
  • Act4Africa
  • action
    • action illusion
    • taking
    • TEAR model
  • Africa
  • age, influence of
  • anxiety
  • attitudes
  • ‘auto-pilot syndrome'
  • ‘Awfulisers'
  • background, influence of
  • beachball perspective
    • influence of age
    • influence of current state of mind
    • influence of values
    • moving forward
    • not seeing other people's perspectives
    • personal experiences
    • personality types
    • SUMO summary
    • understanding people
  • beliefs
    • about emotions
    • complacency
    • fear of failure
    • influence of the media on
    • thinking
  • Berne, Eric
  • black and white thinking
  • blaming others
  • BMWs
  • brain processes
  • Broken Record
  • BSE (Blame Someone Else)
  • Campolo, Anthony
  • Canfield, Jack
  • careers
    • see also work
  • Carer personality type
  • Carlin, George
  • carpe diem
    • see also action, taking
  • celebrities, media obsession with
  • change
    • ‘Changing your T-Shirt'
    • differing views on
  • Cheerleader personality type
  • children
  • choice
  • ‘chuckle time'
  • Churchill, Winston
  • clarification, asking for
  • comfort zone
  • Commander personality type
  • common sense
  • communication
  • company you keep
  • complacency
  • conditioning
  • confidence
  • contribution
  • Covey, Dr Stephen
  • Dad's Army (TV show)
  • ‘date with a mate'
  • Day, Doris
  • Dead Poets Society (film)
  • discomfort, avoiding
  • discrimination
  • ‘Ditch Doris Day'
  • driving, aggressive
  • either/or thinking
  • emotional brain
  • emotions
    • Cheerleader personality type
    • emotional barriers
    • Faulty Thinking
    • Hippo Time
    • influence on perceptions
    • TEAR model
    • understanding
  • empowerment
  • E+R=O (Event+Response=Outcome)
    • aggressive driving example
    • complacency
    • conditioning
    • emotions
    • experience of events
    • habits
    • personal experience
    • self-awareness
    • SUMO summary
  • events
    • Hippo Time
    • personal experience
    • self-awareness
    • taking responsibility
    • victim mentality
  • excuses
  • exhaustion
  • expectations
  • extroverts
  • failure, fear of
  • family
    • balancing career with
    • memories to leave to
  • fatalism
  • fatigue
  • Faulty Thinking
    • Broken Record
    • Inner Critic
    • Martyr Syndrome
    • Trivial Pursuits
  • fear
  • feelings diaries
  • fight or flight response
  • first impressions
  • focus
    • changing your
    • lack of
  • friends
    • ‘date with a mate'
    • influence of
    • memories to leave to
    • relationships with
    • support from
  • Fruity Thinking
    • see also thinking
  • future
    • creating your own
    • deciding the future you want
    • goals for the
    • picturing the
    • SUMO summary
  • ‘George Carlin Theory'
  • goals
  • ‘golden rule'
  • Greek philosophy
  • Green Cross Code
  • grey areas
  • habits
    • Faulty Thinking
    • wearing the Victim T-shirt
  • health
  • helping others
  • Hippo Time
    • helping someone during
    • personal experiences
    • SUMO summary
    • top tips for
    • triggering events
    • understanding our emotions
    • why we need
  • hope
  • humour
  • importance of an issue
  • improving/influencing a situation
  • Inner Coach
  • Inner Critic
  • inspiration
  • intentions
  • introverts
  • James, William
  • Jung, Carl
  • Kenya
  • laissez faire attitude
  • language
    • helping people during Hippo Time
    • Inner Critic
    • not seeing other people's perspectives
    • understanding other people's perspectives
    • victim
  • learning
  • ‘Learn Latin'
    • see also carpe diem
  • legacies, leaving
  • leisure
  • ‘life check'
  • life tool kit
  • listening
  • luck
  • making mountains out of molehills
  • Martyr Syndrome
  • media
  • memories, creating
  • The Mind Gym
  • missed opportunities
  • mistakes
  • moaning
  • motivation
  • ‘Move On', meaning of
  • nasties, tackling the
  • negativity
  • Neighbours from Hell (TV show)
  • neural pathways
  • Nin, Anaïs
  • objective perspective
  • Only Fools and Horses (TV show)
  • opportunities, missed
  • other people's perspectives
    • influence of age
    • influence of current state of mind
    • influence of values
    • moving forward
    • not seeing
    • personal experiences
    • personality types
    • SUMO summary
    • understanding people
  • outcomes
    • TEAR model
    • victim mentality
  • Pavlov's dog experiment
  • personal identity
  • personality
    • Carer
    • Cheerleader
    • Commander
    • Thinker
  • plans
  • positivity
  • previous experiences
  • primitive brain
  • procrastination
    • as a habit
    • overcoming
    • personal experiences
    • reasons for
    • SUMO summary
  • ‘Que Sera, Sera' view of life
  • questions to ask yourself
  • rational brain
  • rational perspective
  • recreation
  • regrets
  • ‘Relationship Pension'
  • relationships
  • ‘Remember the Beachball' see beachball perspective
  • resources needed to achieve goals
  • respect
  • responses
    • appropriate and effective
    • conditioning
    • fight or flight
    • influence of emotions on
    • influence of habits on
    • personal experiences
    • self-awareness
    • taking responsibility for your
    • victim mentality
  • responsibility, taking
    • ‘Changing your T-Shirt'
    • for communication
    • Fruity Thinking
    • for how you respond
    • overcoming procrastination
  • results
    • see also outcomes
  • re-telling a story
  • Reticular Activating System (RAS)
  • rewarding progress
  • risk taking
  • Robbins, Anthony
  • Sandham, Paul
  • self-awareness
  • self-confidence
  • self-esteem
  • self-image
  • self-pity
  • Shakespeare, William
  • ‘Shut Up', meaning of
  • starting small
  • ‘Stop, Look and Listen'
  • stress
  • stubbornness
  • success
    • beliefs about
    • broadening your definition of
    • choosing how we respond
    • dealing with discomfort
    • dealing with people
    • picturing
    • Reticular Activating System
    • what it means to you
  • SUMO (Shut Up, Move On)
    • ‘Changing your T-Shirt
    • creating your own future
    • E+R=O
    • Fruity Thinking
    • Hippo Time
    • meaning of
    • questions to help you
    • ‘Remember the Beachball'
    • SUMO Seven
    • taking action
  • SUMO4Schools
  • support from others
  • talking to others
  • talking to yourself
    • see also thinking
  • TEAR model
  • technology
  • teenagers
  • Thinker personality type
  • thinking
    • brain processes
    • Broken Record
    • either/or thinking
    • influences on
    • Inner Critic
    • Martyr Syndrome
    • personal experiences
    • questions to ask yourself
    • SUMO summary
    • TEAR model
    • Trivial Pursuits
  • timekeeping
  • Trivial Pursuits
  • understanding people
  • values
  • victims, genuine
  • Victim T-shirt
    • BSE card
    • changing your
    • consequences of wearing
    • difficulties in removing
    • examples of wearers
    • Hippo Time
    • Martyr Syndrome
    • personal experiences
    • reasons for wearing
    • SUMO summary
  • wallowing see Hippo Time
  • ‘what if' question
  • work
    • broadening your definition of success
    • Faulty Thinking at
    • goals
    • lack of job security
    • victim mentality
    • work-life fulfilment
  • Ziglar, Zig
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