7.3 Constant Relative Radial Speed

Let ξ(t) be the projection of the vector P R(t) − P T(tD(t)) along the propagation direction ik (oriented from P T(tD(t)) to P R(t)), that is

(7.77) equation

The delay D(t) experienced by the wavefront transmitted at time tD(t) in P T(tD(t)) and received at time t in P R(t) depends on the distance ||PR(t) − PT(tD(t))||. Accordingly with (7.11) we have

(7.78) equation

As observed in Section 7.1.3, |ξ(t)| is the time-varying distance responsible of the Doppler effect, viz, the time-varying delay D(t), and should not be confused with

(7.79) equation

Let us assume that the relative radial speed between P T(tD(t)) and P R(t) is constant within the observation interval. Thus, the projection of the vector P R(t) − P T(tD(t)) along the propagation direction ik is a linear function of t. That is,

(7.80) equation

Furthermore, let us assume that, within the observation interval, RX does not collapse on TX. Thus, ξ(t) does not change sign and it is always img(t, D(t)) > 0. Under such an assumption, img(t, D(t)) = ξ(t) or img(t, D(t)) = − ξ(t) is a linear function of time and the angles in TX and RX radiation patterns are constant with time:

(7.81) equation

(7.82) equation

7.3.1 Moving TX, Moving RX

The expression of D(t) depends on the sign of ξ(t). Specifically,

1. For all img such that ξ(t) ≥ 0 from (7.78) it follows that

(7.8.3) equation

2. For all img such that ξ(t) < 0 from (7.78) it follows that

(7.84) equation

Therefore, from (7.80) we have (upper sign for ξ(t) ≥ 0 and lower sign for ξ(t) < 0)

(7.85) equation


(7.86) equation


(7.87) equation

(7.88) equation

For a complex sinewave transmitted signal img the component of the electric field along the direction of e(P R(t), t) in the RX location P R(t) at time t is

(7.89) equation

where s is given in (7.87).

Assumption 7.3.1 It results that img (observation interval). That is,

(7.90) equation

Thus, since (1 + x)α img 1 + αx for |x| img 1, the following approximation holds for the attenuation factor:

(7.91) equation

Note that a similar approximation cannot be made in the argument of the complex exponential img since phases must be considered modulo 2π.


That is, the attenuation factor equals a constant term 1/|ξ0| plus an amplitude modulating factor proportional to tt0. The amplitude-modulation operator t, in the frequency domain, corresponds to the derivative operator d/df. Therefore, when img, the approximation img, ∀t img [t0, t0 + T] consists in neglecting a small term which, in the frequency domain, is proportional to a T-finite approximation of δ(1)(fsfT), the first-order derivative of the Dirac delta centered in sfT (Zemanian 1987, Section 1.3).

Under Assumption 7.3.1 and making the approximation 1/|ξ(t)| img 1/|ξ0| into the expression of e(P R(t), t), the electric field at RX is a complex sinewave with frequency fR = sfT. Thus, the signal at the RX antenna clamps can be expressed in the following equivalent forms

(7.92a) equation

(7.92b) equation


(7.93) equation

The transmitted frequency fT is transformed into the received frequency

(7.94) equation


(7.95) equation

is referred to as Doppler shift introduced by the time-varying channel.

Let us consider a generic transmitted signal x(t) with Fourier transform X(f). Since Maxwell's equations are linear, starting from (7.92a) the signal at the RX antenna clamps can be expressed as

(7.96) equation

where b(t) is the inverse Fourier transform of B(fT). Equivalently, from (7.92b), we have

(7.97) equation

which compared with (4.82a) shows that the Doppler channel is a FOT-deterministic LTV system with the set Ω containing only one element σ and characterized by

(7.98) equation

(7.99) equation

Moreover, by taking the Fourier transform of both sides of (7.97), we have

(7.100) equation

Thus, accordingly with (4.81b), the FOT-LTV system can also be characterized by the functions

(7.101) equation

(7.102) equation

Under the wide-band TX and RX antenna assumption (Assumption 7.1.2), (7.96) specializes into

(7.103) equation


(7.104) equation

Thus, by considering the transmitted signal

(7.105) equation

where Re{ · } denotes real part and fc is the carrier frequency, the result is that

(7.106) equation


(7.107) equation

with complex gain

(7.108) equation

and frequency shift

(7.109) equation

7.3.2 Stationary TX, Moving RX

In the case of stationary TX and moving RX, (7.11) specializes into (7.34) and (7.35). Assuming that during the observation interval RX does not collapse on TX, we have

(7.110) equation

(7.111) equation

From (7.80), (7.110), and (7.111), it follows

(7.112) equation

and comparing (7.80) and (7.112) it results in img for ξ ≥ 0 and img for ξ < 0. In addition, (7.111) and (7.112) lead to

(7.113) equation

The same expression can be obtained observing that, accounting for (7.112), (7.36) specializes into

(7.14) equation

The time-varying delay D(t) depends linearly on t: D(t) = d0 + d1t, with d0 img (R0vt0)/c and img. Furthermore

(7.115) equation


(7.116) equation

is the time-scale factor due to the time-varying delay.

For a complex sinewave transmitted signal img the component of the electric field along the direction of e(P R(t), t) in the RX location P R(t) at time t is

(7.117) equation

where (7.17), (7.34), and (7.82) are accounted for. Thus, the electric field at RX is a sinewave with frequency img amplitude-modulated by img.

Under Assumption 7.3.1, img, and

(7.118) equation

Under Assumption 7.3.1, and making the approximation img, the electric field at RX is a sinewave with frequency fR = sfT. Thus, the signal at the RX antenna clamps is

(7.119) equation


(7.120) equation

The transmitted frequency fT is transformed into the received frequency

(7.121) equation


(7.122) equation

is the Doppler shift introduced by the time-varying channel. For s ≠ 1 the propagation channel is a FOT-deterministic LTV channel (Section 6.3.8), (Izzo and Napolitano 2002a).

For a transmitted frequency fT > 0, accounting for (7.112), we have:

  • P R(t) moves away from TX ⇒ imgimgfR < fT
  • P R(t) approaches TX ⇒ imgimgfR > fT

Let us now consider a generic transmitted signal x(t) with Fourier transform X(f). Since Maxwell's equations are linear, by reasoning as for (7.96) the signal at the RX antenna clamps can be expressed as

(7.123) equation

where b(t) is the inverse Fourier transform of

(7.124) equation

which describes the filtering effect of the TX and RX antenna radiation patterns. Similarly to the case of moving TX and moving RX, the system with input/output relationship (7.123) can be expressed in terms of functions Gσ(λ), ϕσ(λ), Hσ(f), ψσ(f) that characterize FOT-deterministic LTV systems.

Under the wide-band TX and RX antenna assumption (Assumption 7.1.2), (7.123) specializes into

(7.125) equation


(7.126) equation

Thus, by considering the transmitted signal

(7.127) equation

where Re{ · } denotes real part and fc is the carrier frequency, and reasoning as for (7.107), the result is that

(7.128) equation


(7.129) equation

with complex gain

(7.130) equation

and frequency shift

(7.131) equation

7.3.3 Moving TX, Stationary RX

In the case of moving TX and stationary RX, (7.11) specializes into (7.37) and (7.38). Assuming that during the observation interval TX does not collapse on RX, we have

(7.132) equation

(7.133) equation

From (7.80), (7.132), and (7.133), it follows

(7.1134) equation

where the upper sign is for ξ(t) ≥ 0 and the lower for ξ(t) < 0. By substituting this expression of D(t) into (7.133) leads to

(7.135) equation

which implies that R(t) must be a linear function of t, say

(7.136) equation

where the strict inequality is consequence of the assumptions that within the observation interval TX does not collapse on RX. Substituting (7.136) into (7.135) we have

(7.137) equation

Since (7.137) holds for all t such that R(tD(t)) > 0, it necessarily results

(7.138) equation

(7.139) equation


(7.140) equation

That is, the time-varying delay D(t) depends linearly on t: D(t) = d0 + d1t, with img and img. In addition, the time-varying distance R(t) between TX and RX is such that

(7.148) equation


(7.142) equation


(7.143) equation

is the time-scale factor due to the time-varying delay.

Finally, note that the expression of D(t) in the rhs of (7.140) can be also obtained observing that, accounting for (7.136), (7.40) specializes into

(7.144) equation

For a complex sinewave transmitted signal img the component of the electric field along the direction of e(P R(t), t) in the RX location P R(t) at time t is

(7.145) equation

Thus, the electric field at RX is a sinewave with frequency img amplitude-modulated by img.

Under Assumption 7.3.1, that is |vT| < R0, and making the approximation img, t img (t0, t0 + T), the electric field at RX is a sinewave with frequency fR = sfT. Thus, the signal at the RX antenna clamps is

(7.146) equation


(7.147) equation

The transmitted frequency fT is transformed into the received frequency

(7.148) equation


(7.149) equation

is referred to as Doppler shift introduced by the time-varying channel. For s ≠ 1 the propagation channel is a FOT-deterministic LTV channel (Section 4.3.1), (Izzo and Napolitano 2002a).

For a transmitted frequency fT > 0, if P R(t) moves away from TX or approaches TX we have the same kind of order relationships between fR and fT as in the case of stationary TX and moving RX (Section 7.3.2).

Let us now consider a generic transmitted signal x(t) with Fourier transform X(f). Since Maxwell's equations are linear, by reasoning as for (7.96) the signal at the RX antenna clamps can be expressed as

(7.150) equation

where b(t) is the inverse Fourier transform of

(7.151) equation

which describes the filtering effect of the TX and RX antenna radiation patterns. Similarly to the case of moving TX and moving RX, the system with input/output relationship (7.150) can be expressed in terms of functions Gσ(λ), ϕσ(λ), Hσ(f), ψσ(f) that characterize FOT-deterministic LTV systems.

Under the wide-band TX and RX antenna assumption (Assumption 7.2), (7.150) specializes into

(7.152) equation


(7.153) equation

Thus, by considering the transmitted signal

(7.154) equation

where Re{ · } denotes real part and fc is the carrier frequency, and reasoning as for (7.107), the result is that

(7.155) equation


(7.156) equation

with complex gain

(7.157) equation

and frequency shift

(7.158) equation

Remark 7.3.2 The results of Section 7.1 are non-relativistic. For |R.(t)/c| < 1, the asymmetry in the results for stationary TXmoving RX and moving TXstationary RX in the case of constant relative radial speed disappears.

In fact, for stationary TX–moving RX, from (7.116) and (7.131), one obtains

(7.159) equation

(7.160) equation

Furthermore, for moving TX–stationary RX, from (7.143) and (7.158) one has

(7.161) equation

(7.162) equation

where the approximate equalities hold for img and the error is of the order of img.

7.3.4 Stationary TX, Reflection on a Moving Scatterer, Stationary RX (Stationary Bistatic Radar)

In this section, the combined Doppler effect in the case of stationary TX, reflection on a moving scatterer, and stationary RX is analyzed. This scenario corresponds to a stationary bistatic radar in the presence of a moving target. The propagation model is that described in Section 7.1.7 (see also Section 7.1.6 for notation).

Assumption 7.3.3 Both relative radial speeds of target with respect to TX (Radar 1) and RX (Radar 2) can be assumed to be constant within the observation interval.

Up link: From stationary TX (Radar 1) to moving RX (Target or Scatterer).

The propagation channel is characterized by

(7.163) equation

(7.164) equation

(7.165) equation

(7.166) equation

(7.167) equation

Let img be the complex sinewave transmitted by radar 1. Under Assumptions 7.3 and 7.4, and according to (7.119), 1/R1(t) img 1/R01 and the signal received from the target is

(7.168) equation

where (for t0 = 0)

(7.169) equation

Down link: From moving TX (Target or Scatterer) to stationary RX (Radar 2).

The propagation channel is characterized by

(7.170) equation

(7.171) equation

(7.172) equation

(7.173) equation

(7.174) equation

The complex sinewave transmitted by the target is img. Under Assumptions 7.3 and 7.4, and according to (7.146), 1/R2(t) img 1/R02 and the signal at the RX antenna clamps is

(7.175) equation

where (for t0 = 0)

(7.176) equation

The overall time-scale factor is

(7.177) equation

The transmitted frequency fT is transformed into the received frequency

(7.78) equation


(7.179) equation

is the Doppler shift introduced by the overall (TX-S-RX) time-varying channel.

Let us consider a generic transmitted signal x(t) with Fourier transform X(f). Since Maxwell's equations are linear, the signal at the RX antenna clamps is

(7.180) equation

Under Assumption 7.1.2 on TX and RX radar antennas and modeling the target as a RX and TX antenna satisfying Assumption 7.1.2, (7.169) and (7.176) (for t0 = 0) reduce to

(7.181) equation

(7.182) equation

withimg, and (7.180) specializes into

(7.183) equation

with a img α1α2, s given by (7.177), and

(7.184) equation

7.3.5 (Stationary) Monostatic Radar

For a stationary monostatic radar TX and RX antennas are coincident. Thus, the analysis is made by specializing the results for the bistatic radar to the case R1(t) = R2(t). It follows that img, R01 = R02 = R0, and

(7.185) equation

(7.186) equation

(7.187) equation

7.3.6 Moving TX, Reflection on a Stationary Scatterer, Moving RX

In this section, the combined Doppler effect in the case of moving TX, reflection on a stationary scatterer S, and moving RX is analyzed. If TX and RX move along the same direction and stay always at the same distance, this scenario corresponds to a SAR illuminating a stationary scene. The propagation model is that described in Section 7.1.9.

If both the relative radial speeds between TX and S and between S and RX are constant within the observation interval, then

(7.188) equation

In the first path (moving TX, stationary receiver S), for all values of ts such that


that is, since ts = tD2(t), for all values of t such that


accounting for (7.140), we have

(7.189) equation

In the second path (stationary transmitter S, moving RX) for all values of t such that


accounting for (7.113), we have

(7.190) equation

Thus, the expression of the overall delay D(t) in (7.65) specializes into

(7.191) equation

7.3.7 Non-synchronized TX and RX oscillators

The received signal models (7.129) and (7.156) can also account for possible frequency and phase mismatch, νosc and ϕosc, respectively, of the local (RX) oscillator with respect to the transmitter oscillator. In such a case, it results that

(7.192) equation

and the overall frequency shift ν + νosc = (s − 1)fc + νosc is not proportional to fc only through the factor (s − 1).

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