
There are many people to thank for helping make Beans of Wisdom a reality:

• My wife Sandy and sons Jonathan and Kevin, for their undying faith in both me and a project that seemed to take forever to manifest.

• LID Publishing and Marcelino Elosua for believing in this project from the very beginning.

• Raquel Avila, who is not only the best ally an author can have, but who is also a friend and confidante to whom I can vent to when necessary.

• Jeanne Bracken, for her skill at managing the entire editorial process and for exhibiting tolerance towards my never ending questions and input.

• Laurie Price for her excellent, insightful editing.

• Naike Hechem, for her passion and belief that this was a special project from the very beginning and one well worth undertaking.

• Cas Swinger, Elaine Rolke, John Swinger, Joanne Perone, Michael Swinger, Barbara Pondo, and John Johnston for offering their input and ideas on the concept and design of the book.

• George and Faye Nakamura for their continued support during the writing process.

• Casimir and Ruth Swinger for watching over my family while I oftentimes hid from them for weeks.

Joe Swinger, 2012

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