
Usage of Blockchain for Edge Computing

Chapter 15

Usage of Blockchain for Edge Computing

A B M Mehedi Hasan and Md Shamsur Rahim

Australian Institute of Higher Education, Australia

Sabbir Ahmed

University of South Australia, Australia

Dr Andrew Levula

Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce, Australia


15.1 Introduction

15.2 Applications and Benefits of Edge Computing

15.2.1 Identify the Benefits of Using Edge Computing from Different Perspectives

15.2.2 Identify the Applications of Edge Computing in Different Fields

15.3 Issues in Edge Computing

15.3.1 Issues in Security and Privacy

15.3.2 Issues in Decentralized Architecture

15.4 Integrating Blockchain in Edge Computing: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle?

15.4.1 Blockchain: Beyond Cryptocurrency

15.4.2 Advantages of Blockchain

15.4.3 How Blockchain Will Complement Edge Computing

15.4.4 How Blockchain Can be Integrated with Edge Computing Requirements: Integrated Blockchain and Edge Computing Overview on Existing Frameworks

15.5 Challenges and Future Scope for Incorporating Blockchain to Edge Computing

15.6 Conclusion


15.1 Introduction

The rapid technological advancements in the period of IoT and cloud framework-based applications has led to the introduction of edge computing, which is an extension of cloud computing at the peripheral of the network. In the ICT sector, edge computing is synonymous with other names such as virtual computing, mobile computing or fog computing. Edge computing connects billions of endpoint devices in the network to aid cloud computation. Since the computation and data storage is closer to the source of where it is needed, the applications get faster responses from the edge level server and access to the cloud server. This distributed architecture of edge computing has brought numerous benefits such as speed, scalability and versatility at the edge of the system. However, it raises questions about preserving security and privacy of data that is being transmitted at the edge and the security of the edge devices.

Blockchain is an emerging technology that has often been associated with the world of digital cryptocurrency technology. However, Blockchain is a growing list of records known as blocks that are linked using cryptography. The decentralized approach, while maintaining the distributed ledger, includes validation and synchronization performed by different users which can be located at various locations across the world as long as they have Internet access. Blockchain is a technology that transfers centralized processing to decentralized processing, whereby information can be shared based on consensus. In this decentralized paradigm, Blockchain technology ensures transparency, confidentiality, security and immutability. Since Blockchain technology can address the security and privacy gaps that are prevalent with edge computing, it becomes a naturalistic approach to incorporate Blockchain with edge computing technologies in a system. Computation of the countless numbers of edge servers, controlling the whole network and providing trustworthy retrieval of information is feasible for a system that is integrated with Blockchain.

Moreover, it can strengthen the total system network security and improve the data manipulation and validation process. Since edge nodes have limited power resources, they would also have the energy provisions needed for storing and executing computation. Additionally, the edge network, which includes the distributed processing would generate scalable processes through Blockchain.

Edge computing integrated with Blockchain offers vast opportunities to overcome the limitations of both technologies. Few studies have been conducted until now on integrating Blockchain in edge computing [14]. These studies have proposed different architectures and/or frameworks for integrating Blockchain in edge computing. One of the primary goals of this chapter is to inform researchers and practitioners on recent trends of this topic. A summary of selected research on this topic has been presented in this chapter. Also, several requirements need to be fulfilled before one can meaningfully integrate Blockchain with edge computing such as authentication, adaptability, network security, data integrity and low latency. This chapter will also cover their requirements and critical challenges of integrating Blockchain and edge computing systems such as security, scalability, consensus optimization, resource management and intrusion detection. This will be followed by future research directions which will introduce emerging topics on Blockchain and edge computing.

The residual of the chapter is sorted as follows. The applications and benefits of edge computing are described in Section 15.2. Section 15.3 provides an overview of the issues due to implementing edge computing. Section 15.4 addresses how Blockchain can deal with the issues in edge computing, the challenges and existing approaches associated with Blockchain and edge computing. This section also addresses the details about requirements to integrate Blockchain in edge computing and finally proposes the frameworks. The future research directions and the challenges are covered by Section 15.5. Section 15.6 concludes the chapter and provides an overview of the chapter.

15.2 Applications and Benefits of Edge Computing

15.2.1 Identify the Benefits of Using Edge Computing from Different Perspectives

When studying edge computing and its applications, one cannot do so without understanding the opportunities and challenges that it presents to the issue of having centralized ICT solutions. A significant number of studies have highlighted motivations, benefits and challenges of edge computing [59]. Figure 15.1 demonstrates the motivations in edge computing which can be rendered as potential benefits of edge computing [5]:

Figure 15.1 Motivations in edge computing extracted from Varghese et al. [5].

Edge computing is critical for the Internet of Things (IoT) because of the added benefits that it can present to an IoT appliance. The IoT is defined as a system characterized by many interconnected objects that contain unique addressing scheme and sensors that are dynamically linked over a distributed network [6]. Edge devices that are dependent on the IoT include Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Google Assistant and all connected home appliances and devices. On the one hand, competitors might be racing for a low-latency processed data delivery system. On the other hand, consumers are expecting quick responses to their queries through their devices. Cloud-dependent services are challenged when it comes to low-latency computing. At this point, edge computing brings light to the problem of low-latency computing. Computing at the edge nodes is expected to be helpful to decrease dependency on the centralized cloud computing servers. There is a significant advantage of using edge nodes nearest to the edge devices to overcome network delays [5].

Edge devices can capture data from different sources. Data that are transmitted over the Internet to cloud computing servers for analyzing and analyzed outcome are transmitted back to the edge devices. In this type of condition, edge devices may experience high latency. Hardware and middleware limitations in edge devices may lead to failure while performing analytics which is complex in nature [7]. However, edge computing could be a beneficial solution to overcome resource limitations of edge devices, if a small proportion of data can be analyzed at edge nodes. Edge nodes can be used as unoccupied computational resources for analyzing or filtering data [5].

The benefits of edge computing also encompass a potential reduction of energy consumption at data centers and reduce the processing load of data centers. Energy consumption by data centers is projected to become three times greater than what is consumed nowadays [8], and energy-efficient approaches are profoundly required to diminish the consumption of energy [9]. Edge nodes within the edge networks can take a possible number of loads offloaded by cloud-based data centers according to capacity. According to Varghese et al. [5], consolidation of power management policy can be helpful to mitigate the challenge of energy consumption when edge nodes next to data sources can be used to handle some of the analytical tasks. Additionally, this may help reduce overloading problems of data centers.

It is obvious that edge devices are increasing rapidly. From mobile phones to wearable devices, a significant amount of data is being collected, which is increasing over time exponentially. Edge computing can be beneficial against increasing amount of data generated every day by a growing number of edge devices. An enormous amount of data which different devices generally generate is required to be handled in this world of interconnected networks. This situation triggers a need for data center expansion and raises a concern of increased energy consumption. Additionally, there is an increasing volume of traffic being forwarded to cloud-based servers which is another concern. Use of edge nodes could be potentially beneficial to reduce loads of cloud-based servers. Probable use of edge nodes to support some parts of computations of devices or data centers can be an advantage to cope with the surge of data and network traffic [5].

15.2.2 Identify the Applications of Edge Computing in Different Fields

Researchers show different types of applications of edge computing. According to the following studies, edge computing would open the door of possibilities:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Face Recognition Systems

    There are concerns of high-latency issues when data from face recognition systems are transmitted to the cloud for analyses purposes. A study was conducted by Zeng, Li et al. [10] where a face recognition system was developed to study the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) when applied to edge devices. A complete system had been built to prove the effectiveness of the proposed framework using the cloud server, rk3288 development platform and webcam [11].

  2. Gaming

    Numerous computer or mobile phone users are playing video games, especially users with smart devices. Google has kept its promise to support gamers by launching Google Stadia in 2019, and now it is available in many countries. Although it has been reviewed as a technical and conceptual disaster, this is just a start. Google is rendering video games in their cloud servers and streaming videos to any devices at the user end. There is a major challenge for Google to overcome high-latency and bandwidth issues. Zhang, Chen et al. [12], proposed a framework to improve cloud gaming with the help of edge resources. Rendering part of edge games which requires demanding computation resources can be offloaded to edge devices helping to alleviate latency and consumption of bandwidth [12].

  3. Healthcare

    Healthcare industry generates a large volume of data, especially emergency departments. Healthcare systems can be combined with edge computing technologies to increase their efficiency. A smart healthcare framework based on edge computing is proposed by Oueida et al. (2018). According to them, hospital emergencies deal with real-time systems which have complicated and dynamic structure, and the proposed framework offers the application of different key performance indicators optimized for a particular user group [13] (Figure 15.2).

    According to the framework stated above, all databases and healthcare-related software are deployed on the cloud where data is closer to the workflow of Smart HealthCare. Smart devices used in healthcare are edge devices. When assigned tasks are complete, a status notification containing the availability of resources in the pool is sent to the cloud servers with the help of edge nodes [13].

  4. Oil and Gas Industry

    Oil and gas industry is expanding due to high demand for petroleum. Petroleum extraction plants use different types of sensors for extraction operations. According to Hussain, Salehi et al. [14], sensors for measuring pipeline pressure, gas leakage, air pollution and many more are used in extraction sites, and data is sent to the cloud servers for processing and high-latency satellite communications are used. All the latency-prone tasks or processes can be potentially handled with the help of edge computing [14].

  5. Manufacturing

    In smart manufacturing plants, different types of tools, robots, machines, computers and devices relate to sensors to measure pressure, humidity and heat. In smart manufacturing, data is processed on the cloud servers, and factors like high latency, bandwidth issue and Internet unavailability affect the manufacturing process. Edge computing can be beneficial to reduce the issues stated above (Figure 15.3).

    According to Qi and Tao [15], edge computing responds to the issues mentioned above. The capacity of data computation, networking and data storing are extended by edge computing. Therefore, edge computing can be beneficial to manufacturing processes.

Figure 15.2 A smart healthcare framework based on edge computing.

Figure 15.3 Edge computing-based manufacturing interaction and control.

15.3 Issues in Edge Computing

15.3.1 Issues in Security and Privacy

Cloud data center tasks are offloaded through edge computing with its own storage and evaluation in the edge network. Hence, performing the computation in edge network-level mainly raises the concern of providing data security and privacy. Information privacy and security have turned into fundamental prerequisites to ensure that clients in e-commerce businesses, financial and operational data are not compromised. This is a pressing issue with edge computing, and it provides an opportunity where Blockchain can play an integral part in addressing this limitation in edge computing. Additionally, when addressing privacy and security related to edge computing strategies need to be put in place for each tier of the edge processing frameworks. In the subsection that follows, embryonic privacy and security challenges dependent on the different tier engineering of edge computing will be covered. Figure 15.4 demonstrates the issues related to privacy and security in terms of edge computing.

  1. Security for the core Infrastructure

    The core infrastructure of cloud storage and administration supports the edge paradigm. Different cloud service providers may be included inside of the core infrastructure to support the different edge layers. The core architecture will be supported by suppliers or any other provider (e.g. mobile network operators). Hence, privacy leakage, information altering, denial of service (DoS) attacks and administration control types of severe difficulties would arise due to semi-trusted or unsecured infrastructure.

    Edge devices will transmit different information in the main cloud storage through the edge data centers. The data that is transmitted would contain personal and confidential user information generated from different endpoint edge devices. Intruders might be able to tamper with the data or bypass the data processing while the edge data center is communicating with the core architecture. This highlights the issues of privacy leakages and information altering that exists with edge computing.

    Additionally, a malignant virtual machine can attempt to drain the assets where it is executing, and for this reason, it can also hamper computational processing, network stability and storage assets. According to Zhang, Chen et al. [16], there is a severe threat as most edge data servers will not have the information which can be accessed by other cloud frameworks. Inside of the distributed and decentralized architecture, a hijacked or jammed core infrastructure network can provide or exchange false information due to insufficient service privileges [16]. This prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data. Figure 15.5 enlisted the categorization of privacy and security challenges in an edge computing architecture.

  2. Security for Edge Servers

    Different virtualized services and management of services are executed through edge servers. Like the multi-cloud server scenario, the edge server performs its activities in a specific geographical location. Considering the case, here, both external and internal parties can access or alter the private data which are processed by the server. Accessing sensitive data or false data injection attacks may happen due to a lack of privacy within the system. Consequently, the server activities can be manipulated by intruders if it has breakable access privileges. The full access can make the edge data server a rogue data center as in extreme cases; it will control the whole infrastructure. Another threat includes a physical attack of the actual edge data center. Even though the edge servers require a specific data center storage location, to be identified, however, these, servers may be physically damaged and/or stolen [17]. It is worth noting that attacks are restricted to certain locations because of the decentralized nature of edge computing.

  3. Security for Edge network

    According to the paradigm of edge computing, it will reduce the possibilities of severe attacks in the network, such as the distributed denial of service (DDoS) and DoS attacks. Malicious activities may hamper the network through attacks like eavesdropping and traffic injection. There are also high chances of a man-in-the-middle attack where a hacker can hijack the streaming information of the network. Malicious activities may be launched through the rogue gateway, which can have a similar effect to that of a man-in-the-middle on the whole infrastructure [16]. In such cases, the network infrastructure is compromised, and hackers can easily gain access to sensitive information that is transmitted over the network.

  4. Security for the Edge Devices

    With IoT, devices are interconnected with each other over multiple communication networks such as wireless networks, Internet and mobile core networks. In edge computing architecture, there are numerous IoT-related gadgets at each compositional layer. These devices are inclined to actively interact with each other at the edge ecosystem, and these could be constrained by a central malignant framework. The attack brought about by malware comes in numerous shapes and types. Malware can capture data and sensitive information from smart devices such as debit and credit card user information. Further, malware can obstruct the elements of physical savvy hardware which can have a severe impact [18].

  5. Privacy-Preserving

    The multi-layered architecture of the edge computing framework creates the possibilities of cybersecurity and privacy issues. Such issues can be adequately addressed using state-of-the-art systems for access control that would use sophisticated algorithms and cryptography at the edge of the network to restrict unauthorized user access. The traditional access control system will not be compatible with these more dynamic and agile environments of the edge paradigm. The aforementioned different malicious activities can be controlled through a sophisticated access control system.

    Edge computing paradigm includes services, for instance, data storage, virtual machine, and the total infrastructure encapsulates edge devices, edge data center, and core infrastructure. Multiple functional roles are executed by end-users, service providers and infrastructure providers in the edge architecture [16]. In the complex situation of the edge environment, it is not only about assigning every component in one trust area but also about the need to let the elements commonly confirm each other among various trust areas. Thinking about the high versatility of the edge gadgets, the handover confirmation innovation is likewise a significant examination point in the validation convention. Secure lightweight multi-factor authentication protocols are a more realistic solution for edge framework to preserve privacy [19, 20].

    Additionally, an enormous security transformation is occurring because IoT devices are normally not providing built-in security mechanisms. This gives intruders easy access to the system. Because getting remote access to the edge layer much of the time breaks confidentiality. One of the significant issues is data integrity for the security of the edge network. As the client information is transmitted to the servers of the edge network, the information trustworthiness could be undermined executing this procedure. In the data transmission procedure, the owner should check the integrity and accessibility of the information to ensure that there are no undetected alterations of information by any unapproved user. The protected information search is the preferred test which implies the client needs to tackle the issue of the keyword search over the encrypted information records [2022].

Figure 15.4 Issues in security and privacy with edge computation.

Figure 15.5 Categorization of privacy and security challenges in an edge computing architecture.

15.3.2 Issues in Decentralized Architecture

In decentralized conditions, where any client can turn into a supplier and assets might be heterogeneous, contrasting equipment and network execution is essential. The optimal test for decentralized cloud arrangements is confirmation of the calculation, which is expected to keep away from malevolent activities by suppliers and customers. End-user information can be overseen by decentralized cloud systems. It is essential that solutions to resolve information security are thoroughly considered, and that necessary actions are taken to mitigate such hazards. In this case, probably the verification process is a vital challenge for decentralized edge computing with the cloud server. The targeted approach to resolve this issue would be to restrict the different malicious activities performed by customers and service providers [23, 24].

In a distributed architecture the network has heavy traffic congestion as endpoint devices transmitting data to the cloud server. Consider the performance of a system; it might be affected by the remoteness of the communication between the endpoint devices with the main server. Moreover, the volume of data being transferred between different applications such as live audio streaming, video streaming or e-commerce would be dependent on the location of the main cloud server. With the use of edge servers, edge computing can decrease the transmission latency by sieving and managing the data. This ensures that less bandwidth is used, and it improves the energy efficiency of the system. Hence, when applied to smart applications, data processing would be faster and more efficient through edge computing in a decentralized framework [25].

15.4 Integrating Blockchain in Edge Computing: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle?

15.4.1 Blockchain: Beyond Cryptocurrency

Blockchain is a rapidly emerging technology that involves a distributed chain of blocks or transactions that provides publicly available immutable records for the participants (e.g. human, device) [26]. In the Blockchain, the existing records cannot be modified or erased as each block is connected using a cryptographic hash of another block, along with a timestamp and transaction data. New blocks are appended only at the end. Therefore, Blockchain is also known as the immutable data storehouse [22]. Though the history of the application of Blockchain starts with cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcoin), nowadays it is not limited in cryptocurrency but applicable across different industry and sectors within the economy and society as a whole. Due to the benefits of Blockchain technology, it has become a widely used technology in many sectors, especially in the smart grid and IoT [27]. Figure 15.6 illustrates the key application areas of Blockchain.

Figure 15.6 Key application areas of Blockchain.

15.4.2 Advantages of Blockchain

There are several reasons behind the wide adaptation of Blockchain technology in different fields. Blockchain technology has the ability to ensure integrity, transparency, high security, simplicity, faster processing power and above all, decentralization.

  1. Decentralization

    The main advantage of Blockchain technology is its decentralized architecture. Instead of storing valuable data at a central location, Blockchain technology stores data across its peer-to-peer network, and it reduces the risk of storing data at a central location by eliminating numerous threats. In this decentralized environment, it is more difficult for intruders or hackers to infiltrate any vulnerabilities in the network.

  2. Process Integrity and Transparency

    Process integrity and transparency are two of the advantages of Blockchain technology. The technology is designed in such a way so that each record or transaction is added to the Blockchain and the data of these entries are available to the participants who were involved in the transaction. Once these transactions or blocks are added to the chains, then it cannot be modified, which results in a high level of process integrity in Blockchain compared with other approaches [2830]. Additionally, transparency is attained by copying the transactions to all the computers connected to the Blockchain network. Hence, the participant can access all the public transactions, which cannot be modified [31].

  3. Security

    Ensuring better security is another great advantage of Blockchain. When a user enters the Blockchain network, the user is given a unique identity that is linked to his/her account. This identity ensures that the transaction is performed by the owner of that account. In addition, the use of a cryptographic hash enhances the security of this technology further where the cryptographic hash of the previous block is held by the newly created block that leads to creating the chain. This hash is created automatically that consists of a type, ID number of the block, time of creation, previous hash’s value, miner’s level and Merkle root [30]. This enables higher security levels to be maintained in Blockchain. Furthermore, the combination of the Blockchain hashing process and cryptography leads to immutability that can be defined as the ability of a Blockchain ledger to remain unchanged.

  4. Simplification

    Blockchain offers a simplified ecosystem of transaction over the existing multiple ledger system. In the existing system, multiple ledgers result in disorder and difficulties to the parties involved with the system. By offering a single public ledge to store all the transactions, Blockchain is a simplification of the ecosystem [30].

  5. Faster Processing

    Another advantage of Blockchain is increased speed in processing. In a conventional approach, a transaction would take up to 3 days in processing and authorization. However, using the Blockchain technology, it takes a few minutes as Blockchain helps to reduce time through secured digital signature [30].

  6. Privacy

    The risk of a data breach has increased with the wide adaptation of technology in recent years. Such data breaches pose a threat to violate the privacy of the customers/users as these data may contain delicate private data such as the name of a person, identification number, banking details and their residential or work address. Traditionally, a provider such as a bank or a hospital would be responsible for creating the data and storing it in their corporate database. However, this creates several security and privacy concerns that require immediate attention [32]. Blockchain technology has the ability to address these problems to ensure high security and privacy due to its decentralized structure which ensures that sensitive information can be better protected [32, 33].

15.4.3 How Blockchain Will Complement Edge Computing

Based on earlier discussions, the main challenges of edge computing are distributed control, ensuring security and preserving privacy. This highlights a clear gap in current edge computing approaches and the need for a more secure form of a transaction at the edge of the network. This is where Blockchain technology can be advantages because of its decentralized nature and its ability to ensure security and privacy preservation. Delivering cloud resources and services at the edge of the network is the main motivation behind edge computing. However, there are many limitations that need careful considerations to ensure that the costs do not outweigh the benefits [4]. Yang and et al. [4] observed that integrating Blockchain with edge computing would allow distributed control over numerous edge nodes. Moreover, Blockchain technology can maintain the accuracy, consistency and data validation on a large number of nodes throughout their life cycle [4, 34]. It also ensures privacy by storing data locally or among multiple parties as small fragments which reduces the risk of disclosing large amounts of information due to the coordination of information via its ledge system. This challenge can be overcome with the help of Blockchain technology as it offers complete privacy through manageable keys to each user for accessing and controlling data and coordination without revealing any metadata to the peers on the network. It is highly likely to maintain privacy by integrating Blockchain technology with edge computing. Figure 15.7 portrays the advantages of Blockchain technology and disadvantages of edge computing.

Figure 15.7 Advantages of Blockchain and disadvantages of edge computing.

15.4.4 How Blockchain Can be Integrated with Edge Computing

Integrating Blockchain with edge computing has several benefits. Several architectures or frameworks are proposed in the existing studies. However, before integrating Blockchain with edge computing, there are some requirements that need to be fulfilled. In this section, these requirements are discussed followed by the summary of the concepts, frameworks and challenges covered in this section. Requirements: Integrated Blockchain and Edge Computing

Several studies have highlighted the requirements needed to ensure that Blockchain can be integrated with edge computing [4, 3538]. The concepts identified in these studies will be further discussed in this section.

  1. Authentication: The authentication of several entities such as service providers, infrastructures and services in the edge computing environments is necessary to establish and maintain secure communication channels. While these entities are signing smart contracts after reaching an agreement, Blockchain records the privileges and requirements of these entities at the contract establishing stage.

  2. Adaptability: The number of edge devices and the complexity of the services are increasing overtime where the resources are limited to the devices. Therefore, the integrated system of edge computing and Blockchain should be flexible enough to adapt so that it can support the changing number of users and the complexity of the tasks. Furthermore, the system should have the competence where objects or nodes can join or disconnect to the network freely.

  3. Network security: The integrated system should be able to offer a secured network by replacing the heavy key management in several communication protocols. In addition, for the immense-scale distributed edge servers, the system should deliver easy access for maintenance and facilitates easier monitoring to prevent malicious attachments.

  4. Data integrity: Maintaining and assuring the accuracy of the data is a pivotal process, and it is known as data integrity. In such integrated decentralized system, a reliable data integrity verification process is mandatory to ensure that data integrity violations do not happen.

  5. Low latency: In general, there can be two types of latency of a system: computational latency and transmission latency. Computational latency means the amount of time required in data processing and mining. The computational latency largely depends on the computational power of the devices, and this latency decreases from edge nodes to cloud servers as cloud servers are more powerful than edge nodes. However, moving toward the cloud also causes significant transmission latency. Therefore, the integrated system should have the ability to map what computation will be performed to minimize issues associated with latency. Overview on Existing Frameworks

A limited number of studies have been conducted that cover the emerging topic of integrated systems of Blockchain and edge computing. This section provides a brief description of some of the notable approaches. A distributed cloud architecture based on Blockchain and edge computing is facilitated by a software-defined network (SDN) [1]. This architecture can be categorized into three layers: device layer, fog layer and cloud layer. The device layer performs the transmission of the filtered data to the fog layer after collecting the raw data. The SDN-enabled fog layer performs data analytics in real-time and delivers services to the local devices in a group. In this proposed approach, Blockchain technology was integrated to connect the SDN controllers in a distributed way. A fog node informs the distributed cloud regarding the processed data. When necessary, the device layers can access the cloud to enable application services, and when computing resources are insufficient, the device layer transfers computational tasks to the cloud. This architecture has proposed a consensus protocol Proof-of-Stake (PoS) that uses the 2-hop mechanism for integrating PoS and Proof-of-Work (PoW) methods. This integration allows to approve contributions in performance of computing, transferring and storing data within Blockchain.

Another study highlighted a multi-layered IoT-enabled Blockchain network [2]. The model was split into two parts: the edge layer and high-level layer. The edge layer consists of a certain number of objects in a local area network. Moreover, it also ensures that all the objects are managed by a central node. In contrast, the high-level layer appears as a combination of fog nodes and aggregation nodes that are similar to each other [1].

In addition, a decentralized IoT based on the Blockchain is known as an Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry (ADEPT) which was jointly developed by IBM and Samsung Electronics [3, 39]. This proposed approach provides greater autonomy to the devices and makes a point of transactions in Blockchain by shifting the power from the center to the edges of the network. In the Alpha version of this approach, Ethereum protocol was chosen with three peers: light peers, standard peers and peer exchange. Messaging, preserving a light wallet that consists of Blockchain addresses and balances are performed by light peers with minimal sharing of files. On the other hand, standard peers are responsible for maintaining a section of the Blockchain and supporting the light peers. The peer exchanges act as possible repositories for copying the complete Blockchain and delivering analytic services.

Yang, Yu et al. [4] highlighted the integrated frameworks of edge computing and Blockchain as three general level structures: A) Private Blockchain-based local network, B) Blockchain-based P2P network of edge servers and C) Blockchain-based distributed cloud. The private Blockchain-based local network consists of End nodes (devices) and End servers (Fog) where the devices communicate to the central server. Expensive consensus mechanisms and economic incentives are not required in the local network because of the controllable access and clear identity. In the case of Blockchain-based P2P network of edge servers, they have the capabilities to communicate with each other in order to replicate data, sharing data, computing coordinately, etc. Finally, the Blockchain-based distributed cloud provides vast computation and storage capabilities.

Based on the previous studies, we summarize that research on integrating Blockchain in edge computing is quite new and broad. There are many challenges that need to be addressed for successful integrated Blockchain and edge computing systems. In the next section, we have discussed some of these key challenges and provided future research directions.

15.5 Challenges and Future Scope for Incorporating Blockchain to Edge Computing

Though the integration of Blockchain and edge computing provides valuable prospects, however, there exist some research challenges that need to be addressed. This section briefly outlines some of the challenges of trying to integrate Blockchain with edge computing.

  1. Security

    Though Blockchain can improve the security of edge computing, yet, Blockchain has some security issues in that it is exposed to several attacks like DoS attack, Sybil attack and man-in-the-middle attack.

    Another important challenge is protecting the data in devices and servers. Due to the limited resources in these devices, it is difficult to install improved security cryptographic software. Other security challenges include ensuring security in communication and protecting the privacy of devices [40]. These factors need to be examined further in future studies.

  2. Scalability

    Scalability is another challenge for integrated systems of Blockchain and edge computing. Blockchain suffers from scalability issues such as low throughput, higher latency and resource-hungry systems [4]. In edge computing, it becomes a major challenge, as the IoT devices offer minimum storage and processing power.

    Even though it is possible to transfer the transactions and data generated by the edge devices to servers, the increased number of devices provide the much-needed platform to conduct a large volume of transactions between participants. This is why the scalability of the IoT networks is restricted as it is challenging to increase the effectiveness of the network [40]. Future studies will need to investigate these points in future to determine approaches that would enhance the scalability of the network within the existing edge computing ecosystem.

  3. Consensus Optimization

    In the existing consensus mechanisms, to complete the mining, the verifications of most of the participating nodes are required. However, this leads to higher network latency. In addition, light servers with limited resources are missing the current consensus techniques like PoS and PoW. These lead to be further studied to identify new consensus mechanisms that would be able to improve the latency in the network.

  4. Resource Management

    Resource management is another challenge for integrated edge computing and Blockchain systems. Alone in the edge computing, there are several challenges in resource management such as: adapting to dynamic environments, optimizing the larger collaborations of edge servers. In integrated systems, these issues are significant and hence further studies are required to determine workable solutions.

  5. Intrusion Detection:

    To protect a system from cyber-attacks intrusion detection system embedded with other security systems are mandatory. The intrusion detection system works through different encryption techniques that are focused on access control and user authentication.

    Data mining and machine learning mechanisms can be applied in this context because they can be used to detect unusual and abnormal activities in a system. The challenge that is presented here is to determine which machine learning technique would be appropriate among the different types, such as supervised or unsupervised or reinforcement learning.

15.6 Conclusion

This chapter addresses a gap in the literature on understanding how two emerging technologies can be integrated together to strengthen their applications. After considering the cloud administrations and data transmissions from IoT, edge computing network is used to processes information at the edge of a network through edge servers. The target of edge processing is to ensure the low cost and fast processing of distributed frameworks. Edge computing also enhances the cloud server performance rather than making it slow and overloaded as the requests are processed at the edge level. However, challenges associated with privacy and security, scalability and intrusion detection issues are associated with the edge computing paradigm. Moreover, different approaches and techniques are proposed and applied to ensure the smooth manipulation of activities performed in edge architecture.

Blockchain is a rapidly emerging technology. It is a technology that is having widespread influence across all sectors because it has a distributed architecture and ensures that a system is not easily compromised. The decentralized architecture of edge computing is suffering from major issues such as privacy and security. These can be minimized by the integration of Blockchain and edge computing which are technologies that would continue to grow as their applications continue to increase.

In conclusion, this proposes a framework for understanding the link between Blockchain and edge computing and how these technologies can be integrated together to offer a solution that addresses the existing limitations with edge computing. Moreover, when addressing the integration of Blockchain with edge computing, it is important to take note of requirements such as authentication, adaptation, network security and data integrity that need to be met to ensure the integrity of the data and that the systems are not compromised. This chapter also discussed the key challenges and future research directions of integrated Blockchain and edge computing systems which include, but are not limited to, security, scalability, consensus optimization, resource management and intrusion detection.


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