Part 3
The Circulatory System: Plumbing and Fixtures
The idea of water running through pipes from underground, to provide for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, would have been considered miraculous to the original owners of my New York house. They had a nearby pond and a two-hole privy to take care of water and waste disposal. Fortunately for us, subsequent owners updated the place, and we’ve got all the conveniences, including a bathroom on every floor. Modern plumbing has solved the problems of maintaining a running water supply—where and when we need it—and disposing of waste with near-invisible efficiency. Our system of pipes and fixtures is practically infallible.
But like the veins and arteries of our own circulatory system, the pipes that bring us water and take away waste can sometimes clog or leak, causing a small breakdown that can get much worse if it’s not addressed promptly. And the plumbing system’s “organs”—the tubs, toilets, sinks and showers—can also wreak havoc on a house when they’re not doing their jobs, letting water travel where it shouldn’t. Part 3 helps you take care of this vital home system, keeping the water flowing, and in its place!
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