
A few people are directly responsible for making this book a reality. First, Nancy and Herve Vanclef, mom and dad, who had a huge impact on editing this book and smoothing out the rough edges. Your contributions and ideas sorted out my 2 A.M. feverish writings and made them coherent. You were the perfect sounding board to bounce ideas off. To my brother Cristian who from afar has always demonstrated to me that genius is often found in overlooked places. R.D. Hutchinson, Sr., my grandfather, who was the inspiration for my entire career as a financial advisor.

I also want to recognize Mark Trewitt for his contributions on the topic of discounted Roth IRA conversions. As a financial adviser you represent the epitome of excellence and I’m proud to work with you in our quest to improve people’s retirements and lives.

Lastly, I want to thank all my clients who have constantly inspired me to grow and adapt in this ever-changing economic landscape. This book is dedicated to you.

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