Tips for Success:


1.  Recognize that leadership is not a formal position, it is a relationship. If you want to be a leader, you need to earn followers.

2.  To be effective, you need to have strong skills in both areas—leadership and management.

3.  As a leader, your greatest source of power comes from your character. The more others trust you, the more power you will have.

4.  Create a compelling, positive vision for yourself as a leader and for your work group. A vague vision is not motivating to you or to your people.

5.  Help your employees see how they contribute to bring the vision to reality.

6.  Empower your employees. Give them the freedom to act and make decisions as necessary to get the job done.

7.  Clarify the values you will use to guide you and your work group. Values are the basis for governing your decisions and behaviors.

8.  Increase responsibilities for your employees. If you are doing your job, your employees should be growing by taking on added responsibilities.

9.  Develop a willingness to learn. With the economy and environment rapidly changing, you need to be continuously learning and relearning.

10.  Reach out to people who have different perspectives. If you surround yourself with people who think just like you do, eventually your work group’s strengths will become their own weakness.

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