

Introduction: Get in Control of Time (Or Someone Else Will)



Special Thanks to the Technical Reviewers

Part 1 The Clock of Your (Current) Life is Ticking

Chapter 1  I Know I Can Finish Most of This (If I Stay Late)

Staying Longer Ain’t the Answer

Part-timers, Students, and Homemakers Are Not Exempt

The Workday Does End, Just Like Careers and Lives

Leaving and Feeling Good About it Takes Discipline ( . . .at First)

Preparing for the Unforeseen: Marking Out Boundaries

Make a Great Bargain with Yourself

Choosing to Leave on Time at Will

Chapter 2  Time Flies Whether You’re Having Fun or Not

Do More Because of Limits

Wanted for Time Theft

The Road to Oblivion

Okay So What Would You Suggest?

Jeff Davidson’s 10 Steps to Kick Electronic Addiction

New Math for Reclaiming Your Time

Cutting Through the Confusion

Chapter 3  With Decades to Go You Can’t Keep Playing Beat the Clock

An Entire Society in a Hurry

So, You Feel it Too? We All Do!

Expanding Knowledge

Way too Many Choices

Population Unchecked

The Weight of the World

More People, Less Mobility

Avoiding Lines, or Time-Shifting 101

Saving Shopping Time

Chapter 4  Cooling Down the Feverish Pace

How Your Feel About Yourself Is Not the Issue

Rain Barrels Keep Falling on My Head

Slowing Down Has Its Virtues

Are You Deficit-Spending?

Enough Choices to Confound Anyone

More Choices at Work than You Can Shake a Stick At

Using Up Your Life on too Many Choices

You’re in Charge of How You Spend Your Time— Honest

Consultant for Yourself

Look for that Inner Wisdom Hiding Somewhere

Chapter 5  Okay, So What Do You Want?

What Makes Your Big List?

Spring into Action

Shrink Your List to Wallet Size

Chapter 6  Supporting Your Priorities for Fun and Profit

Reinforcement’s the Key

Whoa, Horse—Get Back on Course

Is the Commute Killing You?

Your To-Do List: Managing the Long-Term Versus Short-Term

Good Old Paper and Pencil

Part 2 Appointing Yourself in Charge

Chapter 7  Money Comes and Goes—Time Just Goes

It’s Gotta Be Me

Attempting to “Do It All” Will Cost You

Misers Are Often Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish

You Can’t Make More Time: You Can Make More Money

Overcoming the Urge to Do It All: Making a Little Money Go a Long Way

A Flying Leap

Clean and Green

Putting Your Service System in Place: Ten Steps

Chapter 8  To Sleep, Perchance to Not Wake Up Exhausted

No Sleep: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

Is Catching Up on Sleep Possible?

Your Body Rebels Against Too Little Sleep

The Sleep You Get and Don’t Get

Do You Need More Sleep or Not?

More Ways to Be More Rested

Sacking Out on the Road

How to Know You’re Well Rested

Chapter 9  Volunteering a Little Less—and Liking It

Managing to Manage Your Boss

Wanted: Workaholics We Can Deluge with Work

Your Calendar and Your life

Unglutting Yourself

Getting Off—and Staying Off—Mailing Lists

Chapter 10  Making Your Office Work for You

Take Charge of Your Desk, or It Will Take Charge of You

Master Your Shelves, or, Yup, They’ll Master You

Paper, Paper Everywhere

Mr. Lakein’s Junk Drawer

What About the Paper That Keeps Coming Your Way?

Discarding the Discardable

Items to Acquire

Chapter 11  Filing: Your Simple Salvation

Filing: The Big Picture

Simple Tools to Make it All Work

Staying Sane by Filing Soundly

Creating Files Before You Need To

Giving Your Files a Home

Part 3 Communicating at All Speeds

Chapter 12  Neat and Uncomplicated Tools to Manage Your Time

Don’t Race Ahead of Yourself

You Set the Rules

Talk Your Way to High Productivity

Look Ma, No Hands!

Headset in the Air

Speakerphones Come of Age

Two-Way Phone Recording Equipment

Chapter 13  Are You a Slave to Your Beeper?

A World Unpopulated by Beepers

A Valid Way to Keep in Touch?

I’ll Concede, There a Few Valid Uses

Involuntary Beeper Attacks

Create a Message Hierarchy

When You’re the One Sending Messages

Chapter 14  All About E-Mail

Speeding Your Way Every Second of the Day

Next Subject: The Subject Line

Use Only as Directed

Brevity Is the Soul of E-Mail Wit

Keep Your “CC’s” to a Minimum

Showing Your Responsiveness

Danger! Overusing E-Mail

Management 101

Chapter 15  On and Off the Internet

Who’s On, and Why

What Makes the Web Different?

The Web Exacerbates Information Overload

Misinformation Rears its Ugly Head

Start Your Search Engines!

Web Sites Worth a Return Visit

Newsgroups Give Answers You Can’t Find Elsewhere

Using Newsgroups to Extreme Advantage

The E-Phones Are Coming, the E-Phones Are Coming

The Internet in Perspective

Part 4 Springing Yourself From Time Traps

Chapter 16  Getting Adept with Mail and Correspondence

What Are You Sending, and to Whom?

Speed-Reply Options Abound

The Post Office Is Still Good for Some Things

Tickle Your Files for More Timely Responses

Chapter 17  Decision Making: Step it Up and Go!

More Choices Lead to More Decisions

Separating the Wheat . . .

From the Chaff: Decisions Worth Forsaking

Don’t Think—Act

Rising to the Challenge: Decisions in the Form of Problems

Use Your Inner Voice for Speed Decision-Making

The Devil’s Temptress: Procrastination

Comparison Shopping

Chapter 18  The Art of Concentration

Too Much to Do

A Shared Burden

A System for Handling Distraction

Let’s Play Concentration

Okay, There Are Some Exceptions

Part 5 Managing Your Time in Special Situations

Chapter 19  It Pays to Travel Light

Conquering the Pack Rat Syndrome

Breaking it All Down

Discard as You Go

The Red Tape Demon

”No” for an Answer: A Parable

Keep Only What You Use: The Replacement Principle

Chapter 20  Time for Each Other

An Orderly Existence

Being Connected with Others Takes Work

Take Your Pick: Me or the Rest of the World

Men and Relationships

Seeing Each Other Anew

The Relationship Is Job One

A Potpourri for Thee

Only for the Brave

Chapter 21  Tips for Parents

The Times They Are A-Changin’

Bucking the Stereotype

Concentrate on Your Children

The Over-Activity Trap

Getting the Kids to Pitch in

What a Combination: Kids and Homework

Connecting with Your Kids on a Higher Level

Overestimate the Time, Nearly Every Time

Sharing and Caring

Where Does All This Leave You?

Chapter 22  Time Out for Leisure

Blurring the Boundaries

Getting Serious About Having More Fun

Creative Leisure

Some Parting Ideas

Part 6 Own a Peace of the Mental Rock

Chapter 23  Not for Everyone: Taking a Sabbatical

A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

The Employer’s View: Some Compelling Reasons

Rewarding Techies

Getting Your Mind in Gear

Mowing Down the Obstacles

Breaking Away!

Let the Sabbatical Begin!

Tales from Beyond

Chapter 24  Making the Best of Your Day

Real Time: A Primer

Ready, Set, Actualize

Chapter 25  The Lost Art of Relaxation

Whip, Whip, Who’s Got the Whip?

Reclaim Your Time Today and Tomorrow

What You Need Is New Routine

Can You “Slow Down” Time?

Chapter 26  When You Just Gotta Get Away

Who Sped Up This Merry-go-round?

Regaining a Little Sanity

All About New References

Replenishing the Energy Well

Fifty Days Away

Chapter 27  The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

In for the Long Haul

Put It in Perspective

New Goals for a New You

A Complex World and More So

Conscious Choices

A Choice Worthy of All

Appendix AGlossary

Appendix BBibliography

Articles (by date of article)


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