, 31, 32–33

handling customer complaints, 39–41

Italian Mama method, 26–27

as key customer moment, 18–19

key steps, 27–31

language of, 30, 50–51

personal research on, 36–39

preference-tracking systems and, 49–51

problem resolution for, 12–13

reassigned problems, 32

reviewing customer complaint, 30

subtle approach to, 41–43

thinking like customers, 28–29

website service failures, 23, 62

writing off customers, 43–44

Sewell, Carl, 113

showing, versus telling, 21

simplicity, of preference-tracking systems, 46–48

Solis, 2, 41

solutions, for service breakdowns, 35

Sopranos, The, 20


hiring, 88–89

industry-wide, 111

performance, 104–105

Starbucks, 59–60

subcontracting, of customer service, 142–143

subtle service recovery, 41–43

suggestions from customers, 31, 35

support, by leaders, 105, 107


comment cards, 50

in-depth, 75–78

in-house mini-surveys, 75

language engineering on, 76

mistakes on, 77–78

personal responses to, 77

Taco Bell, 61

Talent Plus, 89

Target, 111

team orientation, 87

telephone calls

good-byes, 135

greetings, 135

hearing impairments and, 137

picking up phone, 22–23

sample interaction guidelines, 149–150

screening, 21–22

after service recovery, 33

telephone numbers in preference-tracking systems, 57

toll-free service numbers, 70, 122

for website customers, 129–130

testimonials, 118–119

theoretical capacity, in manufacturing, 101

thinking like customers

in anticipatory customer service, 59–62

pricing and, 113–114

in service recovery process, 28–29

Thoreau, Henry David, 123

Tiffany, 112


of greetings, 134–135

on-time delivery, 11–12, 104–105

toll-free service numbers, 70, 122

total customer service empowerment, 40–41

Toyota, 64

Toyota Production System, 66


for anticipatory customer services, 94–95

cost-benefit analysis of, 109–110

for language consistency, 15

language handbook in, 15–17

by leaders, 106

orientation process in, 90–98

passion for, 95

principles of, 96–98

after service breakdowns, 32–33, 35

specific curriculum for, 95–96

trolling, 117–118

Trotter, Charlie, 61

trust, 34–35

TTD/TTY machines, 137

turnaround situations, 103–104

value, 70–73

emotional attachments, 71–72

price in value proposition, 112

as relative concept, 111

value proposition, 112

values, in orientation process, 90–91

Virgin Atlantic, 117

vision, of leaders, 103, 106–107

visual cues, 20–21

visual impairments, customer access and, 122, 136–138

WalMart, 22

Walt Disney Company, 2

Walton, Sam, 22


of employees, 85–86

in service process, 96–97

waste reduction, 66–68


accessibility for customers with disabilities, 122, 136–138

automated links, 25

developing, 127–130

greetings, 139–140

live chat, 24, 58, 122, 140

password access, 128, 129

requests for information, 23, 122

security issues, 126

self-service elements, 122

service failures, 23, 62

urgent email button, 122, 140

Web forms, 129

wheelchair access, 135–136, 137–138

White, Marco Pierre, 118

wrap-up, 33

Xerox, 66, 69

Zappos, 116

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