

Adaptation to Life (Valliant), 5

affect, 30, 87-89

basis for, 56

communication of, 19-20, 45

desire and, 65

distrust of, 65

form and function, 56

Green on, 66

Kohut on, 66

narratives and, 59-60

as symbolic, 55

symbolic construction of, 57

affective communication, 46

affective discharge, dangers of, 34

"Affects and Their Non-Communication" (Modell), 10

Allouch, J., 14n

Almadovar, P.

fantasy of jouissance, 112

"Talk to Her," 108-110

Althusser, L., 8, 15n

autobiographical writings, 6, 126-127, 126n

biography, 125, 127-134

dreams, 133-134

"Freud and Lacan," 136

intellectual contributions, 134-140

interest in Lacan, 135-138

"On Conjugal Obscenity," 129

L'Avenir Dure Longtemps, 126, 126n

Les Faits, 127

on Marx, 134-135

relation to Lacan, 137

religious experience, 128-129

Réponse à John Lewis (2), 135n

sexual development, 128

American Psychanalytic Association, focus groups, 13


triadic position in, 44

two subjects in, 17-18

analytic holding environment, 24

Apollinaire, 16

Apollon, W., 73n

Aron, R., 140


Barzilai, S., 111n

on mother and Lacanian theory, 88n

basic fault, Balint on, 68

Bellow, Saul. Adventures of Augie March, 105n

Bergeron, D., 73n

Berlin Institute, 17

Bertin, C., biography of Marie Bonaparte, 17n

Bion, W., 31, 45

bipolar self, 32-33

Borch-Jacobsen, M., 5n, 12n, 14n, 15, 36n

Boutang, Y.M., 126n, 127n, 130, 132

Bricmont, J., 112n

Bromberg, P., 31, 69, 72, 73n, 81

dissociation, 120

split-off psychic elements, 73

Bromberg-Kennedy thesis, 76

Bucci, W., 59, 60, 62

dual coding model, 63

memory, 64-65n


Camus, Albert, 87

Cantin, L., 73n

Cartesian subject, 27


Mr. Grand. See Mr. Grand

Mr. L. See Mr. L

Mr. Small. See Mr. Small

Ms. G. See Ms. G

Wendy. See Wendy

castration, 111

che vuoi, Lacan on, 116

child, as extension of self, 67-68

cohesive self, 31-37, 141

Corpet, O., 126n, 127n

countertransference, 9, 16-17, 23-24, 91

Courbet, G., "The Origin of the World," 111

culture, human behavior and, 57


de Marty, E., 126

de Pommier, G., 126, 132


definitions, 69-72

empty type, 77

Derrida, J., 17, 17n

desire, 8, 60-6lm 103. See also Lacan, "objet petit a"

access to, 104-105

affects and, 63

and illusions, 33n

interferance with, 106

"object petit a" and, 122-123

social reality and, 105

subject or agent, 112-113

unsatisfied, 104

Diatkine, R., 5n, 46n, 130, 133


École Freudienne, dissolution of, 138


foundations, 67

vs. I, 3

mirror stage and, 46

ego ideal, 19

functions, 67

us. ideal ego, 46-47

Lacan on, 67

repair of intersubjective function, 68

symbolic framework, 47-48

ego psychology

excesses, 35-36

Lacan's critique, 3n

Eigen, E. 11, 31, 35

empathic gesture, 48

empathic holding, 86

empty depression, 77-78

Erikson, E., 27, 105

basic trust, 88

concepts of, 2-3

holding function, 51

on trust, 50


Fairbairn, W.R.D., 9, 31, 52, 70

Ferenczi, S., 15, 48, 73n

trauma, 95

Fink, B., 5n

fort-da game, 49, 49n


narcissistic vulnerability, 68

response to threat, 36-37

French Communist Party (PCF), 129

Freud, S., 12, 12n, 19, 20, 28, 49

"A Child Is Being Beaten," 85

on affect, 30

"Beyond Pleasure Principle," 34

fort-da, 49, 49n

on ideal, 47

Id-Ego, 80

Lacan's interpretation of Irma dream, 75

on melancholia, 127

"Project for a Scientific Psychology," 70n

vision of Irma's oral cavity, 112n

"Where Id was, There Ego shall be," 18


Geertz, C., 58-59

Gopnik, A., 49

Green, A., 3, 6, 10, 44-45

on affect, 19-20, 30, 65, 67

"Conceptions of Affect," 62-63

countertransference, 53

critique of infant developmental research, 54

empty depression, 76

"La Mere Morte," 52

maternalization of practice, 13

negative hallucination of self, 89

passion, 64

"Passions and Their Vicissitudes," 63

psychic deadness, 85, 99

state of reunion, 51

threats to trust, 52

guilt, superego and, 70

Guntrip, H., 8-11, 18, 20, 31

transference-countertransference enactments, 22


Harari, R., 11, 24, 73, 112n

on Lacan, 109n

Hassoun, J., 15n

Hegel, G.W.F., 36, 71n

Althusser's ambivalence toward, 134-135

on desire, 60

Heidegger, M., 35, 71n

throwness, 69-72

Heimann, P., 16


"I," vs. Ego, 3

ideal ego, vs. ego ideal, 47

idealizaing transference, 90-91

idealization, trust and, 91-92

identification, locus of, 39

International Psychoanalytic Association, 23

inquisition of Lacan's work by, 136

intersubjectivity, 1-2, 65-66


jouissance, 104, 106, 109, 112-113, 119

Julien, P., 40


Kennedy, R., 72

Khan, M., 9, 33n, 35, 66-67

Kilborne, B., invisible people, 48

Kirshner, L., 36n, 44, 73n, 76n

"A Postmodern Realism for Psychoanalysis," 74n

on symbolic order, 67

Klein, M., 28, 110

infantile envy, 7

Kohut, H., 4-6, 9, 19

ambitions and ideals, 47

cohesive self and avatars, 31-37, 118-119, 141

empathy, 40

idealization, 91

mirror metaphor, 27-28

pathology of self, 7

patient demand for recognition, 40

self-affirmation, 85-86

selfobject concept, 32, 41, 64

selfobject mirroring function, 54

on tension arc, 46

threat of fragmentation, 42

use of self, 3

Kojeve, A., 36, 71n

on desire, 60

Kundera, M., The Unbearable Lightness of Being, 110

Kurtz, S., 62-63


Lacan, J., 4-6, 8n, 35, 49

acting-out stages, 120

affect, 55-56

aliveness, 60

analysis of, 17

Cartesian subject, 27

child's whys, 116

"The Concept of Self in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis," 74n

on conscious experience, 140

corporal enjoyment, 64

critique of Fairbairn, 70n

criticism of, 27

crocodile mother, 111

description of analysis, 24

desire, 61-62

developmental model, 104-106, 113-114

emotional response of mother, 53

full speech concept, 34

Green's criticism of, 54

human sciences and, 2

ideal, 47-48

identification, 132

influences on, 36, 71n

integration of Kohut with, 86

interpretation of Freud's Irma dream, 75

jouissance, 104, 106, 113

language, 63

loss, 70-71

love, 108n

mirror phase, 28-29, 46

mirror transference, 37-40, 42, 93, 123

motivational direction, 18-19

objet petit a, 103-104, 116

other, 45, 51, 91

philosophic influences, 36, 36n

point de capiton, 42n

psychoanalytic style, 14-15

on psychoses, 79n, 119

punctuating technique, 14-15

reality, 31-32, 105

real, 74

return to Freud, 43

Rome conference, 43-44

Schema L, 14n, 73-74, 74n

schematic models, 13-14, 14n

self-affirmation, 85-86

self-maintenance, 76


on anxiety, 109n

I, 2n

IV, 71 n

VIII, 14n, 16n, 16-17, 71n

XI, 16n

XX, 111

sexual relationship, 65

supposed subject of knowledge, 82, 82n

symbolic castration, 113

symbolic order, 50-54, 86, 88

symbolic transference, 91

symbolization, 50, 50, 71-72, 74, 111, 119

technique, 11-15, 39, 41

transference, 11-13, 31, 37, 40-43,91, 123

-countertransference enactments, 16, 22-24

unconscious, 45

universal discourse, 51, 91

use of "Das Ding," 111n

Wolfman case, 73n

Lacanian question, 1

Lacanian theory, developmental model, 113-114

language, functions of, 63

L'Avenir Dure Longtemps (Althusser), 126, 126n

Léi-Strauss, C. 43, 61

Levy, R., on affect, 55

Lewis, J., 139

linguistic systems, self and, 58

Little, Margaret, 17-18, 31-37

analysis of, 21, 6

on countertransference, 23-24

transference-countertransference enactments, 22

Loewald, H. 35

on poetry, 81

Loewenstein, R., 17, 18

love, 107-110

affect of, 65

Lutz, C., 57, 58, 92

on affect, 55


Machiavelli, N., Althusser's alter ego, 125-126

Madonia, Franca, 125, 130

Matheron, F., 132n

Meltzoff, A.N., 49

Merleau-Ponty, M., 19

Meyerson, P., childhood dialogues, 93

Michels, A., 15n

Miller, J.A., 3n


Lacanian theory, 40

transferences, 37-43, 93, 123

mirror relationship, 36, 40, 87

mirror stage, 29-31

Mitchell, S., 31, 72

Modell, A., 3, 5-6, 89, 142

affective experience, 65n

"Affects and Their Non-Communication," 10

anti-self dynamic, 7

narcissistic dilemma, 60-61

narcissistic patients, 131

noncommunication of affects, 10, 54

"On Having the Right to a Life," 7

psychic regression, 67

Psychoanalysis in a New Context, 7

reality question, 21

"sphere within a sphere," 89, 131

on symbolic order, 50

two-person psychology, 18-19

"Whose reality is it," 21


holding and containing functions, 11, 52-53

maternal frame, 51-52

psychic death of, 52

mother-child dyad, 7-8

Mr. Grand, 38-42

Mr. L, 76-81, 84-86, 90-93, 97-101

Mr. Small, fantasy of, 37-38

Ms. G, 76-68, 82-86, 88-101

Matheron, F., 127n

Muller, J.P., 32


noncommunication tactics, 10

nonexistence, Ms. G and Mr. L, 76-78

Nouvelle Critique, "Freud et Lacan," 136


object relations theory, 49

objet petit a, 117-118

desire and, 110

imaginary actualization, 109

meaning, 103-104

separation and, 112

situated, 119

Ogden, T., 45, 72

Origin of the World, The (Courbet), 111

Ornstein, P., 46


passage à l'acte, 109

PCF. See French Communist Party

Phillips, A., 18

on Winnicott, 25

Pinker, S., 30

Plato, Symposium, 110

point de capiton, 41-42

social context, 119

projective identification, 83


contemporary transformation, 3-4

paradox of, 139

Psychoanalysis in a New Context (Modell), 3

Putnam, H., 105


reality, 74-75

issue of, 95

Ricoeur, P., 140

Riviere, J., 18

Rosaldo, M., 57

on affect, 55

Roudinesco, E., 2, 5n, 14, 16n, 17, 17n, 23, 111

criticism of Althusser, 137

Roustang, F., 5n, 15n

Rudnytsky, P., 9, 11, 12, 17, 24

Rytmann, Helene, 126, 128, 131


Sartre, J.P., idealization of individual, 139

Saussure, F., 43

Schafer, R., 34, 59

Schweder, R., 69

on affect, 55

soul loss, 56-57

vocabulary of emotion, 56

Sebag, Lucien, suicide of, 137

self, 2-3, 10-21, 33-34, 46, 66

closeness vs. distance, 10

cohesive, 32-33,141

conceptions of, 11-12

differential constructions, 58-59

discourse and, 33-34

emptiness of, 71n

fantasy and, 71

narrated, 34

negative hallucination, 10

vs. subject, 2

self-definition, 30-31

self-restoration, 8-9

Sharpe, E.F., 9, 24

Socrates, 110

Sokol, A., 112n

Solomon, R.C., 36

Sorbonne, 125


empty and full, 35

interpretive, 46

Spinoza, B., 140

Stern, D., 19, 30

Strachey, J., 18

subject, vs. self, 2

subjective existence, 6


as effect of language, 29-30

reinterpretation of, 44

symbolic dimension, 43-49

symbolic function, 47-48

symbolic identification, 120-121

symbolic order, 50-54, 67, 86-88


"Talk to Her" (Almodovar), 108-110

object petit a, 109

tension arc

Kohut's concept, 33-34

pole of ideals and, 46

third, the, 44-45, 47, 53, 89-90

Tiresias, 16

Tolpin, P., 48

trauma, 100

definition of, 76n

repetition of unsymbolized, 87

transmission of, 92-93

traumatic experience, symbolized, 73

trust, 88

basic, 89-90


unconscious, mobilization of, 45


Valery, P., on poetry, 81

Valliant, G., Adaptation to Life, 5

Van Haute, P., 5, 5n, 8n, 36n, 104

point ae capiton, 42n

on treatment, 28n

Ver Ecke, W., 36n

Viderman, S.

on analytic space, 46

on interpretive speech, 44-45


Wendy (case), 114-123

mirror transference, 123

objet petit a, 116

transferential relationship, 122-123

Whorf, B., 58

Wilden, A., point de capiton, 42n

Winnicott, D.W., 4-5

analytic impact, 8-12, 17, 19, 27-28

on boredom, 35, 68

central interests, 31, 33, 50

childhood, 18

countertransference, 20-21, 24, 53

on culture, 50

dead mother, 52

empty speech, 66-67

on need, 41

self-formation, 54, 64

subjective object, 107-108

technique, 21-22

transference-countertransference enactments, 22

transitional object, 110

transitional space, 132

Wolf, E., 46


Zacharias, 4n, 13

Zizek, S., 8, 9, 80, 82n

on Althusserian subjectivity, 133n

figure of God, 74-75

on hysterical desire, 118

unconscious desire, 105

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