3.4 Proofs for Section 2.4.1 “The Cyclic Cross-Correlogram”

In this section, proofs of lemmas and theorems presented in Section 2.4.1 on the bias and covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram are reported.

In the following, all the functions are assumed to be Lebesgue measurable. Consequently, without recalling the measurability assumption, we use the fact that if the functions ϕ1 and ϕ2 are such that |ϕ1| ≤ |ϕ2|, ϕ1 is measurable and ϕ2 is integrable (i.e., ϕ2 is measurable and |ϕ2| is integrable), then ϕ1 is integrable (Prohorov and Rozanov 1989, p. 82). Furthermore, if img and img, then |ϕ1ϕ2| ≤ |ϕ1|||ϕ2|| almost everywhere and, hence, img.

3.4.1 Proof of Theorem 2.4.6 Expected Value of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

By using (2.31c) and (2.118) one has

(3.38a) equation

(3.38b) equation

(3.38c) equation

(3.38d) equation

from which (2.128) immediately follows.

In (3.38b), the interchange of statistical expectation and integral operations is justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). In fact, the cross-correlation is uniformly (with respect to t and τ) bounded since

(3.39) equation

and, accounting for Assumption 2.4.3 a, for any z img {x, y}

(3.40) equation


(3.41) equation

where Assumption 2.4.5 and the variable change s = (tt0)/T are used.

The interchange of sum and integral operations to obtain (3.38d) is justified even if img is not finite by using the dominated convergence theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 4). Specifically, by denoting with img an increasing sequence of finite subsets of img such that img for h < k and img, and defining

(3.42) equation

it results that

(3.43) equation

In fact, the integrand function in the second term of equality (3.43) is bounded by a summable function of t not depending on k:

(3.44) equation

where, in the last inequality, Assumptions 2.4.3a and 2.4.5 are used.


3.4.2 Proof of Theorem 2.4.7 Covariance of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

For zero-mean stochastic processes x(t) and y(t) one obtains (Gardner 1985; Spooner and Gardner 1994)

(3.45) equation


(3.46) equation

is the covariance of the complex random variables z1 and z2 and the cumulant of complex processes is defined according to (Spooner and Gardner 1994, Appendix A) (see also Section 1.4.2). Thus, accounting for (2.118), one obtains

(3.47a) equation

(3.47b) equation

(3.47c) equation

By substituting (2.119) and (2.120) (Assumption 2.4.2) into (3.47c) and making the variable changes u1 = u and u2 = us, it results in

(3.48) equation


(3.49) equation

(3.50) equation

(3.51) equation

Finally, by making the variable change u/T = t′ + (t2 + s)/T into (3.49)(3.51) and using (2.125) and (2.133), (2.129)(2.132) easily follow. In (3.49)(3.51), for notation simplicity, img, img, img, and img.

The interchange of the orders of cov{ · } and integral operations to obtain (3.47b) is justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). In fact,

(3.52) equation

The interchange of statistical expectation and single integral can be justified as in the proof of Theorem 2.4.6 accounting for Assumptions 2.4.3a and 2.4.5. As regards the interchange of statistical expectation and double integral, we have

(3.53) equation

Thus, accounting for the uniform boundedness of the absolute fourth-order moments of x(t) and y(t) (Assumption 2.4.4) and Assumption 2.4.5, one has

(3.54) equation

Therefore, the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3) can be used to obtain (3.47b) and (3.47c).

The interchange of sum and integral operations to obtain (3.48) is justified even if the sets img and img are not finite. In fact, let us consider the term img defined in (3.49). Denote with img and img two increasing sequences of finite subsets of img and img, respectively, such that img and img, and define

(3.55) equation

The result is that

(3.56) equation

where Assumptions 2.4.3a and 2.4.5 have been accounted for. Thus, the left-hand side of (3.56) is bounded by a summable function of (s, u) not depending on h and k. Therefore, the dominated convergence theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 4) can be applied as follows:

(3.57) equation

An analogous result can be found for the term img defined in (3.50). As regards the term img defined in (3.51), denote with img an increasing sequence of finite subsets of img such that img, and define

(3.58) equation

The result is that

(3.59) equation

where Assumption 2.4.3b has been accounted for. Hence, the dominated convergence theorem can be applied similarly as in (3.57).

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