“This book is the ultimate primer on green finance and carbon risk, written by somebody who has been instrumental in shaping and designing the world of carbon risk supervision described in the book. Ideal for somebody trying to understand everything you need to know to navigate the world of green finance.”

Jakob Thomä, Managing Director, 2 Degrees Investing Initiative

“Ezroj demystifies carbon risk and green finance, while exposing the uninitiated to the current state of the art. The book decodes the alphabet-soup of protocols and initiatives taking place around the world, and doesn’t shrink from pointing out the many challenges remaining in attaining scale and standardization.”

Evan Mills, Founder, Energy Associates

“Our current climate conundrum needs campaigning as much as it needs scientific analysis. Responding to it necessitates policy changes at all levels, from the most local to the most international. It requires change in exotic matters such as ecological tourism, but also in more mundane sectors such as finance. In this volume, Aaron Ezroj draws upon his experience as a private practitioner and public servant, and his exposure to US federal and state, international, and EU law to paint a most insightful, non-hysterical picture of climate finance. Of what there is and what there ought to be. In a complete yet concise style he identifies the analytical tools required by both funds and investors to kill the two birds of climate and finance with one stone. Much recommended.”

Geert Van Calster, Head of European and International Law, KU Leuven

Carbon Risk and Green Finance provides a useful overview of the laws, regulations, and industry actions across the globe that are pushing this growing and impactful movement to incorporate climate change into financial decision-making. It’s a perfect starting point for anyone wishing to familiarize themselves with this increasingly critical issue.”

Ethan Elkind, Director of the Climate Program, Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy and the Environment

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