Chapter 2. Managing Data Storage on Kubernetes

“There is no such thing as a stateless architecture. All applications store state somewhere” - Alex Chircop, CEO, StorageOS

In the previous chapter, we painted a picture of a possible near future with powerful, stateful, data-intensive applications running on Kubernetes. To get there, we’re going to need data infrastructure for persistence, streaming, and analytics, and to build out this infrastructure, we’ll need to leverage the primitives that Kubernetes provides to help manage the three commodities of cloud computing: compute, network, and storage. In the next several chapters we begin to look at these primitives, starting with storage, in order to see how they can be combined to create the data infrastructure we need.

To echo the point raised by Alex Chircop in the quote above, all applications must store their state somewhere, which is why we’ll focus in this chapter on the basic abstractions Kubernetes provides for interacting with storage. We’ll also look at the emerging innovations being offered by storage vendors and open source projects that are creating storage infrastructure for Kubernetes that itself embodies cloud-native principles.

Let’s start our exploration with a look at managing persistence in containerized applications in general and use that as a jumping off point for our investigation into data storage on Kubernetes.

Docker, Containers, and State

The problem of managing state in distributed, cloud-native applications is not unique to Kubernetes. A quick search will show that stateful workloads have been an area of concern on other container orchestration platforms such as Mesos and Docker Swarm. Part of this has to do with the nature of container orchestration, and part is driven by the nature of containers themselves.

First, let’s consider containers. One of the key value propositions of containers is their ephemeral nature. Containers are designed to be disposable and replaceable, so they need to start quickly and use as few resources for overhead processing as possible. For this reason, most container images are built from base images containing streamlined, Linux-based, open-source operating systems such as Ubuntu, that boot quickly and incorporate only essential libraries for the contained application or microservice. As the name implies, containers are designed to be self-contained, incorporating all their dependencies in immutable images, while their configuration and data is externalized. These properties make containers portable so that we can run them anywhere a compatible container runtime is available.

As shown in Figure 2-1, containers require less overhead than traditional virtual machines, which run a guest operating system per virtual machine, with a hypervisor layer to implement system calls onto the underlying host operating system.

Comparing containerization to virtualization
Figure 2-1. Comparing containerization to virtualization

Although containers have made applications more portable, it’s proven a bigger challenge to make their data portable. We’ll examine the idea of portable data sets in Chapter 12. Since a container itself is ephemeral, any data that is to survive beyond the life of the container must by definition reside externally. The key feature for a container technology is to provide mechanisms to link to persistent storage, and the key feature for a container orchestration technology is the ability to schedule containers in such a way that they can access persistent storage efficiently.

Managing State in Docker

Let’s take a look at the most popular container technology, Docker, to see how containers can store data. The key storage concept in Docker is the volume. From the perspective of a Docker container, a volume is a directory that can support read-only or read-write access. Docker supports the mounting of multiple different data stores as volumes. We’ll introduce several options so we can later note their equivalents in Kubernetes.

Bind mounts

The simplest approach for creating a volume is to bind a directory in the container to a directory on the host system. This is called a bind mount, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Using Docker Bind Mounts to access the host filesystem
Figure 2-2. Using Docker Bind Mounts to access the host filesystem

When starting a container within Docker, you specify a bind mount with the --volume or -v option and the local filesystem path and container path to use. For example, you could start an instance of the Nginx web server, and map a local project folder from your development machine into the container. This is a command you can test out in your own environment if you have Docker installed:

docker run -it --rm -d --name web -v ~/site-content:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx 

If the local path directory does not already exist, the Docker runtime will create it. Docker allows you to create bind mounts with read-only or read-write permissions. Because the volume is represented as a directory, the application running in the container can put anything that can be represented as a file into the volume - even a database.

Bind mounts are quite useful for development work. However, using bind mounts is not suitable for a production environment since this leads to a container being dependent on a file being present in a specific host. This might be fine for a single machine deployment, but production deployments tend to be spread across multiple hosts. Another concern is the potential security hole that is presented by opening up access from the container to the host filesystem. For these reasons, we need another approach for production deployments.


The preferred option within Docker is to use volumes. Docker volumes are created and managed by Docker under a specific directory on the host filesystem. The Docker volume create command is used to create a volume. For example, you might create a volume called site-content to store files for a website:

docker volume create site-content

If no name is specified, Docker assigns a random name. After creation, the resulting volume is available to mount in a container using the form -v VOLUME-NAME:CONTAINER-PATH. For example, you might use a volume like the one just created to allow an Nginx container to read the content, while allowing another container to edit the content, using the to option:

docker run -it --rm -d --name web -v site-content:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx 

Note: Docker Volume mount syntax

Docker also supports a --mount syntax which allows you to specify the source and target folders more explicitly. This notation is considered more modern, but it is also more verbose. The syntax shown above is still valid and is the more commonly used syntax.

As implied above, a Docker volume can be mounted in more than one container at once, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Creating Docker Volumes to share data between containers on the host
Figure 2-3. Creating Docker Volumes to share data between containers on the host

The advantage of using Docker volumes is that Docker manages the filesystem access for containers, which makes it much simpler to enforce capacity and security restrictions on containers.

Tmpfs Mounts

Docker supports two types of mounts that are specific to the operating system used by the host system: tmpfs (or “temporary filesystem”) and named pipes. Named pipes are available on Docker for Windows, but since they are typically not used in K8s, we won’t give much consideration to them here.

Tmpfs mounts are available when running Docker on Linux. A tmpfs mount exists only in memory for the lifespan of the container, so the contents are never present on disk, as shown in Figure 2-4. Tmpfs mounts are useful for applications that are written to persist a relatively small amount of data, especially sensitive data that you don’t want written to the host filesystem. Because the data is stored in memory, there is a side benefit of faster access.

Creating a temporary volume using Docker tmpfs
Figure 2-4. Creating a temporary volume using Docker tmpfs

To create a tmpfs mount, you use the docker run --tmpfs option. For example, you could use a command like this to specify a tmpfs volume to store Nginx logs for a webserver processing sensitive data:

docker run -it --rm -d --name web -tmpfs /var/log/nginx nginx 

The --mount option may also be used for more control over configurable options.

Volume Drivers

The Docker Engine has an extensible architecture which allows you to add customized behavior via plugins for capabilities including networking, storage, and authorization. Third-party storage plugins are available for multiple open-source and commercial providers, including the public clouds and various networked file systems. Taking advantage of these involves installing the plugin with Docker engine and then specifying the associated volume driver when starting Docker containers using that storage, as shown in Figure 2-5.

Using Docker Volume Drivers to access networked storage
Figure 2-5. Using Docker Volume Drivers to access networked storage

For more information on working with the various types of volumes supported in Docker, see the Docker Storage documentation, as well as the documentation for the docker run command.

Kubernetes Resources for Data Storage

Now that you understand basic concepts of container and cloud storage, let’s see what Kubernetes brings to the table. In this section, we’ll introduce some of the key Kubernetes concepts or “resources” in the API for attaching storage to containerized applications. Even if you are already somewhat familiar with these resources, you’ll want to stay tuned, as we’ll take a special focus on how each one relates to stateful data.

Pods and Volumes

One of the first Kubernetes resources new users encounter is the pod. The pod is the basic unit of deployment of a Kubernetes workload. A pod provides an environment for running containers, and the Kubernetes control plane is responsible for deploying pods to Kubernetes worker nodes. The Kubelet is a component of the Kubernetes control plane that runs on each worker node. It is responsible for running pods on a node, as well as monitoring the health of these pods and the containers inside them. These elements are summarized in Figure 2-6.

While a pod can contain multiple containers, the best practice is for a pod to contain a single application container, along with optional additional helper containers, as shown in the figure. These helper containers might include init containers that run prior to the main application container in order to perform configuration tasks, or sidecar containers that run alongside the main application container to provide helper services such as observability or management. In future chapters we’ll demonstrate how data infrastructure deployments can take advantage of these architectural patterns.

Using Volumes in Kubernetes Pods
Figure 2-6. Using Volumes in Kubernetes Pods

Now let’s consider how persistence is supported within this pod architecture. As with Docker, the “on disk” data in a container is lost when a container crashes. The kubelet is responsible for restarting the container, but this new container is really a replacement for the original container - it will have a distinct identity, and start with a completely new state.

In Kubernetes, the term volume is used to represent access to storage within a pod. By using a volume, the container has the ability to persist data that will outlive the container (and potentially the pod as well, as we’ll see shortly). A volume may be accessed by multiple containers in a pod. Each container has its own volumeMount within the pod that specifies the directory to which it should be mounted, allowing the mount point to differ between containers.

There are multiple cases where you might want to share data between multiple containers in a pod:

  • An init container creates a custom configuration file for the particular environment that the application container mounts in order to obtain configuration values.

  • The application pod writes logs, and a sidecar pod reads those logs to identify alert conditions that are reported to an external monitoring tool.

However, you’ll likely want to avoid situations in which multiple containers are writing to the same volume, because you’ll have to ensure the multiple writers don’t conflict - Kubernetes does not do that for you.


Note: Preparing to run sample code

The examples in this chapter (and the rest of the book) assume you have access to a running Kubernetes cluster. For the examples in this chapter, a development cluster on your local machine such as Kind, K3s, or Docker Desktop should be sufficient. The source code used in this section is located at Kubernetes Storage Examples.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  - name: my-app
    image: nginx
    - name: web-data
      mountPath: /app/config
 - name: web-data

Notice the two parts of the configuration: the volume is defined under spec.volumes, and the usage of the volumes is defined under spec.containers.volumeMounts. First, the name of the volume is referenced under the volumeMounts, and the directory where it is to be mounted is specified by the mountPath. When declaring a pod specification, volumes and volume mounts go together. For your configuration to be valid, a volume must be declared before being referenced, and a volume must be used by at least one container in the pod.

You may have also noticed that the volume only has a name. You haven’t specified any additional information. What do you think this will do? You could try this out for yourself by using the example source code file nginx-pod.yaml or cutting and pasting the configuration above to a file with that name, and executing the kubectl command against a configured Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f nginx-pod.yaml

You can get more information about the pod that was created using the kubectl get pod command, for example:

kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml | grep -A 5 " volumes:”

And the results might look something like this:

  - emptyDir: {}
    name: web-data
  - name: default-token-2fp89
      defaultMode: 420

As you can see, Kubernetes supplied some additional information when creating the requested volume, defaulting it to a type of emptyDir. Other default attributes may differ depending on what Kubernetes engine you are using and we won’t discuss them further here.

There are several different types of volumes that can be mounted in a container, let’s have a look.

Ephemeral volumes

You’ll remember tmpfs volumes from our discussion of Docker volumes above, which provide temporary storage for the lifespan of a single container. Kubernetes provides the concept of an ephemeral volumes, which is similar, but at the scope of a pod. The emptyDir introduced in the example above is a type of ephemeral volume.

Ephemeral volumes can be useful for data infrastructure or other applications that want to create a cache for fast access. Although they do not persist beyond the lifespan of a pod, they can still exhibit some of the typical properties of other volumes for longer-term persistence, such as the ability to snapshot. Ephemeral volumes are slightly easier to set up than PersistentVolumes because they are declared entirely inline in the pod definition without reference to other Kubernetes resources. As you will see below, creating and using PersistentVolumes is a bit more involved.


Note: Other ephemeral storage providers

Some of the in-tree and CSI storage drivers we’ll discuss below that provide PersistentVolumes also provide an ephemeral volume option. You’ll want to check the documentation of the specific provider in order to see what options are available.

Configuration volumes

Kubernetes provides several constructs for injecting configuration data into a pod as a volume. These volume types are also considered ephemeral in the sense that they do not provide a mechanism for allowing applications to persist their own data.

These volume types are relevant to our exploration in this book since they provide a useful means of configuring applications and data infrastructure running on Kubernetes. We’ll describe each of them briefly:

ConfigMap Volumes

A ConfigMap is a Kubernetes resource that is used to store configuration values external to an application as a set of name-value pairs. For example, an application might require connection details for an underlying database such as an IP address and port number. Defining these in a ConfigMap is a good way to externalize this information from the application. The resulting configuration data can be mounted into the application as a volume, where it will appear as a directory. Each configuration value is represented as a file, where the filename is the key, and the contents of the file contain the value. See the Kubernetes documentation for more information on mounting ConfigMaps as volumes.

Secret Volumes

A Secret is similar to a ConfigMap, only it is intended for securing access to sensitive data that requires protection. For example, you might want to create a secret containing database access credentials such as a username and password. Configuring and accessing Secrets is similar to using ConfigMap, with the additional benefit that Kubernetes helps decrypt the secret upon access within the pod. See the Kubernetes documentation for more information on mounting Secrets as volumes.

Downward API Volumes

The Kubernetes Downward API exposes metadata about pods and containers, either as environment variables or as volumes. This is the same metadata that is used by kubectl and other clients.

The available pod metadata includes the pod’s name, ID, namespace, labels, and annotations. The containerized application might wish to use the pod information for logging and metrics reporting, or to determine database or table names.

The available container metadata includes the requested and maximum amounts of resources such as CPU, memory, and ephemeral storage. The containerized application might wish to use this information in order to throttle its own resource usage. See the Kubernetes documentation for an example of injecting pod information as a volume.

Hostpath volumes

A hostPath volume mounts a file or directory into a pod from the Kubernetes worker node where it is running. This is analogous to the bind mount concept in Docker discussed above. Using a hostPath volume has one advantage over an emptyDir volume: the data will survive the restart of a pod.

However, there are some disadvantages to using hostPath volumes. First, in order for a replacement pod to access the data of the original pod, it will need to be restarted on the same worker node. While Kubernetes does give you the ability to control which node a pod is placed on using affinity, this tends to constrain the Kubernetes scheduler from optimal placement of pods, and if the node goes down for some reason, the data in the hostPath volume is lost. Second, similar to Docker bind mounts, there is a security concern with hostPath volumes in terms of allowing access to the local filesystem. For these reasons, hostPath volumes are only recommended for development deployments.

Cloud Volumes

It is possible to create Kubernetes volumes that reference storage locations beyond just the worker node where a pod is running, as shown in Figure 2-7. These can be grouped into volume types that are provided by named cloud providers, and those that attempt to provide a more generic interface.

Kubernetes pods directly mounting cloud provider storage
Figure 2-7. Kubernetes pods directly mounting cloud provider storage

These include the following:

  • The awsElasticBlockStore volume type is used to mount volumes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Block Store (EBS). Many databases use block storage as their underlying storage layer.

  • The gcePersistentDisk volume type is used to mount Google Compute Engine (GCE) persistent disks (PD), another example of block storage.

  • Two types of volumes are supported for Microsoft Azure: azureDisk for Azure Disk Volumes, and azureFile for Azure File Volumes

  • For OpenStack deployments, the cinder volume type can be used to access OpenStack Cinder volumes

Usage of these types typically requires configuration on the cloud provider, and access from Kubernetes clusters is typically confined to storage in the same cloud region and account. Check your cloud provider’s documentation for additional details.

Additional Volume Providers

There are a number of additional volume providers that vary in the types of storage provided. Here are a few examples:

  • The fibreChannel volume type can be used for SAN solutions implementing the FibreChannel protocol.

  • The gluster volume type is used to access file storage using the Gluster distributed file system referenced above

  • An iscsi volume mounts an existing iSCSI (SCSI over IP) volume into your Pod.

  • An nfs volume allows an existing NFS (Network File System) share to be mounted into a Pod

We’ll examine more volume providers below that implement the Container Attached Storage pattern.

Table 2-1 provides a comparison of Docker and Kubernetes storage concepts we’ve covered so far.

Table 2-1. Table 2-1: Comparing Docker and Kubernetes storage options
Type of Storage Docker Kubernetes
Access to persistent storage from various providers Volume (accessed via Volume drivers) Volume (accessed via in-tree or CSI drivers)
Access to host filesystem (not recommended for production) Bind mount Hostpath volume
Temporary storage available while container (or pod) is running tmpfs emptyDir and other ephemeral volumes
Configuration and environment data (read-only) (no direct equivalent) ConfigMap, Secret, Downward API


The key innovation the Kubernetes developers have introduced for managing storage is the persistent volume subsystem. This subsystem consists of three additional Kubernetes resources that work together: PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, and StorageClasses. This allows you to separate the definition and lifecycle of storage from how it is used by pods, as shown in Figure 2-8:

  • Cluster administrators define PersistentVolumes, either explicitly or by creating a StorageClass that can dynamically provision new PersistentVolumes.

  • Application developers create PersistentVolumeClaims that describe the storage resource needs of their applications, and these PersistentVolumeClaims can be referenced as part of volume definitions in pods.

  • The Kubernetes control plane manages the binding of PersistentVolumeClaims to PersistentVolumes.

PersistentVolumes  PersistentVolumeClaims  and StorageClasses
Figure 2-8. PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, and StorageClasses

Let’s look first at the PersistentVolume resource (often abbreviated PV), which defines access to storage at a specific location. PersistentVolumes are typically defined by cluster administrators for use by application developers. Each PV can represent storage of the same types discussed in the previous section, such as storage offered by cloud providers, networked storage, or storage directly on the worker node, as shown in Figure 2-9. Since they are tied to specific storage locations, PersistentVolumes are not portable between Kubernetes clusters.

Types of Kubernetes PersistentVolumes
Figure 2-9. Types of Kubernetes PersistentVolumes

Local PersistentVolumes

The figure also introduces a PersistentVolume type called local, which represents storage mounted directly on a Kubernetes worker node such as a disk or partition. Like hostPath volumes, a local volume may also represent a directory. A key difference between local and hostPath volumes is that when a pod using a local volume is restarted, the Kubernetes scheduler ensures the pod is rescheduled on the same node so that it can be attached to the same persistent state. For this reason, local volumes are frequently used as the backing store for data infrastructure that manages its own replication, as we’ll see in Chapter 4.

The syntax for defining a PersistentVolume will look familiar, as it is similar to defining a volume within a pod. For example, here is a YAML configuration file that defines a local PersistentVolume (source code):

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-volume
    storage: 3Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: /app/data
      - matchExpressions:
        - key:
          operator: In
          - node1

As you can see, this code defines a local volume named my-volume on the worker node node1, 3 GB in size, with an access mode of ReadWriteOnce. The following access modes are supported for PersistentVolumes:

  • ReadWriteOnce access allows the volume to be mounted for both reading and writing by a single pod at a time, and may not be mounted by other pods

  • ReadOnlyMany access means the volume can be mounted by multiple pods simultaneously for reading only

  • ReadWriteMany access allows the volume to be mounted for both reading and writing by many nodes at the same time


Note: Choosing a volume access mode

The right access mode for a given volume will be driven by the type of workload. For example, many distributed databases will be configured with dedicated storage per pod, making ReadWriteOnce a good choice.

Besides capacity and access mode, other attributes for PersistentVolumes include:

  • The volumeMode, which defaults to Filesystem but may be overridden to Block.

  • The reclaimPolicy defines what happens when a pod releases its claim on this PersistentVolume. The legal values are Retain, Recycle, and Delete.

  • A PersistentVolume can have a nodeAffinity which designates which worker node or nodes can access this volume. This is optional for most types, but required for the local volume type.

  • The class attribute binds this PV to a particular StorageClass, which is a concept we’ll introduce below.

  • Some PersistentVolume types expose mountOptions that are specific to that type.


Warning: Differences in volume options

Options differ between different volume types. For example, not every access mode or reclaim policy is accessible for every PersistentVolume type, so consult the documentation on your chosen type for more details.

You use the kubectl describe persistentvolume command (or kubectl describe pv for short) to see the status of the PersistentVolume:

$ kubectl describe pv my-volume
Name:              my-volume
Labels:            <none>
Annotations:       <none>
Finalizers:        []
Status:            Available
Reclaim Policy:    Retain
Access Modes:      RWO
VolumeMode:        Filesystem
Capacity:          3Gi
Node Affinity:
  Required Terms:
    Term 0: in [node1]
    Type:  LocalVolume (a persistent volume backed by local storage on a node)
    Path:  /app/data
Events:    <none>

The PersistentVolume has a status of Available when first created. A PersistentVolume can have multiple different status values:

  • Available means the PersistentVolume is free, and not yet bound to a claim.

  • Bound means the PersistentVolume is bound to a PersistentVolumeClaim, which is listed elsewhere in the describe output

  • Released means that an existing claim on the PersistentVolume has been deleted, but the resource has not yet been reclaimed, so the resource is not yet Available

  • Failed means the volume has failed its automatic reclamation

Now that you’ve learned how storage resources are defined in Kubernetes, the next step is to learn how to use that storage in your applications.


As discussed above, Kubernetes separates the definition of storage from its usage. Often these tasks are performed by different roles: cluster administrators define storage, while application developers use the storage. PersistentVolumes are typically defined by the administrators and reference storage locations which are specific to that cluster. Developers can then specify the storage needs of their applications using PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) that Kubernetes uses to associate pods with a PersistentVolume that meets the specified criteria. As shown in Figure 2-10, a PersistentVolumeClaim is used to reference the various volume types we’ve introduced previously, including local PersistentVolumes, or external storage provided by cloud or networked storage vendors.

Accessing PersistentVolumes using PersistentVolumeClaims
Figure 2-10. Accessing PersistentVolumes using PersistentVolumeClaims

Here’s what the process looks like from an application developer perspective. First, you’ll create a PVC representing your desired storage criteria. For example, here’s a claim that requests 1GB of storage with exclusive read/write access (source code):

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-claim
  storageClassName: ""
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

One interesting thing you may have noticed about this claim is that the storageClassName is set to an empty string. We’ll explain the significance of this when we discuss StorageClasses below. You can reference the claim in the definition of a pod like this (source code):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - mountPath: "/app/data"
      name: my-volume
  - name: my-volume
      claimName: my-claim 

As you can see, the PersistentVolume is represented within the pod as a volume. The volume is given a name and a reference to the claim. This is considered to be a volume of the persistentVolumeClaim type. As with other volumes, the volume is mounted into a container at a specific mount point, in this case into the main application Nginx container at the path /app/data.

A PVC also has a state, which you can see if you retrieve the status:

Name:          my-claim
Namespace:     default
Status:        Bound
Volume:        my-volume
Labels:        <none>
Annotations: yes
Finalizers:    []
Capacity:      3Gi
Access Modes:  RWO
VolumeMode:    Filesystem
Mounted By:    <none>
Events:        <none>

A PVC has one of two Status values: Bound, meaning it is bound to a volume (as is the case above), or Pending, meaning that it has not yet been bound to a volume. Typically a status of Pending means that no PV matching the claim exists.

Here’s what’s happening behind the scenes. Kubernetes uses the PVCs referenced as volumes in a pod and takes those into account when scheduling the pod. Kubernetes identifies PersistentVolumes that match properties associated with the claim and binds the smallest available module to the claim. The properties might include a label, or node affinity, as we saw above for local volumes.

When starting up a pod, the Kubernetes control plane makes sure the PersistentVolumes are mounted to the worker node. Then each requested storage volume is mounted into the pod at the specified mount point.


The example shown above demonstrates how Kubernetes can bind PVCs to PersistentVolumes that already exist. This model in which PersistentVolumes are explicitly created in the Kubernetes cluster is known as static provisioning. The Kubernetes Persistent Volume Subsystem also supports dynamic provisioning of volumes using StorageClasses (often abbreviated SC). The StorageClass is responsible for provisioning (and deprovisioning) PersistentVolumes according to the needs of applications running in the cluster, as shown in Figure 2-11.

StorageClasses support dynamic provisioning of volumes
Figure 2-11. StorageClasses support dynamic provisioning of volumes

Depending on the Kubernetes cluster you are using, it is likely that there is already at least one StorageClass available. You can verify this using the command kubectl get sc. If you’re running a simple Kubernetes distribution on your local machine and don’t see any StorageClasses, you can install an open source local storage provider from Rancher with the following command:

This storage provider comes pre-installed in K3s, a desktop distribution also provided by Rancher. If you take a look at the YAML configuration referenced in that statement, you’ll see the following definition of a StorageClass (source code):

kind: StorageClass
  name: local-path
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
reclaimPolicy: Delete

As you can see from the definition, a StorageClass is defined by a few key attributes:

  • The provisioner interfaces with an underlying storage provider such as a public cloud or storage system in order to allocate the actual storage. The provisioner can either be one of the Kubernetes built-in provisioners (referred to as “in-tree” because they are part of the Kubernetes source code), or a provisioner that conforms to the Container Storage Interface (CSI), which we’ll examine below.

  • The parameters are specific configuration options for the storage provider that are passed to the provisioner. Common options include filesystem type, encryption settings, and throughput in terms of IOPS. Check the documentation for the storage provider for more details.

  • The reclaimPolicy describes whether storage is reclaimed when the PersistentVolume is deleted. The default is Delete, but can be overridden to Retain, in which case the storage administrator would be responsible for managing the future state of that storage with the storage provider.

  • Although it is not shown in the example above, there is also an optional allowVolumeExpansion flag. This indicates whether the StorageClass supports the ability for volumes to be expanded. If true, the volume can be expanded by increasing the size of the storage.request field of the PersistentVolumeClaim. This value defaults to false.

  • The volumeBindingMode controls when the storage is provisioned and bound. If the value is Immediate, a PersistentVolume is immediately provisioned as soon as a PersistentVolumeClaim referencing the StorageClass as created, and the claim is bound to the PersistentVolume, regardless of whether the claim is referenced in a pod. Many storage plugins also support a second mode known as WaitForFirstConsumer, in which case no PersistentVolume is not provisioned until a pod is created that references the claim. This behavior is considered preferable since it gives the Kubernetes scheduler more flexibility.


Note: Limits on dynamic provisioning

Local cannot be dynamically provisioned by a StorageClass, so you must create them manually yourself.

Application developers can reference a specific StorageClass when creating a PVC by adding a storageClass property to the definition. For example, here is a YAML configuration for a PVC referencing the local-path StorageClass (source code):

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-local-path-claim
  storageClassName: local-path
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

If no storageClass is specified in the claim, then the default StorageClass is used. The default StorageClass can be set by the cluster administrator. As we showed above in the Persistent Volumes section, you can opt out of using StorageClasses by using the empty string, which indicates that you are using statically provisioned storage.

StorageClasses provide a useful abstraction that cluster administrators and application developers can use as a contract: administrators define the StorageClasses, and developers reference the StorageClasses by name. The details of the underlying StorageClass implementation can differ across Kubernetes platform providers, promoting portability of applications.

This flexibility allows administrators to create StorageClasses representing a variety of different storage options, for example, to distinguish between different quality of service guarantees in terms of throughput or latency. This concept is known as “profiles” in other storage systems. See How Developers are Driving the Future of Kubernetes Storage (sidebar) for more ideas on how StorageClasses can be leveraged in innovative ways.

Kubernetes Storage Architecture

In the preceding sections we’ve discussed the various storage resources that Kubernetes supports via its API. In the remainder of the chapter, we’ll take a look at how these solutions are constructed, as they can give us some valuable insights on how to construct cloud-native data solutions.


Note: Defining Cloud-native storage

Most of the storage technologies we discuss in this chapter are captured as part of the “cloud-native storage” solutions listed in Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) landscape. The CNCF Storage Whitepaper is a helpful resource which defines key terms and concepts for cloud native storage. Both of these resources are updated regularly.


Originally, the Kubernetes codebase contained multiple “in-tree” storage plugins, that is, included in the same GitHub repo as the rest of the Kubernetes code. The advantage of this was that it helped standardize the code for connecting to different storage platforms, but there were a couple of disadvantages as well. First, many Kubernetes developers had limited expertise across the broad set of included storage providers. More significantly, the ability to upgrade storage plugins was tied to the Kubernetes release cycle, meaning that if you needed a fix or enhancement for a storage plugin, you’d have to wait until it was accepted into a Kubernetes release. This slowed the maturation of storage technology for K8s, and as a result, adoption slowed as well.

The Kubernetes community created the Flexvolume specification to allow development of plugins that could be developed independently, that is, out of the Kubernetes source code tree, without being tied to the Kubernetes release cycle. Around the same time, storage plugin standards were emerging for other container orchestration systems, and developers from these communities began to question the wisdom of developing multiple standards to solve the same basic problem.


Note: Future Flexvolume support

While new feature development has paused on Flexvolume, many deployments still rely on these plugins, and there are no active plans to deprecate the feature as of the Kubernetes 1.21 release.

Container Storage Interface (CSI)

The Container Storage Interface (CSI) initiative was established as an industry standard for storage for containerized applications. CSI is an open standard used to define plugins that will work across container orchestration systems including Kubernetes, Mesos, and Cloud Foundry. As Saad Ali, Google engineer and chair of the Kubernetes Storage Special Interest Group (SIG), noted in The New Stack article The State of State in Kubernetes: “The Container Storage Interface allows Kubernetes to interact directly with an arbitrary storage system.”

The CSI specification is available on GitHub. Support for the CSI in Kubernetes began with the 1.x release and it went GA in the 1.13 release. Kubernetes continues to track updates to the CSI specification.

Once a CSI implementation is deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, its capabilities are accessed through the standard Kubernetes storage resources such as PVCs, PVs, and SCs. On the backend, each CSI implementation must provide two plugins: a node plugin and a controller plugin. The CSI specification defines required interfaces for these plugins using gRPC but does not specify exactly how the plugins are to be deployed.

Let’s briefly look at the role of each of these services, also depicted in Figure 2-12:

  • The controller plugin supports operations on volumes such as create, delete, listing, publishing/unpublishing, tracking and expanding volume capacity. It also tracks volume status including what nodes each volume is attached to. The controller plugin is also responsible for taking and managing snapshots, and using snapshots to clone a volume. The controller plugin can run on any node - it is a standard Kubernetes controller.

  • The node plugin runs on each Kubernetes worker node where provisioned volumes will be attached. The node plugin is responsible for local storage, as well as mounting and unmounting volumes onto the node. The Kubernetes control plane directs the plugin to mount a volume prior to any pods being scheduled on the node that require the volume.

Container Storage Interface mapped to Kubernetes
Figure 2-12. Container Storage Interface mapped to Kubernetes

Note: Additional CSI resources:

The CSI documentation site provides guidance for developers and storage providers who are interested in developing CSI-compliant drivers. The site also provides a very useful list of CSI-compliant drivers. This list is generally more up to date than one provided on the Kubernetes documentation site.

Container Attached Storage

While the CSI is an important step forward in standardizing storage management across container orchestrators, it does not provide implementation guidance on how or where the storage software runs. Some CSI implementations are basically thin wrappers around legacy storage management software running outside of the Kubernetes cluster. While there are certainly benefits to this reuse of existing storage assets, many developers have expressed a desire for storage management solutions that run entirely in Kubernetes alongside their applications.

Container Attached Storage is a design pattern which provides a more cloud-native approach to managing storage. The business logic to manage storage operations such as attaching volumes to applications is itself composed of microservices running in containers. This allows the storage layer to have the same properties as other applications deployed on Kubernetes and reduces the number of different management interfaces administrators have to keep track of. The storage layer becomes just another Kubernetes application.

As Evan Powell noted in his article on the CNCF Blog, Container Attached Storage: A primer, “Container Attached Storage reflects a broader trend of solutions that reinvent particular categories or create new ones – by being built on Kubernetes and microservices and that deliver capabilities to Kubernetes based microservice environments. For example, new projects for security, DNS, networking, network policy management, messaging, tracing, logging and more have emerged in the cloud-native ecosystem.”

There are several examples of projects and products that embody the CAS approach to storage. Let’s examine a few of the open-source options.


OpenEBS is a project created by MayaData and donated to the CNCF, where it became a sandbox project in 2019. The name is a play on Amazon’s Elastic Block Store, and OpenEBS is an attempt to provide an open source equivalent to this popular managed service. OpenEBS provides storage engines for managing both local and NVMe PersistentVolumes.

OpenEBS provides a great example of a CSI-compliant implementation deployed onto Kubernetes, as shown in Figure 2-13. The control plane includes the OpenEBS provisioner, which implements the CSI controller interface, and the OpenEBS API server, which provides a configuration interface for clients and interacts with the rest of the Kubernetes control plane.

The Open EBS data plane consists of the Node Disk Manager (NDM) as well as dedicated pods for each PersistentVolume. The NDM runs on each Kubernetes worker where storage will be accessed. It implements the CSI node interface and provides the helpful functionality of automatically detecting block storage devices attached to a worker node.

OpenEBS Architecture
Figure 2-13. OpenEBS Architecture

OpenEBS creates multiple pods for each volume. A controller pod is created as the primary replica, and additional replica pods are created on other Kubernetes worker nodes for high availability. Each pod includes sidecars that expose interfaces for metrics collection and management, which allows the control plane to monitor and manage the data plane.


Longhorn is an open-source, distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. It was originally developed by Rancher, and became a CNCF sandbox project in 2019. Longhorn focuses on providing an alternative to cloud-vendor storage and expensive external storage arrays. Longhorn supports providing incremental backups to NFS or AWS S3 compatible storage, and live replication to a separate Kubernetes cluster for disaster recovery.

Longhorn uses a similar architecture to that shown for OpenEBS; according to the documentation, “Longhorn creates a dedicated storage controller for each block device volume and synchronously replicates the volume across multiple replicas stored on multiple nodes. The storage controller and replicas are themselves orchestrated using Kubernetes.” Longhorn also provides an integrated user interface to simplify operations.

Rook and Ceph

According to its website, “Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator, providing the platform, framework, and support for a diverse set of storage solutions to natively integrate with cloud-native environments.” Rook was originally created as a containerized version of Ceph that could be deployed in Kubernetes. Ceph is an open-source distributed storage framework that provides block, file, and object storage. Rook was the first storage project accepted by the CNCF and is now considered a CNCF Graduated project.

Rook is a truly Kubernetes-native implementation in the sense that it makes use of Kubernetes custom resources (CRDs) and custom controllers called operators. Rook provides operators for Ceph, Apache Cassandra, and Network File System (NFS). We’ll learn more about custom resources and operators in Chapter 4.

There are also commercial solutions for Kubernetes that embody the CAS pattern. These include MayaData (creators of OpenEBS), Portworx by PureStorage,, and StorageOS. These companies provide both raw storage in block and file formats, as well as integrations for simplified deployments of additional data infrastructure such as databases and streaming solutions.

Container Object Storage Interface (COSI)

The CSI provides support for file and block storage, but object storage APIs require different semantics and don’t quite fit the CSI paradigm of mounting volumes. In Fall 2020, a group of companies led by MinIO began work on a new API for object storage in container orchestration platforms: the Container Object Storage Interface (COSI). COSI provides a Kubernetes API more suited to provisioning and accessing object storage, defining a bucket custom resource and including operations to create buckets and manage access to buckets. The design of the COSI control plane and data plane is modeled after the CSI. COSI is an emerging standard with a great start and potential for wide adoption in the Kubernetes community and potentially beyond.

As you can see, storage on Kubernetes is an area in which there is a lot of innovation, including multiple open source projects and commercial vendors competing to provide the most usable, cost effective, and performant solutions. The Cloud-Native Storage section of the CNCF Landscape provides a helpful listing of storage providers and related tools, including the technologies referenced in this chapter and many more.


In this chapter, we’ve explored how persistence is managed in container systems like Docker, and container orchestration systems like Kubernetes. You’ve learned about the various Kubernetes resources that can be used to manage stateful workloads, including Volumes, PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, StorageClasses. We’ve seen how the Container Storage Interface and Container Attached Storage pattern point the way toward more cloud-native approaches to managing storage. Now you’re ready to learn how to use these building blocks and design principles to manage stateful workloads including databases, streaming data, and more.

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