4.11 Discrete-Time Estimators of the Spectral Cross-Correlation Density


(4.298) equation

be the discrete-time sequences obtained by uniformly sampling with period Ts = 1/fs the continuous-time (jointly) SC processes x(t) and y(t).

The discrete-time frequency-smoothed cross-periodogram along the support curve img img is defined as

(4.299) equation

where img denotes periodic convolution (with period 1) with respect to ν1, YN(n, ν1) and XN(n, ν2) are discrete-time STFTs defined according to

(4.300) equation


(4.301) equation

is a frequency-smoothing window with img summable in [− 1/2, 1/2] and such that

(4.302) equation

In the absence of aliasing, statistical functions of discrete-time sampled processes in the principal frequency domain are scaled versions of statistical functions of the continuous-time processes (Sections 4.9.2 and 7.7.5). In such a case, consistency results for the discrete-time frequency-smoothed cross-periodogram can be proved with obvious changes analogously to the case of continuous-time processes. Moreover, even in the case of non-strictly band-limited continuous-time processes, consistency results can be proved provided that the amount of aliasing is controlled by taking the sampling period sufficiently small. In such a case, under suitable conditions, the result is that

(4.303) equation

where the order of the three limits cannot be interchanged.

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