Why Being a Work-at-Home Mom Is Bad for Business
BEING AUTHENTIC AND transparent with your business is a great idea. But what happens when we reveal too much about our business in our materials? Claiming to be a work-at-home business owner or—even more popular—a work-at-home mom can actually hurt more than it helps your business.
I’ve had people argue the point. They say that “this is what I am” and they do not want to hide the fact that they are a parent or work from home and that is just fine. I don’t have an issue with your being a work-at-home person at all. The issue that I have is that it does not really come down to “what you are”; it is about how your potential market will perceive you.
There is an exception. If your market is other work-at-home parents, then saying you are one as well can be a great thing and it can work in all of your marketing materials. But outside of that market, claiming that you work from home, especially if you have children, can give people the perception that they may not be your priority as clients.
I am a work-at-home dad myself, so don’t get me wrong. The majority of my clients are virtual, so I do my consulting work over the phone, online, or by going to a location to meet in person. I really have no need for expensive office space, fancy leather chairs, or a nameplate.
But nowhere on my bio on my web site will you see that I work from home. I leave it out purposefully, because it would then be open for interpretation by potential clients, who may have their own notions of what someone who works from home and has children can do. So when I see you leading with the fact that you’re a work-at-home mom, I know for the most part that your children will be your priority.
If you mention you have three kids under six years old and you’re home-schooling them, then I question when the work for me, the work I need done and am paying you to do, is going to get done.
Some people will argue that being a mom automatically means that clients would think you’re better at business, better at multitasking, at organizing, at delegation, and a whole bunch of other words. In reality, being a parent does not automatically make you anything except a parent. I want to hire you because of one thing—that you will get the job done.
I work from home, my assistant Karen works from home, and that all works great. I have designers and virtual assistants and writers who work for me virtually. I really don’t care where they work, all I care about is that everything gets done. Being on social media and talking about having kids and everything that comes with it is great because it allows you to connect with other people who also have kids. I understand that. But on your formal business materials, on your web site and brochures, the focus needs to be on your potential clients and what you can do for them.
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