Kinds of Linked List

There are three basic kinds of linked list: singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists. Singly linked lists are the variety most commonly encountered in interviews.

Singly Linked Lists

When an interviewer says “linked list” he or she generally means a linear singly linked list, where each data element in the list has a link (a pointer or reference) to the element that follows it in the list, as shown in Figure 4-1. The first element in a singly linked list is referred to as the head of the list. The last element in such a list is called the tail of the list and has an empty or null link.

Singly linked lists have a host of special cases and potential programming pitfalls. Because the links in a singly linked list consist only of next pointers (or references), the list can be traversed only in the forward direction. Therefore a complete traversal of the list must begin with the first element. In other words, you need a pointer or reference to the first element of a list to locate all the elements in the list. It’s common to store that pointer or reference in a separate data structure.

In C, the simplest singly linked list element is a struct with a pointer to a struct of the same type as its only member:

// The simplest singly linked list element
typedef struct ListElement {
  struct ListElement *next;
} ListElement;

Because it has no data, it’s not a particularly useful list element. A more useful struct has at least one data member in addition to the pointer:

// A more useful singly linked list element
typedef struct IntElement {
    struct IntElement *next;
    int                data;
} IntElement;

The next pointer can be anywhere in the struct, but placing it at the beginning makes it easier to write generic list-handling routines that work no matter what data an element holds by casting the pointer to be of the generic list element type.

In C++ you could define a class for the list element:

// A singly linked list in C++
class IntElement {
    IntElement( int value ): next( NULL ), data( value ) {}
    ~tElement() {}

    IntElement *getNext() const { return next; }
    int value() const { return data; }
    void setNext( IntElement *elem ) { next = elem; }
    void setValue( int value ) { data = value; }

    IntElement *next;
    int         data;

However, it usually makes more sense to define a template for the list element:

// A templated C++ singly linked list
template <class T>
class ListElement {
    ListElement( const T &value ): next( NULL ), data( value ) {}
    ~ListElement() {}

    ListElement *getNext() const { return next; }
    const T& value() const { return data; }
    void setNext( ListElement *elem ) { next = elem; }
    void setValue( const T &value ) { data = value; }

    ListElement *next;
    T            data;

NOTE When defining classes in C++, particularly in template form, it’s always best to explicitly add copy constructors and assignment operators so you don’t depend on the compiler-generated versions. In an interview, however, you’ll generally skip these additional details as we’ve done here, but it doesn’t hurt to mention them in passing to the interviewer.

A Java implementation using generics is similar, but of course uses references instead of pointers:

// A templated Java singly linked list
public class ListElement<T> {
  public ListElement( T value ) { data = value; }

  public ListElement<T> next() { return next; }
  public T value() { return data; }
  public void setNext( ListElement<T> elem ) { next = elem; }
  public void setValue( T value ) { data = value; }

  private ListElement<T> next;
  private T              data;

Doubly Linked Lists

A doubly linked list, as shown in Figure 4-2, eliminates many of the difficulties of using a singly linked list. In a doubly linked list, each element has a link to the previous element in the list as well as to the next element in the list. This additional link makes it possible to traverse the list in either direction. The entire list can be traversed starting from any element. A doubly linked list has head and tail elements just like a singly linked list. The head of the list has an empty or null previous link, just as the tail of the list has a null or empty next link.

Doubly linked lists are not frequently seen in interview problems. Many problems involve singly linked lists specifically because they are more difficult that way; they would be trivial with a doubly linked list. Other problems are difficult whether the list is singly or doubly linked, so there’s no point in using a doubly linked list, which adds complexity irrelevant to the problem.

Circular Linked Lists

The final variation on the linked list theme is the circular linked list, which comes in singly and doubly linked varieties. Circular linked lists have no ends — no head or tail. Each element in a circular linked list has non-null next (and previous, if it’s also doubly linked) pointers or references. A list with one element merely points to itself.

The primary traversal problem for these lists is cycle avoidance — if you don’t track where you start, you’ll cycle infinitely through the list.

You may encounter circular linked lists from time to time, but they rarely appear in interview problems.

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