Meeting Planning Checklist


When preparing for a meeting, review the specific tasks and then check each one off as it is completed.

Specific Task Completed
Determine whether or not a meeting needs to be held.  
Decide what type of meeting is appropriate (information/decision).  
Decide who should attend the meeting.  
Select a meeting time.  
Select a meeting place.  
Develop an agenda.  
Notify participants of the meeting.  
If participants require preparation time, send agenda beforehand.  
Arrive early to check room arrangement.  
Check to see that all A.V. equipment is operational.  
Start meeting on time.  
Review agenda with participants.  
State objective/outcome for meeting.  
Encourage participation.  
Keep group discussion focused on topic.  
Lead group to consensus.  
Summarize group progress.  
Decide what follow-up action is required.  
After meeting, write up minutes and distribute to participants.  
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