

It is important to review the employee’s job elements and performance standards periodically and make notes throughout the year regarding the employee’s level of performance. This can be as simple as occasionally jotting down a few quick lines noting evidence of either exceptional or unacceptable employee performance. Date the note and drop it into the employee’s file.

When it comes time to rate the employee, completing the performance appraisal form will require less time and effort because you have noted levels of performance periodically throughout the year. Further, adequate documentation collected at intervals throughout the year helps ensure that the supervisor remains objective and does not rate the employee based only on performance immediately prior to the end of the review cycle.

Of course, if you have concerns about an employee’s performance, do not wait until the end of the performance review cycle to address the issue. Coaching and counseling throughout the cycle is far more effective than waiting until the end of the cycle and then presenting the employee with a list of concerns that you have had throughout the year. Remember, there should be no surprises during the performance review interview. If you have concerns about an employee’s performance, the employee should already be aware of these issues.

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