Interviewing Skills Self-Assessment


There is no grading scale for this assessment. If you circle a high number of “Yes” responses, you need to practice and learn effective interviewing skills.

Yes No   1. Have you ever hired a person who did not have the skills you thought they had?
Yes No   2. After the interview, have you ever thought of something you wish you had told the candidate?
Yes No   3. When the interview is complete, are you still confused about the candidate’s qualifications?
Yes No   4. Of the five people you have most recently hired, have any left for employment elsewhere?
Yes No   5. Have you ever asked a question of a candidate and then later found out that the question was not legal to ask?
Yes No   6. Do you ever find that you do not have time to prepare adequately for the interview?
Yes No   7. Do you tend to do more talking than the candidate?
Yes No   8. Have you ever found you did not hear the candidate’s response because you were thinking of what question to ask next?
Yes No   9. After the interview, have you ever thought of something you wish you had asked the candidate?
Yes No 10. Have you ever protected your nervousness by sitting behind your desk or some other comfort zone of authority to conduct the interview?
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