Rating Interpretation

40–50 Points:

The individual is very enthusiastic and is an asset to the team.

30–49 Points:

This is a solid employee who can be positive most of the time.

20–29 Points:

The level of enthusiasm might be a problem.

  0–20 Points:

Red alert! There are and will be problems.

Once the analysis has been done for each employee, the manager must ask him- or herself several questions:

1. How does this employee score on enthusiasm? It is important for a manager to think through how enthusiastic an employee is on a daily basis.

2. If the score is low, does this have a negative impact on their ability to do the job? There are people who are very skilled at the technical aspects of their work, but lack the social and diplomatic skills in order to get along with other team members. The manager must determine in each circumstance the level of importance in weighing technical skills versus attitude issues.

3. If the score is low, how does this affect the rest of the team? If the employee has a low level of enthusiasm, is that having a negative impact on the rest of the team? Have problems occurred as a result?

4. If the score is low, how does this affect the company? If the employee has contact with the public as part of his/her job responsibilities, is that a situation that could negatively impact the company’s perception with the public at large? Could it result in complaints or problems with customer satisfaction?

Once the questions have been answered and considered, then there are two actions that are possible regarding an employee who is ranked low on the enthusiasm ranking: (1) coach the employee on behaviors that are appropriate and/or (2) take steps to start the process of terminating that employee. As a word of caution, an employee can’t be let go without probable cause, and the issue of enthusiasm and attitude can be difficult to use as a reason for termination, because it could be construed as not being performance related. Make sure to get the Human Resources Department involved if you decide to sever employment ties with an employee for this reason.

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