
Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.

Symbols and Numbers

# (hash mark), 14

$fn parameter, 1112

&& (and), 98

/* */ (multiline comments), 62

// (single-line comments), 62

[ ] (square brackets), 3

{ } (curly brackets), 13, 1718, 5051, 82

|| (or), 98

< > (angle brackets), 83

2D fabrication, 147

2D shapes

overview, 157158

Boolean operations, 4547

drawing, 4045

extruding, 4750

growing, 5153

importing, 5354

shrinking, 5153

transformation operations, 4547

visual reference, 167168

3D design, xxiixxiii

3D printing, 1920

3D shapes, 158159, 166167

3D-View toolbar, xxiii


abstraction, 120

algorithms, 120121

and (&&) operators, 98

angle brackets (< >), 83

Arduino, 148

arithmetic, 6669

assert() function, 164

axes, xxiixxiii


best practices

collaboration, 8991

comments, 62

indentation, 21

module naming, 81

variable naming, 66

Boolean operations

overview, 1219, 159

2D shapes, 4547

combining, 98

if statements, 98

if.else statements, 99100


center=true parameters, 8

chess set project, 152153

children operations, 162

chr() function, 164

circle commands, 4041, 167

Circuit Playground, 148

city of random skyscrapers project, 113

clock project, 112

code statements, 2

collaboration, 8991

color transformation, 72, 124, 160

comments, 62

community page, 144

complex conditions, 97104

computational thinking, 117118

computing platforms, 148

concat() function, 164

cones, 46, 166167

creative problem-solving, 147

cross-shaped cookie cutter, 8082

cube commands, 3

cuboids, 3, 166

curly brackets ({ }), 13, 1718, 5051, 82

curves, 1112

cylinder commands, 46, 89, 166



difference operations, 1415

for loops, 65

decomposition, 118

design cycle, 116

design mode, 104105

design organization, 139140

detail test project, 75

difference operations, 1216, 4647

documentation, 144

donut-like shapes, 49

drawer boxes project, 151152

.dxf format, 53


echo() function, 65, 164

Editor window, 2

else statements, 99100

emoji shapes, 44

extended if statements, 100103


faces variable, 68

file formats

.dxf format, 53

.stl format, 67, 1920

.svg format, 53

flowerpots project, 150151

font parameters, 44

for loops

overview, 6365, 161162

mathematical operations, 6768

visual reference, 171


Gheorghescu, Marius, 153

GitHub, 91

grids, 6972


hash mark (#), 14

hull operations, 32, 161, 169


if statements

overview, 9597, 161162

applications of, 104109

Boolean operators, 98

extended, 100103

nested, 103104

order of operations, 9899

if.else statements, 99100

import commands, 67

indentation, 21

intersection operations, 12, 1617, 161, 169

is() function, 164


lab clamps project, 152

Leaning Tower of Pisa model

design process, 116121

walking skeleton approach, 122139

LEGO projects, 8689, 94

len() function, 164

length parameter, 85

let() function, 164

libraries, 79, 82

linear_extrude operation, 4749

logical operators, 98

lookup() function, 164


debugging, 65

for loops, 6365, 6768, 161162, 171

nesting, 6972

visual reference, 171

loops and variables project, 74


maker movement, 146149

mathematical operations, 6669, 163164

measuring spoons project, 149150

micro:bit, 148

minkowski operation, 33

Minkowski sum, 33, 161, 169

mirror operations, 2830, 160

modifier characters, 162

module keyword, 81


overview, 7982

naming, 81

parameters, 8485

modules project, 93

moving shapes, 710

multi-file approach, 123

multiline comments, 62

multmatrix operations, 160


naming variables, 135

nesting, 6972, 103104

numeric values, 45


offset operations, 5153, 160

online citizenship, 146

open source ethos, 144146


overview, xvxviii, 23

resources, 143144, 155164

visual reference, 165171

operators, 98, 157

or (||) operators, 98

ord() function, 164

order of operations, 66, 9899

organization and development process, 139140

origins, 3



overview, 2

$fn, 1112

center=true, 8

font, 44

length, 85

modules, 8485

order of, 5

scale, 48, 160

size, 44

slices, 4748

twist, 47

width, 85

patterns, 119120

Pegboard Wizard, 153

physical computing, 148

pointed cones, 56

polygon commands, 4143

polygons, 167168

practice projects

2D shapes, 56

chess set, 152153

city of random skyscrapers, 113

clock, 112

detail test, 75

drawer boxes, 151152

flowerpots, 150151

lab clamps, 152

LEGO library, 94

loops and variables, 74

measuring spoons, 149150

modules, 93

Pegboard Wizard, 153

project box, 58

random forest, 112

skyscraper, 94

storytelling dice, 57

tic-tac-toe game, 7677

Towers of Hanoi puzzle, 7576

trophy, 59

vacuum tools, 150

Preview window, 23

print mode, 104105

prisms, 167

problem-solving, 147

project box project, 58

project organization, 139140

projection operations, 161


quadratic growth, 68


random forest project, 112

random numbers, 105109

rands() function, 106

Raspberry Pi, 148

read-only variables, 163

rectangles, 167

Render mode, 1920

render operations, 162

repetition, 125128, 171

resize operations, 3032, 160, 170

rotate operations, 2628, 159160, 170

rotate_extrude operations, 4950


scale parameter, 48, 160

search() function, 164

self-documenting names, 135

semicolons (;), 3


centering, 8

combining, 1219, 3233, 168169

extruding, 161

moving, 710

reflecting, 2830

rotating, 2628, 159160

scaling, 3032, 160

smoothing, 1112

transforming, 159161

See also 2D shapes

shimmering walls, 1516

single-line comments, 62

size parameter, 44

skins, 32

skyscraper project, 94

slices parameter, 4748

smoothing shapes, 1112

sphere commands, 34

spheres, 34, 166

square brackets ([ ]), 3

square commands, 4142

statements, 2

.stl format

exporting and, 1920

importing, 67

storytelling dice project, 57

str() function, 45, 164

string of characters, 43

studs, 86

.svg format, 53

syntax, 156


terminology, xxi, 155164

text commands, 4345, 168

Thingiverse, 91

3D design, xxiixxiii

3D printing, 1920

3D shapes, 158159, 166167

3D-View toolbar, xxiii

tic-tac-toe game, 7677

torus, 49

Towers of Hanoi puzzle, 7576

transformation operations

overview, 2526

2D shapes, 4547

combining, 3335

mirror operations, 2830, 160

resize operations, 3032, 160, 170

rotate operations, 2628, 159160, 170

rotate_extrude operations, 4950

visual reference, 170

translate operations, 810, 159, 170

triple nesting, 72

trophy project, 59

truncated cones, 5

twist parameter, 47

2D fabrication, 147

2D shapes

overview, 157158

Boolean operations, 4547

drawing, 4045

extruding, 4750

growing, 5153

importing, 5354

shrinking, 5153

transformation operations, 4547

visual reference, 167168


union operations, 12, 1719, 32

use keyword, 83


vacuum tools project, 150


overview, 64

mathematical operations, 6669

naming, 66, 135

read-only, 163

writable, 163

vectors, 3, 9

version() function, 164

vertices, 42

visual reference, 165171

vocabulary, xxi, 155164


walking skeleton approach, 121, 122138

width parameter, 85

words, 4345

writable variables, 163


x-, y-, and z-axes, xxiixxiii

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