Appendix AGlossary

Contrarian Somebody who opts to engage in activities at times and places when and where everybody else is not engaging in them.

Dynamic bargain An agreement you make with yourself to assess what you’ve accomplished (and what more you want to accomplish) from time to time throughout the day, adjusting to new conditions as they emerge.

Faustian bargains Shady deals, so named after a character the lead character in Dr. Faustus, by Christopher Marlow, who sold his eternal soul to the Devil for a better time on earth.

Hydration When your body’s tissues are sufficiently filled with water. To be dehydrated is to be parched.

Insidious Something that is treacherous.

Leisure That which is worth your time and attention, or that which is worth doing. Enjoying rewarding activity free from work and preoccupation with work.

Microsleep A 5-to-10-second episode when your brain is effectively asleep while you are otherwise up and about. Microsleep can occur while you are working at your PC or driving a car.

Overchoice The stress that comes from too many options, especially the “so-what?” variety.

Rapid eye movements (REM) When sleeping, your eyes actually shift all over although your eyelids are closed; these movements and various levels of brain activity are essential to sound sleep.

Schlepping A Yiddish word that means over-extending yourself, often in the context of accomplishing small tasks.

Seed work Tasks you can easily assign to another because the downside risk if he or she botches the task is negligible.

Self-storage unit A for-rent, garage-like space you can fill with any items you don’t need too often.

Sound screen An electronic device that creates a sound “barrier,” which masks or mutes the effects of louder sound from beyond the barrier.

Spate A large number or amount.

Telecommuting Working outside the office (away from your employer’s base of operations) and staying in touch with coworkers via electronics, such as a computer, fax, and phone.

Tickler files A file system designed to give you a place to chronologically park items related to forthcoming issues and to remind you when you need to deal with such issues.

White noise A non-invasive, non-disruptive sound (much like that of rushing water, a fan, or distant motor noise).

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