11.9 Distance Weighting

The kernels introduced so far have the advantage that the hypernym and hyponym hypotheses are reflected by the calculation of the graph kernel. A further possible improvement is to assign weights to the product graph nodes depending on the distance of the associated nodes to the hyponym and hypernym candidates. Such a weighting is suggested by the fact that edges located nearby the hypernym and hyponym candidates are expected to be more important for estimating the correctness of the hypothesis. It will be shown that a distance calculation is possible with minimum overhead just by using the intermediate results of the kernel computations. Let us define the matrix function img the function that sets an entry in a matrix to one, if the associated component of the argument matrix M = (mxy) is greater than zero and to zero otherwise. Let (hxy) = B(M), then

(11.13) equation

Let Aa1∨a2 be the adjacency matrix where all entries are set to zero, if either the column or row of the entry is associated to a1 or a2. Then a matrix entry of B(Aa1∨a2APG) is one, if there exists a common walk of length two between the two nodes and one of them is a1 and a2. Let us define Ci as img. An entry of Ci is one if there exists a common walk of length i between two nodes and one of them is a1 or a2. Then the distance of node u with matrix index img from node a1 or a2 is imgimg. The matrix differences need not to be calculated if the distances are determined iteratively starting at i = 0. Let img be the distance of node u from a1 or a2 after the ith step. disti(u) is a partial function, which means there are eventually nodes that are not yet assigned a distance value. Distances that are once assigned are immutable, that is, they do not change in succeeding steps, that is, disti(u) = a ⇒ disti+1(u) = a. disti(u) for i ≥ 1 is defined as

(11.14) equation

Furthermore, dist0(u) is defined as zero if u is a node containing the hypernym or hyponym candidates. Ci can easily be obtained from img, which are intermediate results of the kernel computations. But the calculation can still be further simplified. img can also be written as img (M1 img M2 is build analogously to the matrix product, where the multiplication of matrix elements is replaced by the conjunction and the addition by the disjunction). The equivalence is stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 11.1. If A and C are matrices with non-negative entries, then B(AC) = B(A) img B(C).

Proof: Let bxy be the matrix entries of B(AC), (axy) = A and (cxy) = C. A matrix entry bxy of B(AC) is of the form img. Assume

(11.15) equation

Let us now assume

(11.16) equation img

Aa1∨a2 is a sparse matrix with nonzero entries only in the rows and columns of the hyponym and hypernym candidate indices. The matrix Aa1∨a2 can be split up into two components Arow, a1∨a2 where only the entries in rows index(a1) and index(a2) are nonzero and into the matrix Acol, a1∨a2 where only the entries in columns index(a1) and index(a2) are nonzero.

The matrix conjunction img can then be written as

(11.17) equation

Similarly, Arow, a1∨a2 can be further splitted up into

(11.18) equation

This conjunction contains the nonzero entries for the hyponym and hypernym row (analogously for the columns). The conjunction img is given in Figure 11.4, the conjunction img in Figure 11.5. The first factor matrix as well as the result of the matrix conjunction are sparse matrices where only the nonzero entries are given in the figures. Ar denotes the rth row vector of matrix A. Usually the hyponym and hypernym nodes are only directly connected to one or two other nodes. Therefore, only a constant number of rows has to be checked for nonzero entries in each step. Thus, with the given intermediate results of img with different exponents j, the distance computation can be done in time img.

Figure 11.4 Matrix conjunction of Ahyper/hypo(row)a1∨a2 and imgwhere Ahyper/hypo(row)a1∨a2 is a sparse matrix with nonzero entries only in one row (called: d) and in the two columns p and q.


Figure 11.5 Matrix conjunction of Ahyper/hypo(col)a1∨a2 and img where Ahyper/hypo(col)a1∨a2 is a sparse matrix with nonzero entries only in one column (called: p) and in the two rows g and h.


After the distances are calculated, an n × n (n: number of nodes in the product graph) weight matrix W is constructed in the following way:

(11.19) equation

The cosine function is used to realize a smooth transition from 1.0 to 0.1. b, c are fixed positive constants, which can be determined by a parameter optimization (for instance by a grid search). They are currently manually set to b = π/5, c = 2. The application of the weight matrix is done by a component-wise (*) multiplication. Let M1 and M2 be two m × n matrices. Then the component-wise product P = M1 * M2 with P = (pxy), M1 = (m1,xy), M2 = (m2,xy) is defined as pxy = m1,xy · m2,xy for 1 ≤ xm, 1 ≤ yn.

An alternative method to derive the weighted matrix, directly determines weights for the edges instead for the nodes. The matrix of distance values for every edge is given by D = (dxy) with dxy = i − 1: img fxy = 1 and img. The weight matrix W=img is then given by img. This method also benefits from the proposed matrix decomposition, which speeds up the matrix multiplication enormously. We opted for the first possibility of explicitly deriving distance values for all graph nodes, which allows a more compact representation.

The component-wise multiplication can be done in img and is therefore much faster than the ordinary matrix multiplication, which is cubic in runtime. The component-wise multiplication follows the distributive and the commutative laws, which can easily be seen. Thus,

(11.20) equation

Therefore, the Formula (11.11) changes to

(11.21) equation

This shows that the transformation method given in Formula (11.11) where the sum is converted from one value of λ to another is still possible.

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