Listening for Understanding


Communication is a two-way street. In addition to speaking clearly, the effective communicator is a good listener. Listening involves not only hearing the speaker’s words, but also understanding the message and its importance to the speaker.

Listening is one of a supervisor’s biggest challenges, impacted by many factors. To overcome barriers to effective listening, try some of the following tips for improving your listening ability:

1.  Develop an attitude of wanting to listen. Being a good listener starts with a positive attitude toward listening. Even if you do not feel like listening, remember that you can always learn something from everyone and that listening is a critical component to establishing trusting relationships. Good leaders always want to listen because they know the value of continuous learning. They also know that you cannot continue to learn if you do not listen.

2.  Focus your attention on understanding the other person’s meaning, not on formulating your response. A good listener is “other-focused” rather than “self-focused.” Your goal is to understand the other person. To do this, give your undivided attention, ask questions for clarification, and check your perceptions for understanding. Focusing your attention on the speaker will also help you to listen without interrupting.

3.  Show the speaker that you are listening. A critical part of the listening process is letting the speaker know that you are interested in his or her message. Ways to demonstrate you are listening include:

a. Maintain eye contact to show interest and to observe the speaker.
b. Lean forward slightly to communicate concern and to better comprehend the message.
c. Come out from behind a desk or any other physical barrier.
d. Nod your head to indicate understanding.
e. Smile when the speaker uses humor.
f. Allow for pauses—don’t feel you have to fill the space with your words while the other person needs time to collect his or her thoughts.

4.  Use open-ended questions to open up communication. Open-ended questions facilitate the conversation and provide an invitation to respond back and forth. They also let the other person know that his or her thinking is important to you. Open-ended questions begin with words like “Tell me,” “What,” “How,” “Explain,” and “Describe.”

5.  Use paraphrasing to ensure understanding. A paraphrase is a brief rephrasing of the speaker’s words. Paraphrase by restating the speaker’s information in your own words. Paraphrasing shows the speaker that you are listening and that you understand what he or she has said. It also ensures that your interpretation of the message is correct.

“You think the XYZ program is not a good idea because…”

6.  Summarize conversations to ensure understanding and provide closure. A summary statement is a concise restatement of the key points discussed during a lengthy conversation. The summary brings the conversation to a close. It may also include a recap of specific actions or agreements made.

“As I understand it, you feel that we should bring the marketing people in on this proposal. As we discussed, I will contact them and set up a meeting for next week to discuss their involvement.”

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