• AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
    • Abrahms, S.
    • absentmindedness
    • accident prevention
    • Adler, J.
    • adoption
    • advertising
    • African Americans, family relationships
    • age cohorts, differences between
    • Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
    • ageism
      • attitudes toward money
      • attitudes toward sexuality
      • attitudes toward urinary incontinence
      • “double standard of aging
      • “elderspeak
      • in the workplace
    • agreeableness
    • alcohol abuse
    • Alcott, L. M.
    • Almeida, D. M.
    • Alzheimer's disease
    • Amariglio, R. E.
    • American Psychiatric Association
    • American Psychological Association
    • American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
    • amnestic MCI (mild cognitive impairment)
    • Anand, S.
    • Anas, A. P.
    • Andersson, G.
    • Angell, R.
    • Ansley, J.
    • anxiety disorders
    • Ardelt, M.
    • arthritis
    • assisted living facilities
    • attitude strength
    • attractiveness
      • beauty work, cosmetic procedures
      • “double standard of aging
    • Ayers, C. R.
    • Bacon, C. G.
    • Ball, K. K.
    • Baltes, P. B.
    • Barry, K. L.
    • Barsky, A. J.
    • Bengston, V. L.
    • bereavement
    • Bianchi, S. M.
    • Biederman, I.
    • Birditt, K. S.
    • Birren, J. E.
    • bladder control
    • Blennow, K.
    • Blow, F. C.
    • Bluck, S.
    • body
      • arthritis
      • beauty work
      • cardiovascular system
      • effect of marital status on overall health
      • falls
      • hearing loss
      • incontinence
      • menopausal issues
      • prostate problems
      • and sexual health
      • vision problems
    • Bohlmeijer, E. T.
    • Boich, L. H.
    • Botwinick, J.
    • Bourhis, A. C.
    • Bowen, C. E.
    • brain-imaging research
    • Braithwaite, V. A.
    • Braitman, K. A.
    • Braver, E. R.
    • breast cancer
    • Briley, K.
    • Brockman, L. M.
    • Brown, S. L.
    • Browning, C.
    • Burton, L.
    • Buss, D. M.
    • Butler, R. N.
    • Caine, E. D.
    • Callister, M.
    • cancer survivors
    • Cantor, M.
    • capacity (mental capacity)
    • cardiovascular system
    • caregiving for older adults
    • Carstensen, L. L.
    • Castle, E.
    • Cattell, R. B.
    • cautiousness
    • cell phones
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    • Cervantes, L.
    • Chan, W.
    • charitable giving by older adults
    • Charles, S. T.
    • Chaudhary, N. K.
    • Chen, Y.
    • Chien, W.
    • children (adult children)
    • Cicirelli, V. G.
    • Cissell, G. M.
    • Cleveland, J. N.
    • cognitive function, see mind
    • Cohen, A. S.
    • Cohen, D.
    • cohort differences
    • communication
      • with caregivers
      • “elderspeak
      • with health professionals
      • and hearing loss
      • married couples
    • computers, use of
    • Connidis, I. A.
    • control processes, primary and secondary
    • Conwell, Y.
    • Cooper, M.
    • Corey-Bloom, J.
    • Costa, P. T., Jr.
    • Cross, S.
    • cross-sectional research
    • Crystal, S.
    • Cuddy, A. J. C.
    • Cuijpers, P.
    • Cukrowicz, K. C.
    • Cullers, R.
    • Cumming, E. M.
    • Czaja, S. J.
    • Das, A.
    • dating
    • Davidson, K.
    • Davis, J. D.
    • DeAngelis, T.
    • death
      • bereavement
      • fear of death
      • place of death
      • suicide
    • decision-making
    • Defined Benefit (DB) retirement plans
    • Defined Contribution (DC) retirement plans
    • DeLamater, J.
    • DelVecchio, W. F.
    • dementia
      • and sexual relationships
      • types of dementia
    • DePaulo, B. M.
    • depression
    • DeViney, S.
    • Dickson, F. C.
    • digital hearing aids
    • discrimination, see ageism
    • disengagement theory
    • divorce
    • Donovan-Hall, M.
    • driving
      • car accidents
      • useful field of view (UFOV)
    • Duberstein, P. R.
    • Duggan, M.
    • Eastern culture, theories of wisdom
    • Eaton, A.
    • Eden alternative homes
    • Edwards, J. D.
    • Eisdorfer, C.
    • Ekerdt, D. J.
    • “elderspeak
    • Eldertopia
    • Ellin, A.
    • Emmerik-de Jong, M.
    • emotional well-being
    • employment
      • age discrimination
      • anti-discrimination legislation
      • bridge employment
      • encore careers
      • learning new skills
      • presenteeism
    • end-of-life issues
      • bereavement
      • fear of death
      • place of death
      • suicide
      • wills
    • Erber, J. T.
    • erectile dysfunction
    • Etcoff, N.
    • exercise
      • and mental health
    • extraversion
    • falls
    • family relationships
    • FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
    • Ferguson, S. A.
    • Fernandez, M. E.
    • Ferrucci, L.
    • Festa, E. K.
    • Field, D.
    • financial issues
      • divorce and remarriage
      • healthcare costs
      • living arrangements
      • pension plans
      • scams
      • Social Security
      • wills
    • Fingerman, K. L.
    • Fischer, S.
    • Fisher, L. M.
    • Fisk, A. D.
    • Fiske, S. T.
    • Five-Factor Model of personality
    • Fortner, B. V.
    • Francis, K.
    • fraud and scams
    • Frederickson, B. L.
    • Friedman, H. S.
    • friendships
    • frontotemporal dementia (FTD)
    • Fry, P. S.
    • funerals
    • Fung, H. H.
    • Gartska, T. A.
    • Gatz, M.
    • Giarrusso, R.
    • Glück, J.
    • Gold, D. T.
    • Goldman, A. J.
    • Gorden-Salant, S.
    • Gottman, J. M.
    • Goulet, L. S.
    • grandchildren
    • Greendale, G. A.
    • Griffin, M.
    • Grodstein, F.
    • Gross, J. J.
    • grouchiness
    • Gruenewald, T. L.
    • Gruley, B.
    • Gruneir, A. J. S.
    • Haight, B. K.
    • Hamid, E.
    • Hamilton, H.
    • Hampton, K. N.
    • Harden, T.
    • Harris, M. B.
    • Havinghurst, R. J.
    • Hawkins, K.
    • Hayslip, B., Jr.
    • healthcare costs
    • hearing loss
      • “elderspeak
      • hearing aids
      • incidence
      • phonemic regression
      • presbycusis
    • Heckhausen, J.
    • Heindel, W. C.
    • Hendrix, S.
    • Henry, W.
    • Herzog, A. R.
    • hierarchical-compensatory model (relationships)
    • Hill, R. D.
    • home
      • accident prevention
      • migration to/from Sunbelt
      • multi-generational households
    • Horn, J. L.
    • Hughes, P. C.
    • Huguet, N.
    • Hummert, M. L.
    • Hurd Clarke, L.
    • Hyde, Z.
    • hypochondriasis
    • implicit priming experiments
    • incontinence
    • independent living
      • accident prevention
    • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
    • intelligence
      • crystallized and fluid abilities
      • pragmatics of and mechanics of
    • intergenerational households
    • Internet use
    • introversion
    • IQ (intelligence quotient)
    • Jahn, D. R.
    • Jeste, D. V.
    • Johnson, B. T.
    • Johnson, M. M. S.
    • Jung, C.
    • Kaminski, P. L.
    • Kansas City Study of Adult Life
    • Kaplan, M. S.
    • Karel, J. J.
    • Karel, M. J.
    • Karlamanga, A. S.
    • Karraker, A.
    • Kasl, S.
    • Kasl-Godley, J. E.
    • Kastenbaum, R.
    • Kausler, B. C.
    • Kausler, D. H.
    • Kegel exercises
    • Kelly, A.
    • Kemper, S.
    • Kendig, H.
    • Kennedy, V.
    • Kim, J. G.
    • Kirchheimer, S.
    • Kirley, B. B.
    • Kite, M. E.
    • Kivnick, H. Q.
    • Klerman, G. L.
    • Knight, B. G.
    • Korkki, P.
    • Korte, J.
    • Krosnick, J. A.
    • Krupshaw, J. A.
    • Kulik, C. T.
    • Kunkel, S.
    • Kutner, J.
    • Lang, F. R.
    • Langer, E. J.
    • language and communication issues
      • with caregivers
      • “elderspeak
      • with health professionals
      • and hearing loss
      • married couples
    • Latham, K. S.
    • Lau, C. Q.
    • Laumann, E. O.
    • legal issues
      • anti-discrimination legislation
      • dementia and
    • Levenson, R. W.
    • Levenson, S.
    • Levin, C. A.
    • Levy, B. R.
    • Lewis, M. I.
    • Lewy bodies, dementia with (DLB)
    • Lin, F. R.
    • Lin, I.-F.
    • Lin, R. R.
    • Lindau, S. T.
    • Linton, K.
    • living arrangements
      • assisted living facilities
      • independent living
      • migration to/from Sunbelt
      • multi-generational households
      • nursing homes
      • see also social environment
    • Lloyd-Williams, M.
    • Löckenhoff, C. E.
    • Locker, L., Jr.
    • loneliness
    • Longino, C. F., Jr.
    • longitudinal research
    • Lubart, T. I.
    • Lundgren-Lindquist, B.
    • Lutz, A.
    • Lyness, J. M.
    • MacBride, M. B.
    • Magoffin, D.
    • major depression
    • Mandle, J. A.
    • Manning, K. J.
    • Marcusson, J.
    • Markus, H. R.
    • Marottoli, R. A.
    • marriage
      • desirability of
      • gender and sex
      • siblings and
      • widowhood and remarriage
    • Maurer, T. J.
    • Mayhew, D. R.
    • McCoy, S. L.
    • McCrae, R. R.
    • McFarland, B. H.
    • McIlwain, J. K.
    • McIntosh, W. D.
    • McKnight, A. J.
    • McKnight, A. S.
    • media
      • advertising campaigns
      • depiction of older characters
      • depiction of older women
    • Medicaid
    • Medicare
    • medication, side effects of
    • memory problems
    • men
      • dating and sexual health
      • family relationships
      • gay men
      • marital status
      • prostate problems
      • retirement plans
      • suicide rates
    • menopausal issues
    • methodology
      • brain-imaging studies
      • cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies
      • divided-attention tasks
      • implicit-priming experiments
      • IQ tests
      • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
    • MetLife Mature Market Institute
    • Meyer, B. J. F.
    • Michel, Y.
    • middle age
      • attitude strength
      • beauty work
      • fear of death
    • migration, to/from Sunbelt
    • Min, S.-J.
    • mind
      • capacity for consent
      • effect of training on performance
      • emotional regulation
      • IQ and learning new skills
      • language processing
      • memory problems and dementia
      • mental health
      • reaction times
      • wisdom and decision-making
    • Miret, M.
    • Mojtabai, R.
    • Moore, J.
    • Moore, K. A.
    • Morris, W. L.
    • Moscicki, E. K.
    • multi-generational households
    • multi-infarct dementia (MID)
    • Murphey, D.
    • Mutran, E. J.
    • myths, definition
    • Olfson, J.
    • Olfson, M.
    • online dating
    • openness
    • Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes
    • Ott, B. R.
    • pain, perception of
    • Panek, P. E.
    • Park, D. C.
    • Parkinson's disease
    • Passuth, P. M.
    • pelvic floor muscles
    • pension plans
    • Perry, E. L.
    • personality
      • attitudes toward money
      • and control of environment
      • emotional well-being
      • extraversion
      • and health issues
      • and mental health
      • neuroticism
      • positivity
      • self-concept and openness to change
      • see also Five-Factor Model of personality
    • Pew Research Center
    • Pichora-Fuller, M. K.
    • Pick's disease
    • Pillemer, K.
    • Pinquart, M.
    • plasticity, of intelligence
    • polypharmacy
    • Popelka, M. M.
    • possible selves
    • Pot, A. M.
    • poverty
    • Powell, F. C.
    • Prabhu, F.
    • Prager, I. G.
    • presbycusis
    • Primary Mental Abilities Test (PMA)
    • psychotherapy
      • behavioral therapy
      • cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
      • reminiscence therapy
    • Purcell, K.
    • Quinsey, V. L.
    • Rainie, L.
    • Ranalli, C.
    • Raskin, J. D.
    • reaction times
    • Reagan, R.
    • real-world problem-solving
    • Reed, A. E.
    • Reitzes, D. C.
    • remarriage
    • Rentz, D. M.
    • retirement
      • age
      • bridge employment
      • emotional effects
      • encore careers
      • financial security
      • migration to Sunbelt
      • phases
      • volunteering
    • Reuter-Lorenz, P.
    • Rhodes, D. J.
    • Rix, S. E.
    • Road Scholar
    • Roberts, B. W.
    • Robinson, T.
    • Rockwood, K.
    • Rodin, J.
    • Roenker, D. L.
    • Rogers, W. A.
    • Rook, K. S.
    • Rosenthal, C.
    • Ruggles, S.
    • Russo, C.
    • Ryan, E. B.
    • Ryan, R.
    • Sacher, E.
    • Salthouse, T. A.
    • Sambamoorthi, U.
    • Sanofi-Aventis
    • SAVI theory (strength and vulnerability integration)
    • Scaffolding Theory of Aging and Cognition (STAC)
    • scams
    • Schaie, K. W.
    • Scheibe, S.
    • Schneider, B. A.
    • Schulz, R.
    • Schumm, L. P.
    • Schwartz, C. R.
    • Schwartz, J. W.
    • Schwartz, K.
    • Scott, A. J.
    • Seeman, T. E.
    • Seinfeld (TV show)
    • self, see personality
    • self-concept
    • self-efficacy
    • self-perception
    • Seltzer, J. A.
    • senility, senile dementia
    • sensory impairments
      • hearing loss
      • vision problems
    • sexuality
      • consent issues
      • marriage
      • masturbation
      • sexual behaviour
      • sexual dysfunction
      • sexual relationships
      • sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
    • Shabsigh, R.
    • Shadel, D.
    • Shanas, E.
    • Shaner, J. L.
    • Sharit, J.
    • shoplifting
    • Shore, L. M.
    • Shuster, L. T.
    • sibling relationships
    • Siegler, I. C.
    • Sievert, K. D.
    • Silcoff, M.
    • Silverstein, M.
    • Silverthorne, Z. A.
    • Simpson, H. M.
    • Simpsons (TV show)
    • Sims, J.
    • Sinclair, H. M.
    • Singer, B. H.
    • single people
    • Sixsmith, A.
    • Sixsmith, J.
    • Skoog, I.
    • Skype
    • Slade, M. D.
    • Smit, F.
    • Smith, A.
    • Smith, J.
    • Smyer, M. A.
    • Snowdon, D. A.
    • social environment
      • and accident prevention
      • caregivers and support networks
      • charitable giving and voluntary work
      • control of
      • and dementia
      • end-of-life issues, see end-of-life issues
      • ethnic and cultural differences
      • family relationships
      • friendships
      • Internet and social networking
      • living arrangements, see living arrangements
      • loneliness
      • retirement
      • sexual relationships
      • workplace
    • Social Security
    • socio-emotional selectivity theory (SST)
    • Sontag, S.
    • Sorrell, J. T.
    • Sperling, R. A.
    • statins, side effects
    • Staudinger, U. M.
    • Stelle, C.
    • stereotyping
    • Sternberg, R. J.
    • Stevens, A.
    • Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.
    • stinginess
    • Stockdale, G. D.
    • Stoller, E. P.
    • Strahm, S.
    • stress, coping strategies
    • substance abuse disorder
    • suicide
      • age and gender
      • firearms, use in
      • risk factors
    • Sunbelt, migration to
    • Sunderland, T.
    • support networks
    • Supreme Court
    • Swarns, R.
    • Szuchman, L. T.
    • Talbot, A. P.
    • technology
    • Teno, J. M.
    • Terman Life-Cycle Longitudinal Study
    • Teuscher, C.
    • Teuscher, U.
    • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
    • Thomas, J. L.
    • Thomas, P. A.
    • Thorp, S. R.
    • Thorpe, R.
    • Thorson, J. A.
    • Tindale, J. A.
    • tip-of-tongue experiences
    • Tobin, S.
    • Todd, C.
    • Towers Watson Global Workforce Study
    • Townsend, M. K.
    • travel
    • treatment
      • cardiovascular problems
      • fall prevention
      • hearing loss
      • incontinence
      • medication side effects
      • memory problems and dementia
      • mental health problems
      • sexual problems
    • Trempel, R. E.
    • Tucker, J. S.
    • Tun, P. A.
    • urinary incontinence (UI)
    • useful field of view (UFOV)
    • Van Orden, K.
    • van Straten, A.
    • vascular dementia (VaD)
    • Victor, D.
    • vision problems
      • useful field of view (UFOV)
    • Visser, P. S.
    • volunteer work
    • Wadley, V. G.
    • Wagman, M.
    • Waite, L. J.
    • Walker, K. L.
    • Walkup, J. T.
    • Watson, L. C.
    • Watson, W. K.
    • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
    • Wei, W.
    • welfare programs
    • Westerhof, G. J.
    • Western culture, theories of wisdom
    • Wetherell, J. L.
    • Whitehouse, P. J.
    • Whitley, B. E., Jr.
    • widowed people
    • Widrick, R. M.
    • Wingard, D. L.
    • Wingfield, A.
    • Winik, M.
    • wisdom
    • women
      • and beauty work
      • cancer survivors
      • as caregivers
      • dating and sexual health
      • family relationships
      • incontinence
      • lesbians
      • marital status
      • retirement plans
      • suicide rates
      • vagina, postmenopausal changes
    • Woodruff-Pak, D. S.
    • workplace
    • Wyshak, G.
    • Yardley, L.
    • Zonderman, A. B.
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