Chapter 2
Text Styling and Other Basics

This chapter will explore the application of CSS for styling text. It will cover a lot of CSS basics, as well as answer some of the more frequently asked questions about these techniques. If you’re new to CSS, these examples will introduce a variety of properties and their usages, and provide a solid foundation from which to start your own experiments. For those already familiar with CSS, this chapter will serve as a quick refresher for those moments when you’re struggling to remember how to achieve a certain effect. The examples I’ve provided here are well supported across a variety of browsers and versions, though, as always, testing your code in different browsers is important. While there may be small inconsistencies or a lack of support for these techniques in older browsers, none of the solutions presented here should cause you any serious problems. For more information on browser support, Chapter 7 is dedicated to the subject.

How do I set my text to display in a certain font?

The browser will display text in the default font used for that browser and operating system. How do you change it to the one used in your design?


Specify the typeface that your text will adopt using the font-family property:
p {
  font-family: Verdana;


As well as specific fonts, such as Verdana or Times, CSS allows the specification of some more-generic family names:
  • serif
  • sans-serif
  • monospace
  • cursive
  • fantasy
When you specify fonts, it’s important to remember that users are unlikely to have the same fonts installed that you have on your computer. If you define a font that the user doesn’t have, your text will display according to their browsers’ default fonts, regardless of what you’d prefer. To avoid this eventuality, you can simply specify generic font names and let users’ systems decide which font to apply. For instance, if you want your document to appear in a sans-serif font such as Arial, you could use the following style rule:
p {
  font-family: sans-serif;
Now, you will probably want more control than this over the way your site displays—and you can. It’s possible to specify both font names and generic fonts in the same declaration block. Take, for example, the following style rule for the p element:
p {
  font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Here, we’ve specified that if Verdana is installed on the system, it should be used; otherwise, the browser is instructed to see if Geneva is installed; failing that, the computer will look for Arial, then Helvetica. If none of these fonts are available, the browser will then use that system’s default sans-serif font. If a font-family name contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotation marks, like so:
p {
  font-family: "Courier New", "Andale Mono", monospace;
The generic font-family names should always be without quotes and appear last in the list. The list of fonts is often termed a font stack,” which is a good term to search on if you’re looking for information on fonts to use in this way. Fonts that you can feel fairly confident using are:
Arial, Lucida, Impact, Times New Roman, Courier New, Tahoma, Comic Sans, Verdana, Georgia, Garamond
Helvetica, Futura, Bodoni, Times, Palatino, Courier, Gill Sans, Geneva, Baskerville, Andale Mono
This list reveals the reason why we chose the fonts we specified in our style rule. We begin by specifying our first preference, a common Windows font (Verdana), then list a similar Mac font (Geneva). Then we follow up with other fonts that would be usable if neither of these fonts were available. There is a handy article on the SitePoint website that describes some common font stacks, and these would be a good starting point if you are just beginning to explore web typography.

Should I use pixels, points, ems, or another unit identifier to set font sizes?

You can size text in CSS using the font-size property, like so:
font-size: 12px;


We’ve used pixel sizing here, but the font-size property can take a variety of values. Before you decide which to use, you should know the relative merits of each option. Table 2.1 identifies the units that you can use to size fonts.

Table 2.1. Units of measurement for sizing fonts

Unit IdentifierCorresponding Units

Points and Picas

You should avoid using points and picas to style text for display on screen. The point unit is an excellent way to set font sizes for print design, as the point measurement was created for that purpose:
p {
  font-size: 10pt;
A point has a fixed size of 1/72nd of an inch, while a pica is one-sixth of an inch. A printed document whose fonts are specified using these units will appear exactly as you intended; after all, one-sixth of an inch is the same physical measurement whether you’re printing on an A4 page or a billboard. However, computers are unable to accurately predict the physical size at which elements will appear on the monitor, so they guess—and guess badly—at the size of a point or pica, with results that vary between platforms. If you’re creating a print stylesheet (as we do in the section called “How do I create a print stylesheet? ” in Chapter 9) or a document that’s intended for print—rather than on screen—viewing, points and picas are the units to use. However, as a general rule of thumb we should avoid them when designing for the Web.


Many designers like to set font sizes in pixel measurements:
p {
  font-size: 12px;
Using pixels makes it easy to achieve consistent text displays across various browsers and platforms. However, pixel measurements ignore any preferences users may have set in their own browsers; furthermore, in the case of Internet Explorer, font sizes that the designer has dictated in pixels cannot to be resized by users. This limitation presents a serious accessibility problem for users who need to make text larger in order to read it clearly. While pixel measurements may seem like the easiest option for setting font sizes, they should be avoided if another method can be used. Even if you disregard the text resizing issue, given that many users will use page zoom rather than resize the text, using scalable font sizes will make your life far easier once you venture into modern layout techniques (we’ll discuss these later in the book). If you’re creating a document for print or creating a print stylesheet, you should avoid pixels entirely. Pixels have no meaning in the world of print and, like the application of points to the on-screen environment, when print applications are provided with a pixel measurement, they’ll simply try to guess the size at which the font should appear on paper—with erratic results.


The em is a relative font measurement. The name em comes from the typographical world, where it relates to the size of the capital letter M, usually the widest character in a font. In CSS, 1em is seen to be equal to the user’s default font size, or the font size of the parent element when it’s set to a value other than the default. If you use ems (or any other relative unit) to set your font sizes, users will be able to resize the text in old browsers. For example, IE6 users are unable to resize text set in pixels, and have no other zoom control. Em values can be set using decimal numbers. For example, to display text at a size 10% smaller than the user’s default (or the font size of its parent element), you could use this rule:
p {
  font-size: 0.9em;
To display the text 10% larger than the default or inherited size, you’d use this rule:
p {
  font-size: 1.1em;


The ex is a relative unit measurement that corresponds to the height of the lowercase letter x in the default font size. In theory, if you set the font size of some text to 1ex, the uppercase letters will display at the height at which the lowercase letter x would have appeared if the font size had been unspecified. Furthermore, the lowercase letters will be sized relative to those uppercase letters. Historically, browsers lacked support for the typographical features needed to determine the precise size of an ex, making a rough guess for this measurement. For this reason, exes are rarely used at the time of writing.


As with ems and exes, font sizes that are set in percentages will honor users’ text size settings and can be resized by users:
p {
  font-size: 100%;
Setting the size of a p element to 100% will display your text at users’ default font-size settings (as will setting the font size to 1 em). Decreasing the percentage will make the text smaller:
p {
  font-size: 90%;
Increasing the percentage will make the text larger:
p {
  font-size: 150%;

Sizing Fonts Using Keywords

As an alternative to using numerical values to set text sizes, you can use absolute and relative keywords.
Absolute-size Keywords
We can use any of seven absolute-size keywords to set text size in CSS:
  • xx-small
  • x-small
  • small
  • medium
  • large
  • x-large
  • xx-large
These keywords are defined relative to each other, and browsers implement them in different ways. Most browsers display medium at the same size as unstyled text, with the other keywords resizing text to varying degrees, as indicated by their names. These keyword measurements are considered absolute in that they don’t inherit from any parent element. Yet, unlike the absolute values provided for height, such as pixels and points, they do allow the text to be resized in the browser, and will honor users’ browser settings. The main problem with using these keywords is consistency between browsers—x-small-sized text may be perfectly readable in one browser and minuscule in another. Due to this lack of control, you rarely see these keywords in use.
Relative-size Keywords
Text sized using relative-size keywords— larger and smaller—takes its size from the parent element in the same way that text sized with em and % does. Therefore, if you set the size of your p element to small using absolute keywords and decide that you want emphasized text to display comparatively larger, you could add the following to the stylesheet:
p {
  font-size: small;

em {
  font-size: larger;
The following markup would display as shown in Figure 2.1, because the text between the <em> and </em> tags will display larger than its parent, the p element:
chapter_02/relative.html (excerpt)
<p>Garlic may be known for being a little bit <em>stinky</em>, but
  baked it is absolutely delicious and as long as you feed it to
  all of your guests no-one will complain about the smell! Once
  baked the garlic becomes creamy and sweet making an ideal spread
  to accompany cheese.</p>
The emphasized word within the paragraph

Figure 2.1. The emphasized word within the paragraph


When you’re deciding which method of text sizing to use, it’s best to select one that allows all users to resize the text, as well as ensuring that the text complies with the settings users have chosen within their browsers. Relative font sizing works well as long as you’re careful about the way the elements inherit sizing. In order to achieve even a basic level of accessibility, though, it’s important to enable users to set fonts to a comfortable level. Designing your layout with resizable text in mind also allows you to avoid another issue. Sometimes designers assume that setting font sizes in pixels will allow them to fix the heights of containers, or place text on top of fixed-height images. This approach will work in Internet Explorer, which doesn’t resize text set in pixels; it may, however, result in a complete mess of overflowing text in Firefox (versions prior to 3, or version 3 with Zoom set to zoom text only), where the height of boxes containing text is always unknown. I tend to use a combination of ems (to set the base size) and percentages within the document (percentages of that base size). This means that if the client decides they want the site’s text to be larger or smaller, I can simply adjust the base size and all other text stays in proportion to it.

Tip: The Sky’s the Limit

When designing for the Web, it’s best to assume that you do not know the height of anything; it will save you a lot of grief in the future. Text resizing, people adding more text than expected via a content management system, or long words causing odd line-wrapping can all blow apart a layout that counts on elements being a fixed height.

Relative Sizing and Inheritance

When you use any kind of relative sizing, remember that the element will inherit its starting size from its parent element, then adjust its size accordingly. Be careful, though, when using a relative font size for the parent element as well; this can become problematic in complex layouts where the parent element is less obvious. Consider the following markup:
chapter_02/nesting.html (excerpt)
    You'll <em>probably</em> be surprised when using 
    <a href="#">a relative <code>font-size</code></a> 
    and nested elements.
Let’s say we wanted to set the font-size of the markup text to 130% of the default size, and we made the mistake of setting it this way:
div, p, em, a, code {
  font-size: 130%;
The effect of this style rule is to make the font-size of the nested elements progressively bigger; that’s 130% of the font-size of the parent element, which is already 130% of the font-size of its parent and so on, as demonstrated in Figure 2.2.
Relative font sizing font size relative inheritance, font size

Figure 2.2. Relative font sizing

How do I remove underlines from my links?

The widely accepted default indicator that text on a web page links to another document is that it is underlined and displays in a different color from the rest of the text. However, there may be instances in which you want to remove that underline.


We use the text-decoration property to remove the underlines from link text. By default, the browser will set the text-decoration property of all elements to underline. To remove the underline, simply set the text-decoration property for the link to none:
text-decoration: none;
The CSS used to create the effect shown in Figure 2.3 is as follows:
a:link, a:visited {
  text-decoration: none;
Removing underlines with text-decoration links removing underlines underlining links text-decoration property

Figure 2.3. Removing underlines with text-decoration


In addition to underline and none, there are other values for text-decoration that you can try out:
  • overline
  • line-through
  • blink
It is possible to combine these values. For instance, should you wish to have an underline and overline on a particular link—as illustrated in Figure 2.4—you’d use this style rule:
a:link, a:visited {
  text-decoration: underline overline;
Links with text-decoration underline and overline set overline underlining links links underlining

Figure 2.4. Links with text-decoration underline and overline set

Tip: Avoid Applying Misleading Lines

You can use the text-decoration property to apply underlines to any text, even if it’s standard unlinked text, but be wary of doing this. The underlining of links is so widely accepted that users are inclined to think that any underlined text is a link to another document.

Note: When is removing underlines a bad idea?

Underlining links is a standard convention followed by all web browsers, and, consequently, users expect to see links underlined. Removing the underline from links that appear within large areas of text can make it very difficult for people to realize that these words are, in fact, links, rather than just highlighted text. I’d advise against removing the underlines from links within text. There are other ways in which you can style links so that they look attractive, and removing the underline is rarely, if ever, necessary. Links that are used as part of a menu, or appear in some other situation in which the text is quite obviously a link—for instance, where the text is styled with CSS to resemble a graphical button—are a different story. If you wish, you can remove the underline from these kinds of links, because it should be obvious from their context what they are.

How do I create a link that changes color when the cursor moves over it?

There’s an attractive link effect that changes the color or otherwise alters a link’s appearance when the cursor is moved across it. This effect can be applied to great advantage on navigation menus created with CSS, but it can also be used on links within regular paragraph text.


To create this effect, we need to style the :hover and :active dynamic pseudo-classes of the anchor element differently from its other pseudo-classes. Let’s look at an example. Here’s a typical style rule that applies the same declarations to all of an anchor element’s pseudo-classes:
a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: #6A5ACD;
  background-color: transparent;
When this stylesheet is applied, our links will display in the blue color #6A5ACD with an underline, as shown in Figure 2.5.
The styled links links changing appearance

Figure 2.5. The styled links

To style our :hover and :active pseudo-classes differently, we need to remove them from the declaration with the other pseudo-classes and give them their own separate declaration. In the CSS below, I decided to remove the underline on hover. I’ve also set a background color and made the link’s text a darker color; Figure 2.6 shows how these styles display in a browser:
a:link, a:visited {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: #6A5ACD;
  background-color: transparent;

a:hover, a:active {
  text-decoration: underline overline;
  color: #191970;
  background-color: #C9C3ED;
As you’ve probably realized, you can style the anchor’s other pseudo-classes separately, too. In particular, you might like to apply a different style to links that users have visited. To do so, you’d simply style the :visited pseudo-class separately.
Moving the cursor over a link to which a hover style is applied links changing appearance

Figure 2.6. Moving the cursor over a link to which a hover style is applied

When styling pseudo-classes, take care that you leave the size or weight (or boldness) of the text unchanged. Otherwise, you’ll find that your page appears to jiggle, as the surrounding content has to move to make way for the larger text to display when your cursor hovers over the link.

Ordering Pseudo-class Declarations

The anchor pseudo-classes should be declared in the following order: :link, :visited, :hover, :active, or else you may find that they work differently to how you intended. One way to remember this order is by using the mnemonic: LoVeHAte.

Note: Fashion Police

You are limited in the styles you may apply to visited links. This is because of the potential privacy implications of your browser knowing which links you have visited. If visited styles do not appear to be showing in a particular browser, it may be due to this issue.

How do I display two different styles of link on one page?

The previous solution explained how to style the different selectors of the anchor element, but what if you want to use different link styles within the same document? Perhaps you want to display links without underlines in your navigation menu, yet make sure that links within the body content are easily identifiable. Or maybe part of your document has a dark background color, so you need to use a lighter colored link style there.


To demonstrate how to create multiple styles for links displayed on one page, let’s take an example in which we’ve already styled the regular links:
chapter_02/linktypes.css (excerpt)
a:link, a:visited {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: #6A5ACD;
  background-color: transparent;

a:hover, a:active {
  text-decoration: underline overline;
  color: #191970;
  background-color: #C9C3ED;
These should be taken as the default link styles: they reflect the way links will normally be styled within your documents. The first rule makes the link blue, so if an area of our page has a blue background, the links that appear in that space will be unreadable. We need to create a second set of styles for links in that area. First, let’s create a class or an id for the element that will contain the differently colored links. If the container is already styled with CSS, it may already have a class or id that we can use. Suppose that our document contains the following markup:
chapter_02/linktypes.html (excerpt)
<div class="boxout">
  <p>Visit our <a href="#store">online store</a>, for many of the 
    tools you need to kit out your kitchen.</p>
We need to create a style rule that affects any link appearing within an element with the class boxout:
chapter_02/linktypes.css (excerpt)
.boxout {
  color: #FFFFFF;
  background-color: #6A5ACD;

.boxout a:link, .boxout a:visited {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: #E4E2F6;
  background-color: transparent;

.boxout a:hover, .boxout a:active {
  background-color: #C9C3ED;
  color: #191970;
  text-decoration: none;
As you can see in Figure 2.7, this rule will display all links in the document as per the first style except for those that appear within the div element with the class boxout: these links will be displayed in the lighter color.
Using two link styles in one document links multiple styles

Figure 2.7. Using two link styles in one document

How do I style the first item in a list differently from the others?

Frequently, designers find that they need to style the first of a set of items—be they list items or a number of paragraphs within a container—distinct from the rest of the set. One way to achieve this is to assign a class to the first item, and then style that class uniquely from other items; however, there’s a more elegant way to create this effect using the pseudo-class selector first-child.


Here’s a simple list of items marked up as an unordered list:
chapter_02/firstchild.html (excerpt)
  <li>Red Leicester</li>
  <li>Shropshire Blue</li>
To change the color of the first item in the list without affecting its neighbors, we can use the first-child selector. This allows us to target the first element within the ul element, as shown in Figure 2.8:
li:first-child {
  color: red;
Displaying the first list item in red text lists styling first item

Figure 2.8. Displaying the first list item in red text


The first-child pseudo-class selector is well supported in browsers as it has existed since the CSS2.1 specification. The only browser you’re likely to be concerned about without support is IE6. See Chapter 7 for suggestions as to how to manage this lack of support.

How do I add a background color to a heading?

CSS allows us to add a background color to any element, including a heading.


Below is a CSS rule created for all the level-one headings in a document:
chapter_02/headingcolor.css (excerpt)
h1 {
  background-color: #ADD8E6;
  color: #256579;
  font: 1.6em Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  padding: 0.2em;
The result is shown in Figure 2.9.
The heading with a background color background color in headings headings background color color heading background

Figure 2.9. The heading with a background color

Tip: Make Way for Color

When you add a background to a heading, you may also want to adjust the padding so that there’s space between the heading text and the edge of the colored area, as I’ve done in the example.

How do I style headings with underlines?

Using CSS, there are two ways in which you can add an underline to your text.


The simplest way to add an underline is to use the text-decoration property that we encountered earlier in the section called “How do I remove underlines from my links? ” This method will allow you to apply to text an underline that’s the same color as the text itself, as this code and Figure 2.10, show:
chapter_02/headingunderline.css (excerpt)
h1 {
  font: 1.6em Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  text-decoration: underline;
Using text-decoration to add an underline headings underlining underlining headings text-decoration property

Figure 2.10. Using text-decoration to add an underline

You can also create an underline effect by adding a bottom border to the heading. This solution, which produces the result shown in Figure 2.11, is more flexible in that it allows you to separate the underline from the heading with the use of padding, and you can change the color of the underline so that it differs from that of the text. A heading with this effect is also less likely to be confused with underlined link text than one whose underline is created using the text-decoration property. Here’s the style rule you’ll need:
h1 {
  font: 1.6em Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  padding: 0.2em;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;
Creating an underline effect using a bottom border headings underlining underlining headings borders on text text adding borders

Figure 2.11. Creating an underline effect using a bottom border

How do I remove the large gap between an h1 element and the following paragraph?

By default, browsers render a gap between all heading and paragraph elements. The gap is produced by default top and bottom margins that browsers apply to these elements. The margin on the heading shown in Figure 2.12 reflects the default value. This gap can be removed using CSS.
The default heading and paragraph spacing in Safari

Figure 2.12. The default heading and paragraph spacing in Safari


To remove all space between a heading and the paragraph that follows it, you must remove the bottom margin from the heading as well as the top margin from the paragraph. In modern browsers—including Internet Explorer 7 and above—we can do this through CSS using an adjacent selector. To achieve the same effect in older browsers, however, we need to revert to other techniques that are better supported.

Using an Adjacent Selector

An adjacent selector lets you target an element that follows another element, as long as both share the same parent. In fact, you can use adjacent selectors to specify an element that follows several other elements instead of just one. The element to which the style is applied is always the last element in the chain. If you’re confused, be assured that this concept will be clearer once we’ve seen it in action. The following style rules remove the top margin from any paragraph that immediately follows a level-one heading. Note that the top margin is actually removed from the paragraph that follows the h1, rather than the level-one heading itself:
chapter_02/headingnospace.css (excerpt)
h1 {
  font: 1.6em Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  margin-bottom: 0;

h1+p {
  margin-top: 0;
Figure 2.13 shows the display of the original page once this rule is applied.
Using an adjacent selector to change the heading display headings margins margins heading adjacent selector selectors adjacent

Figure 2.13. Using an adjacent selector to change the heading display

As you can see, the first paragraph that follows the h1 no longer has a top margin; all subsequent paragraphs, however, retain their top margins.


The adjacent selector is supported in Internet Explorer 7 and above, and in all recent versions of other browsers. See Chapter 7 for details of how to manage support for IE6 if this is required.

How do I highlight text on the page?

A common feature on many websites is to highlight an important term on a page, such as the search terms visitors have used to locate our web page through a search engine. It’s easy to highlight text using CSS.


If you wrap the text to be highlighted with span tags and add a class attribute, you can easily add a CSS rule for that class. For example, in the following paragraph, we’ve wrapped a phrase in span tags that apply the class hilite:
chapter_02/hilite.html (excerpt)
<p>Garlic may be known for being a little bit <span class="hilite">
  stinky</span>, but baked it is absolutely delicious and as long as
  you feed it to all of your guests no-one will complain about the
  smell! Once baked the garlic becomes creamy and sweet making an
  ideal spread to accompany cheese.</p>
The style rule for the hilite class is shown below; the highlighted section will display as seen in Figure 2.14:
chapter_02/hilite.css (excerpt)
.hilite {
  background-color: #FFFFCC;
  color: #B22222;
Highlighting text with a class text highlighting highlighting text

Figure 2.14. Highlighting text with a class

Tip: When It’s All Done for Show

You should only highlight text in this way if the effect is purely presentational, and only relevant to those who can see the text in the browser. If the text needs to be highlighted in order to convey its meaning, consider using em (for emphasis) or strong instead, and then style the em or strong element. By using em or strong, you affect the meaning of the document. In such cases where highlighting is for looks only and no additional semantic elements are required, the technique explained here is the best one to use.

How do I alter the line height (leading) of my text?

One of the great advantages that CSS had over earlier web design methods like font tags is that it gave you far more control over the way text looked on the page. In this solution, we’ll alter the leading of the text in your document.


If the default spacing between the lines of text on your page looks a little narrow, you can change it with the line-height property:
p {
  font: 1em Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  line-height: 2.2;
The result is shown in Figure 2.15.
Adjusting the leading using line-height text line spacing line spacing leading line-height property

Figure 2.15. Adjusting the leading using line-height

Just take care not to overdo it by spacing the text out so much that it’s hard to read.

Note: For Good Measure

You’ll notice that we didn’t specify any unit of measurement in this example; that’s because the value of 2.2 is a ratio. You can specify a value for line-height using standard CSS units of measurement, such as ems or pixels, but doing so breaks the link between the line height and the font size for child elements. For instance, if this example contained a span that set a large font-size, the line height would scale up proportionally and maintain the same ratio, because the line-height of the paragraph was set to the numerical value 2.2. If, however, the line-height was set to 2.2em or 220%, the span would inherit the actual line height instead of the ratio, and the large font size would have no effect on the line height of the span. Depending on the effect you’re going for, this may actually be a desirable result.

How do I justify text?

When you justify text, you alter the spacing between the words so that both the left and right margins are aligned. You can create this effect easily using CSS.


You can justify paragraph text with the help of the text-align property, like so:
p {
  text-align: justify;
  font: 1em Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  line-height: 2.2;
Justified text text justifying text-align property

Figure 2.16. Justified text


The other values for text-align are:
  • right: aligns the text to the right of the container
  • left: aligns the text to the left of the container
  • center: centers the text in the container

Note: The Language of text-align

The default value for text-align is left for languages that are read from left to right (such as English and French) and right for languages that are read right to left (Hebrew or Arabic). If no text-align value is set, the text will be displayed depending on the text direction of the language the site is being viewed in. If your site has to support bidirectional text flowed into the same templates, take care to test text-align in both language directions.

How do I indent text?

To indent text, we apply a rule to its container that sets a padding-left value, for example:
chapter_02/indent.html (excerpt)
<p class="indent">Garlic may be known for being a little bit
  <span class="hilite">stinky</span>, but baked it is absolutely
  delicious and as long as you feed it to all of your guests no-one
  will complain about the smell! Once baked the garlic becomes
  creamy and sweet making an ideal spread to accompany cheese.</p>
Here’s the rule:
.indent {
  padding-left: 1.5em;
You can see the indented paragraph in Figure 2.17.
The first paragraph has been indented text indenting

Figure 2.17. The first paragraph has been indented


You should avoid using the HTML tag blockquote to indent text unless the text is actually a quote. This bad habit was a technique encouraged in the past by visual editing environments such as Dreamweaver, which played on the fact that a browser’s default stylesheet usually indents a blockquote. Some WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors used in content management systems also do this. If you’re currently using an editor that employs blockquote tags to indent text, you should resist the temptation to use it for this purpose; instead, set up a CSS rule to indent the appropriate blocks as just shown. The blockquote tag is designed to mark up a quote, and devices such as screen readers used by visually impaired people will read this text in a way that helps them understand that it’s a quote. Hence, using blockquote to indent regular paragraphs will be very confusing for such users.

A One-liner

A related technique enables us to indent just the first line of each paragraph. Simply apply the CSS property text-indent to the paragraph—or to a class that’s applied to the paragraphs—that you wish to display in this way:
p {
  text-indent: 1.5em;
The first line of each paragraph has been indented text hanging indent

Figure 2.18. The first line of each paragraph has been indented

How do I center text?

You can center text, or any other element, using the text-align property.


To center a paragraph using the text-align property, give it a value of center:
chapter_02/center.html (excerpt)
<p class="centered">Garlic may be known ...</p>
.centered {
  text-align: center;
The result of this rule can be seen in Figure 2.19.
The first paragraph has been centered text centering text-align property centering text

Figure 2.19. The first paragraph has been centered

How do I change text to all capitals using CSS?


You can change text to all capitals, and perform other transformations, by using the text-transform property:
chapter_02/uppercase.html (excerpt)
<p class="transform">Garlic may be known for ...</p>
.transform {
  text-transform: uppercase;
Note the uppercase text in Figure 2.20.
The paragraph has been transformed to uppercase text changing case text-transform property

Figure 2.20. The paragraph has been transformed to uppercase


The text-transform property has other useful values. The value capitalize will capitalize the first letter of each word, as illustrated in Figure 2.21. This is very useful for transforming headings when text is being entered via a CMS. Users are unlikely to remember to capitalize everything correctly, but with CSS you can ensure that text will display neatly, regardless of what has been entered. You should be aware, however, that words such as “a” and “the” will also be capitalized.
chapter_02/capitalize.css (excerpt)
.transform {
  text-transform: capitalize;
The first letter of each word has been capitalized text changing case text-transform property

Figure 2.21. The first letter of each word has been capitalized

The other values that the text-transform property can take are:
  • lowercase
  • none

How do I create a drop-caps effect?

Making the first letter in a paragraph larger—a simple drop-capitals effect—is easily achieved with CSS.


This can be achieved by using the first-letter pseudo-class selector:
chapter_02/dropcaps.html (excerpt)
<h1>Baked Garlic</h1>
<p>Garlic may be known for being a little bit <em>stinky</em>, but
  baked it is absolutely delicious and as long as you feed it to all
  of your guests no-one will complain about the smell! Once baked
  the garlic becomes creamy and sweet making an ideal spread to
  accompany cheese.</p>
h1 + p:first-letter {
  font-size: 200%;
  font-weight: bold;
  float: left;
  width: 1em;
  line-height: 1;
The simple drop-capitals effect text drop-caps selectors first-letter first-letter selector drop-caps effect

Figure 2.22. The simple drop-capitals effect


This is a basic example demonstrating the use of the pseudo-class selector first-letter. I’ve also used an adjacent selector to only target the paragraph that comes directly after an h1; without this, the first letter of every paragraph would have a drop cap. Because browsers interpret line-height differently, the results can be a little inconsistent, so you’ll need to experiment a little for a pleasing effect. There is a useful article by James Edwards on the SitePoint website that discusses creating a drop-caps effect in some detail.

How do I add a drop shadow to my text?

A drop shadow can be used to add a tiny shadow, whether to gently highlight some text, or allow a more dramatic shadow effect.


The text-shadow property lets you add shadows to text—from the subtle to the completely crazy:
chapter_02/textshadow.html (excerpt)
<h1>Baked Garlic</h1>
<p>Garlic may be known for being a little bit <em>stinky</em>, but
  baked it is absolutely delicious and as long as you feed it to all
  of your guests no-one will complain about the smell! Once baked
  the garlic becomes creamy and sweet making an ideal spread to
  accompany cheese.</p>
h1 {
  font-size: 250%;
  color: #256579;
  text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #999;
The drop shadow on a heading text drop-shadow drop-shadow effect text-shadow property shadow effects text

Figure 2.23. The drop shadow on a heading


The syntax for the text-shadow property is straightforward:
text-shadow: 5px, 5px, 5px, #999;
The first value is the horizontal distance from the text; the second is the vertical distance; the third is the blur radius or spread of the shadow; and the final value is the color. The easiest way to see how text-shadow works is to create a large heading —so you can easily see your changes—and then play around with the values. You can also have a play around with text-shadow and many other CSS3 properties at the online CSS3 Generator.

Note: Beyond a Shadow of Doubt

When adding shadows to text, make sure that your text is still legible. I find text-shadow most useful when adding effects to form buttons and big headings, but large quantities of body copy can be hard to read with a shadow applied. Sadly, the text-shadow property is unsupported in Internet Explorer (including version 9). We’ll discuss this further in Chapter 7, where we’ll cover ways of dealing with it.

How do I change or remove the bullets on list items?


You can change the style of bullets displayed on an unordered list by altering the list-style-type property. First, here’s the markup for the list:
chapter_02/listtype.html (excerpt)
  <li>Red Leicester</li>
  <li>Shropshire Blue</li>
To display square bullets as in Figure 2.24, set the list-style-type property to square:
ul {
  list-style-type: square;
Square list bullets lists styling bullets list-style-type property bullets changing

Figure 2.24. Square list bullets


Some of the other values that the list-style-type property can take are disc, circle, decimal-leading-zero, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, and none. You’ll find that some of these values have no support in certain browsers; those browsers without support for a particular bullet type will display the default type instead. You can see the different types, and check the support your browser has for them, at the CSS Test Suite for list-style-type. Setting list-style-type to none will remove bullets from the display, although the list will still be indented as if the bullets were there, as Figure 2.25 shows:
ul {
  list-style-type: none;
No list bullets lists styling bullets list-style-type property bullets removing

Figure 2.25. No list bullets

How do I use an image for a list-item bullet?


Create your image, then use the list-style-image property to set your bullets rather than list-style-type. This property accepts a URL, which can incorporate the path to your image file as a value:
ul {
  list-style-image: url(bullet.gif);
Figure 2.26 shows how this effect can be used to spruce up a list.
Images used for list bullets lists using image as bullet bullets images as list-style-image property

Figure 2.26. Images used for list bullets

Setting Bullets on Individual List Items

The list-style-image property applies to the list item (li) elements in the list. But if you apply list-style-image to the list as a whole (the ul or ol element), each individual list item will inherit it. You do, however, have the option of setting the property on individual list items by assigning a class or id to each, giving individual items their own unique bullet images. If turning the bullet into an image is falling short of the desired result, your other option would be to use a background image, which we’ll discuss in Chapter 3.

How do I remove the indented left-hand margin from a list?

If you’ve set list-style-type to none, you may also wish to remove or decrease the default left-hand margin that the browser sets on a list.


To remove the indentation entirely and have your list align left so that it lines up with a preceding paragraph as shown in Figure 2.27, use a style rule similar to this:
ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding-left: 0;
  margin-left: 0;
Removing the list margin and bullets lists changing margins margins list lists removing bullets bullets removing list-style-type property

Figure 2.27. Removing the list margin and bullets


You can apply new indentation values to the list items if you wish. To indent the content by a few pixels, try this:
ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding-left: 5px;
  margin-left: 0;

How do I display a list horizontally?

By default, list items display as block elements; therefore, each new item will display on a new line. However, there may be times when some content on your page is, structurally speaking, a list, even though you’d prefer to display it in a different way—a collection of navigation links is a good example. How can you display these list items horizontally?


You can set a list to display horizontally by altering the display property of the li element to inline, like so:
chapter_02/listinline.html (excerpt)
<ul class="nav">
  <li><a href="#breakfast">Breakfast recipes</a></li>
  <li><a href="#lunch">Lunch recipes</a></li>
  <li><a href="#dinner">Dinner recipes</a></li>
ul.nav li {
  display: inline;
The list displayed inline lists displaying horizontally

Figure 2.28. The list displayed inline

How do I remove page margins?

The default styles of most browsers add margins or padding between the browser chrome and the page content; this is so that text in an unstyled page ends before the edge of the browser window. You’ll probably want to remove this gap or dictate the size of it, rather than leave it up to the browser.


To remove all margin and padding around your content, use the following style rules, which have been defined for the body element:
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
The result is shown in Figure 2.29.
The default page padding and margins have been removed margins page

Figure 2.29. The default page padding and margins have been removed

How can I remove browsers’ default padding and margins from all elements?

The display that you see in a browser when you view an unstyled document is the result of the browser’s internal stylesheet. Often, the differences that arise in the way various browsers display an unstyled page occur because those browsers have slightly different internal stylesheets.


One way to solve this problem is to remove the default margins and padding from all elements before you create your styles. The following rule will set the padding and margins on all elements to zero. It will have the effect of causing every element on the page—paragraphs, headings, lists, and more—to display without leaving any space between them, as Figure 2.30 demonstrates:
Removing padding and margins from all elements with the universal selector margins element elements changing margins

Figure 2.30. Removing padding and margins from all elements with the universal selector

* {
  margin: 0; 
  padding: 0


This style rule uses the universal selector—also known as the asterisk or star ( *)—to remove the margins and padding from everything, a technique known as performing a global whitespace reset. If you’re working on a particularly complex design, this may be the best way to start. Once you’ve done this, though, you’ll need to go back and add margins and padding to every element you use. This is particularly important for some form elements, which may be rendered unusable by this style rule. For simpler designs, removing the whitespace from every element is usually overkill, and simply generates more work; you’ll need to go back and add padding and margins to elements such as paragraphs, blockquotes, and lists. A viable alternative is to remove the margins and padding from a select set of elements only. The following style rule shows how this works, removing whitespace from heading and list elements:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
There has been much discussion in the web development community over whether CSS Resets are a good idea or not. Personally, I don’t use them, instead preferring to perform a similar method to what we’ve just seen, depending on the project. If you do find them helpful, I’d suggest looking at Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset as a solid starting point.

How do I use fonts other than those installed on most users’ computers?

When we discussed font-family at the beginning of this chapter, I mentioned that you have to be careful about selecting fonts, as there are only a few fonts that you can safely assume are on most users’ computers. However, CSS provides a way to use other fonts, too, by loading a font file from the server.


In theory, we can import a new font using the font-face property:
@font-face {
  font-family: KaffeesatzBold;
  src: url(YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold.ttf);

h1 { 
  font-family: KaffeesatzBold, sans-serif; 
  font-weight: normal;
The @font-face rule declares the name of the font, then enables you to load in a font file that’s on your server with the src property. You can then just use this font in your font-family list as you would any other font.


There are two issues with using @font-face currently. The first is that no single font format is supported across all browsers and operating systems; therefore, importing a font is a little more complicated than just loading in a single file as in the preceding example. The second issue is licensing. Many of the fonts that you might use in Photoshop on your own computer aren’t licensed to be uploaded to a web server and served in this way, as other users could download the font file itself—just as they can download an image that you’re using on your website.

Browser Compatibility for Fonts You Can Upload to Your Server

If you do have a font that’s licensed for use on the Web, your main issue is generating a package of fonts that will cover all browsers and operating systems. The simplest way to do this is to use one of the sites that can generate you a set of font files; I like to use Font Squirrel. In addition to having a library of fonts you may use on the Web, the site has a @font-face generator that will create your set of fonts from one that you upload. Upload your font, and you can then download a package of various font types along with the CSS rules needed to include them in your site:
chapter_02/fontface.css (excerpt)
@font-face {
  font-family: 'YanoneKaffeesatzBold';
  src: url('yanonekaffeesatz-bold-webfont.eot'),
  src: url('yanonekaffeesatz-bold-webfont.eot?#iefix') 
       url('yanonekaffeesatz-bold-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
       url('yanonekaffeesatz-bold-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
Add the rule to your CSS, and you can then use this font as normal. Make sure that you remember to upload the font files when deploying your site.
Using a custom font package generated by Font Squirrel fonts generating custom package Font Squirrel

Figure 2.31. Using a custom font package generated by Font Squirrel

If Your Font is not Licensed for Web Use

If your font is without a license for such use, you can either search sites such as Font Squirrel for a similar font, or take up another option. There are a number of services now available—some from the font foundries themselves—that offer served, licensed fonts for use on websites, such as: These services host the fonts in a secure way; you sign up for an account, and can then use the fonts on your website by loading them in from the remote server. Typically, they have a tool that allows you to generate the code required for your site. Each service works in a slightly different way, but getting up and running with a font usually involves selecting it on the service and then pasting some code into your site. You can then use the fonts as normal in your CSS.
My company site,, uses the Avenir font hosted by fonts licensing

Figure 2.32. My company site,, uses the Avenir font hosted by

Each service licenses different fonts, so generally you need to select a service based on the font that you require. I think we’ll see greater provision of web font services by the font foundries in the future, as designers will be selecting fonts for projects based on the availability of the web font.

Working with Style

This chapter has covered the more common questions asked by those relatively new to CSS—questions that relate to styling and manipulating text on the page. By combining these techniques, you can create attractive effects that will degrade appropriately for browsers unable to support certain aspects of CSS.
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