About the Authors

Stephen J. Genco: Steve is a pioneer in the field of neuromarketing. In 2006, he founded one of the first neuromarketing research firms. From 2009 to 2012, he was Chief Innovation Officer at another leading neuromarketing vendor. He is currently an independent consultant, helping world-class clients develop and execute market research programs and business strategies that blend traditional research techniques with the latest advances in behavioral, neurometric, and biometric tools and technologies.

Steve has over 20 years of experience as a consumer research innovator, entrepreneur, management consultant, social science researcher, and educator. Prior to entering the business world, he was a teacher and researcher in political science, specializing in public opinion polling and executive decision making. He holds a doctorate, a master’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University, as well as a master’s degree from the University of British Columbia.

Andrew P. Pohlmann: Andrew has been a leader in business strategy and marketing for over 20 years. In 2008, he led the development of the world’s first global neuromarketing consultancy, helping numerous Fortune 100 and Global 50 firms integrate neuromarketing techniques into their understanding of consumer behavior. Andrew has held senior leadership roles at Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Alticor, and Morse Best Innovation specializing in corporate strategy, product development, business development, and marketing. He was a partner with Meridian Consulting and helped launch BoardVantage, the leading web-based communication platform for corporate boards. Andrew’s experience has spanned multiple industries and regions, including both institutional and consumer clients in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Peter Steidl: Peter is an advisor to marketers and their agencies in Asia-Pacific and beyond, having carried out assignments in 20 countries on five continents. His clients include a number of Fortune Global 100 corporations, professional services firms, and government agencies. His clients value his ability to apply neuromarketing insights to lift the effectiveness of marketing strategies and initiatives.

Peter has an MBA and PhD from Vienna University, has served on the permanent staff of Vienna and Adelaide University, and held a Visiting Professorship at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. His most recent book, Neurobranding, was shortlisted for Expert Marketer Magazine’s Marketing Book of the Year Award 2013.


In memory of my dear mother, who just missed the chance to brag to her friends that her son was a For Dummies author.


To my wife, Denise, who provides the support and encouragement most people can only dream about. And to my parents, who raised me with respect for life and achievement and who first introduced me to the wonders of science.


To my clients, who make it possible for me to keep learning.


Authors’ Acknowledgments

We’d like to thank Anam Ahmed, acquisitions editor at John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd., who made the first call to encourage us to consider this book idea. Not only are we thankful that we didn’t treat the call like a prank, but we appreciate her counsel and guidance to pursue this rewarding process. Additional thanks to Elizabeth Kuball (editor) and Dr. Michael Smith (technical editor) for their tireless commitment to detail. Without their revisions, suggestions, instruction, and demands, the final product would not be worthy of the For Dummies brand.

Finally, we’d like to thank the many neuromarketing practitioners and researchers we’ve worked with over the years, whose knowledge and insights inform every page of this book. We wish we could mention you all by name. The breadth and depth of the thinking in this new field is inspiring. Any mistakes or errors in transcribing that thinking in this book are, of course, ours alone.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Anam Ahmed

Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Copy Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Technical Editor: Michael E. Smith, PhD

Project Coordinator: Kristie Rees

Production Editor: Lindsay Humphreys

Cover Image: © Alex Slobodkin / iStockphoto

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