


Abedi, Aga Hasan, 89

Action planning, 203, 205-206, 209–213

tips for success, 216–217

Adjournment, meeting, 161, 173

African-Americans, numbers in workforce, 5–6

Age, average in workforce, 5

Agenda, creating, 160–161, 173

Aim frame, 131

in conflict resolution, 180


employee, 78

self-esteem and, 17


coaching and, 92–93

conflict management and, 176–177

organizational change and, 33

Appearance, self-esteem and, 21

Appraisal process, 110–112

Asians, numbers in workforce, 6


delegation, 74–75

interviewing skills, 146–147

self-esteem, 14–15

team leader, 135–137

time management, 45–48


performance problems and, 90, 102

as performance review focus, 115–116

positive, 39, 120, 141–142, 200, 216, 231

Authority, Generation X and, 10

Baby boomers, as supervisors, 8–10


motivation and, 190

performance problems and, 90, 102

as performance review focus, 115–116, 123


of delegation, 73–74

from goal attainment, 206–207

of self-esteem, 16–19

of vision, 225–226

Bennis, Warren, 23

Big picture, 198

Boss. See Supervisor Brainstorming, 167–168

conflict and, 178

Branden, Nathaniel, 13

Break time, meeting, 161, 173

Categorizing activities, 80

Challenge, organizational change and, 34–35


global, 3, 230

leadership and, 224

openness to, 18

organizational. See Organizational change

Character, power of, 223

Closed mindedness, organizational change and, 31

Close-ended questions, 150, 151


job interview, 149–150

meetings, 161, 173

performance review session, 114, 118

Coaching, 89, 92

tips for success, 102–103

Coaching intervention models

coaching discussion model, 94–99

corrective action feedback model, 99–102

Coaching session, preparing for, 90–91


for delegation, 85, 87

organizational change and employee, 38, 40

to resolving conflict, 183

to team, 130

Communication, 59–61

conflict and, 178

fostering, 67–70

leadership and, 231

listening, 64–66, 71

motivation and, 198

nonverbal, 60, 65

organizational change and, 33, 38–39, 40

self-talk, 23–24, 27

speaking clearly, 61–64

team, 141

tips for success, 70–71

Communication skills, self-esteem and, 22–23

Communication style, 63

Competence, power of, 222. See also Self-esteem

Compliments, giving and accepting, 26

Confidence. See also Self-esteem

increasing, 13–14

tips for improving, 26–27


misconceptions regarding, 175–177

teams and, 130–132, 142

Conflict resolution, 175, 184–187

tips for success, 187–188

Conflict stages, 177–183

Confrontation, avoiding, 117

Consensus, 166–167, 168, 174

checking for, 171

vs. voting, 166

Consistency, coaching and, 93

Continuous reinforcement, 193–194

Control, organizational change and, 31

Corporate goals, conflict resolution and, 182

Corrective action feedback model, 99–102

Creativity, brainstorming and, 167

Credit, giving, 78

Crisis, teams and, 137–142

Criticism, self-esteem and, 18

Crosby, Philip B., 159

Customer satisfaction, organizational change and, 40

Decision making

self-esteem and, 18–19

vision and, 226

Decision-making process

analyze problem, 165

define problem, 165–166

generate alternative solutions, 166

reach agreement, 166–167

state desired outcome, 166


benefits of, 73–74

common mistakes, 76–78

organizational change and, 37

preparing for, 79, 81–82, 83, 87

time management and, 52, 57

time value of, 82, 87

tips for success, 86–87

Delegation assessment, 74–75

Delegation savings, 82

Delegation steps

analyze the job, 79

assign tasks, 81, 87

categorize your activities, 80, 87

estimate time in each category, 80

Discipline, team, 140

Discussion, stimulating, 169–171

Diversity, meeting participant selection and, 162

Documentation, employee performance, 111–112, 122

Dressler, Fritz R. S., 1

Economic changes, role of supervisor and, 1–4

Education, discussing in job interviews, 149

Education gap, 6

Effectiveness, vs. perfectionism, 232

Employee commitment, organizational change and, 38, 40. See also Commitment Employee development, delegation and, 74, 86

Employee empowerment, 227, 234

delegation and, 74, 85–86

Employee goals, motivation and, 199

Employee involvement

in organizational change, 36

in resolving conflict, 178–179, 184

Employee needs, motivation and, 199

Employee responses, to organizational change, 30–35

Employee selection, 145. See also Interviews

Employee strengths, emphasizing, 116–117


assessing performance, 91

communication with, 67, 76

goal-setting process and, 214–216, 217

Empowerment. See Employee empowerment Environmental changes, role of supervisor and, 1–4

Environmental consciousness, 3

Esteem. See also Self-esteem

mentoring and, 230

of others, 199


clarifying, 106

motivation and, 197–198, 202

organizational change and, 37–38

External motivation, 190–191

Eye contact, 21, 65, 71

Facilitator, team supervisor as, 135, 142

Facility arrangement, meeting, 163, 173


organizational change and fear of, 30

self-esteem and, 23, 27

Fear, organizational change and, 31–32

Feedback. See also Coaching; Coaching

intervention models

communication and, 62–63

negative, 116

self-esteem and, 18, 27


during organizational change, 39

leadership and, 233

Followers, earning, 219


conflict resolution, 186

delegation, 86, 87

meeting, 161

performance problems, 98

performance review session, 114, 124

Formation, of team, 128–130

Frost, Robert, 145

Gates, Bill, 189

Generation X workers, 8–10

Glasow, Arnold H, 29

Global change, 3, 230

Goal setting, 203. See also Goal-setting process

self-esteem and, 20, 26

tips for success, 216–217


focusing on, 24–25

motivation and, 191–192, 197–198, 199

organizational change and, 40

self-esteem and, 17

team, 126, 130, 133, 135, 142

time management and, 56

Goal-setting process, 199–200, 202

create a vision, 204

decide on action, 205

design action plan, 209–213

employee involvement, 214–216, 217

identify roadblocks, 205–206

list the benefits, 206–207

sample action plan, 211–213

write the goal, 207–209

Gossip, organizational change and, 33, 38–39

Griffith, Joe, 105

GUTS theory, 54

Habits, organizational change and, 30

Halo effect, 154

High-performing team, 133–135. See also Teams

Hiring, 145, 155–156. See also Interviews

Hispanics, numbers in workforce, 5–6

Humor, self-esteem and, 17–18, 26

Hyde, Lewis, 194

Illiteracy, workforce, 6

Incentive systems, 191

Industrial-based society, vs. information-based

society, 2

Informal leaders, organizational change and, 37

Information dissemination, 69

Information sharing, 67, 76

encouraging, 68–69

with manager, 70

Information-based society, vs. industrial-based

society, 2

Innovation, team, 133

Intermittent reinforcement, 193–194

Internal motivation, 190–191, 201

Interview structure, previewing, 147–148

Interviewing skills self-assessment, 146–147


avoiding common errors, 153–155

conducting new hire, 147–150

implementing change and, 36

performance review, 112–118

preparation for, 153, 154–155

purposes of hiring, 156


of self, 22

of team members, 129

Jay, Anthony, 219

Job analysis, 157

Job creation, 2

Job elements, 116, 117

determining, 106

Job fulfillment, 7

Job requirements, 153–154

Job security, organizational change and, 33

Knowledge, flow of, 2


becoming better, 230–233

organizational change and, 37

role in meetings, 163–165

vs. supervisor, 219–221

Leaders, The Strategies for Taking Charge, 23


organizational change and, 33–34

tips for success, 233–234

Leadership role, earning followers, 219

Leadership tool kit, 232

Leadership-oriented activities, 224


organizational change and, 31

willingness and, 230, 234

Legal issues, 4

Legitimate power, 221

Leisure time, 52

Listening, 64–66, 71

conflict resolution and, 185

demonstrating, 65

in performance review session, 115, 123

Location, of performance review, 113, 123

Management, vs. leadership, 220–221

Management skills, 10–12

Manager, vs. supervisor, x

Managerial-oriented activities, 223–224

Manufacturing base, 2–3

Mays, Benjamin E., 203

Meeting facilitation, 159

deciding to meet, 159–160

tips for success, 173–174. See also Decision-making process

Meeting planning

arranging facility, 163

checklist, 172

creating agenda, 160–161

selecting participants, 162

Meeting rooms, 163, 173

Meetings. See also Meeting facilitation; Meeting


role of leader, 163–165

team, 129, 131

Mentoring, 24, 229–230

Micro-management, 227

Minorities, numbers in workforce, 5–6

Mobility, worker, 6–7


defined, 190–191

ensuring, 197–201

internal vs. external, 190–191

leadership and, 226

self-esteem and, 17

tips for success, 201–202

vision and, 225–226

Motivational environment, creating, 189–194

Needs, employee, 199

Negative feedback, 116

Nonverbal communication, 60, 65

Open door policy, 68, 71

Open-ended questions, 66, 71

in job interviews, 148, 150–152, 157

in performance review session, 115


interviewing and, 154–155

of work environment, 50, 55

Organizational change

employee involvement, 36

employee responses to, 29–35

implementing, 29–30, 36–39

tips for success, 39–41

Orientation, team, 129

Panic, organizational change and, 34

Paperwork, performance review, 113

Paraphrasing, 66, 170

Partial reinforcement, 193–194

Pathfinders, 23

Patton, George, 73

Performance, assessing employee, 90–91. See also

Coaching; Performance problems

Performance challenges, teams and, 127

Performance improvement plan, 118–122

sample, 121

Performance problems, 92–93

clarifying cause of, 97

corrective action feedback model, 99–102

discussing alternative solutions, 97–98

employee denial, 94–97 follow-up, 98

recognizing improvement in, 99

tips for success, 102–103

Performance review cycle

appraisal process, 110–112

clarifying expectations, 106

clarifying rating scale, 108–110

interview preparation and conduct, 112–118

performance improvement plan, 118–122

setting performance standards, 106–107

Performance reviews, 105. See also Performance

review cycle

tips for success, 122–123

Performance standards, 116, 122

setting, 106–107

Personal worth. See Self-esteem

Personality, power of, 222

Physical setting, communication and, 61

Place habits, 55–56

Position power, 221, 222, 223

Positive attitude, 39, 120, 141–142, 200, 216, 231

Positive reinforcement, 192–193

Power, types of, 221–223, 234. See also Employee


Practice, of self-esteem, 24

Praise, 198

Present, focusing on, 19–20

Priorities, maintaining, 53–54

Prioritization, team crisis and, 139

Prioritizing, tasks, 50–53, 56

Problem analysis, 165

Problem definition, 165–166

Procrastination, 57

Progress reports, 76–77

Questioning. See Interviews; Open-ended questions

Quitting, organizational change and, 34

Ranking, job applicants, 155

Rating, of job applicants, 155

Rating scale, clarifying, 108–110, 123

Recognition, 99

of employee success, 215–216, 217

meaningful, 194–195, 202

suggestions for, 195–196

team, 140, 143

Recruiting, team members, 139, 143


intermittent, 193–194

positive, 192–193

Relationship skills, ix–x


respect and, 22, 26

self-esteem and, 17, 20

Respect, 78

among team members, 127


assigning, 229, 234

delegating, 83–86. See also Delegation;

Delegation steps

for self, 25, 27

team, 140–141

Results, focus on, 132, 139


delegation and, 78

employee performance and, 90

for high-performing teams, 134, 143

motivation and, 192, 193, 197–198, 201

organizational change and, 41

team, 140, 143

Riley, Pat, 125

Risk-taking, self-esteem and, 18

Roadblocks, identifying, 205–206

Role model, supervisor as, 39, 201

Schuller, Robert, 17


meeting, 163

team, 132

Selection, employee, 145, 156–157. See also


Self-appraisal, 112

Self-assessment, by job applicant, 149


assessment, 14–15

benefits of, 16–19

building, 13–14, 19–25

defined, 15–16

motivation and, 199

tips for increasing, 26–27

Self-talk, 23–24, 27

Service base, 2–3

Sheehy, Gail, 23

Sincerity, communicating, 64, 70


communication, 22–23

interviewing, 146–147

relationship, ix–x

supervisory, 10–12

SMART model, 207–209, 217

Social setting, communication and, 61

Speaking, 61–64. See also Communication Staffing, 226

Standards, self-esteem and, 21

Stark, Peter B., 43

Start time, meeting, 160, 173

Summarizing, 66, 71

Summary, meeting, 161


characteristics of best and worst, 59

environmental and economic changes and, 1–4

vs. leader, 219–221

vs. manager, x

as role model, 39, 201

team goals and, 126

Supervisory skills, 10–12

Support systems, 120

organizational change and, 31

Target behavior, 191–192

Task assignment, 81

Task clustering, 56

Task prioritization, 50–53, 56

Team audit, 134

Team development stages

conflict, 130–132

formation, 128–130

functional work groups, 132–133

high-performing teams, 133–135

Team leadership skills checklist, 135–137

Team members

recruiting, 139, 143

respect among, 127

Team performance, tips for success, 142–143

Teams, 125. See also Team development stages

characteristics, 126–128

crisis and, 137–142


in conflict resolution, 180

defined, 125–126

Technical skill level, 192

Technical skills, supervisors and, ix

Technological advances, 3–4

Time blocks, 56

Time frame, goals and, 208

Time lines, 119

Time log, sample, 49

Time management

activity breakdown, 43–45

audit, 45–48

daily time log, 49

steps to successful, 50–55

tips for success, 55–57

Time value, of delegation, 82

Time wasters, identifying, 55

Timing, performance review, 113, 123

Titles, Generation X and, 10

To do list, 50, 56


performance improvement and, 119–120

for teams, 133, 142


building, 228–229

communication and, 67

teams, and, 129

Understanding, listening for, 64–66, 71


clarifying, 228

of modern workforce, 7–12


benefits, 225–226

developing, 204, 216, 224–226, 234

organizational change and, 40

team, 126–127, 135, 142

Volunteering, 24

Watson, Sir Thomas, 18

Welcome, job applicant, 147, 157

Wilde, Oscar, 175

Winning, teams and, 128

Women, entry into workforce, 4–5

Work experience, 146

Work group, 132–133

Workforce composition changes, 4–7

Workforce values, 7–12

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