Chapter 1. Analyzing Big Data

When people say that we live in an age of big data they mean that we have tools for collecting, storing, and processing information at a scale previously unheard of. The following tasks simply could not have been accomplished 10 or 15 years ago:

  • Build a model to detect credit card fraud using thousands of features and billions of transactions

  • Intelligently recommend millions of products to millions of users

  • Estimate financial risk through simulations of portfolios that include millions of instruments

  • Easily manipulate data from thousands of human genomes to detect genetic associations with disease

  • Assess agricultural land usage and crop yield for improved policymaking by periodically processing millions of satellite images

Sitting behind these capabilities is an ecosystem of open source software that can leverage clusters of servers to process massive amounts of data. Introduction of Apache Hadoop in late 2000s had led to widespread adoption of distributed computing. The big data ecosystem and tooling has evolved at a rapid pace since then. The past 5 years have also seen introduction and adoption of many open source machine learning and deep learning libraries. These tools aim to leverage vast amounts of data that we now collect and store.

But just as a chisel and a block of stone do not make a statue, there is a gap between having access to these tools and all this data and doing something useful with it. Often, “doing something useful” means placing a schema over tabular data and using SQL to answer questions like “Of the gazillion users who made it to the third page in our registration process, how many are over 25?” The field of how to architect data storage and organize information (data warehouses, data lakes, etc.) to make answering such questions easy is a rich one, but we will mostly avoid its intricacies in this book.

Sometimes, “doing something useful” takes a little extra work. SQL still may be core to the approach, but in order to work around idiosyncrasies in the data or perform complex analysis, we need a programming paradigm that’s more flexible, and with richer functionality in areas like machine learning and statistics. This is where data science comes in and that’s what we are going to talk about in this book.

In this chapter, we will start by introducing big data as a concept, and challenges that arise when working with large datasets. We will then introduce Apache Spark, an open source framework for distributed computing, and its key components. Our focus will be on PySpark, Spark’s Python API, and how it fits within a wider ecosystem. This will be followed by a discussion of the changes brought by Spark 3.0, the framework’s first major release in 4 years. We will finish with a brief note about how PySpark addresses challenges of data science and is a great addition to your skillset.

Previous editions of this book had used Spark’s Scala API for code examples. We decided to use PySpark instead because of Python’s popularity in the data science community and an increased focus by core Spark team to better support the language. By the end of this chapter, you will hopefully appreciate this decision.

Working with Big Data

Many of our favorite small data tools hit a wall when working with big data. Libraries like Pandas are not equipped to deal with data that can’t fit in our RAM. Then, what should an equivalent process look like that can leverage clusters of computers to achieve the same outcomes on large data sets? Challenges of distributed computing require us to rethink many of the basic assumptions that we rely on in single-node systems. For example, because data must be partitioned across many nodes on a cluster, algorithms that have wide data dependencies will suffer from the fact that network transfer rates are orders of magnitude slower than memory accesses. As the number of machines working on a problem increases, the probability of a failure increases. These facts require a programming paradigm that is sensitive to the characteristics of the underlying system: one that discourages poor choices and makes it easy to write code that will execute in a highly parallel manner.

Single-machine tools that have come to recent prominence in the software community are not the only tools used for data analysis. Scientific fields like genomics that deal with large data sets have been leveraging parallel-computing frameworks for decades. Most people processing data in these fields today are familiar with a cluster-computing environment called HPC (high-performance computing). Where the difficulties with Python and R lie in their inability to scale, the difficulties with HPC lie in its relatively low level of abstraction and difficulty of use. For example, to process a large file full of DNA-sequencing reads in parallel, we must manually split it up into smaller files and submit a job for each of those files to the cluster scheduler. If some of these fail, the user must detect the failure and take care of manually resubmitting them. If the analysis requires all-to-all operations like sorting the entire data set, the large data set must be streamed through a single node, or the scientist must resort to lower-level distributed frameworks like MPI, which are difficult to program without extensive knowledge of C and distributed/networked systems.

Tools written for HPC environments often fail to decouple the in-memory data models from the lower-level storage models. For example, many tools only know how to read data from a POSIX filesystem in a single stream, making it difficult to make tools naturally parallelize, or to use other storage backends, like databases. Modern distributed computing frameworks provide abstractions that allow users to treat a cluster of computers more like a single computer—to automatically split up files and distribute storage over many machines, divide work into smaller tasks and execute them in a distributed manner, and recover from failures. They can automate a lot of the hassle of working with large data sets, and are far cheaper than HPC.

A simple way to think about distributed systems is that they are a group of independent computers that appear to the end-user as a single computer. They allow for horizontal scaling. That means means adding more computers rather than upgrading a single system (vertical scaling). The latter is relatively expensive and often insufficient for large workloads. Distributed systems are great for scaling and reliability but also introduce complexity when it comes to design, construction, and debugging. One should understand this trade-off before opting for such a tool.

Introducing Apache Spark and PySpark

Enter Apache Spark, an open source framework that combines an engine for distributing programs across clusters of machines with an elegant model for writing programs atop it. Spark originated at the UC Berkeley AMPLab and has since been contributed to the Apache Software Foundation. When released, it was arguably the first open source software that made distributed programming truly accessible to data scientists.


Spark is comprised of four main components. They are available as distinct libraries:

Spark SQL: module for working with structured data.

MLlib: scalable machine learning library.

Structured Streaming makes it easy to build scalable fault-tolerant streaming applications.

GraphX: Apache Spark’s library for graphs and graph-parallel computation.1

These components are separate from Spark’s core computation engine. Spark code written by a user, using either of its APIs, is executed in the workers’ JVMs (Java Virtual Machines) across the cluster. (see Chapter 2)

Spark components
Figure 1-1. Apache Spark components (placeholder)


PySpark is Spark’s Python API. In simpler words, PySpark is a Python-based wrapper over the core Spark framework which is written primarily in Scala. PySpark provides an intuitive programming environment for data science pracitioners, and offers flexibility of Python with the distributed processing capabilities of Spark.

PySpark allows us to work across programming models. For example, a common pattern is to perform large-scale ETL work with Spark and then collect the results to a local machine followed by manipulation using Pandas. We will explore such programming models as we write PySpark code in the upcoming chapters. Here is a code example from the official documentation to give you a glimpse of what’s to come:

from import LogisticRegression

# Load training data
training ="libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=10, regParam=0.3, elasticNetParam=0.8)

# Fit the model
lrModel =

# Print the coefficients and intercept for logistic regression
print("Coefficients: " + str(lrModel.coefficients))
print("Intercept: " + str(lrModel.intercept))

# We can also use the multinomial family for binary classification
mlr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=10, regParam=0.3, elasticNetParam=0.8, family="multinomial")

# Fit the model
mlrModel =

# Print the coefficients and intercepts for logistic regression with multinomial family
print("Multinomial coefficients: " + str(mlrModel.coefficientMatrix))
print("Multinomial intercepts: " + str(mlrModel.interceptVector))


Spark is the closest thing akin to a swiss-knife that we have in the big data ecosystem. To top it off, it integrates well with rest of the ecosystem and is extensible. Spark decouples storage and compute unlike Apache Hadoop and HPC systems described previously. That means we can use Spark to read data stored in many sources—Apache Hadoop, Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, MongoDB, Apache Hive, RDBMSs, and more—and process it all in memory. Spark’s DataFrameReaders and DataFrameWriters can also be extended to read data from other sources, such as Apache Kafka, Kinesis, Azure Storage, and Amazon S3, on which it can operate. It also supports multiple deployment modes, ranging from local environments to YARN and Kubernetes clusters.

There also exists a wide community around it. This has led to creation of many third-party packages. An official list of such packages can be found here: An even larger community-driven list can be found at

Spark 3.0

In 2020, Apache Spark made its first major release since 2016 when Spark 2.0 was released - Spark 3.0. This series’ last edition, released in 2017, covered changes brought about my Spark 2.0. Spark 3.0 does not introduce as many major API changes as the last major release. This release focuses on performance and usability improvements without introducing significant backward incompatibility.

The Spark SQL module has seen major performance enhancements in the form of adaptive query execution, and dynamic partition pruning. In simpler terms, they allow Spark to adapt physical execution plan during runtime and skip over data that’s not required in a query’s results respectively. These optimizations address significant effort that users had to put into manual tuning and optimization. Spark 3.0 is almost two-times faster than Spark 2.4 on TPC-DS, an industry-standard analytical processing benchmark. Since most Spark applications are backed by the SQL engine, all the higher-level libraries, including MLlib and structured streaming, and higher level APIs, including SQL and DataFrames have benefitted. Compliance with ANSI SQL standard makes the SQL API more usable.

Python has emerged as the leader in terms of adoption in the data science ecosystem. Consequently, Python is now the most widely used language on Spark. PySpark has more than 5 million monthly downloads on PyPI, the Python Package Index. Spark 3.0 improves its functionalities and usability. Pandas user-defined functions (UDFs) have been redesigned to support Python type hints and iterators as arguments. New pandas UDF types have been included and the error handling is now more pythonic. Python versions below 3.6 have been deprecated.

Over the last 4 years, the data science ecosystem has also changed at a rapid pace. There is an increased focus on putting machine learning models in production. Deep learning has provided remarkable results and Spark team is currently experimenting to allow the project’s scheduler to leverage accelerators such as GPUs.

PySpark Addresses Challenges of Data Science

For a system that seeks to enable complex analytics on huge data to be successful, it needs to be informed by—or at least not conflict with— some fundamental challenges faced by data scientists.

  • First, the vast majority of work that goes into conducting successful analyses lies in preprocessing data. Data is messy, and cleansing, munging, fusing, mushing, and many other verbs are prerequisites to doing anything useful with it.

  • Second, iteration is a fundamental part of data science. Modeling and analysis typically require multiple passes over the same data. Popular optimization procedures like stochastic gradient descent involve repeated scans over their inputs to reach convergence. Iteration also matters within the data scientist’s own workflow. Choosing the right features, picking the right algorithms, running the right significance tests, and finding the right hyperparameters all require experimentation.

  • Third, the task isn’t over when a well-performing model has been built. The point of data science is to make data useful to non–data scientists. Uses of data recommendation engines and real-time fraud detection systems culminate in data applications. In such systems, models become part of a production service and may need to be rebuilt periodically or even in real time.

PySpark deals well with the aforementioned challenges of data science, acknowledging that the biggest bottleneck in building data applications is not CPU, disk, or network, but analyst productivity. Collapsing the full pipeline, from preprocessing to model evaluation, into a single programming environment can speed up development. By packaging an expressive programming model with a set of analytic libraries under a REPL, PySpark avoids the roundtrips to IDEs. The more quickly analysts can experiment with their data, the higher likelihood they have of doing something useful with it.

PySpark’s core APIs provide a strong foundation for data transformation independent of any functionality in statistics, machine learning, or matrix algebra. When exploring and getting a feel for a data set, data scientists can keep data in memory while they run queries, and easily cache transformed versions of the data as well without suffering a trip to disk. As framework that makes modeling easy but is also a good fit for production systems, it is a huge win for the data science ecosystem.

Where to go from here

Spark spans the gap between systems designed for exploratory analytics and systems designed for operational analytics. It is often quoted that a data scientist is someone who is better at engineering than most statisticians, and better at statistics than most engineers. At the very least, Spark is better at being an operational system than most exploratory systems and better for data exploration than the technologies commonly used in operational systems.

We hope that this chapter was helpful and you are now excited for getting hands-on with PySpark. That’s what we will do from next chapter onwards!

1 GraphFrames is an open-source general graph processing library that is similar to Apache Spark’s GraphX but uses DataFrame-based APIs. For graph analytics, GraphFrames is recommended instead of GraphX which lacks Python bindings.

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