5.3 Proofs for Section 4.5 “Measurement of Spectral Correlation –Unknown Support Curves”

In this section, proofs of lemmas and theorems presented in Section 4.5 on bias and covariance of the time-smoothed bifrequency cross-periodogram are reported.

Accounting for the properties of the Fourier transform of a summable function (Champeney 1990) and observing that from Assumption 4.5.2, one obtains

(5.25) equation

the following result can easily be proved.

Lemma 5.3.1 (Napolitano 2003, Lemma B.1). Under Assumption 4.5.2 (time-smoothing window regularity) and denoting by WA(f) the Fourier transform of img, one obtains that the Fourier transform img of the time-smoothing window aT(t) can be expressed as

(5.26) equation

with img, continuous, and infinitesimal for |f|→ ∞. Moreover, in the sense of distributions, it results that

(5.27) equation

If img is continuous in t = 0, then img. equation

5.3.1 Proof of Lemma 4.5.5 Expected Value of the Time-Smoothed Bifrequency Cross-Periodogram

From (4.123) and (5.6), and accounting for (4.15) and (4.107), it follows that

(5.28) equation

from which, accounting for the sampling property of the Dirac delta, (4.127) immediately follows. In the derivation of (5.28), the formal relationship (Zemanian 1987)

(5.29) equation

to be intended in the sense of distributions is used.

In the proof, the interchange of expectation, integral, and sum operations can be justified as in the proof of Lemma 4.4.6, accounting for the fact that img (Assumption 4.5.2).

5.3.2 Proof of Lemma 4.5.6 Covariance of the Time-Smoothed Bifrequency Cross-Periodogram

It results that (multilinearity property of cumulants (Mendel 1991))

(5.30) equation

where (4.123) has been accounted for, and the interchange of integral and expectation operations can be justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990). In fact, by using (4.108) into the right-hand side of (5.30) one has

(5.31) equation


(5.32) equation

(5.33) equation

(5.34) equation

Denoted by D1(νy1, νx1, τ1, τ2) the integrand function in img and accounting for Assumptions 4.4.3a, 4.4.5, and 4.5.2, the result is that

(5.35) equation

Analogously, it can be shown that the integrand function in img is bounded by a summable function. Furthermore, denoted by D3(νy1, νx1, νy2, τ1, τ2) the integrand function in img and accounting for Assumptions 4.4.3b, 4.4.5, and 4.5.2, the result is that

(5.36) equation

By reasoning as for the derivation of (5.28), terms img, img, and img can be shown to be equivalent to img, img, and img, respectively. Then, (4.128) easily follows from (5.30) and (5.31).

Lemma 5.3.2 Let g(f) be a real-valued function of the real variable f, defined in the neighborhood of f = 0. It results that

(5.37) equation

where δf is the Kronecker delta, that is, δf = 1 if f = 0 and δf = 0 if f ≠ 0.

Proof: Let

(5.38) equation

We have

(5.39) equation

if and only if

(5.40) equation

Since the function δu is discontinuous in u = 0, (5.40) is equivalent to

(5.41) equation

that is, in a neighborhood of Δf = 0. Thus, the limit in (5.39) is 1 if and only if hf) = 1 in a neighborhood of Δf = 0, that is, if and only if gf) = 0 in a neighborhood of Δf = 0.

Note that gf) can be possibly discontinuous or even not defined in Δf = 0. That is, we do not require g(0) = 0. equation

5.3.3 Proof of Theorem 4.5.7 Asymptotic Expected Value of the Time-Smoothed Bifrequency Cross-Periodogram

By substituting (4.103) and (5.26) into the expression (4.127) of the expected value of the time-smoothed cross-periodogram, and making the variable change λ1 = (f1ν1)/Δf one has

(5.42) equation

Denoted by JΔf,T(λ1) the integrand function in (5.42) and accounting for (4.97), Assumption 4.4.5 and Lemma 5.3.1, the result is that


with the right-hand side independent of T and Δf. Thus, the dominated convergence theorem (Champeney 1990) can be applied:

(5.43) equation

where Lemmas 5.2.1a and 5.2.2 have been accounted for, and the interchange of limit, sum, and integral operations can be justified as in the proof of Lemma 4.4.6.

Since WA is infinitesimal at ±∞, for any finite Δf the limit for T→ ∞ is zero unless the argument of the inner large parenthesis in the last line of (5.43) is zero. Therefore, accounting for the continuity of WA(ν), it results in

(5.44) equation

where img is defined in (5.37). To obtain the last equality, observe that, accounting for Lemma 5.3.2, when Δf → 0 the argument of the Kronecker delta in the second line is zero only if f2 = Ψ(n)(f1) and img in a neighborhood of f1.

Finally, by substituting (5.44) into (5.43), (4.132) is obtained.

5.3.4 Proof of Corollary 4.5.8

At first let us observe that, for Assumption 4.5.3 there is no cluster of support curves and, consequently, for T sufficiently large, it is finite the set img of indices n such that, at the fixed point (f1, f2), it results |f2 − Ψ(n)(f1)| img T−1. In addition, there exists T0 > 0 such that for T > T0 the number of elements of img does not change with T.

By considering the Taylor series expansion for Ψ(n)(f1) with second-order Lagrange residual term one has

(5.45) equation

where img, ξ img [0, 1]. By substituting (5.45) into

(5.46) equation

it results in

(5.47) equation

In Theorem 4.5.7, the asymptotic biasedness of the time-smoothed cross-periodogram is proved for SC processes that are not ACS. This is consequence of the fact that, when img in a neighborhood of f1, the function h(n)(λ1) in (5.42) approaches zero, as T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞ (see (5.44)). However, if at the point (f1, f2) it results that

(5.48) equation


(5.49) equation

for all img i.e., for all n such that

(5.50) equation

then in substituting (5.47) into (5.42) we can put

(5.51) equation

In fact, under Assumption 4.4.5 WB(λ1) has approximate bandwidth equal to 1, that is, it is significantly different from zero only for λ1 = O(1) (independently of T and Δf) and WA(f) is infinitesimal for |f|→ ∞. Thus, by substituting (5.51) into (5.42), for Δf sufficiently small, one obtains (4.136).

Note that (5.48) and (5.49) can be both verified if the second-order derivative of Ψ(n) is bounded (Assumption 4.5.4) and T and Δf are such that TΔf img 1 and Tf)2 img 1. If the time-smoothed cross-periodogram is evaluated (with fixed T and Δf) for img, with img denoting the analysis range, then uniform boundedness in img of second-order derivatives img is necessary (Assumption 4.5.4).

5.3.5 Proof of Theorem 4.5.9 Asymptotic Covariance of the Time-Smoothed Bifrequency Cross-Periodogram

By substituting (4.103) and (5.26) into (4.129) and making the variable changes λy1 = (fy1νy1)/Δf and λx1 = (fx1νx1)/Δf, one obtains

(5.52) equation

Thus, accounting for Assumption 4.4.3a and Lemma 5.3.1, one has

(5.53) equation

From (5.27) and for img, it follows that, in the sense of distributions,

(5.54) equation

Therefore, for T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞, accounting for (5.13), (5.54), and the sampling property of Dirac delta, one obtains that img with img given by (4.138).

Analogously, it can be shown that

(5.55) equation

with img given by (4.139).

Furthermore, by substituting (4.103) and (5.26) into (4.131) and making the variable changes λy1 = (fy1νy1)/Δf, λx1 = (fx1νx1)/Δf, and λy2 = (fy2νy2)/Δf, it results in

(5.56) equation

where f − λΔf img [fy1λy1Δf, fx1λx1Δf, fy2λy2Δf]. Thus, accounting for Assumptions 4.4.3b and 4.4.5 and Lemma 5.3.1, one has

(5.57) equation

Accounting for (5.54), one obtains

(5.58) equation

Therefore, for T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞,

(5.59) equation

where the last equality holds under assumption (4.98).

As a final remark, note that the order of the two limits as Δf → 0 and T→ ∞ in Theorems 4.5.7 and 4.5.9 cannot be interchanged. In fact, in the proofs of both Theorems 4.5.7 and 4.5.9 the double limit as Δf → 0 and T→ ∞ is evaluated with TΔf→ ∞ by taking Δf finite and fixed, making T→ ∞ and after making Δf → 0. Analogous results can be obtained if Δf = O(Ta) with 0 < a < 1. However, the more restrictive condition 1/2 < a < 1 is necessary to assure Tf)2 → 0 as requested in Corollary 4.5.8 to guarantee (5.49).

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